Bob Chandler

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"Bob" redirect here. For the troll occasionally known as Bob, see Robert Simmons V.
Get away from the Internet!

I'm cutting it down, right now.

Bob Chandler, Internet lumberjack
Bob is old. He makes sure to let you know that.
"Internet Lumberjack"

Robert Franklin Chandler Jr.[1] (04 September 1927[2]–soon) is Chris's father.

Despite being a racist and homophobic redneck, Bob became a firm favorite with trolls due to Chris's intense dislike of him and Bob's infamous cameo when he walked into Chris fapping. His nickname, the "Internet Lumberjack", comes from this incident.

Despite being loathed and estranged from his other children and step-child as well, Bob is still viewed as a better parent than his wife Barbara, due to him being somewhat concerned with Chris's current status as a virgin with rage, and occasionally tries to guilt him into being more considerate by bringing up the fact that he's devoted 27 years to raising a selfish manchild. Of course, Chris is unfazed by these attempts.

To date, Bob has conversed with three trolls. Thanks to his tendency to yap on, more information has become known.


Bob is a pretty "old fashioned" type of guy.

Service and education

Bob was born in Texas and raised in Alabama.[3]

Bob was drafted after World War II and placed in the Signal Corps. There, he learned how to install valve systems, switchboards, and telephones. When he got out in 1947, he couldn't get a job and so went to college on the G.I. Bill.[3]

Since he figured he'd get "swallowed up" at a big college, Bob picked a small college to study Pre-Engineering for two years. He was also in a band and learned a lot about music. He then moved onto Auburn University, a big college, to earn his engineering degree.[3] As an engineer, he never learned to spell properly.[4]


Bob worked for Western Electric for 40 years. Using skills learned in the army, he built for the company their first automatic [something] (it's unclear what Bob says here). General Electric heard about it and offered him a job in upstate New York. Since New York is too cold for Bob, he moved away after three years, working in North Carolina for some time.[3] He worked with both Goodrich and Goodyear.[5]

With General Electric, Bob was responsible for at least seven patents. Barbara claimed, in an e-mail to Miyamoto, that because of Bob's influence in the computer world, the NES "might not have arrived so soon" (despite video game technology actually being pioneered by Ralph Baer).[6]

As examples of Bob's accom-PLISH-ments, as Chris would say, he automated a steel mill for rolling steel for cars, a paper mill for papers into the form of Kleenex, warehousing, railroads, and tanker ships. He designed scooters, die casting machines, and machines for producing plastic products.[3] A fact that both Chris and Barbara have bragged about is that Bob designed controls for plastic water [container] molding machines...[3][6]

World consciousness

Bob learning how to cut that Internet down.

...on the other hand, Bob himself is proud of his "natural inclination for logic," although he is "inundated" by all his designs and whether he did good for the world.[3]

Speaking of the world, Bob has been interested in it since he was 10, and has become very world conscious as a believer in the United Nations. He began by collecting foreign stamps in the 1930s. He has collected 15,000–20,000 LPs from various genres and cultures.[5] Bob traveled the world in his day for business and pleasure.

In a potentially damaging moment on 18 February 2009, Bob doubted the existence of Molvanîa, Julie's fictional country of origin.[7] However, he continued talking under the assumption that Molvanîa was under Russian control.[5]

Health and late life

Robert had English ancestry.

Bob has had two triple bypasses and four heart attacks. He wears a pacemaker. He attributes his long life to all the Cherokee in him. His uncles and grandfather all lived to 90-100.[5]

Bob lives on social security and General Electric pension.[8] He hasn't really had people to chat with, so he sits around, listens to music,[5] and takes care of the garden inside the greenhouse. With a 1970s stereo system set up in the greenhouse, he goes to "swing with the music" on his swing there.[8]

A major question in the troll community is what will happen if and when Bob dies before Barbara.


Previous family

Bob is out of contact[9] with his son David Alan Chandler and daughter Carol Suzanne Chandler, who both lead successful careers. For example, Chris did not know he had a niece named Savannah until she was 8 years old.[10]


With Barb

To continue with the music theme, Bob and Barbara met in a bar on a karaoke night. Barbara was there with friends and Bob was singing.[11] According to Chris, Barbara did the pursuing: "She chased him down the hall." This is probably why he figures that he could get away with being passive in terms of courtship. In contrast, Cole's friend Chuck, who worked at the bar, has a vivid memory of them being drunk retards.[9] They got married in 1980.[11]

According to Chris, Barbara has not had sex with Bob for at least two decades. They have been sleeping in separate rooms for the past few years.[12]


Bob married Barbara when her son Cole was 17, around the time Cole left to lead his own life.

Cole feels that Bob's bitterness worked to separate his relationship with his mother. Cole will celebrate[9] "when that fuck Bob finally drops."[13] Cole said that he and Bob share a mutual hatred,[9] though we have no evidence yet that Bob hates Cole. In the least, it is certain that Bob knows Cole doesn't like him.[8]


"You tell them that you fell down some stairs or else I'm cutting down your Nintendo."

Bob wishes Chris was more interested in the world. He tried to teach Chris, but he thinks (and rightly so) that Chris doesn't understand countries and continents beyond what he's seen on TV, and only can associate with the places he's been in Virginia.[5]

Bob's joke that Barack Obama would paint the White House black as soon as he became president influenced Chris to draw it in Sonichu 8.

well, my father is a major stressor against me; starts arguements[sic], annoys me, rarely washes his hands after restroom breaks (lord knows I've tried to encourage him to wash numerous time, and rarely succeeded.
Chris, IRC (31 December 2008)

After meeting with Bob personally and finding him to be quite pleasant and amicable, it became obvious that he wasn't "starting arguments", as Chris asserts, but rather most likely rightfully criticizing Chris's behaviors and encouraging to better himself, which would involve work, and Chris is too lazy to do that. It has been reported Bob will mention to him that he has taken care of his autistic ass for 27 years and so Chris should be more grateful. But selfish and apathetic Chris couldn't give two shits, figuring that they're obligated as parents to take care of his autistic ass, seeing no reason he should demonstrate any foreign concepts like "love", "support", "gratitude", and "willingness to help".

Audio and video appearances

In every appearance, Bob has proved himself to be better at charming Chris's sweethearts than Chris himself.


