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"'''FIX SONIC'S ARMS IMMEDIATELY, SEGA!!!'''" is a [[Facebook]] public group established by Chris to continue his [[Sonic Boom Protests|noble struggle]] to pressure [[Sega]] into returning the color of [[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'s arms to pristine flesh. He made the group almost immediately after being kicked out of his [[Keep Sonic Original|previous group]] on 29 November 2014 for making [[death threats]]. It was moderated primarily by [[Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt|Kenneth Engelhardt]]. Chris made extensive use of the page before his [[26 December 2014|arrest]]. After his arrest, Chris logged back onto the page and discovered that while he was gone, the page had been overrun by [[weening|weens]], and he spent plenty of time removing all of the [[trolls|trollery]] on the page. He continued to post when needed into 2015.
"'''FIX SONIC'S ARMS IMMEDIATELY, SEGA!!!'''" is a [[Facebook]] public group established by Chris to continue his [[Sonic Boom Protests|noble struggle]] to pressure Sega into returning the color of [[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'s arms to pristine flesh. He made the group almost immediately after being kicked out of his [[Keep Sonic Original|previous group]] on 29 November 2014 for making [[death threats]]. Chris was only able to make minimal use of the page before his [[26 December 2014|arrest]]. The site remains active in early 2015, but has apparently been abandoned by Chris and overrun by [[weens]].
[[File:Vandalism 2.jpg|thumb|right|300px|The gist of it.]]
==Raison d'etre==
==Raison d'etre==
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SONIC'S ARMS ARE NOT BLUE!!! And We Will Be Heard By EVERYONE, and Force SEGA to Recall Everything Sonic Boom, including Forcing Cartoon Network to Pull the [[Sonic Boom]] show Off The Air, and SEGA CHANGES HIS ARMS BACK TO THEIR ORIGINAL COLOUR IMMEDIATELY!!!
SONIC'S ARMS ARE NOT BLUE!!! And We Will Be Heard By EVERYONE, and Force SEGA to Recall Everything Sonic Boom, including Forcing Cartoon Network to Pull the [[Sonic Boom]] show Off The Air, and SEGA CHANGES HIS ARMS BACK TO THEIR ORIGINAL COLOUR IMMEDIATELY!!!

#SEGA <br>
#[[Get-Tar Region|Target]]<br>

==Group rules==
==Group rules==
Chris welcomed people to the group with a few demands and a link to a petition (which soon died).
Chris welcomed people to the group with a few demands and a link to a petition (which soon died).

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-Nothing Trolling or Bullying in context.
-Nothing Trolling or Bullying in context.
-No Posts or Comments against the cause and purpose of this group, as well as anything derogatory of [[Christian Weston Chandler]] or [[Sonichu]] or [[Rosechu]].
-No Posts or Comments against the cause and purpose of this group, as well as anything derogatory of [[Christian Weston Chandler]] or [[Sonichu]] or [[Rosechu]].
-NO SPOILERS OR INFORMATION of either Sonic Boom game or the Cartoon TV Show. Such information is derogative and Not Appropriate towards the goal of this group, being Encouraging or Forcing SEGA to Changing Sonic's Arms back to their original Colour in THESE CURRENT SONIC GAMES AND TV SHOW and other products featuring such as well.
-NO SPOILERS OR INFORMATION of either Sonic Boom game or the Cartoon TV Show. Such information is derogative and Not Appropriate towards the goal of this group, being Encouraging or Forcing SEGA to Changing Sonic's Arms back to their original Colour in THESE CURRENT SONIC GAMES AND TV SHOW and other products featuring such as well.
-The organizer of this group, Christian Weston Chandler, and appointed admins, reserve the rights to delete any posts or comments not appropriate or relative to the contents of the group page.
-The organizer of this group, Christian Weston Chandler, and appointed admins, reserve the rights to delete any posts or comments not appropriate or relative to the contents of the group page.
-Also, Please do make posts or comments of where and when SEGA has made any announcements in our favour, if there is anything about our cause and group being presented in the local news anywhere (Please add an appropriate link to quote the Official Sources as well).
-Also, Please do make posts or comments of where and when SEGA has made any announcements in our favour, if there is anything about our cause and group being presented in the local news anywhere (Please add an appropriate link to quote the Official Sources as well).
-And you may note any successes in our favour as well, but no majorly offensive content.}}
-And you may note any successes in our favour as well, but no majorly offensive content.}}

==Vandalism suggestions==
==Posts by Chris==
Chris uploaded a number of the relevant posts and images from his personal page and "[[Keep Sonic Original]]." He added more images of suggested vandalism on 4 December.
===Vandalism suggestions===
Chris uploaded a number of the relevant posts and images from his personal page and "[[Keep Sonic Original]]."

{{quotebox|29 November 2014
{{quotebox|29 November 2014
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File:Vandalism 4.jpg
File:Vandalism 4.jpg
File:Vandalism 5.jpg
File:Vandalism 5.jpg


==Call to arms==
===Immediate action necessary===
{{quotebox|29 November 2014
I am Making it Very Clear that I have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER IN BUYING THE GAMES AT EVEN THE LOWEST BARGAIN BASEMENT PRICES!!! I SERIOUSLY would NOT pay a Penny, or Take Them For Free Or As A Gift, at Any Point Before SEGA Total Recalls EVERYTHING SONIC BOOM and Change His Arm Colour Back!!!
And "Well, maybe they will change them back in the next game/project" IS NOT ACCEPTABLE EITHER!!!
IMMEDIATELY Does Not Mean Too Freaking Late!!!}}
{{quotebox|29 November 2014
{{quotebox|29 November 2014
Take a Stand With Me!!! Not Only Boycott Sonic Boom, the Games AND the TV Show, but Also, Discourage EVERYONE from Buying the Games and Watching Cartoon Network until SEGA Recalls EVERYTHING Sonic Boom, Including the TV Show, and Changes Sonic's Arm Color BACK to their Original Color!!!
— feeling annoyed.}}
===Sensory overloads===
{{quotebox|29 November 2014
Join My Group, Keep Sonic Original, and Sign Our Petition NOW!!!}}
===Our long fingernails to their throats===
{{quotebox|29 November 2014
Alternatively, they can IMMEDIATELY change the digital versions of the game on both eShops, Change every IMAGE on their official websites and facebook pages and whatnot, and they DEFINITELY PULL THE DAMN CARTOON FROM THE AIR AND ONLINE DIGITAL VIDEO STORES, AND FIX HIS ARMS IN EVERY SINGLE AND LAST EPISODE IMMEDIATELY!!!
Force Them with Threats of putting [[death threats|our Long Fingernails to their Throats]] if they do not RECALL EVERYTHING SONIC BOOM IMMEDIATELY!!!}}
A fan worried:
{{quoteboxgreen|"Our finernails to your throats?" Bit violent!}}
An apologist countered:
{{quoteboxred|I think it may be a metaphor for not giving sega the money from purchases that allows their company to thrive. Our leader Christian, as a high functioning autistic individual, is good with metaphors and abstract figures of speech.}}
Not everyone was convinced:
{{quoteboxgreen|That's not a metaphor. Cutting circulation to the beating heart of money would be, but the aforementioned fingernails thing is a bit, well, silly.}}
Chris confirmed that it was not a metaphor:
{{quotebox|My nails are literally long, and many women have long nails. So there.}}
Someone else asked if there were any other changes to Sonic characters that Chris disliked. He responded:
{{quotebox|To answer your question: No. This is soley on the Arm Colour change; nothing else within your description. I Like Amy's Voice the way it has been like that. And Robotnik's weight loss and Knuckles's muscles are an improvement to both of those characters. THE BEST IMPROVEMENT IN MY OPINION; Amy's better strength, design improvements and her new outfit. I Love The Women and their strengths and smarts! I am a Proud Lesbian!}}
===Protest Loudly and Boldly===
{{quotebox|29 November 2014
That is a valid question. Currently SEGA has blocked me from messaging and commenting on their Facebook page as well. And I implore everyone to force our complaints and the like to them most directly there. Keep Badgering them and Keep Insisting that they Recall Everything Sonic Boom and Change his arm colour back on ALL of the game inserts, initial software on the card and disc. And More Immediate, they can most certainly PULL THE CARTOON FROM THE AIR AND ONLINE DIGITAL STREAMING AND DOWNLOAD, update ALL of their Official Webpages and Websites' images of the same change, CHANGE THE IMAGRY AND DOWNLOADABLE SOFTWARE FROM BOTH eSHOPS to reflect the change, AND ANNOUNCE THE TOTAL RECALL AND CHANGES IMMEDIATELY AND PUBLICLY EVERYWHERE IN VIDEO, AUDIO, AND TEXT NEWS UPDATES, and whatever else therein.
And for each and every day that nothing is said or done of SEGA on the matter, I will only feel more pissed off at them, and I shall continue to protest Loudly and Boldly in Every Nearby business, encouraging them to send all of their remaining Sonic Boom stock Back to SEGA, in the Name of their Should Be Done Total Recall!!! Nobody should be selling the blue-armed mistake of theirs in the first place!!!}}
===Blue-Arm-Fucked Games===
{{quotebox|29 November 2014
Seriously, Every Day I still see either of those Blue-Arm-Fucked games on the store shelves, hear the cartoon is still on the CN, or No Recall is taking place, the more Pissed I feel. And you know I have messaged those SOBs at SEGA a number of times with No Response since after seeing the cartoon trailer MOTHS ago during E3 time. It makes me so Angry and Frustrated being continuously ignored and swept under the rug to the point where the Action and Growing from Small Threats to make the [[Manajerks]] there Listen Up... Yeah, Fuck Them!!! And I never thought I would ever have anything against my favorite colour before that trailer. But, now I am looking to [[death threats|slit their throats]] with my long fingernails to force the Total Recall of Everything Sonic Boom to Fix the Mistake to happen SOONER! Ugh. And I have no concern of how much money SEGA loses; the Recall of Everything Sonic Boom and Changing the Arm Colour Back MUST Happen IMMEDIATELY AND RIGHT NOW!!!}}
Some (but not all) of Chris's fans were disturbed by this rhetoric:
{{quoteboxred|Resorting to violence isn't cool. I hate the blue arms too, but at the end of the day it's just a video game. Nobody deserves to die over that. Besides, if everyone at Sega died there'd be nobody to recall everything, and Sonic's arms would be blue forever!}}
{{quoteboxgreen|Come on Chris, you're better than this. Don't resort to violence, it won't solve anything. Stay calm and true, you'll get the results you want if you do that.}}
But Chris was unapologetic:
{{quotebox|The time for Peaceful Discussion has Passed, and I Have Been Ignored and Blocked time and again. <nowiki>|:(</nowiki>}}
===No violence===
Kenneth was not happy with the direction Chris was going, and wrote with remarkable prescience:
{{quoteboxgreen|30 November 2014
From now on, any posts that encourage illegal activity will be hidden or deleted. We are an activist/protest group, not vigilantes. We need political power. We don't need people arrested and sitting in jail.}}
All Chris could say was:
{{quotebox|I have a lot of [[stress]] and responsibilities at home to organize a picket sign protest.}}
===Not a swift idea===
Kenneth suggested:
{{quoteboxgreen|30 November 2014
Okay, I've just thought of a couple of ideas: I might propose a bake sale (cookies, cupcakes, ect) and along with a stack of flyers for people to join our cause. Another proposal is that Christian could make a some special edition medallions to help spread our message.}}
Chris didn't think so:
{{quotebox|I am sorry, but not only is that not a swift idea, but I would never be able to make the number of [[medallions]] so quickly with all of my current stresses and other responsibilities (aside from the medals that have been ordered and paid for).}}
Kenneth tried again:
{{quoteboxgreen|Christian, I have an idea, how about a Facebook group in terms of human rights (i.e. fighting discrimination against transgendered individuals on the autism spectrum). Rather than focusing on a specific business entity (i.e. Sega), I would more focus on an idea. Not that I am trying to be judgmental, but I don't think things such as talking about fingernails to the throat or bombs is stuff that you want attached to your name.}}
Chris again rejected this:
{{quotebox|Isn't that the reason behind your "Standing tall"group? Look, you can have your bake sale and do what you want locally to you. But I have too much on my local hands to make any medals aside from the ones I am getting paid for to make here, and moving back into [[14 Branchland Court|my house]] later this month.}}
{{quotebox|3 December 2014
I have just received a question from one of my [[gal pal|girl friends]]: "So, I'm curious, where did you hear about this blue-armed Sonic Issue? Is it something you discovered on your own, or is it a bigger issue in the Sonic community?"
To best answer this question, and to VERY MUCH my visual dismay and further recollection: I HAVE been feeling this SINCE Last February. I needed to search for the ONE Announcement Trailer Video of the DAMN TV Show. I Remember finding it for myself on either Facebook through SEGA's feed, or on YouTube through the video recommendations, on my laptop, as we were moving into the [[Rental House|temporary house]]. I felt UTTER Shock at the sight of the Blue Arms on Sonic immediately as I watched it for the first time that day in Early February, 2014; This Year.
I was too busy and stressed from collecting as much as possible from the burnt house, and bringing them either to our Storage Unit, and this house's basement
I had not thought about the issue much, UNTIL Last June or July with the E3 Trailers being presented on the SEGA and Sonic Facebook Pages! Since Then, I have continuously protested the Blue Arms by commenting and messaging them that "Sonic's Arms are NOT Blue!!!" And among which, I have Warned Them that this sort of thing would NOT end well for them, and it was, and still is, a Very Bad Idea!!!
So, in short: I watched the damn trailer last February, I felt Pissed Off Then, I relearned about it last June or July: I Still felt Very Pissed Off, and NOW I am continually Growing and GROWING More Angry and PISSED OFF AT SEGA, NINTENDO AND CARTOON NETWORK AND EVERYONE ELSE INVOLVED THERE!!!
I have Contacted SEGA and Commented NUMEROUSLY with MONTHS worth of time. They ignored me, Not Responded or Done Anything about it at all, and therefore the time for Talk IS LONG DONE AND OVERWITH!!! AND WE NEED ACTION UPON SEGA AND SONIC BOOM NOW MORE THAN EVER!!!
Thank you.}}
A fan sympathized:
{{quoteboxred|I hope this monstrosity sorts itself out. Don't stress too much, dear. <3}}
Chris tardraged:
{{quotebox|As [[Monty Python|John Cleese]] said, I Have To Complain until I am blue in the mouth to get anything done in this country and time.}}
===More inserts===
On 4 December, Chris posted images of more of his vandalism examples. A fan asked:
{{quoteboxred|Why does Chris spell "color" the British standard way as "colour" rather than the American standard spelling? I'm just now noticing this.}}
Chris explained:
{{quotebox|Well, I Am [[Daniel Weston|part English and British]], after all.}}
[[Kim]] replied:
{{quoteboxgreen|Yeah, but fyi you speak American English. :)}}
Chris, being typically inexplicable:
{{quotebox|Tomato, "Poetatoe" (to take a stab at spelling the pronunciation there).}}
===Swarm every newspaper===
{{quotebox|4 December 2014
And I will tell EVERYONE something: I WISH for Our Cause to SWARM Every Newspaper across the United Stated, and maybe the World!!!
SEGA MUST Recall EVERYTHING Sonic Boom and Change the Arm Colour Back IMMEDIATELY!!!
===Another call to arms===
{{quotebox|5 December 2014
{{quotebox|5 December 2014
[[File:Blarms 6.jpg|thumb|left]]
I have copied/pasted the earlier post of how and when I came about the blue armed mistake, along with a link to this group page, to SEGA Customer Service (having to use my Yahoo address, since they blocked/suspended my AOL address). Anyhow, to my utter disgust, I have received their Static Response! I will try telephoning them personally on the matter, and I urge EVERYONE ELSE TO DO THE SAME, as well as PROTEST FURTHER WITH PICKET SIGNS, POSTERS AND WHATNOT, IN FRONT OF AS MANY GAMESTOPS AND TOYS R US STORES AS POSSIBLE! TELL THEM ALL TO SEND ALL REMAINING ARTIFACTS OF SONIC BOOM BACK TO SEGA IN THE NAME OF SEGA RECALLING THE GAMES AD CARTOON TO CHANGE HIS ARM COLOUR BACK IMMEDIATELY!!!
I have copied/pasted the earlier post of how and when I came about the blue armed mistake, along with a link to this group page, to SEGA Customer Service (having to use my Yahoo address, since they blocked/suspended my AOL address). Anyhow, to my utter disgust, I have received their Static Response! I will try telephoning them personally on the matter, and I urge EVERYONE ELSE TO DO THE SAME, as well as PROTEST FURTHER WITH PICKET SIGNS, POSTERS AND WHATNOT, IN FRONT OF AS MANY GAMESTOPS AND TOYS R US STORES AS POSSIBLE! TELL THEM ALL TO SEND ALL REMAINING ARTIFACTS OF SONIC BOOM BACK TO SEGA IN THE NAME OF SEGA RECALLING THE GAMES AD CARTOON TO CHANGE HIS ARM COLOUR BACK IMMEDIATELY!!!

I am unavailable to schedule such a protest in my area, due to my responsibilities at home. But I urge everyone else who are able to: SET UP AND LITERALLY PICKET PROTEST!!!}}
I am unavailable to schedule such a protest in my area, due to my responsibilities at home. But I urge everyone else who are able to: SET UP AND LITERALLY PICKET PROTEST!!!}}

==Utterly repulsive==
===More suggestions===
{{quotebox|5 December 2014
Also, Spreading the good word around; commenting and messaging others as I have? Copy/Paste the following short-but-direct message, with the link below:
Join My Group, FIX SONIC'S ARMS IMMEDIATELY, SEGA!!!, and Sign Our Petition NOW!!!
===Have you done what I told you to do yet?===
{{quotebox|5 December 2014
Has anyone begun rallying any Pickets and Protests at the nearby stores yet? If you are, Please do let us know on the timeline of this Group Page. I shall make it further known by personally copying it onto my own [[Facebook|Timeline]] and [[Twitter]] Feed as well.
A Second Season of the ‪#‎SonicBoom‬ show with those, UGH!!!, Blue Arms?!!! Hell No!!!
Boycott Cartoon Network With Me!!! Refuse to Watch the channel!!! Refuse to go to their Website for Any Reason as well!!! And TELL THEM TO PULL THE DAMN CARTOON FROM THE AIR AND FORCE SEGA TO RECOLOUR SONIC'S ARMS BACK IMMEDIATELY!!!}}
A fan pointed out:
{{quoteboxred|*recolor* this isn't europe.}}
Chris lashed out:
{{quotebox|The way I spell the word is irrelevant!}}
===Utterly repulsive===
Chris responded to news of a second season for the TV show:
Chris responded to news of a second season for the TV show:

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And furthermore, this notion and News is most Utterly Repulsive and Inexcusible!!! >:(}}
And furthermore, this notion and News is most Utterly Repulsive and Inexcusible!!! >:(}}

==Suggestions for getting arrested==
===Silent protests are not enough===
Kenneth suggested:
{{quoteboxgreen|5 December 2014
What about like a silent protest like the armband thing. We could wear a flesh-colored armband to protest the color change in Sonic's arms. Or maybe a small picture of Sonic with flesh colored arms pinned to our shirt to get the message across. That would be something that would be clearly protected under our rights.}}
Chris disagreed:
{{quotebox|I've been Silent-But-Loud Protesting the whole time. We Need To Be LOUDLY PROTESTING!
But, you do what you want.}}
===Suggestions for getting arrested===
On 6 December, Chris gave instructions regarding specific actions his legions should take. He stickied this missive to the top of the page on 13 December.  
On 6 December, Chris gave instructions regarding specific actions his legions should take. He stickied this missive to the top of the page on 13 December.  

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Also, copy and paste the following true statement in your letters and telephone conversations:
Also, copy and paste the following true statement in your letters and telephone conversations:

"The very sight of Sonic's Blue Arms makes our ally, Christian Weston Chandler of [[Ruckersville]], VA, suffer from consistent Sensory Overloads. Upon seeing them, his brain immediately shuts down into a momentary to lengthy (depending on how long he is forced to displeasingly endure the horrific sight) state of mental paralysis. Combined with his [[Autism]], he only gets more angry as each day passes with this pair of blue arms still remains. Either the Change back to him having tan colored arms happens IMMEDIATELY, or he and our THOUSANDS to MILLIONS of allies in the Sonic the Hedgehog Loyal [[Fanbase]] will only get more Angry and Outraged to the point of coming right over there to your office and doing something Very Bad there."
"The very sight of Sonic's Blue Arms makes our ally, Christian Weston Chandler of [[Ruckersville, VA]], suffer from consistent Sensory Overloads. Upon seeing them, his brain immediately shuts down into a momentary to lengthy (depending on how long he is forced to displeasingly endure the horrific sight) state of mental paralysis. Combined with his [[Autism]], he only gets more angry as each day passes with this pair of blue arms still remains. Either the Change back to him having tan colored arms happens IMMEDIATELY, or he and our THOUSANDS to MILLIONS of allies in the Sonic the Hedgehog Loyal [[Fanbase]] will only get more Angry and Outraged to the point of coming right over there to your office and doing something Very Bad there."

Also, if somehow you have managed to receive a copy of either Sonic Boom game (no questions asked), you should SMASH the Game Disc and or Game Card, and enclose the pieces with your Letter to SEGA of America. To show them that we are Very Serious and Passionate towards Rectifying their mistake in changing Sonic's arm colour.
Also, if somehow you have managed to receive a copy of either Sonic Boom game (no questions asked), you should SMASH the Game Disc and or Game Card, and enclose the pieces with your Letter to SEGA of America. To show them that we are Very Serious and Passionate towards Rectifying their mistake in changing Sonic's arm colour.
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==Sonic's arms, fixed==
A troll made a skeptical comment (since deleted), to which Chris replied:
On 19 December, Chris uploaded no fewer than ''42'' photos of Sonic which he had recolored to his satisfaction. Individually, the images are boring as fuck, but collectively, the gallery does a good job of showing Chris's tenacity and obsession surrounding this issue. He recolored images of Sonic which appeared on t-shirts, fast food cups, shopping bags, and cosplayers. Clearly this gallery was meant to be more than an example to his followers. It is a desperate, one-man effort to bring the world back into balance, one tan arm at a time.

{{quotebox|Hell, Yes! Shut the F*** Up Garrit!}}
===Not user-friendly===
Administrator Kenneth Engelhardt posted:
{{quoteboxgreen|6 December 2014
The forums are now open for registration for everybody: There is a pretty nice layout of subjects to choose from: http://www.forum.sonichenandrosechen.com/}}
Chris responded:
{{quotebox|Right now, this forum is being not user-friendly to me.}}
===Pickle reference===
{{quotebox|9 December 2014
I know well I said not to talk about the show much, or post any spoilers. This time, though, I am willing to make this exception.
I have heard that in the show, Sonic ordered a sandwich with no [[pickles]], but is served the sandwich with extra pickles. I feel neutral/indifferent about the joke. But my friend read a bit into it as a possible reference to myself, as well as a possible middle finger gesture to me from SEGA. Being Serious and Sincere, no sarcasm or jokes: what do y'all think/feel from this lame pickled vegetable joke? Answer in the comments of this post.}}
{{quotebox|Just so we are clear: I only want honest responses to the joke there. I do not want to hear anything that is said solely to get me riled up; please be genuine. Right now, I am uncertain, and that is why I add this comment now. Thank you.}}
{{quotebox|9 December 2014
I have typed, signed, and mailed a letter to SEGA yesterday. I put in my own more immediate, raw thoughts, as well as copy/pasted from my recent posts in relation, including the list of demands for the Recall and Arm Colour Fix.
If you seriously have telephoned or written to them as well, please leave a comment on this post and let me know.}}
===A desperate plea===
{{quotebox|10 December 2014
For [[Chris and religion|Christ's and God's Sake]], PLEASe CHANGE HIS ARM COLOUR BACK IMMEDIATELY, Sega!!!}}
===No progress? Ugh!===
{{quotebox|11 December 2014
Isn't there ANY News or Rumors from SEGA in any favour of changing Sonic's Arm Colour Back, or ANYTHING at all?! Lack of News on the Homefront there is distressing.}}
A troll named Chase wrote:
{{quoteboxred|Like I said, this series was a spin off. The change isnt permanent. Just a temporary thing}}
Chris replied:
{{quotebox|Shut the f*** up, Chase. His arm colour NOW needs to be changed back IMMEDIATELY!!! <nowiki>|:(</nowiki>}}
===Joke crap===
{{quotebox|13 December 2014
Ha. Ha. Ha. :( I was expecting some sort of Joke crap that countered my cause. I got a postcard that had written on it some crap in favour of the blue arms. Yeah. Real mature, jerk-off. (middle finger) About as mature as that.}}
===Reaching out to the Miiverse===
{{quotebox|16 December 2014
Why did I NOT think of reaching out to the [[Miiverse]] before? I did not think of it until today.
The text reads: "EVERYONE!!! I have Long Been Boycotting the Sonic Booms games and Cartoon Network, because of the Horrific Arm Colour Change on Sonic! The Blue Arms Seriously Causes Sensory Overloads In Me when I am forced to see the Vile Things!
"Join the Thousands of Outraged Fans by Joining Us on Facebook in our group, FIX SONIC'S ARMS IMMEDIATELY, SEGA!!! And help us force SEGA Change them back NOW!"}}
===Sonic's arms, fixed===
{{quotebox|19 December 2014
[[File:New Facebook 20 Dec. 2.jpg|200px|right]]
I have just taken nearly every last Blue-Arm-Bandit image on the Sonic the Hedgehog Page, and Fixed Sonic's Arm Colour Back in each of them; Let's Spam These Images To the STH Page, Cartoon Network, SEGA, and MAKE THEM SEE THAT THE ORIGINAL ARM COLOUR IS MORE ACCEPTABLE AND BEAUTIFUL THAN THE UGLY, HORRIFIC BLUE ARMS!!!

|About 10 minutes's worth of MSPaint
|About 10 minutes worth of MSPaint
File:Sonic Boom 1.jpg
File:Sonic Boom 1.jpg
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Chris added one he forgot:
[[File:Blarms 4.jpg|thumb]]}}
A fan asked:
{{quoteboxred|You're not fixing Tails' and Knuckles' arms though?}}
Another fan opined:
{{quoteboxgreen|They'd look even better if they still had shading. Of course, you'd have to use an app other than MS Paint to do that.}}
Chris replied:
{{quotebox|Tails and Knuckles' arms have Always been Yellow and Red; look them up. And I used Photoshop.}}
Another fellow militant suggested:
{{quoteboxred|Christian, if you're trying to make the point that his tan arms look better, wouldn't you want your examples to look as good and as close to how you'd want it as possible? Something more like this? I think that would get your point across better than simply brushing over them.
[[File:Blarms suggestion.jpg|thumb|left]]}}
Chris replied:
{{quotebox|Yes, but I was in a rush; feel free to add shading to what I have started. And, still SHOVE THEM DOWN SEGA'S THROATS!!!}}
===Cautious optimism===
{{quotebox|21 December 2014
This is News to me, after just now Googling "SEGA Recall Sonic Boom", I get the following article. I've read it; bugs or NOT, the Blue Arms remain the main concern. And in response to the article, I still remain unsure if this is a win on our side, considering we are looking for IMMEDIATE ARM COLOUR FIXES to the CURRENT SONIC BOOM GAME, regardless of bug patches that may have been distributed.
What I feel this tells me is that SEGA's people and crew are Cowering Behind Their Own Mothers' Dresses and Skirts in their own [[Chris and Reality|estrangements from reality]]. What a bunch of Cowards!
Let's Call Them Out on THIS in our Efforts to FORCE THEM to RECALL EVERYTHING SONIC BOOM AND CHANGE SONIC'S ARM COLOUR BACK IMMEDIATELY!!! This may be a break in our turn we've been looking for.}}
At this point Chris [[26 December 2014|got arrested]]. While some group members assumed this meant he was gone forever, it turned out to be just a minor speedbump in his crusade.
On 29 December he shared [[December 2014 Facebook Posts|his synopsis]] of the incident from his personal Facebook page.
===Still here===
{{quotebox|5 January 2015
Who said I was absent? Have I Not posted recently on my own timeline?}}
===It's all SEGA's fault===
{{quotebox|5 January 2015
Anyhow, someone SHOULD definitely send word to SEGA of America and Japan of my recent misfortunes resulting from the seed event of Sonic's Arm Colour being changed. Had they Not changed the arm colour, No one would have attacked me the way He had, followed by the warning spray of the pepper from my own fears and paranoia in self-defense. And I would have had no reason to Protest the way I have.
This series of incidents definitely tops what's-his-name's whatever-he-did when they gave Sonic Green Irises for his eyes. THE green irises were an improvement; the Blue Arms are just plain Terrible and Horrific.}}
{{quotebox|Seriously, though, WHO was that dude who reacted to Sonic's eye colour change, and WHAT did he do?}}
===No one cares more than I do===
On 10 January 2015, Chris posted a reply to his 29 December summary of his arrest, hinting that he was feeling isolated:
{{quotebox|10 January 2015
Well, Anyhow, Apparently, I WAS THE ONLY PERSON AROUND TO WORK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE ON THE ARM COLOUR ISSUE! While I HAVE stopped the in-store actions AFTER the third attack, WEEKS Ago, which was BEFORE the Ass Manager verbally attacked me, threatening me into my defensive position and action, I will tell you all something. I Did ALL of THIS, for the purpose of #SEGA changing #SonicTheHedgehog's Arm Colour Back to their original Colour in the Sonic Boom Games, Cartoon and all else therin, because I HAD CARED A LOT ABOUT THE FALL OF SONIC AND SEGA IN THIS HORRIFIC ERROR OF THEIRS!!!
And Now, because of the troubles I was forced to endure from THEIR Seed Action, the Arm Colour Change, as well as them NOT Listening to me and Ignoring Me, I would sue SEGA towards not only the reversion of Sonic's Arm Colour, still, but ALSO for Compensation and Eliminating all of my Legal Troubles and all this shit.}}
===Mario Bann===
{{quotebox|10 January 2015
Any and All posts and comments about Mario or related therein are Prohibited on this Group Page. Not to put Nintendo or the Plumber Bros down any more, The Sonic Team definitely kicks the Plumbers' butts, so Sonic will NEVER Be Dead. So Shut The Hell and Fuck Up.}}
On 10 January 2015, a horrible troll posted the following offensive image:
{{quotebox|[[File:Yellow sonic.jpg|400px]]}}
Chris responded:
{{quotebox|Fuck You Hell No!!!}}
===Chris Comments on His Leaked Nintendo Roster===
Chris responds to a list of Nintendo products purportedly belonging to him and leaked to the CWCki Forums by an ostensible Nintendo of America employee on 12 January 2015.
Rather than address lowest-end estimates of several thousand dollars of tugboat money spent during the 4.5 years covered by the list, Chris focuses on two notable entries: Sonic Boom (Wii U, Physical) and Sonic Boom (3DS, digital).
{{quotebox|13 January 2015:
This is in response to the post below this one about the so-called list of my purchased Nintendo software. Direct to the point: I have sincerely NEVER purchased either Sonic Boom game. The 3DS game, however, was actually Hand Given to me as a Gift from my ex-girlfriend, [[Catherine]]'s Cousin, Al, after out bowling outing in Early December, 2014; Last Month.
I have registered the 3DS card through my Club Nintendo account, and explicitly told them in the survey that game Was Gifted to me; I Had Not Purchased it, period. And I Had shortly after received a copy of the Wii U Game In the Mail. I had disposed of the envelope, because there was no return address. I Would have registered that as well, but there as NO Club Nintendo code enclosed. I have Never booted or played either game, and I certainly never have inserted either card or disc into any of my handhelds or consoles at all ever. And to spare having it quoted in the comments below this point, or in any future comments and posts in this group or on my page: Being Gifted the thing you are protesting against against your initial will, regardless of acceptance out of being polite or whatever, it does NOT Change my position or anything integral of the Protest that I Have personally started and still am working towards the cause, period.
===Our boycott is working===
Chris linked to an article stating that SEGA was downsizing and laying off 300 people, and posted:
{{quotebox|2 February 2015
Regardless of SEGA downsizing, Which I feel our boycotting has brought into play, we Have made SEGA take notice of their Mistake in changing Sonic's Arm Colour among this turn of events. And THEY still CAN create and distribute Downloable Update Data for BOTH Sonic Boom Games to change his Arm Colour Back within at the very least.}}
===More good news===
In response to an article titled, "Head of Sonic Team Says Sonic Will Appear Again on Home Consoles," Chris wrote:
{{quotebox|2 March 2015
This is good news; I feel a little better now. Now, we're still waiting for SEGA to Fix Sonic's Arm Colour in Sonic Boom Games and TV Show.}}
===Sega responds===
On 9 March, Chris discovered a snail-mail letter he had received over a month earlier:
[[File:SEGA Letter.jpeg|thumb|left]]
Kesshite (Kathrine) Buruamuzu
Character Design Liaison
Sega of America, Inc.
350 Rhode Island Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94103
February 3, 2015
Dear Mr. Chandler,
My name is Kesshite Buruamuzu, but here in America I go by [[Catherine|Katherine]]. I'm the Character Design Liaison for SEGA of America, which means I am responsible for addressing any and all issues arising from the use, misuse, and design of our characters.
I've been made aware that you are the leader of the current boycott of the Sonic Boom franchise due to changes in the Sonic character, specifically, the change from tan arms to blue arms. As I'm sure you've seen on the news, your boycott had been particularly effective! In addition to poor sales and many returns of Sonic Boom merchandise, we've had to replace in store promotional materials, replace missing Sonic Boom games from retail shelves, and hire extra cleaning crews to clean glitter bombs from our offices.
I'm please to tell you that SEGA of America has heard your issues with the Sonic Boom franchise, and has decided to act to alleviate the issue you have so clearly established. We will be making a herculean effort to address the abomination of Sonic's blue arms, and will be taking every step possible to accede to your wishes.
Unfortunately, due to both contractual and technical limitations, we are unable to recall all Sonic Boom merchandise. However, we have a compromise solution that we feel will address all of the issues with the game and the associated materials.
Beginning on March 31, 2015, we will be recalling all Sonic franchise material produced before the release of Sonic Boom, and releasing online updates for the previously produced games, in order to update the outdated Sonic material with the current blue armed paradigm. This includes all Sonic merchandise, including but not limited to games, apps, comics, books, television shows and specials, commercials, books, stickers, dolls and action figures, and keychains. We will be removing all of the tan armed depictions of sonic and replacing them with the new and improved blue armed look.
We would like to invite you to a Blue Armed Rebranding Ceremony on March 31 at SEGA headquarters in San Francisco. We will provide free accommodations at the Fairmont, a Five Star hotel, for you and one guest, you will have to provide your own transportation. Please RSVP by February 10, 2015.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at 1-800-872-7342
Thank you for your patronage
(signed signature) Kesshite Buruamuzu
Kesshite (Kathrine) Buruamuzu}}
He posted this letter to the group with the comment:
{{quotebox|9 March 2015
Officially from the SEGA Office; Our Boycott found results, but THEY Misinterpreted and are doing the very OPPOSITE of What we wanted! Changing the PAST stuff of Sonic to have Blue Arms! WHAT THE F***ING HELL?!!! This is NOT GOOD! >:(}}
He proceeded to forward this letter to the personal Facebook timelines of Kenneth and [[Anna McLerran|Anna]] along with the command:
Viral the HELL out of this, IMMEDIATELY! Sega is pushing in the WRONG Direction!}}
Anna simply responded:
Chris soon deleted the letter. It is interesting to note that ''kesshite'' (決して) is the Japanese for "never", while ''buruamuzu'' resembles a ''[[Wikipedia:Wasei-eigo|Wasei-eigo]]'' rendering of "blue arms."
===Sonic Synergy===
On 28 April, Chris posted without comment a link to an article on the "SEGA Nerds" site entitled, "Sonic Boom was originally called Sonic Synergy." The article noted that in the early concept art, Sonic's arms were still tan.
===Fire, Ice, and Autism===
[[File:FireandIceBoycott.jpg|thumb|200px|right|The new cover photo, briefly, for June 2015.]]
On 9 June, Chris learned that a new Sonic Boom game, Fire & Ice, was in the pipeline. Chris had the following response, which he also posted on his personal page and spammed to a number of Sonic sites:
{{quotebox|9 June 2015
Hell No!!! Still with the Blue Arms?!!! Ugh! SEGA, Does my Protest and Jail Time And Court Trouble Result NOT resonate with you at all? Don't Y'all EVER FREAKING LISTEN AND LEARN?!!!
[[GameStop|GameStops]], [[Mal-Wart|Wal-Marts]], [[Get-Tar Region|Targets]], Toys "R" Us, [[Best Buy|Best Buys]], and all stores that sells video games, PLEASE, DO NOT STOCK, PRESELL, OR SELL THIS GAME!!! SEGA Needs to Listen AND Learn!!! The Protest and Boycott Continues and Resumes!!!
(Although, I, myself, am forced to be physically inactive, locally to me, in the protest; I will not be posting any physical notes or bills in any store, whatsoever)
He followed this up with a question:
{{quotebox|9 June 2015
I have a question that could use an update: What is SEGA of America's new US Mail address? All I know is they are not located at 350 Rhode Island Street anymore, and that they were moving to southern California.}}
===Payback Time===
Chris left this post on his personal page as well.
{{quotebox|9 June 2015
[[File:SonicNoArms (pic only).jpg|thumb|left|200px]]
I protested peacefully and bold; I get banned from the local Four [[GameStop|GameStops]], and rebanned from [[Charlottesville Fashion Square|Fashion Square]]I ended up in jail for a weekend, along with court troubles; someone got a mild amount of pepper spray.
Time healed me some and I was recovering and doing better. Now, ANOTHER BLUE ARMED GAME IS BEING MADE?!!!
‪<nowiki>#‎SEGA</nowiki>‬ has ruined a peaceful, pleasant life for me again. It is Payback Time!
===Just Ten Reasons===
Apparently in response to the criticism that he was demanding the impossible, Chris countered:
{{quotebox|12 June 2015
The Requests WERE reasonable; Update the games to change the colour back, and change the colour back in the cartoon.
If SEGA can give me Ten valid Reasons (with at lease One Good Reason) to justify the arm colour change (no less), NOT counting to "Modernize" Sonic or to make Sonic "appealing to the younger generations", I may reconsider. And I want their response on Their Official Facebook Page's Timeline. Twitter does not count.}}
He then stickied this post and added a link to SEGA's Facebook page.
===Back to MS Paint===
On 13 June 2015, Chris uploaded two photos featuring more reverse-alterations of Sonic's arms, choosing one of them for the group photo.
[[File:FireandIceB.jpg|thumb|center]] [[File:FireandIceA.jpg|thumb|center]]
===The End for Real?===
On 2 [[October 2015]], Chris posted:
{{quotebox|2 October 2015
[[File:Sonic Amiibo.jpg|thumb|left|250px]]
This is the Final Update for this Protest Group.
Regardless of circumstances and bad outcomes/tidings, it is confirmed that Sonic's arms Will be back to their original colour in the next Sonic Game: Sonic & Mario at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
After this visual confirmation, I have found solace and satisfaction for the ending result.
I wish to thank every person who Actually helped in the protest against the blue arms in the Sonic Boom games, cartoon and all of that.
We have found success in our protest. It is good.}}
Fellow protesters quickly informed Chris that this Amiibo was in fact a fake fan creation, but he didn't seem to care.
The following day he added:

Then Chris [[26 December 2014|got arrested]].
{{quotebox|3 October 2015
Now, to allow myself to catch up, aside from YouTube and CartoonNetwork, is Sonic Boom being streamed on Netflix, Hulu, or what?}}

==External Links==
[https://www.facebook.com/groups/fixSonicsArmsImmediatelySEGA/?pnref=lhc The Facebook group]

{{Social media}}


Latest revision as of 17:16, 13 March 2025

"FIX SONIC'S ARMS IMMEDIATELY, SEGA!!!" is a Facebook public group established by Chris to continue his noble struggle to pressure Sega into returning the color of Sonic the Hedgehog's arms to pristine flesh. He made the group almost immediately after being kicked out of his previous group on 29 November 2014 for making death threats. It was moderated primarily by Kenneth Engelhardt. Chris made extensive use of the page before his arrest. After his arrest, Chris logged back onto the page and discovered that while he was gone, the page had been overrun by weens, and he spent plenty of time removing all of the trollery on the page. He continued to post when needed into 2015.

The gist of it.

Raison d'etre

The purpose of this group is to express our concerns to SEGA about the changes that have been made to Sonic the Hedgehog's arm colour. The old adage, "If it is not broke, don't fix it" is especially valid in this case. This group feels that changing the colour of Sonic's arms to Blue is Wrong, Erroneous, Monstrous, Offensive, and the BIGGEST MISTAKE SEGA HAS EVER MADE SINCE STOPPING THEIR CONSOLES AFTER THE DREAMCAST, and that it is Horrifically Detrimental to the quality of the character. And this is Regardless to the gameplay, stories, related/cannon or not, and all else aside.

SONIC'S ARMS ARE NOT BLUE!!! And We Will Be Heard By EVERYONE, and Force SEGA to Recall Everything Sonic Boom, including Forcing Cartoon Network to Pull the Sonic Boom show Off The Air, and SEGA CHANGES HIS ARMS BACK TO THEIR ORIGINAL COLOUR IMMEDIATELY!!!

​#Tails ​#Knuckles

Group rules

Chris welcomed people to the group with a few demands and a link to a petition (which soon died).

29 November 2014

A Few Rules for this Group Posts and Comments:

-Nothing Trolling or Bullying in context.

-No Posts or Comments against the cause and purpose of this group, as well as anything derogatory of Christian Weston Chandler or Sonichu or Rosechu.

-NO SPOILERS OR INFORMATION of either Sonic Boom game or the Cartoon TV Show. Such information is derogative and Not Appropriate towards the goal of this group, being Encouraging or Forcing SEGA to Changing Sonic's Arms back to their original Colour in THESE CURRENT SONIC GAMES AND TV SHOW and other products featuring such as well.

-The organizer of this group, Christian Weston Chandler, and appointed admins, reserve the rights to delete any posts or comments not appropriate or relative to the contents of the group page.

-Also, Please do make posts or comments of where and when SEGA has made any announcements in our favour, if there is anything about our cause and group being presented in the local news anywhere (Please add an appropriate link to quote the Official Sources as well).

-And you may note any successes in our favour as well, but no majorly offensive content.

Posts by Chris

Vandalism suggestions

Chris uploaded a number of the relevant posts and images from his personal page and "Keep Sonic Original."

29 November 2014


Cover The Inserts and Covers with me! Download, Print and Tape these Boycott-Encouraging Covers onto Every Display Game Case of the Two Games in Every GameStop Nearest You Today!!!

Double-sided tape recommended.


Immediate action necessary

29 November 2014

I am Making it Very Clear that I have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER IN BUYING THE GAMES AT EVEN THE LOWEST BARGAIN BASEMENT PRICES!!! I SERIOUSLY would NOT pay a Penny, or Take Them For Free Or As A Gift, at Any Point Before SEGA Total Recalls EVERYTHING SONIC BOOM and Change His Arm Colour Back!!!

And "Well, maybe they will change them back in the next game/project" IS NOT ACCEPTABLE EITHER!!!

IMMEDIATELY Does Not Mean Too Freaking Late!!!


29 November 2014



29 November 2014

Take a Stand With Me!!! Not Only Boycott Sonic Boom, the Games AND the TV Show, but Also, Discourage EVERYONE from Buying the Games and Watching Cartoon Network until SEGA Recalls EVERYTHING Sonic Boom, Including the TV Show, and Changes Sonic's Arm Color BACK to their Original Color!!!



— feeling annoyed.

Sensory overloads

29 November 2014



Join My Group, Keep Sonic Original, and Sign Our Petition NOW!!!

Our long fingernails to their throats

29 November 2014


Alternatively, they can IMMEDIATELY change the digital versions of the game on both eShops, Change every IMAGE on their official websites and facebook pages and whatnot, and they DEFINITELY PULL THE DAMN CARTOON FROM THE AIR AND ONLINE DIGITAL VIDEO STORES, AND FIX HIS ARMS IN EVERY SINGLE AND LAST EPISODE IMMEDIATELY!!!

Force Them with Threats of putting our Long Fingernails to their Throats if they do not RECALL EVERYTHING SONIC BOOM IMMEDIATELY!!!

A fan worried:

"Our finernails to your throats?" Bit violent!

An apologist countered:

I think it may be a metaphor for not giving sega the money from purchases that allows their company to thrive. Our leader Christian, as a high functioning autistic individual, is good with metaphors and abstract figures of speech.

Not everyone was convinced:

That's not a metaphor. Cutting circulation to the beating heart of money would be, but the aforementioned fingernails thing is a bit, well, silly.

Chris confirmed that it was not a metaphor:

My nails are literally long, and many women have long nails. So there.

Someone else asked if there were any other changes to Sonic characters that Chris disliked. He responded:

To answer your question: No. This is soley on the Arm Colour change; nothing else within your description. I Like Amy's Voice the way it has been like that. And Robotnik's weight loss and Knuckles's muscles are an improvement to both of those characters. THE BEST IMPROVEMENT IN MY OPINION; Amy's better strength, design improvements and her new outfit. I Love The Women and their strengths and smarts! I am a Proud Lesbian!

Protest Loudly and Boldly

29 November 2014

That is a valid question. Currently SEGA has blocked me from messaging and commenting on their Facebook page as well. And I implore everyone to force our complaints and the like to them most directly there. Keep Badgering them and Keep Insisting that they Recall Everything Sonic Boom and Change his arm colour back on ALL of the game inserts, initial software on the card and disc. And More Immediate, they can most certainly PULL THE CARTOON FROM THE AIR AND ONLINE DIGITAL STREAMING AND DOWNLOAD, update ALL of their Official Webpages and Websites' images of the same change, CHANGE THE IMAGRY AND DOWNLOADABLE SOFTWARE FROM BOTH eSHOPS to reflect the change, AND ANNOUNCE THE TOTAL RECALL AND CHANGES IMMEDIATELY AND PUBLICLY EVERYWHERE IN VIDEO, AUDIO, AND TEXT NEWS UPDATES, and whatever else therein.

And for each and every day that nothing is said or done of SEGA on the matter, I will only feel more pissed off at them, and I shall continue to protest Loudly and Boldly in Every Nearby business, encouraging them to send all of their remaining Sonic Boom stock Back to SEGA, in the Name of their Should Be Done Total Recall!!! Nobody should be selling the blue-armed mistake of theirs in the first place!!!

Blue-Arm-Fucked Games

29 November 2014

Seriously, Every Day I still see either of those Blue-Arm-Fucked games on the store shelves, hear the cartoon is still on the CN, or No Recall is taking place, the more Pissed I feel. And you know I have messaged those SOBs at SEGA a number of times with No Response since after seeing the cartoon trailer MOTHS ago during E3 time. It makes me so Angry and Frustrated being continuously ignored and swept under the rug to the point where the Action and Growing from Small Threats to make the Manajerks there Listen Up... Yeah, Fuck Them!!! And I never thought I would ever have anything against my favorite colour before that trailer. But, now I am looking to slit their throats with my long fingernails to force the Total Recall of Everything Sonic Boom to Fix the Mistake to happen SOONER! Ugh. And I have no concern of how much money SEGA loses; the Recall of Everything Sonic Boom and Changing the Arm Colour Back MUST Happen IMMEDIATELY AND RIGHT NOW!!!

Some (but not all) of Chris's fans were disturbed by this rhetoric:

Resorting to violence isn't cool. I hate the blue arms too, but at the end of the day it's just a video game. Nobody deserves to die over that. Besides, if everyone at Sega died there'd be nobody to recall everything, and Sonic's arms would be blue forever!
Come on Chris, you're better than this. Don't resort to violence, it won't solve anything. Stay calm and true, you'll get the results you want if you do that.

But Chris was unapologetic:

The time for Peaceful Discussion has Passed, and I Have Been Ignored and Blocked time and again. |:(

No violence

Kenneth was not happy with the direction Chris was going, and wrote with remarkable prescience:

30 November 2014

From now on, any posts that encourage illegal activity will be hidden or deleted. We are an activist/protest group, not vigilantes. We need political power. We don't need people arrested and sitting in jail.

All Chris could say was:

I have a lot of stress and responsibilities at home to organize a picket sign protest.

Not a swift idea

Kenneth suggested:

30 November 2014

Okay, I've just thought of a couple of ideas: I might propose a bake sale (cookies, cupcakes, ect) and along with a stack of flyers for people to join our cause. Another proposal is that Christian could make a some special edition medallions to help spread our message.

Chris didn't think so:

I am sorry, but not only is that not a swift idea, but I would never be able to make the number of medallions so quickly with all of my current stresses and other responsibilities (aside from the medals that have been ordered and paid for).

Kenneth tried again:

Christian, I have an idea, how about a Facebook group in terms of human rights (i.e. fighting discrimination against transgendered individuals on the autism spectrum). Rather than focusing on a specific business entity (i.e. Sega), I would more focus on an idea. Not that I am trying to be judgmental, but I don't think things such as talking about fingernails to the throat or bombs is stuff that you want attached to your name.

Chris again rejected this:

Isn't that the reason behind your "Standing tall"group? Look, you can have your bake sale and do what you want locally to you. But I have too much on my local hands to make any medals aside from the ones I am getting paid for to make here, and moving back into my house later this month.


3 December 2014

I have just received a question from one of my girl friends: "So, I'm curious, where did you hear about this blue-armed Sonic Issue? Is it something you discovered on your own, or is it a bigger issue in the Sonic community?"

To best answer this question, and to VERY MUCH my visual dismay and further recollection: I HAVE been feeling this SINCE Last February. I needed to search for the ONE Announcement Trailer Video of the DAMN TV Show. I Remember finding it for myself on either Facebook through SEGA's feed, or on YouTube through the video recommendations, on my laptop, as we were moving into the temporary house. I felt UTTER Shock at the sight of the Blue Arms on Sonic immediately as I watched it for the first time that day in Early February, 2014; This Year.

I was too busy and stressed from collecting as much as possible from the burnt house, and bringing them either to our Storage Unit, and this house's basement

I had not thought about the issue much, UNTIL Last June or July with the E3 Trailers being presented on the SEGA and Sonic Facebook Pages! Since Then, I have continuously protested the Blue Arms by commenting and messaging them that "Sonic's Arms are NOT Blue!!!" And among which, I have Warned Them that this sort of thing would NOT end well for them, and it was, and still is, a Very Bad Idea!!!

So, in short: I watched the damn trailer last February, I felt Pissed Off Then, I relearned about it last June or July: I Still felt Very Pissed Off, and NOW I am continually Growing and GROWING More Angry and PISSED OFF AT SEGA, NINTENDO AND CARTOON NETWORK AND EVERYONE ELSE INVOLVED THERE!!!

I have Contacted SEGA and Commented NUMEROUSLY with MONTHS worth of time. They ignored me, Not Responded or Done Anything about it at all, and therefore the time for Talk IS LONG DONE AND OVERWITH!!! AND WE NEED ACTION UPON SEGA AND SONIC BOOM NOW MORE THAN EVER!!!

Thank you.

A fan sympathized:

I hope this monstrosity sorts itself out. Don't stress too much, dear. <3

Chris tardraged:

As John Cleese said, I Have To Complain until I am blue in the mouth to get anything done in this country and time.

More inserts

On 4 December, Chris posted images of more of his vandalism examples. A fan asked:

Why does Chris spell "color" the British standard way as "colour" rather than the American standard spelling? I'm just now noticing this.

Chris explained:

Well, I Am part English and British, after all.

Kim replied:

Yeah, but fyi you speak American English. :)

Chris, being typically inexplicable:

Tomato, "Poetatoe" (to take a stab at spelling the pronunciation there).

Swarm every newspaper

4 December 2014

And I will tell EVERYONE something: I WISH for Our Cause to SWARM Every Newspaper across the United Stated, and maybe the World!!!

SEGA MUST Recall EVERYTHING Sonic Boom and Change the Arm Colour Back IMMEDIATELY!!!


Another call to arms

5 December 2014
Blarms 6.jpg

I have copied/pasted the earlier post of how and when I came about the blue armed mistake, along with a link to this group page, to SEGA Customer Service (having to use my Yahoo address, since they blocked/suspended my AOL address). Anyhow, to my utter disgust, I have received their Static Response! I will try telephoning them personally on the matter, and I urge EVERYONE ELSE TO DO THE SAME, as well as PROTEST FURTHER WITH PICKET SIGNS, POSTERS AND WHATNOT, IN FRONT OF AS MANY GAMESTOPS AND TOYS R US STORES AS POSSIBLE! TELL THEM ALL TO SEND ALL REMAINING ARTIFACTS OF SONIC BOOM BACK TO SEGA IN THE NAME OF SEGA RECALLING THE GAMES AD CARTOON TO CHANGE HIS ARM COLOUR BACK IMMEDIATELY!!!

I am unavailable to schedule such a protest in my area, due to my responsibilities at home. But I urge everyone else who are able to: SET UP AND LITERALLY PICKET PROTEST!!!

More suggestions

5 December 2014

Also, Spreading the good word around; commenting and messaging others as I have? Copy/Paste the following short-but-direct message, with the link below:



Join My Group, FIX SONIC'S ARMS IMMEDIATELY, SEGA!!!, and Sign Our Petition NOW!!!


Have you done what I told you to do yet?

5 December 2014

Has anyone begun rallying any Pickets and Protests at the nearby stores yet? If you are, Please do let us know on the timeline of this Group Page. I shall make it further known by personally copying it onto my own Timeline and Twitter Feed as well.

A Second Season of the ‪#‎SonicBoom‬ show with those, UGH!!!, Blue Arms?!!! Hell No!!!

Boycott Cartoon Network With Me!!! Refuse to Watch the channel!!! Refuse to go to their Website for Any Reason as well!!! And TELL THEM TO PULL THE DAMN CARTOON FROM THE AIR AND FORCE SEGA TO RECOLOUR SONIC'S ARMS BACK IMMEDIATELY!!!

A fan pointed out:

*recolor* this isn't europe.

Chris lashed out:

The way I spell the word is irrelevant!

Utterly repulsive

Chris responded to news of a second season for the TV show:

5 December 2014


And furthermore, this notion and News is most Utterly Repulsive and Inexcusible!!! >:(

Silent protests are not enough

Kenneth suggested:

5 December 2014

What about like a silent protest like the armband thing. We could wear a flesh-colored armband to protest the color change in Sonic's arms. Or maybe a small picture of Sonic with flesh colored arms pinned to our shirt to get the message across. That would be something that would be clearly protected under our rights.

Chris disagreed:

I've been Silent-But-Loud Protesting the whole time. We Need To Be LOUDLY PROTESTING!

But, you do what you want.

Suggestions for getting arrested

On 6 December, Chris gave instructions regarding specific actions his legions should take. He stickied this missive to the top of the page on 13 December.

6 December 2014

EVERYONE! I am going to hand-write to SEGA about this matter, and I have just called their 1-800 number and left a message last night. I will call again middle of this coming week if they do not call me back.

I am urging everyone in the group to write and/or telephone SEGA as well, and INSIST and DEMAND upon them to Recall Everything Sonic Boom, including the cartoon and video games, and Change Sonic's Arm Colour Back Immediately!!!

Suggest for them to do the following: -Recall ALL remaining stock of the Sonic Boom Games and Merchandise from ALL of the stores carrying them. -On the eSHOPS, IMMEDIATELY change the initial software to reflect Sonic with his original Tan Colour Arms, as well ALL video and imagery therein on there. -Replace ALL of their imagery and videos on their official websites and pages to reflect Sonic with the original tan colour arms as well. -IMMEDIATELY create NEW game Cards, Discs AND Inserts with Sonic's original tan colour arms. And on the software, the arm colour MUST be there INITIALLY; BEFORE any downloaded Software Updates. -INSTILL downloadable Software Updates for all of the already sold games to reflect Sonic Initially with tan colour arms as well. -REMOVE the Sonic Boom Cartoon from the Television and Internet airwaves, and change ALL of the Season One Episodes for Sonic to have his Original Tan Colour Arms, and Initially make that default in ALL following Seasons of episodes, including the Second Season. -AND They Must Announce this Recall and Update, As well as Apologies to Every Individual Person who Has Found Little to GREATEST Offense in the new Arm Colour, IMMEDIATELY, WORLDWIDE BROADCAST AND IN PRINTED MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS EVERYWHERE!!!

Also, copy and paste the following true statement in your letters and telephone conversations:

"The very sight of Sonic's Blue Arms makes our ally, Christian Weston Chandler of Ruckersville, VA, suffer from consistent Sensory Overloads. Upon seeing them, his brain immediately shuts down into a momentary to lengthy (depending on how long he is forced to displeasingly endure the horrific sight) state of mental paralysis. Combined with his Autism, he only gets more angry as each day passes with this pair of blue arms still remains. Either the Change back to him having tan colored arms happens IMMEDIATELY, or he and our THOUSANDS to MILLIONS of allies in the Sonic the Hedgehog Loyal Fanbase will only get more Angry and Outraged to the point of coming right over there to your office and doing something Very Bad there."

Also, if somehow you have managed to receive a copy of either Sonic Boom game (no questions asked), you should SMASH the Game Disc and or Game Card, and enclose the pieces with your Letter to SEGA of America. To show them that we are Very Serious and Passionate towards Rectifying their mistake in changing Sonic's arm colour.


SEGA of America Inc. 350 Rhode Island St, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94103 1-800-872-7342‬

A troll made a skeptical comment (since deleted), to which Chris replied:

Hell, Yes! Shut the F*** Up Garrit!

Not user-friendly

Administrator Kenneth Engelhardt posted:

6 December 2014

The forums are now open for registration for everybody: There is a pretty nice layout of subjects to choose from: http://www.forum.sonichenandrosechen.com/

Chris responded:

Right now, this forum is being not user-friendly to me.

Pickle reference

9 December 2014

I know well I said not to talk about the show much, or post any spoilers. This time, though, I am willing to make this exception.

I have heard that in the show, Sonic ordered a sandwich with no pickles, but is served the sandwich with extra pickles. I feel neutral/indifferent about the joke. But my friend read a bit into it as a possible reference to myself, as well as a possible middle finger gesture to me from SEGA. Being Serious and Sincere, no sarcasm or jokes: what do y'all think/feel from this lame pickled vegetable joke? Answer in the comments of this post.

Just so we are clear: I only want honest responses to the joke there. I do not want to hear anything that is said solely to get me riled up; please be genuine. Right now, I am uncertain, and that is why I add this comment now. Thank you.


9 December 2014

I have typed, signed, and mailed a letter to SEGA yesterday. I put in my own more immediate, raw thoughts, as well as copy/pasted from my recent posts in relation, including the list of demands for the Recall and Arm Colour Fix.

If you seriously have telephoned or written to them as well, please leave a comment on this post and let me know.

A desperate plea

10 December 2014


No progress? Ugh!

11 December 2014


Isn't there ANY News or Rumors from SEGA in any favour of changing Sonic's Arm Colour Back, or ANYTHING at all?! Lack of News on the Homefront there is distressing.

A troll named Chase wrote:

Like I said, this series was a spin off. The change isnt permanent. Just a temporary thing

Chris replied:

Shut the f*** up, Chase. His arm colour NOW needs to be changed back IMMEDIATELY!!! |:(

Joke crap

13 December 2014

Ha. Ha. Ha. :( I was expecting some sort of Joke crap that countered my cause. I got a postcard that had written on it some crap in favour of the blue arms. Yeah. Real mature, jerk-off. (middle finger) About as mature as that.

Reaching out to the Miiverse

16 December 2014

Why did I NOT think of reaching out to the Miiverse before? I did not think of it until today.

MiiverseProtest1.jpg MiiverseProtest2.jpg

The text reads: "EVERYONE!!! I have Long Been Boycotting the Sonic Booms games and Cartoon Network, because of the Horrific Arm Colour Change on Sonic! The Blue Arms Seriously Causes Sensory Overloads In Me when I am forced to see the Vile Things!

"Join the Thousands of Outraged Fans by Joining Us on Facebook in our group, FIX SONIC'S ARMS IMMEDIATELY, SEGA!!! And help us force SEGA Change them back NOW!"

Sonic's arms, fixed

19 December 2014
New Facebook 20 Dec. 2.jpg

I have just taken nearly every last Blue-Arm-Bandit image on the Sonic the Hedgehog Page, and Fixed Sonic's Arm Colour Back in each of them; Let's Spam These Images To the STH Page, Cartoon Network, SEGA, and MAKE THEM SEE THAT THE ORIGINAL ARM COLOUR IS MORE ACCEPTABLE AND BEAUTIFUL THAN THE UGLY, HORRIFIC BLUE ARMS!!!


About 10 minutes worth of MSPaint

Chris added one he forgot:

Blarms 4.jpg

A fan asked:

You're not fixing Tails' and Knuckles' arms though?

Another fan opined:

They'd look even better if they still had shading. Of course, you'd have to use an app other than MS Paint to do that.

Chris replied:

Tails and Knuckles' arms have Always been Yellow and Red; look them up. And I used Photoshop.

Another fellow militant suggested:

Christian, if you're trying to make the point that his tan arms look better, wouldn't you want your examples to look as good and as close to how you'd want it as possible? Something more like this? I think that would get your point across better than simply brushing over them.
Blarms suggestion.jpg

Chris replied:

Yes, but I was in a rush; feel free to add shading to what I have started. And, still SHOVE THEM DOWN SEGA'S THROATS!!!

Cautious optimism

21 December 2014

This is News to me, after just now Googling "SEGA Recall Sonic Boom", I get the following article. I've read it; bugs or NOT, the Blue Arms remain the main concern. And in response to the article, I still remain unsure if this is a win on our side, considering we are looking for IMMEDIATE ARM COLOUR FIXES to the CURRENT SONIC BOOM GAME, regardless of bug patches that may have been distributed.

What I feel this tells me is that SEGA's people and crew are Cowering Behind Their Own Mothers' Dresses and Skirts in their own estrangements from reality. What a bunch of Cowards!

Let's Call Them Out on THIS in our Efforts to FORCE THEM to RECALL EVERYTHING SONIC BOOM AND CHANGE SONIC'S ARM COLOUR BACK IMMEDIATELY!!! This may be a break in our turn we've been looking for.

At this point Chris got arrested. While some group members assumed this meant he was gone forever, it turned out to be just a minor speedbump in his crusade.

On 29 December he shared his synopsis of the incident from his personal Facebook page.

Still here

5 January 2015

Who said I was absent? Have I Not posted recently on my own timeline?

It's all SEGA's fault

5 January 2015

Anyhow, someone SHOULD definitely send word to SEGA of America and Japan of my recent misfortunes resulting from the seed event of Sonic's Arm Colour being changed. Had they Not changed the arm colour, No one would have attacked me the way He had, followed by the warning spray of the pepper from my own fears and paranoia in self-defense. And I would have had no reason to Protest the way I have.

This series of incidents definitely tops what's-his-name's whatever-he-did when they gave Sonic Green Irises for his eyes. THE green irises were an improvement; the Blue Arms are just plain Terrible and Horrific.

Seriously, though, WHO was that dude who reacted to Sonic's eye colour change, and WHAT did he do?

No one cares more than I do

On 10 January 2015, Chris posted a reply to his 29 December summary of his arrest, hinting that he was feeling isolated:

10 January 2015

Well, Anyhow, Apparently, I WAS THE ONLY PERSON AROUND TO WORK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE ON THE ARM COLOUR ISSUE! While I HAVE stopped the in-store actions AFTER the third attack, WEEKS Ago, which was BEFORE the Ass Manager verbally attacked me, threatening me into my defensive position and action, I will tell you all something. I Did ALL of THIS, for the purpose of #SEGA changing #SonicTheHedgehog's Arm Colour Back to their original Colour in the Sonic Boom Games, Cartoon and all else therin, because I HAD CARED A LOT ABOUT THE FALL OF SONIC AND SEGA IN THIS HORRIFIC ERROR OF THEIRS!!!

And Now, because of the troubles I was forced to endure from THEIR Seed Action, the Arm Colour Change, as well as them NOT Listening to me and Ignoring Me, I would sue SEGA towards not only the reversion of Sonic's Arm Colour, still, but ALSO for Compensation and Eliminating all of my Legal Troubles and all this shit.

Mario Bann

10 January 2015

Any and All posts and comments about Mario or related therein are Prohibited on this Group Page. Not to put Nintendo or the Plumber Bros down any more, The Sonic Team definitely kicks the Plumbers' butts, so Sonic will NEVER Be Dead. So Shut The Hell and Fuck Up.



On 10 January 2015, a horrible troll posted the following offensive image:

Yellow sonic.jpg

Chris responded:

Fuck You Hell No!!!

Chris Comments on His Leaked Nintendo Roster

Chris responds to a list of Nintendo products purportedly belonging to him and leaked to the CWCki Forums by an ostensible Nintendo of America employee on 12 January 2015.

Rather than address lowest-end estimates of several thousand dollars of tugboat money spent during the 4.5 years covered by the list, Chris focuses on two notable entries: Sonic Boom (Wii U, Physical) and Sonic Boom (3DS, digital).

13 January 2015:

This is in response to the post below this one about the so-called list of my purchased Nintendo software. Direct to the point: I have sincerely NEVER purchased either Sonic Boom game. The 3DS game, however, was actually Hand Given to me as a Gift from my ex-girlfriend, Catherine's Cousin, Al, after out bowling outing in Early December, 2014; Last Month.

I have registered the 3DS card through my Club Nintendo account, and explicitly told them in the survey that game Was Gifted to me; I Had Not Purchased it, period. And I Had shortly after received a copy of the Wii U Game In the Mail. I had disposed of the envelope, because there was no return address. I Would have registered that as well, but there as NO Club Nintendo code enclosed. I have Never booted or played either game, and I certainly never have inserted either card or disc into any of my handhelds or consoles at all ever. And to spare having it quoted in the comments below this point, or in any future comments and posts in this group or on my page: Being Gifted the thing you are protesting against against your initial will, regardless of acceptance out of being polite or whatever, it does NOT Change my position or anything integral of the Protest that I Have personally started and still am working towards the cause, period.


Our boycott is working

Chris linked to an article stating that SEGA was downsizing and laying off 300 people, and posted:

2 February 2015

Regardless of SEGA downsizing, Which I feel our boycotting has brought into play, we Have made SEGA take notice of their Mistake in changing Sonic's Arm Colour among this turn of events. And THEY still CAN create and distribute Downloable Update Data for BOTH Sonic Boom Games to change his Arm Colour Back within at the very least.

More good news

In response to an article titled, "Head of Sonic Team Says Sonic Will Appear Again on Home Consoles," Chris wrote:

2 March 2015

This is good news; I feel a little better now. Now, we're still waiting for SEGA to Fix Sonic's Arm Colour in Sonic Boom Games and TV Show.

Sega responds

On 9 March, Chris discovered a snail-mail letter he had received over a month earlier:

SEGA Letter.jpeg

Kesshite (Kathrine) Buruamuzu

Character Design Liaison

Sega of America, Inc.

350 Rhode Island Street, Suite 400

San Francisco, CA 94103

February 3, 2015

Dear Mr. Chandler,

My name is Kesshite Buruamuzu, but here in America I go by Katherine. I'm the Character Design Liaison for SEGA of America, which means I am responsible for addressing any and all issues arising from the use, misuse, and design of our characters.

I've been made aware that you are the leader of the current boycott of the Sonic Boom franchise due to changes in the Sonic character, specifically, the change from tan arms to blue arms. As I'm sure you've seen on the news, your boycott had been particularly effective! In addition to poor sales and many returns of Sonic Boom merchandise, we've had to replace in store promotional materials, replace missing Sonic Boom games from retail shelves, and hire extra cleaning crews to clean glitter bombs from our offices.

I'm please to tell you that SEGA of America has heard your issues with the Sonic Boom franchise, and has decided to act to alleviate the issue you have so clearly established. We will be making a herculean effort to address the abomination of Sonic's blue arms, and will be taking every step possible to accede to your wishes.

Unfortunately, due to both contractual and technical limitations, we are unable to recall all Sonic Boom merchandise. However, we have a compromise solution that we feel will address all of the issues with the game and the associated materials.

Beginning on March 31, 2015, we will be recalling all Sonic franchise material produced before the release of Sonic Boom, and releasing online updates for the previously produced games, in order to update the outdated Sonic material with the current blue armed paradigm. This includes all Sonic merchandise, including but not limited to games, apps, comics, books, television shows and specials, commercials, books, stickers, dolls and action figures, and keychains. We will be removing all of the tan armed depictions of sonic and replacing them with the new and improved blue armed look.

We would like to invite you to a Blue Armed Rebranding Ceremony on March 31 at SEGA headquarters in San Francisco. We will provide free accommodations at the Fairmont, a Five Star hotel, for you and one guest, you will have to provide your own transportation. Please RSVP by February 10, 2015.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 1-800-872-7342

Thank you for your patronage

(signed signature) Kesshite Buruamuzu

Kesshite (Kathrine) Buruamuzu

He posted this letter to the group with the comment:

9 March 2015

Officially from the SEGA Office; Our Boycott found results, but THEY Misinterpreted and are doing the very OPPOSITE of What we wanted! Changing the PAST stuff of Sonic to have Blue Arms! WHAT THE F***ING HELL?!!! This is NOT GOOD! >:(

He proceeded to forward this letter to the personal Facebook timelines of Kenneth and Anna along with the command:

Viral the HELL out of this, IMMEDIATELY! Sega is pushing in the WRONG Direction!

Anna simply responded:


Chris soon deleted the letter. It is interesting to note that kesshite (決して) is the Japanese for "never", while buruamuzu resembles a Wasei-eigo rendering of "blue arms."

Sonic Synergy

On 28 April, Chris posted without comment a link to an article on the "SEGA Nerds" site entitled, "Sonic Boom was originally called Sonic Synergy." The article noted that in the early concept art, Sonic's arms were still tan.

Fire, Ice, and Autism

The new cover photo, briefly, for June 2015.

On 9 June, Chris learned that a new Sonic Boom game, Fire & Ice, was in the pipeline. Chris had the following response, which he also posted on his personal page and spammed to a number of Sonic sites:

9 June 2015

Hell No!!! Still with the Blue Arms?!!! Ugh! SEGA, Does my Protest and Jail Time And Court Trouble Result NOT resonate with you at all? Don't Y'all EVER FREAKING LISTEN AND LEARN?!!!

GameStops, Wal-Marts, Targets, Toys "R" Us, Best Buys, and all stores that sells video games, PLEASE, DO NOT STOCK, PRESELL, OR SELL THIS GAME!!! SEGA Needs to Listen AND Learn!!! The Protest and Boycott Continues and Resumes!!!

(Although, I, myself, am forced to be physically inactive, locally to me, in the protest; I will not be posting any physical notes or bills in any store, whatsoever)




He followed this up with a question:

9 June 2015

I have a question that could use an update: What is SEGA of America's new US Mail address? All I know is they are not located at 350 Rhode Island Street anymore, and that they were moving to southern California.

Payback Time

Chris left this post on his personal page as well.

9 June 2015
SonicNoArms (pic only).jpg

I protested peacefully and bold; I get banned from the local Four GameStops, and rebanned from Fashion SquareI ended up in jail for a weekend, along with court troubles; someone got a mild amount of pepper spray.

Time healed me some and I was recovering and doing better. Now, ANOTHER BLUE ARMED GAME IS BEING MADE?!!!

‪#‎SEGA‬ has ruined a peaceful, pleasant life for me again. It is Payback Time!



Just Ten Reasons

Apparently in response to the criticism that he was demanding the impossible, Chris countered:

12 June 2015

The Requests WERE reasonable; Update the games to change the colour back, and change the colour back in the cartoon.

If SEGA can give me Ten valid Reasons (with at lease One Good Reason) to justify the arm colour change (no less), NOT counting to "Modernize" Sonic or to make Sonic "appealing to the younger generations", I may reconsider. And I want their response on Their Official Facebook Page's Timeline. Twitter does not count.

He then stickied this post and added a link to SEGA's Facebook page.

Back to MS Paint

On 13 June 2015, Chris uploaded two photos featuring more reverse-alterations of Sonic's arms, choosing one of them for the group photo.


The End for Real?

On 2 October 2015, Chris posted:

2 October 2015
Sonic Amiibo.jpg

This is the Final Update for this Protest Group.

Regardless of circumstances and bad outcomes/tidings, it is confirmed that Sonic's arms Will be back to their original colour in the next Sonic Game: Sonic & Mario at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

After this visual confirmation, I have found solace and satisfaction for the ending result.

I wish to thank every person who Actually helped in the protest against the blue arms in the Sonic Boom games, cartoon and all of that.

We have found success in our protest. It is good.

Fellow protesters quickly informed Chris that this Amiibo was in fact a fake fan creation, but he didn't seem to care.

The following day he added:

3 October 2015

Now, to allow myself to catch up, aside from YouTube and CartoonNetwork, is Sonic Boom being streamed on Netflix, Hulu, or what?

External Links

The Facebook group

Boomsaga.png Sonic Boom Saga Boomsaga.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Catherine