Miscellaneous celebrities

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Miscellaneous celebrities are well-known individuals who have made appearances in Christory, but not enough to warrant separate articles.


Boogie2988 had a voice actor role in The Chris Chan Conspiracy from 2022. He also collaborated with Planet Dolan in May 2016, something Chris likely is aware of.[1] He and Chris have had interactions over Twitter. In November 2023, Chris replied to a tweet about favorite video games.[2] In December 2023, Chris replied to Boogie's tweet about his relationship, saying, "I, for one, appreciate and like seeing you both content and mutually appreciating each other as soul mates. It is very good."[3]

As a panel member of the podcast Lolcow Live, Boogie tweeted at Chris in November 2023, attempting to persuade him to accept an invite onto the show.[4] Chris ultimately decided against appearing, objecting to the "lolcow" label in a message sent to the podcast staff.

Caitlyn Jenner

Chris blocking Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner, formerly named Bruce Jenner, is a media personality and former professional athlete, known for identifying as transgender. Chris occasionally posted on social media about Jenner since June 2015,[5] and has also replied in support to Jenner's tweets.[6]

However, on 7 November 2024, Chris blocked Jenner's Twitter over the latter's support of Pmurt. Chris remarked, "What the hell?! Caitlyn supported Trump?! Well, I am no longer her fan, regardless of her being a fellow transwoman."[7]



Cr1TiKaL has collaborated with Planet Dolan in December 2015, something Chris is likely aware of.[8] In September 2023, Chris shared a picture of himself holding a GFUEL Cr1TiKaL can to Helena.[9] On 14 March 2025, Chris mentioned that perhaps he could do another Q&A session via livestream, as long as he receives "genuine thoughts and questions" that are not "mean-spirited or MoistCr1TiKaL." Chris then explained that he was making a joke about not wanting any criticisms, and also said "I like penguinz0, he's a cool guy."[10]

It is unclear if Cr1TiKaL is aware of Chris's approval.

Megan Youmans

Youmans on Chris.

Megan Youmans, a voice actress, once claimed over Twitter that Chris approached her to sell his work, but she was unaware of his history until her staff explained it to her. She filed it as her "worst WTF freelance artist moment".[11]

Youmans gave no context or details for the alleged encounter.

