The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.
This page is an archive of Chris's major social media posts during October 2020.
Posts are color-coded yellow to reflect his role-playing as Sonichu during this month.
Barb's 79th Birthday
1 October
Hey. Just thought I’d leave a post for everyone to freely comment their Birthday Greetings to Barb on. She’s 79 years old today. Happy Birthday, Barbara.
[GIF of Snoopy blowing a party horn]
Ben Saint
2 October
Ben Saint
Big shoutout to @CPU_CWCSonichu for cursing pmurT with coronavirus before she later goes back and erases it from our timeline. 4-D chess we're seeing play out in Real Time.
Firstly, Mama never cursed Trump. Christine, Magi-Chan, Mewtwo, and the other psychic types, myself included, have foreseen the fate of this dimension's Trump. Even I realize and see the irony in this event in relation to what will be done in the new timeline.
And regardless of the bad grammar from the comment, "200,000 percent", as Mama had stated quite the time ago, Trump was going to be part of the fated casualties in this Dimension, so yes. And in the new timeline, Trump will be lost again, but by different means.
You know who this is, Ben. Still swapped into this body for over six months now; still zappin' it up to the extreme as best as possible from here. ⚡⚡⚡
Wired Sonichu
2 October
Hey, I just received this lovely set of wire art from @HeatherBoydWire; she did a very good job. Mama and I, for two, can personally attest from experience how tough bending thick wires can be. So, yeah, this is truly awesome. Thank you. ⚡⚡⚡
Analysis Anarchy part 5
2 October
...literally foreseen and seen these videos in other timelines; it can’t be help if I ended up speaking the lines in time with the favored analysts. However, I will do better to refrain from mouthing the lines this time. Thank you.
Chris Chan Sonichu bible
3 October
Chris starts a poll regarding if he should write a Chris Chan Sonichu bible.
Everyone, I have received many a request on a guide in regard to the Dimension Merge, and even received suggestions to make it a Bible of Mama Chris Chan Sonichu’s wisdoms and experiences. For now, I am inquiring of the interest. So, y’all want a Bible of Chris Chan Sonichu?
- Yes, we want it written
- No
The poll concluded 3 days later with a total of 6,257 votes, of which 82.1% of said votes were Yes, while the other 17.9% of votes were No.
Magic stones
3 October
evolved pokémon (@groundedessence)
Moldavite pieces coming to my site tomorrow! Moldavite is a Tektite mineraloid, most likely formed by the impact of a meteor hitting the Earth. Helping to unblock yourself, and holding a high vibration and intense frequency, Moldavite is a stone of greatness. 💎💚👽
[Picture of transparent stone]
It truly is, especially in combo-breaker with other magic stones.
Chris the OC reviewer
8 October
Nerdotaur Arts (@ROutrun)
@CPU_CWCSonichu Christine, I have a task for you. Can you review my OCs right quick and how dangerous would they be in the Dimensional Merge? Nitro(Zangoose) Sakura(Mooshroom) Bani(Alien)
[Pictures of OCs]
They are simplistic and direct; they are not dangerous at all to or with the merge.
No to Drumpftastic
8 October
jason alexander (@IJasonAlexander)
Once again, I am proud to stand with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the slate of Democratic candidates for House and Senate. The lies, the cheating, the corruption and the destruction of our nation, institutions and citizens must end.#VoteBlueToSaveAmerica
Right on! I say No to Drumpftastic infinity squared.
Sonichu 17 cover art
9 October
Xeokym (@xeokym)
In response to a Twitter user replying to Chris's poll about the Chris Chan Sonichu bible.
He's already explained a lot of it but it's so all over the place and over long periods of time, it's almost impossible to follow it all. But I guarantee a "bible" would not only be convoluted retconning but it'll just make people even more confused.
12 October
Wait, does it count as retconning if the characters in it are doing the retconning?!🤔😵🥴
Very much so, yes. Including that Mama Chris Chan, herself, is the OC within that same story doing that.
Helena G.
12 October
Helena G. F.
@gold_fatal 's suggestions on what Liquid and Solid Chris could do
- town meeting
- freak out
- call the real cwcpolive
- do nothing. Blame trolls
In my experience, when Christine Chan found a dead body or kidnapped individual, she conferred with Magi-Chan, telepathically, and in recent years, personally used her psychic powers to learn what had happened. In this case, it could be also considered that LC might be setting her up for a trap. Fortunately, in a millisecond’s time, she has all the time in the world to read LC’s mind and intentions and come up with her plan in response. In this case, however, in the alt-timeline you’re focusing on, Helena, LC is genuinely concerned and has no ulterior motives. As for the body, seeing the murder as it had happened within that millisecond, the Chris Chan, there, has found the killer’s identity, and then look into the future for what their next target is, and their reasoning and intentions are. Then she would plan, and consult with Magi-Chan and the rest of us. A call to the police would be made for proper contact of the deceased’s family and disposal of the body to the coroner and hospital. As for the next target, it depends on how the foreseen grander scheme of things play out and have been confirmed to play out, as well as the mentality and motives of the next target, as well as the killer’s, and how best to intervene and prevent the happening, as needed. There are lots of complicated details to consider in this matter; what is to be, for the timeline, what should not be in order to prevent catastrophe and further chaos, and so on. If anything, it plays out similar to one of #Batman’s cases, but Cwcville is nicer, cleaner, safer, socialable, and so on compared to Gotham, Metropolis, and New York City.
Crime rate is typically low in Cwcville, our peoples and citizens feel safe and have their freedoms to choose and whatnot, like most other cities these days. It’s about as smooth and serene as in #Planeptune. The happiness, safety, freedom and well-being of everyone are top priority with Mama, Christine Chan, Magi-Chan and the others. We all work together in good motivation and care. That is how it’s always has been for the most part. I’m sorry that got misinterpreted amongst the haters in Mama’s fan base, here. ⚡⚡⚡
Carrie Krueger (@CarrieKrueger17)
I have friends in Royal Woods MI, how is that holding up?
Your friends have their own common sense and wisdom. According to my vision in looking on them, they appear to be safe as possible. Stay tuned to the news, if you’d like to keep up with present events in Michigan.
What happened to Crystal and more Helena
14 October
Helena G. F.
-Also add an anxious @ProjectSNT nodding and going along with Christine's theory about her redesigns
So, I’d sense @ProjectSNT would not be anxious, but moreover in shock we’re all mutually real in all of this. She’s still getting accustomed to SNT being real as well, since she did meet her personally beforehand in the misadventures of that fan-fiction in that alt-dimension.
Also, that was literally Not a theory about Sonola and the others; they really do exist, originating from the #DungeonsandDragons dimension. We even have Sonola, himself, helping us here at the Temple researching and working with us on the massive setup we have in Mama’s old room
A Twitter user replies to remark how they didn't know ProjectSNT believed in the merge, Chris mistakenly replies thinking they are referring to him that didn't believe in the merge.
Now that you mention it, you are right
Mama has believed in the Dimension Merge this whole time, and she has spoken about it amongst her videos. Plus, All of those tweets and posts she had made. She can’t help it if there were other events going on at the time to comment more in a recorded video.
Also... what happened to Chris' sister?
Oh, Crystalina is still alive, well and active. Y’all got to see her again in book 12 back in action. Present day, she’s working alongside the rest of us in all of the prep workings, defending Cwcville, helping others, etcetera. She also helps out at the Basillicoms with the further paperwork and business dealings.
Also, the short story of her origin, in case Mama had not yet shared that with y’all: *Trivia Time* The short story is that Crystal originated from an alt-dimension where she had lost her Chris Chan there, and she was the big wig there. In the end, by freaking twist of fate that she and her Magi-Chan had foreseen, a portal manifested in her epic battle with Walsh, and she was flung into it and into C-197 by Christine Chan’s side at that moment. She had taken the quick moment to recover and recount the events and what she had foreseen, and then realized where she was, knew she was with Christine Chan, and moved forward. Meanwhile, back in her old dimension, the portal backfired after Crystalina had gone through and did some massive damage to that Walsh’s building, Walsh, herself, and that dimension’a Graduon was freed. Magi-Chan and Sonichu Prime there had to take the helm from that moment on. Present day now: that dimension’s Sonichu Prime ascended in its Chris Chan’s place; became a practiced deity with Magi-Chan’s help. Woahly Crap! I think that dimension may be of my own subconscious; me, Sonichu (Prime). Feeling a mind blown moment.
Anyway, Crystalina in C-197 is still there, continuing to work hard and help us all.
In response to a Twitter user discussing the dimensional merge and @ing Chris.
Dude, Sonichu is in charge of the twitter. IDK how much he knows about the universe and the Merge. ÇMaybe knows as much as any of us know. It is my theory
Considering I am still in Mama’s brain, I’ve had lots of time with Magi-Chan in the subspace and whatnot, and all of my experiences and knowledge I keep in my memory that is backed up in the Cosmos, I pretty much consciously and subconsciously know more than y’all.
Pokemon GO Hopip
14 October
Oh, my Chris Chan! @TheJWittz, what has Team Rocket done to the Hopip?
15 October
In response to Helena G. F. making a comic strip about Chris and Crystal fusing together.
Actually, if that were the case, the fusion would have visual difference in their fur colour, and the head quills would be a lot longer to match the hair length on Crystalina. The fur would be a mix of orange and blue; not sure of the pattern, off-hand.
But, yeah, in black and white, such a fusion would appear moot. Also, Crystalina has a lot of differing experiences and wisdoms in comparison to Christine Chan or Chris Chan.
Random weenery
15 October
A ween tweets at Chris telling him that in real life, he is alone, with a picture of Chris holding up an attraction sign.