I love you, Sarah May. I love you as my friend.
Chris, friend zoning Sarah May.[1]
A gift from Chris to Sarah May - a pickled Rosechu.
Sarah May was a gal pal of Chris and co-founder of the Sonichu Girls forum. Sarah May came to Chris's defense in the IRC (20 January 2009) chat.
In Mumble 8 (17 February 2009) Sarah May confronted Chris - he had offered Emily a threeway with him and Julie, but Sarah May thought she had the offer first. Over the course of a long argument, Chris became increasingly frazzled, and called Sarah May "Julie" four times in quick succession.
It's just like, when you're having sex with somebody and they say somebody else's name, do you know what that would feel like? Do you know what this is doing to me right now, Chris??
Sarah May
And so a distraught Sarah May decided to commit suicide. Chris released a video in which he seemed to show genuine remorse. Fortunately, Sarah May did not go through with her suicide attempt.
On 4 March 2009, Sarah May revealed herself as a troll, but not before making Chris draw Rosechu with a pickle in order to get his Yahoo! account back.
Sarah May did not appear on Chris's "Gal-Pals and Past Sweethearts" page, either because he knew she was definitely and always a troll, or because he just forgot about her.
See also
Immediate family
Desired acquaintanceships
Collaborators (creators Chris promoted)
Women (cut ties with Chris)
Defense lawyers
Fantasy enablers
Catfishers (Internet/phone only)
Catfishers (met with Chris)
Trolls (internet-only)
Trolls (internet-only, impersonating celebrities)
Trolls (met with Chris)
Media personalities
In media