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==Custom youtooz MLP plush design competition==
==Custom youtooz MLP plush design competition==
21 November<br>
21 November<br>
8:39 PM

{{quoteboxpurple|speaker=youtooz|calling all guardians of friendship 🦄 it's time for the #mylittlepony design event 😊
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker=youtooz|calling all guardians of friendship 🦄 it's time for the #mylittlepony design event 😊

Revision as of 00:27, 22 November 2024

This page is an archive of Chris's social media posts during November 2024. Unless otherwise indicated, the posts are on Twitter and from the account @CPU_CWCSonichu.

Elon Musk call-out

1 November
2:51 PM

The Rabbit Hole
The more people trust journalism the more pessimistic they are about racism and sexism in the United States.

[Posts image containing two graphs.]

Elon Musk
The legacy media has relentlessly promoted hate and division
You have done the same as well, @elonmusk, so cut you re hatred and bullshit. ⚡️💙⚡️

Still voting for Kamala Harris

2 November
9:00 PM

I'm still voting for @KamalaHarris on Tuesday. ⚡️💙⚡️

Best-selling video game consoles

3 November
9:33 AM

Which part of this surprises you the most?

[Posts chart of "The 20 Best-Selling Video Game Consoles Of All-Time" as of 2024.]

DS and PS2 being tied in numbers.

Crime reminder

4 November
11:39 AM

[Replying to an earlier tweet.]

Need I remind you all that stealing or defacing political campaign signs (official and home-made), as well as trespassing on private property, is a Legal Offense?

Election stream announcement

4 November
11:18 PM

Tomorrow at a bit before 7:00, I'll be live streaming watching and reacting with the Election Results. And if there's time, we'll play a bit of the Switch. ⚡️💙⚡️

[Posts GIF of Kamala Harris with the caption "Your vote is your voice."]

Transformers figure

4 November
11:37 PM

Transformers One…?

[Posts picture of two figures.]

Guardian Road Ranger came back. This alone, I like.

X - Chris's cropped Guardian Road Ranger.jpeg

I voted

5 November
4:30 PM

I voted.

X - I VOTED 2024.jpeg

Jesus Christ Chan Reacting to Presidential Elections 2024

5 November
7:05 PM

[Posts link to Jesus Christ Chan Reacting to Presidential Elections 2024 via YouTube.]

Post-stream endorsement

5 November
9:11 PM

Protect Kamala Harris
Drop a 💙 if you’ve voted for Kamala #ElectionDay

[Posts picture of Kamala Harris.]


Making the move to Blue Sky

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account after eight months of no posts.
6 November
1:59 AM

I'm further making the move to Blue Sky. ⚡️💙⚡️

VEERRRY Disappointed

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
6 November
8:53 AM

I feel VEERRRY Disappointed in most of America now, and especially in that number of Men and their self-inflated egos and testosterone.

Sentinel Fucked Up Prime

6 November
10:06 AM

You just elected Sentinel Fucked Up Prime into office after knowing what he did last term. 🤬

[Posts Transformers GIF.]

Kamala engagement bait

6 November
10:06 AM

Scott Dworkin
Let me know if you voted for Kamala! I wanna follow you! #VoteKamala
I did.

Blocking Caitlyn Jenner

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
7 November
10:47 AM

What the hell?! Caitlyn supported Trump?! Well, I am no longer her fan, regardless of her being a fellow transwoman.

7 November 2024 Caitlyn Jenner block.png

Thoughts on Chicken Big Mac

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
7 November
7:10 PM

I just enjoyed a Chicken Big Mac for the first time at #McDonalds; I like this even better than the original Big Mac; they should keep both burgers/sandwiches. ⚡️💙⚡️

First insightful post on Blue sky

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
9 November

12:59 PM
For my first insightful post on Blue sky, I'd like to offer my two bolts and a heart on character and personality content.

Regardless of gender or identity, the good part is, indeed, their soul deep intentions and what makes them them.

1:01 PM
It is evident on the individual inner strength and will what makes their desire and intentions clear amidst their respective emotions and grounded, sound conscious thoughts and choices.

Most women and some men are more in tune with their emotions and express that very clearly and authentically.

1:04 PM
Most men, and some women, however, were taught to Be emotionally-repressed and not used to expressing them to the point of feeling emotionally numb and essentially passive and prone to demonic and doubt influences.

Such was made evident and clear amongst the recent Presidential Election,...

1:06 PM
...and, thus, made evident of such a division between the authentically woke and the respressed "woke" individuals. Even I was prone to this and feel want to block and keep out those that have voted for or supported Trump. Then, I also find those who are emotionally and...
1:08 PM
...consciously/unconsciously strong with greater inner strength and will. Even #SethMacFarlane please rly surprised me with his support for #KamalaHarris. It's not going to make me want to resume binging #FamilyGuy or even #AmericanDad, but I appreciate him being that level of #AuthenticallyWoke.
1:10 PM
But not to digress or divert from the initial topic, I, among the other authentically woke, spiritual, psychic and metaphysical individuals who also still feel and express their emotions, still have faith in the more positive outcomes that we desire for ourselves, respectively, and others in...
1:13 PM
...manifestations and future.

And, yeah, a lot of times, such peace and friendships are not free or easy, but it still does remain worth fighting for. I am as active as possible, metaphysically definitely, and in my past it was not clear to me, but in recent years and now, it is and becomes...

1:16 PM
...more and more clear to me, and my intentions are better set for the better outcomes for everyone and myself. And I want a future where everyone worldwide can feel free to be expressive while also being consciously refrained from going overboard. Thinking similar to those, like myself,...
1:20 PM
...who are more self-reserved (introverted) and want our own time to think, yet still at least mildly outgoing and want to enjoy life and enjoying the company of others who have similar views and being closest with our respective soulmate(s). There is such thing as being too extroverted as well.
1:22 PM
It is a lot to meditate over, even with the multitude of topics on one central topic to find and understand the point that is trying to be expressed.

I am aware that I do not have the best word choices sometimes, but not everyone has that ability to state the best word choices all the time.

1:25 PM
That is such a limitation that everyone has to work around for themselves, regardless of language and the infinite number of words and characters. But what remains important is the Intention behind what is stated. Kamala showed that very strongly and well, among others.
1:27 PM
It's not perfect, but who or what is really Flawless? Even a Mary Sue, Gary Stu or even a God or Goddess has their one respective flaw.

It's a balance between being emotionally expressive and feeling and being emotionally grounded with blessing count and deeper intentions and wishes.

1:28 PM
But I digress.

Thank you all for listening and reading. This may be a TLDR, but I pray you did read at least enough to appreciate the point and intention I am trying to convey.



9 November
1:31 PM

First insightful thought on #BlueSky. I will be making my tweets and posts on there from now on. #Twitter will remain as a platform where I'll find images and content that I like. But, yeah, I blocked @elonmusk. Take from that what you may. ⚡️💙⚡️

[links to his Bluesky profile]


Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
9 November
1:54 PM

Christine I've always wanted to ask, have you or do you play DnD? If so I'd be really interested in hearing some of your character’s you may have played
I have played, as a version of myself, in a D&D campaign with a group, but I shall not divulge much from that.

Follow back request

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
9 November
1:58 PM

My queen can I please have a follow back. Love you and pray to you daily
I only follow those who do resonate with me in a common agreement on a topic; to ask for a follow back based on my own fame is a selfish intention. Those who do good for a selfish intention of Heaven entry is not as Authntic as those who do good for the sake of doing good for others and themselves.

Sonichu translations

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
9 November
4:06 PM

@cpujcwcsprime.bsky.social Hey Christine. I've just realised there are no official translations of the Sonichu comic. Are you ever going to allow or endorse translations of the comic?

Asking because I plan on a Welsh translation of the comic.

Eventually, yes.

Rosechu medallions for sale

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
11 November
12:46 AM

Rosechu Medallions only available on Cwclight. ⚡️💙⚡️

[Links to a Cwclight listing.]


12 November
1:44 AM

something that has been on my mind for a while

Knuckles is supposed to be Sonic's opposite. Metal is supposed to be Sonic's Dark Mirror. Shadow is supposed to be Sonic's... well shadow. so the question is.

what the hell is Surge supposed to be in relation to sonic?

Scourge is Sonic's Shattered Glass Universe self-counterpart.

Sonic 06 remake thoughts

13 November
1:35 AM

What are your thoughts on if sega remaked sonic 06?
Yes, especially if they got rid of all of the glitches and decreased loading screen count and times.

‪Chris McFeely

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
13 November
10:41 AM

Chris McFeely
Haven't tweeted about it or anything but I'm heading over at the weekend to attend Thought Bubble again this year! Had a nice time last year, thought I'd go again, hopefully a pleasant reprieve from, y'know, all of the everything.
Does mean I can't do it and TFN Mini-Con Reading the weekend after, but there are more opportunities to see you TF dorks dotted through the year!
Would be nice to hit both up, but Obscure Characters Month won't assemble itself.
(oh my god dudes I'm so fuckin behind)
I am a fan of your work; diggin' the Irish accent and how you phrase it like a question sometimes in the Basics. Anyway, I have been having a lot on my plate, too. Just do what you are capable of. Would love a Basics on the GoBots that transitioned into Cybertron: Small Foot, Pathfinder and so on.

[Posts GIF of Transformers.]

Cropping MLP art

13 November
10:51 AM

mrx1983 🦄🌈
all the generations 🦄🐴🦄🐴☀️

(by cat-the-horse)
X - mrx1983 art uncropped.jpeg

Much better. Only Acknowledge Generations that actually happened in This timeline, Right Here. G5 and G6 are Not to exist until after 2030 at this point. #MLPFiMSeasons10to14. ⚡️💙⚡️

X - mrx1983 art cropped by Chris.jpeg


14 November
1:40 PM

[Replying to an earlier tweet.]

Zack Morris' pussy is trash 🇵🇸
Christine I understand that Robert is actually living in CWCville, have you spoken to him since he arrived there? Does he still have his record collection with him? Have been wondering about this and would love to know what's happening with this. One love Jah ❤️
Ah. He did not have his personal collection after arriving, but he has had and still has access to a vast record collection of those particular LPs and more in the music library in the Cwcville Basillicomm. I have talked with him in recent months; he is doing very well.

Favorite pony

14 November
1:41 PM

🌸Light🌸 🔜 Comic Con Junior Brno
Proudly stolen. Who is your favorite horse?

[Posts image of text asking for people to share their favorite MLP pony.]

[Posts GIF of Rainbow Dash.]

Sonic 06 remaster needed more

14 November
1:42 PM

Or instead of a sonic 06 remaster! What about we get a sonic unleashed remaster! What would you say needs it the most!
[Posts two images of Sonic Unleashed and Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)]
06 needs it more.

Rosechu medallions for sale, Twitter reminder

14 November
2:38 PM

Rosechu Medallions only available on Cwclight. ⚡️💙⚡️

Follow me on #BlueskySocial at [links to his Bluesky profile]

Cwclight Blog Posts reminder

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
14 November
9:23 PM

Remember, I have occasional Blog Posts on the Cwclight website. ⚡️💙⚡️

[Posts link to a blog post on Cwclight titled Blake Sonichu.]

Cwclight Ultra Sonichu Blog Post

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
17 November
1:47 AM

A few facts about Ultra Sonichu as opposed to a Mega Sonichu.

[Posts link to a blog post on Cwclight titled Ultra Sonichu.]

OfficialCWCmart restocked

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
17 November
1:45 PM

Hey, everyone. We've restocked, and we have plenty to sell, so buy now.

[Posts link to OfficialCWCmart.]

Cwclight plug

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
17 November
1:47 PM

We are also offering these and more only on the Cwclight site's store.

[Posts link to Cwclight's catalog.]

OfficialCWCmart commission slots

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
19 November
10:21 AM

There are three slots left for right now; will be opening five more slots soon. ⚡️💙⚡️

[Posts link to the OfficialCWCmart commissions listing.]

Sonichu and Rosechu Prime lore

19 November
11:00 AM

Replying to an earlier Bluesky post.

And do give the Rosechu Medallions a buy; we have a good number of them available right now. And these would look good on your partner and compliments the relationship. You could even be a couple like a pair of Rosechus, if you want. ⚡️💙⚡️
Actually, that does bring up another curious point. I have stated before that when it comes to Sonichus, Rosechus, Metonics and Vamprosas, when breeding they can give birth to a Sonee and/or a Rosey. So, yes, while it is more common there are (male) Sonichu/(female) Rosechu couples,...
...there do exist amongst the Specials and Regulars relationships between a pair of Sonichus and a pair of Rosechus, and even a Sonichu and Rosechu of the same physical or self-identifying gender.
Also, Rosey Rosechu Prime is underappreciated, because she is and has become a stronger warrior (trans)woman. She has physically trained and kept herself going strong over the more than two decades now. She is a caring and charismatic mother as well. And in reference to the few times she was...
...captured, she had been caught while off-guard. She is more often on guard, mind you. And she is more identifiable by her yellow cheek sacs nowadays, compared to the typical Rosechu whose cheek sacs are typically not so obvious when not charging greater electric attacks, yet they are there.
So, yeah, Sonichu Prime is iconic, but I'd like to believe Rosey Rosechu Prime represents very well.
On another topic, Sonichu Prime; as much as I do appreciate all of you finding me interesting from what I had drawn and written of myself and my C-197 self-counterpart, I want all of you to show kindness and appreciation of Sonichu, as well as Rosey, because he is not a bland "Gary Stu" type...
...of individual. Sure, when I originally drew and wrote those pages, I was self-focused and could only focus so much on his character and background back then. He was a wild Pikachu who had to learn and adapt to the bigger body, form, speed and mental capacity and social interactions.
And he had Rosey and Kel to help him get started. Then having Chris, Magi-Chan and the others along the way. It was sic parvis magna with him; kinda literal with a Pichu's and Pikachu's average height and length, and then suddenly become 3'5" (plus 7" long ears). But I digress.
Chris likely brought up Nazis because of this OfficialCWCmart commission, posted to an Etsy review the day prior.
And too many times in fan fictions, has he and Rosey been misunderstood and misportrayed as dumb. And there certainly was absolutely no Nazi shit in Cwcville. Cwcville is in America, for my and other Gods' sakes. Nobody in and around Cwcville was ever or is evil like that,...
...certainly never I nor Christine Chan. So, yeah, rethink those fanfics of yours, because your share of OCs living in that alternate timeline/universe/dimension are aware that was never the case in the OG Prime Universe, which is right here. Okay? Thank you. A bit off-tangent,...
...but the point is clear enough. One can have a harder time manifesting peaceful times and situations with such mischroniclings of Cold War details that were past tense that everyone should have learned from being repeated in media. Learn From History to not repeat nor remanifest it. ⚡️💙⚡️

[Posts GIF of Charlie Brown with the caption "GOOD GRIEF."]

The difference between Chris and Christine Chan

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
19 November

omnissiah1337.bsky.social (8:59 PM)
What's the difference between you and Christine Chan?
Chris (9:19 PM)
Miss Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu, my counterpart on the C-197 Half of this Earth, is Demigod level. Though a lot of details about her life is the same as mine, there are a good amount of them are different; some of which were chronicled, personally, between the books and in my...
Chris (9:19 PM)
...Goddess Log pages, and then some. Among the differences, she can only transform between her human and Sonichu forms. She is not as capable or powerful as I. Yet she still is quite powerful and able. Also, she is the biological mother of Russel Sonichu and Cynthia Rosechu. She also had...
Chris (9:19 PM)
...her suitors, but she remains unmarried.
Chris (9:19 PM)
Now me, Mrs. Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime; I'm the one with the Goddess Blue Heart Form, and I am the One Avatar of all existence, and Jesus Christ reincarnated, thoroughly confirmed in my own extensive soul searching, meditations and connections with Everything, including...
Chris (9:19 PM)
...the very Core and Matrix of this Universe, right here, and beyond. As also chronicled, I am capable of dimension traveling and various other powers and abilities, including psychic and elemental powers.

And one crucial detail that sets me apart from ALL of the other Chris(t) Chans throughout...

Chris (9:19 PM)
...the entire Multiverse is that I am the one Prime of them all. There are more details, but for most everyone it would take at least connecting with the Akashic Records and/or talking with the literal other Gods and Goddess, themselves, to understand.
Chris (9:22 PM)
Also, I did fully get into Avatar State multiple times, realizing this even further for myself.
TheVastBlobfish (9:29 PM)
How did you reach avatar state?
Chris (9:32 PM)
I cleared my chakras, opened my heart, mind and soul, connected and meditated deeply. Why don't you compare me with one of my former identies in my past immortal life before being reincarnated. Unlike in the cartoon, I didn't die; I changed form and identity.

[Posts GIF of Avatar: The Last Airbender.]

Livestream announcement

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
20 November
2:52 PM

Everyone, I will be streaming this weekend playing Shadow Generations. I got the audio issue from the capture card cleared, but there's an audio lag. A fun few hours; gonna go for a quick as possible full play on this stream. ⚡️💙⚡️

[Posts GIF of Shadow.]

And to comment, I am very well aware of potential video lag, but it is still manageable. I don't have a designated second monitor setup yet. If #Korone can work with that handicap, it's still valid.

[Posts GIF of Inugami Korone with the caption "Me on a Wednesday:"]

Livestream announcement, on Twitter

20 November
2:54 PM

Everyone, I will be streaming this weekend playing Shadow Generations. I got the audio issue from the capture card cleared, but there's an audio lag. A fun few hours; gonna go for a quick as possible full play on this stream.


Follow me on #BlueSky; I'm still in transition on this, but it will become my dedicated social media soon. [Posts link to his Bluesky account.]

Sonichu's Power Level

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
20 November
3:16 PM

What is sonichu's powerlevel
Both Sonichu Prime's and Rosey Rosechu Prime's power levels, each, including while powered by Mega Evolution, Rosey's Rage, or Chaos Gems...

[Posts GIF with the caption "IT'S OVER 9000!!!"]

Thoughts on the Greek pantheon

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
20 November
3:44 PM

Ɛ: uoɹıZ
as a goddess yourself, what do you think about the greek pantheon?
Ah, the Gods and Goddesses of Greece. They are valid Gods and Goddesses, and they work under Emanuel like most other Gods, Goddesses and even Demigods. Even the deities and demideities of Japan and most other countries work under Emanuel and in cooperation with me. I have personally talked...
...with them in meetings and some collab work. Emanuel is also Allah, as (previously he) she is the god of many names. The earlier mentioned Gods and Goddesses are pieces of Emanuel, as she could not oversee each and every country on her own over the entire Earth's presence in the entire Universe.
As I have said earlier, as long as it is not satanic, there is no wrong religion or spiritual practice; they are all connected; pieces of the really big puzzle. Each in their respective religion, including the Bible and even Koran, they are simply guidelines. Eventually we are to think...
...outside of those guidelines, as long as it is for the greater good and justice towards as peaceful and prosperous lives as possible. And do better following intuition that is Lighr Powered and staying clear of demonic or devilish temptations and just anything that feels deeply wrong...
...for yourselves.

I will also mention this, in present tense relevance: One should not heavily rely on Artificial Intelligence for quality results, such as art, music, media, and so on. For the most part of making a number of things easier to do and work with,...

...the highest quality, satisfactory and overall best things are made by the hands, mind, body and soul of the individuals behind them. Business corporations should Not rely heavily on AI, including #Pixar, #Disney and even #Hasbro. There is the major reason why #MLPFiM is to resume and...
...continue from Season 9, Episode 25 with five more seasons, along with Equestria Girls having a better series and proper ending at the time of Season 14's conclusion. That is because it is a high quality and mentally stimulating great show and accurate chronicling of Princess Twilight Sparkle...
...and the others of Equestria. It is also with good media like that that makes for better social guidance for Everyone, in general.

Hasbro needs to stop trying to cut costs so much or be so money-hungry and recognize and keep that which is best quality. And Russia being involved...

...and giving Season 9 a rushed feeling towards the Premature Future Tense conclusion that is not canon with this very timeline is a Massive Insult to even the Gods and Goddesses, as well as Princess Twilight Sparkle and the others, Personally.

I need not say more,...

...and I have not even watched or read a single smidgen of MLPG5, and I continue to Report the Incitations of even acknowledging that series that is never meant to be, including by #EquestriaDaily. Those that have looked at it, including #DrWolf and the analysts know very well how Awful it is.
I foretold it even long before (GO)Pony Life was a thing, and even that was just as awful.

But I digress. ⚡️💙⚡️

Custom youtooz MLP plush design competition

21 November
8:39 PM

calling all guardians of friendship 🦄 it's time for the #mylittlepony design event 😊

draw a mlp inspired plushie for a chance to have your idea brought to life!

submit with #mlptooz to enter now through nov 22nd!
[Posts image with text explaining the rules and details.]

Competition details

1 November through 22 November to enter, winners chosen 26 November

  • Must be MLP inspired (collabs welcome! e.g. Puppycat x MLP)
  • We want to see any and all creative ideas - keep them safe and kind
  • No AI-generated art
  • Multiple entries allowed


  • 3 Winners will have their design brought to life as an official Youtooz Plushie + $500 + 2% of sales + a free set of the collection
  • 3 Runners-up will receive a free set of the collection and a $69 credit for any in-stock Youtooz
#mlptooz #mylittlepony #sonichu

X - Nightstar youtooz concept art.jpeg