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Name Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg
Also known as PewDiePie
Date of Birth 24 October 1989 (age 34)
Gender Male
Nationality Swedish
Race White

Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, aka PewDiePie (born 24 October 1989), is a well-known YouTuber, known for his let's play commentaries and vlogs on YouTube. He started his channel in 2010 and has over 57 million subscribers, with over 16 billion views on his videos. Among his viewers is Christian Weston Chandler.

First mention

Chris first mentioned PewDiePie in his January 2016 video, Update 1/29/2016 - There is NO PewDiePie or Felix here whatsoever, where he tells viewers that he is not, in fact, PewDiePie. This was triggered by weens spamming him with emails addressed to the latter. Interestingly enough, Chris had no idea who PewDiePie was, and had to research him online. He has trouble pronouncing the last name, saying "Kuh-zhellberg", "Kilj-berg", and "Kill-berg", instead of the correct pronunciation, which can be approximated in English as "Shell-berg".


On 13 October 2017, Chris posted on his Facebook, in a "feeling emotional" status, complaining about how jealous he was that PewDiePie got to meet his online girlfriend, fellow YouTuber Marzia Bisognin, in person, still thinking that Jessica Quinn was a true and honest sweetheart.[1]

Ugh! Now I’m jealous of @pewdiepie. He met his Sweerheart Through Facebook, talked a long while, and then met up. Unlike My Sweetie’s feelings about My Fan Base, His Sweetie was Not Intimated by His Fan Base! Ugh!!!

PewDiePie mentions Chris

On 9 November 2017, PewDiePie released a video talking about Sonic the Hedgehog fans that take things way too far. The second half of the video (7:27 onwards) is dedicated to Chris.

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Stardate 9 November 2017


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[He mentions Chris at 7:27]

Have you guys heard of Chris-chan? I don- Maybe it's better if people don't. A lot of people already are familiar, but... There's this lovely man. [picture of Chris pops up] Look at him, he's beautiful! And he's a huge fan of Sonic, which you can tell by his... [zooms in on Sonichu medallion] Stunningly, beautiful, uhhh... necklace. And h-h-h-he dresses like uhhh, a jock. He looks a bit- You know what he looks a bit like? Trey Parker. The creator of South Park, yeah.

He created this... wonderful, webcomic called Sonic the Hedgehog VS Sonickchu. [sic] Sonichu. Which is a mix of Pikachu and... Sonic. [zooms in on title of comic cover] "The World's Most Way Past Cool Comic!" Chris-chan made this. And he just had one thing to ask in return. Just one thing, just one thing.

[plays All I Want For Christmas Is a Pretty Girlfriend]

[Chris] Hello. My name is, uhhh... Christian Weston Chandler. Age 22, at this time. I will be 23 on February 24, 2005. Anyway, for, uh, over a year now I've, uh, being trying to attract an 18 to 22-year-old boyfriend-free girl, 18 to 21 before February 24, 2004, which is this year. Anyhoo, been trying for over a year to attract a girl.

[PewDiePie] He just wants a girlfriend! Is that too much to ask? Here's his... Here's his demands.

[Attraction sign is shown]

"18-24 years old." Okay, fine. "Boyfriend-free." Seems reasonable. Uhhh... "White." Alright, uhhh... "Within 20 miles of zip code." And he... posted his zip code. Okay, that's cool. "Under 230 pounds." [laughs] "Caring, pretty, cute." Ehhh... "Hopefully a virgin."

[Another attraction sign is shown]

He posted this in his school. With a little Sonichu, thing, and uh, you just have to follow the line to... get there.

Chris-chan has clearly made the best... [sigh] The best cartoon of all time. "Sonickchu." [sic] And it seems only fair, that at least he can get a girlfriend.

[Cover of first comic is shown] "Go Sonichu! Go out and zap to the extreme!" See, he integrates himself into comics. Which, is something... very... uhhh... very revolutionary, for its time of course. This was done a couple years ago.

[Sonichu on first cover is shown] "I will! Thank you, Father!"

Wait, ehhh... It's his child? Sonichu's his child? I don't know how that works. Maybe he sees him as a father figure. Because Pokemon, you just catch them. But then he doesn't have a girlfriend... There's a lot of missing pieces to this puzzle. Uhhh... People started noticing... some slightly... homosexual references in the Son- [laughs]

[Image of The Oversized Drinking Straw of Fail] It's horrible. I shouldn't be laughing but the- Th-They started picking on some, ehhh... some things here and there. And they started bullying Chris-chan. For, uhhh... being a homosexual. Chris-chan responded with ehhh...

[Image of CWCRockin4Way] "If I was a homosexual or anything like that, would I not be having sex with THREE WOMEN?"

And he attached a photo... of himself. Which is gonna be blurred, but he's wearing the medallion, so you know it's him.


[Image of ShecameforCWC.JPG] Now, this isn't straight. I don't know what straight is. Ain't nothin' more straight than thumbing up, while you pump it up! Am I right?

[Image of Tomgirl Chris] So this is Chris-chan now, just to keep it clear on the topic. "I am a Male Lesbian Intersex Transgender. You can Google "Lesbian Identified Male" for more info on the subject." "I am most sincerely into Women, and I am Female in my soul."

And he even posted this.

[Image of RainbowChris.jpg] "YES! MY LOVE QUEST IS FINALLY OVER!" Heart at a 100%. With, ehhh, LGBT color in the back. Lovely.

[end of Chris segment]

Video dedicated to CWC


On 13 November, 2017, he recorded a video dedicated entirely to Chris, briefly going over various sagas in his life.

Chris viewed the video and posted on his Twitter a few hours later:

.@pewdiepie DM me.
Replying to @pewdiepie


So far PewDiePie has not responded to Chris.

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Stardate 13 November 2017


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