October 2020 social media posts

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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.

This page is an archive of Chris's major social media posts during October 2020.

Posts are color-coded yellow to reflect his role-playing as Sonichu during this month.

Barb's 79th Birthday

1 October

Hey. Just thought I’d leave a post for everyone to freely comment their Birthday Greetings to Barb on. She’s 79 years old today. Happy Birthday, Barbara.

[GIF of Snoopy blowing a party horn]

Ben Saint

2 October

Ben Saint

Big shoutout to @CPU_CWCSonichu for cursing pmurT with coronavirus before she later goes back and erases it from our timeline. 4-D chess we're seeing play out in Real Time.
Firstly, Mama never cursed Trump. Christine, Magi-Chan, Mewtwo, and the other psychic types, myself included, have foreseen the fate of this dimension's Trump. Even I realize and see the irony in this event in relation to what will be done in the new timeline.
And regardless of the bad grammar from the comment, "200,000 percent", as Mama had stated quite the time ago, Trump was going to be part of the fated casualties in this Dimension, so yes. And in the new timeline, Trump will be lost again, but by different means.
Wait, who is this again?
You know who this is, Ben. Still swapped into this body for over six months now; still zappin' it up to the extreme as best as possible from here. ⚡⚡⚡

Wired Sonichu

2 October

Hey, I just received this lovely set of wire art from @HeatherBoydWire; she did a very good job. Mama and I, for two, can personally attest from experience how tough bending thick wires can be. So, yeah, this is truly awesome. Thank you. ⚡⚡⚡


Analysis Anarchy part 5

2 October

Also, will be doing another live reaction video of #AnalsysAnarchy #RedVsBlue Part 5 later today. “Ida Know”, maybe if I mention @MLPSilverQuill this time, the videos I’ve been recording since April will get at least an honorable mention. I mean, seriously, Mama and I have...
...literally foreseen and seen these videos in other timelines; it can’t be help if I ended up speaking the lines in time with the favored analysts. However, I will do better to refrain from mouthing the lines this time. Thank you.

Chris Chan Sonichu bible

3 October

Chris starts a poll regarding if he should write a Chris Chan Sonichu bible.

Everyone, I have received many a request on a guide in regard to the Dimension Merge, and even received suggestions to make it a Bible of Mama Chris Chan Sonichu’s wisdoms and experiences. For now, I am inquiring of the interest. So, y’all want a Bible of Chris Chan Sonichu?
  • Yes, we want it written
  • No

Magic stones

3 October

evolved pokémon (@groundedessence)

Moldavite pieces coming to my site tomorrow! Moldavite is a Tektite mineraloid, most likely formed by the impact of a meteor hitting the Earth. Helping to unblock yourself, and holding a high vibration and intense frequency, Moldavite is a stone of greatness. 💎💚👽

[Picture of transparent stone]

It truly is, especially in combo-breaker with other magic stones.
