January 2014 Facebook Posts

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The following are Facebook posts Chris posted in January 2014.


Posts by Chris

The Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church Review

Chris reviews and rates his Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church 5 stars:

3 January 2014

The church is full of kind people who have a sense of care for others, UNLIKE the rest of Charlottesville, VA and Ruckersville, VA, who are snobbish, unfriendly and uncaring.

Pokemon 3DS Friend Codes

Chris released his 3DS Friend Codes. Info has been redacted to protect his identity.

4 January 2014

Pok'emon Safari in X/Y; name is Christian; 3DS Friend Code is [REDACTED]; secondary name: BararAnne; 3DS Friend Code is [REDACTED]. If adding Both Codes, please message your 3DS Name and Friend Code in a Facebook Message, put them in the comments below, or message/comment it to me on Miiverse at SonichuChandler.


Chris posts another post on Facebook about Pokemon again, this time together with complaining about 4chan and the CWCki.

4 January 2014

I'm starting up a Nuzlocke for myself with a new save file for Pok'emon Y. Regardless of the damn Trolls and 4Chan involvement; I Loathe the bunch of them, and I continue to pray for their downfall, as well as the deletion of the Cwcki and all related hate-filled stuff against me.

Following the basic rules: catching ONLY the first pok'emon in each area as I go. If it faints, though, I won't release it; I will move it to BOX 15 and never use it again beyond that point. All Pok'emon will be Nicknamed. Battle Style is on Set.

I will make occassional updates for my Nuzlocke. Feel Free to make up your own comic stories; DO NOT GO OBSCENE or OFFENSIVE. I am about 202 pounds right now; NOTHING of mine was EVER meant to be Adulterated on Purpose. The only reason for my comic's Adulteration was the involvement of BAD PEOPLE that should have NEVER been in my life in the first place. TROLLS! MEGAN!! MIMMS!!!!! 4Chan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So There.


William Elliott Waterman replied:

So you also watch JWittz? I don't know what you mean by "adulteration" in the context of your comic. Adultery means pre-marital sex. Some of the sonichus were doing that, but I think you're using the wrong word. I think you want to use a synonym for becoming raunchy or not suitable for children, something that's the opposite of Bowlderization.

Chris replied:

having the sex, the Trolling issues and all input from other people. no more questions.

Pokemon X & Y, Part 1

Chris then posted some posts about his gameplay in Pokemon X & Y.

4 January 2014

**Also, Please refer to the earlier Post with BOTH my Friend Codes for Friend Safari and whatnot; Message me Your FCs.

Pokemon X & Y, Part 2

4 January 2014

Pok'emon Y: Female Character: Barbara. NOT Lazy or Fat; she IS Slender and in Good Health. Starting Pok'emon: Chespin (M) named Chip. First caught Pok'emon: Bunnleby (M) named Burr. Chip is working on building up his stats on the Super Training Program with the Soccer and the Punching Bags; only one time per session up to ST Level 3 per Party Pok'emon, with all earned bags for that one. Potions will not be used in battles and will be limited. No Pokemon Amie.

Pokemon X & Y, Part 3

4 January 2014

Completed Super Training for Chip and Burr; entered Santalune Forest; encountered and caught Pansear (M) named Firfuzz; completed S.T. for Firfuzz.

Pokemon X & Y, Part 4

4 January 2014

Made it to Route 3; met up with Azurill (F) named Abby; completed S.T. for Abby..

Pokemon X & Y, Part 5

4 January 2014

Healed up at Pok'emon Center in Santaluna City.

Pokemon X & Y, Part 6

4 January 2014

DarnOl'Duck (Farfetch'd (M)) was easy to scratch down, but we had to Play Nice and Leer before the darn ol' duck would join our party; completed S.T. for DarnOl'Duck.

Pokemon X & Y, Part 7

7 January 2014

Encountered a swarm of Combee; the ugly males were all too easy to KO; then the Queen-to-be stood her ground and joined our party ((F) Buzzinga). We completed Route 4; met a Squirtle (M): Shellbent from the Professor; sent him to the barracks until when needed. Healed at the Center. Encountering the Office Ghost gave Abby the shivers.

Pokemon X & Y, Part 8

7 January 2014

After a Double Battle with Twins Faith and Joy, Chip evolves into Quilladin. Met a "Fillie" little Skiddo (F) shortly afterwards. Swapped Chip for her for better ride on transportation.

Pokemon X & Y, Part 9

7 January 2014

Made it to Route 6 (gotta get the Poké Flute); after a Tourist battle, Abby finally evolved into Marril.

Rolled wildly into a west bush to encounter an Espurr (M) of Earrie. Abby Charmed him into joining us; now he awaits on the sidelines.

A Poké Fan Family battle made Abby evolve again into Azumarill.

Pokemon X & Y, Part 10

7 January 2014

Explored the Parflum Palace; recovered missing Furfrou; Abby enjoyed the fireworks show; awoke and caught Snorlax (M) named Grumpaloo. Too big to carry; won't likely be calling for him. Met up with Lance the Ducklett (M); now in the sidelines. After Double Battle with the nerd and the fat one, Burr and Buzzinga both evolved into Diggersby and Vespaquen.

Johnn Plates replied to Chris:

8 January 2014

I caught a snorlax just right now to


10 January 2014


2:00 AM

911 arrived ten minutes later.

Did everything they could; started downstairs; bathroom; electrical; made it to the roof. Considering EVERYTHING, but my mom, both dogs, me, and Lucy and my iPhone, shoes, clothes, whatnot on our backs made it out... Considered physically lost.

Found shelter with a generous neighbor; sitting an chatting.

A few hours later Chris replies to himself:

10 January 2014

Lost Our Home and Memories

10 January 2014

Have my wallet, mom's meds.

10 January 2014

Just because there is a "Like" button, it does not mean you have to Like my desperate situation; this is SERIOUS!!!

5 minutes later Chris shared this post with himself.

Dana Mahri replied to Chris

11 January 2014

so sorry christian : (

William Elliott Waterman:

11 January 2014

what? you lost everything?