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She pretended to be Chris' friends from high school. [...] The most notable thing I remember about her saga was that she made up that Borb hired Chris' high school friends. Chris got all sad and ran to Barb for comfort, to ask if it was true. And indeed, she confirmed it as true.
[Their] work with the impersonations became such a massive web, most people stopped following it. For a while, even I didn't keep in touch. There were too many people, too much going on, and too many "forwarded emails" to keep straight.

Name Thetan
Gender Female
Nationality American
Saga Catherine

Thetan was a troll known for impersonating many people in Chris's life. Null described her as doing too many impersonations, to the point where keeping track of all of them 'became such a massive web'.

Her most notable impersonations are her impersonations former high school classmates, manipulating his nostalgia for his Manchester High years. She's claimed that she was in genuine contact with these classmates, such as Sarah Bevel and Tiffany Gowen, and would paraphrase what they said to send to Chris. She even claims that an email Chris once posted on Twitter was an exact replica of an actual email.

Thetan has close ties to Catherine, and was a major player in her saga, contacting him as Renee, a friend of Catherine, and Rebeckah Bentley, which she used to talk to him even more about Tiffany and Sarah.

Contact with MHS Classmates

In late 2013, Chris started being contacted by his high school gal-pals, all played by Thetan. Thetan later claimed that she had been in contact with the actual gal-pals, and asked them about Chris.[2] She based her interactions with Chris on these interactions, conveying the same things that the gal-pals said[3]. Thetan said that the gal-pals were very kind and diplomatic in their emails, and she removed all the minced words and beating around the bush, in order to get Chris to improve himself[4].

One of the personas she contacted Chris as was Sarah Anne Bevel. Chris often posted on Facebook about their interactions.

I am baffled! I get an email from one of my Closest Gal-Pals, Sarah Anne Bevel Ingram; she tells me, "I don't really know you". Is She Serious?! She, Tiffany Gowen and I shared a Home Ec class our Seinor Year; we ate lunch together on those same days. She made me feel better one day when I was feeling a difficult time. She came to my 18th Birthday Party. HOW could she NOT know me; we were Friends. - :( feeling upset.[5]
Still feeling baffled, but less confused; Sarah has just sent me another email. Apparently another Impostorous Troll has been pestering her. He just sexted her. I have replied immediately that I did not send her the photos, listed this, my ONE, Facebook page, and listed Ashley Abernathy Aviles, Molly Marie Quarles, Chris Rhodes, Matt Stufano, and Brian Smart, as ones to ask if she still did not believe me.

In any case, I will have to FB search my name once again to find and report the impostor(s).[6]

Chris posted one of her emails to him on Facebook, and was saddened by the contents. Thetan later claimed that this email was the only one to be completely authentic, and was copy and pasted and sent to Chris[7].

I had long thought I was liked genuinely as a person in Manchester High School by my closest gal pals and everyone else. Now I am shocked to hear that everyone was my friend, because they felt sorry for me.

Let me share a couple of recent emails from one of my friends. I am not doing this to be mean, cruel or bad, but it really hurts me emotionally.

A lot of us were surprised, even shocked to see how much Christian had changed from the way we remembered him in high school. He was just this awkward, slightly-odd, shy kid back then. A lot of the Special Ed kids got picked on but, for some reason, Christian seemed to get it much worse than the others. _____ and _____ I let Christian hang out with us mainly because we felt sorry for him. He sort of latched onto us, like he expected us to protect him. He was like a lost little boy. Sometimes I think he saw us as sort of mother figures, which seems a little creepy now, but Christian seemed harmless enough back then, and we didn't mind him hanging out with us. As far as socializing goes, we didn't really hang with him outside of school, except for the time we went to his 18th birthday party.

_____ and _____ weren't so much friends of Christian's, as they were his protectors. Some kids used to mess with him and steal his stuff. These kids were constantly teasing Christian and picking on him, doing whatever they could to get some kind of reaction out of him. Mostly Christian just cried or ran away. I don't think I can remember a time where he tried to stand up to the bullies. He seemed to prefer to have other people do that for him.

No, I don't really follow Christian's activity on Facebook. I'm actually not on his friends list, for reasons I'd rather not discuss with someone I don't really know that well (no offense). I know a lot of the people that are on his friends list, and they mostly ignore him. He's basically background noise. The only time they really notice his posts is when he tags them. Some of the stuff he posts is kind of bizarre and disturbing, which is the main reason why I decided I didn't want to have any contact with him.

I'm also really creeped out that he's still obsessed with _____ and he's actively looking for her. She is well aware of this and she's taken steps to make sure that she's VERY hard, if not impossible, to find. Yes, I've been in touch with her, but I don't feel that I have her permission to pass along her contact information. I'll pass along your email address though, if that's OK. That way, she can contact you if she wants to.

A lot of people became friends with Christian because of the reunion and also, because a lot of them still felt sorry for him. Some people are having second thoughts though, after seeing that awful picture he drew of his friend. A lot of people stopped feeling sorry for him and started ignoring him after they saw that. I was shocked that he could draw something so gross and depraved. The "thumbs up" sign really pissed me off for some reason. The whole thing was very sexist, disrespectful, and, above all - damn creepy.

I have my suspicions about who may have leaked Christian's Facebook posts, but I'd rather not say, because I don't want to be involved in this. Christian accused this person of "leaking" the full list of classmates from our graduating class. Christian contacted some of his MHS friends and tried to make trouble. He told them to give this guy a hard time for what he did. His friends weren't amused. Anyway, I don't think Christian has anything to worry about. He's not friends with this guy anymore.[8]

In the MHS classmate E-mails, an unnamed classmate lectures Chris about dealing with trolls and jerkops. The classmate repeatedly states if Chris does not better himself that ties would be cut between the two of them. Chris refuses to accept this, blaming it on his Autism like usual, leaving to the 'classmate' stopping emailing Chris.

Rebeckah Bentley

The majority of Thetan's interactions come from the

See also


External links

Catherine Saga.png Catherine Saga Catherine Saga.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Sonic Boom