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=== Porn ===

[[File: PornRequest.png|thumb|The resquest in question]]
[[File: PornRequest.png|thumb|The resquest in question]]

Revision as of 22:37, 1 August 2017

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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.
Name Danielle Pitts[1]
AKA Dani Willow
Date of Birth 27 May 1994 (age 30)
Gender Female
Nationality American
Race White
"Is chris chan even real?"
Doopie asking an understandable question in a May 31, 2016 tweet[2]
Chris, addressing Doopie. Repeatedly.[3]

Danielle Pitts (nicknamed "DoopieDoOver" or "Doopie") is a voice actress/animator for the Planet Dolan YouTube channels. She also offers drawings for sale. Chris appears to consider her to be a gal pal, whereas she thinks of him as simply another customer.


Doopie react to cwc.png

Chris discovered the Planet Dolan channel in August 2016 and took a liking to Doopie. He began frequently tweeting to her in 2017. His first message to Doopie was on 7 March 2017 when she tweeted about her Borderline Personality Disorder and how it's affected the way she interacts with others. Chris, having completely missed the point of the entire post, and having judged so many people in the past, felt somewhat empathetic for Doopie, and made a misguided attempt to make her feel better by comparing her mental disorder with a bunch of people she's never met on the internet[4].

His social awkwardness in full display, he has tweeted to her on the subjects of poop[5], his hatred of online dating[6], and he has tried to hit on her by quoting his "I’m Done Adulting" My Little Pony T-shirt[7].

Doopie knew about Chris prior to him becoming obsessed with her. She occasionally made fun of him on Lazycast, a podcast series she co-hosts[8], as recently as March 2017.

Once Chris started actively tweeting to her, starting in the spring of 2017, she started off by ignoring his messages.

On 11 April, she liked one of his tweets sympathizing with her stance against animal cruelty[9]. Eventually, on 21 April, she decided to converse with Chris when he asked about her newly dyed hair. A swarm of weens promptly descended on them, and Doopie found herself in the position of defending Chris[10].

In July, she explained her opinion on Chris, mentioning that he had commissioned her for art and pledged to her Patreon.

I've been following the "Chris chan" saga since the beginning. I know everything that (s)he's done. And yeah, it's pretty shitty, but what other people have done to him/her as been pretty shitty too. I'm also just not the type of person to turn someone away when they're being nothing but kind to me. It may be a fake, it may be a show, but I'm not emotionally invested in this enough to really care.

(S)he's paid me to do a commission, and is a patron on my patreon, and as a woman of business, I'm going to treat him/her as every other commissioner and patron.[11]

Shot down

You don't know me, christine.
Doopie sets the record straight.[12]
Yes. I don't totally know you, but you are a good person; like all I've listed here, y'all are girls and at least acquaintances up to friends. And that, to me, counts as much, because I am thankful to have you all in my life and communication circle. 😊🌸 Also, another V.I.Detail., I Care. And I wear my heart on my sleeve. ❤️🤳🏻
Chris' response.

On 1 August, 2017, Chris tagged Doopie in celebration of National Girlfriend Day, listing her among all of the gal-pals he's met on the internet and real life. The day is an occasion meant for female friends to celebrate their special bond[13]. Chris—in typical, completely non-extrospective, Chris fashion—failed to realize how sad and creepy it was to include Doopie, a person he only knew online via a client-artist relationship. If that wasn't inappropriate enough, Chris's subsequent tweets further revealed his attraction to Doopie—which appeared much stronger than previously thought. Doopie immediately protested, stating the obvious fact that she was a stranger to Chris. Despite this clear and unambiguous response, Chris happily disregarded it. He went on to say how he partially agreed, implying he must know her a little bit because he knows she is a good person. Chris then expressed his appreciation for her being in his circle of friends (again, ignoring her previous declaration to the contrary). Once again, Chris demonstrates his almost complete lack of social awareness.

Art commissions

I really had no choice. A paying customer is a paying customer, but I'm starting to regret it lol.
Doopie reacts to the fallout from being Chris's customer on 1 August 2017.[14]

Around 22 June 2017, Chris began to pledge on Doopie’s Patreon.[15]. He pledged at the $25 tier and received a sketch of Rosechu as one of the offered rewards[16].

He also paid her $25 for a separate commission to serve as a profile picture and liked it so much that he switched his profile icon on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Patreon to it. Ever since Doopie has first shared the picture with Chris, the drawing has been subject to many parodies defacing Chris in the picture, either by redrawing him as he actually appears IRL or by replacing Chris with another person such as Liquid Chris.

Chris began throwing that money at her in the midst of the Financhu Crisis, and he quickly resorted to begging people on Facebook for the exact amount of money, claiming that he needed it to help him and his mother[17].


The resquest in question

On 1 August 2017, Chris began pledging to KittenBell - a Patreon account set up by Doopie to handle porn requests, while continuing his pledge to her primary account. He suggested a drawing of two MLP characters depicted as lesbians "makin' out and fondling/fingering." [18] More than likely, Doopie will work on the project, given her attitude towards all commissions, no matter how demeaning it might be.


Artist's depiction of Doopie's reaction.

After becoming Doopie's customer, Chris began to refer to her as "darling" multiple times over Twitter and once on Doopie's Patreon[3]. He does it in spite of knowing that Doopie is not a boyfriend-free girl, which he learned on 16 May through a Planet Dolan video in which she talked about the success she had at online dating[19].

Opinion is divided on why Chris does this. Some think he believes Doopie is an attainable target for his love quest, while others think that he is naive to how creepy he sounds and thinks "darling" is appropriate for a tomgirl to say in conversation. Chris has similarly used "dear" to address his mother[20], seemingly oblivious to the incestuous implications. Given that Chris has had sex dreams about his mother[21], it might not bode well for his view of Doopie.

In the Comic

First artwork of Doopie (brunette to the right of Chris, drawn after Doopie changed her hair color.)

Given Chris' most recent interactions with Doopie, and her being an animator, voice actor, and a character of Planet Dolan, she has appeared in Chris' upcoming Sonichu and Planet Dolan crossover comic on its cover, standing near Chris.

Liquid Doopie

The fake profile.

On 21 July 2017, a ween made a fake Doopie Facebook account in order to befriend Chris and get a rise out of him.

Two days later, Chris had fallen for the ween and accepted a friend request. However, the account was disabled the same day, though a new one was created, which he also accepted a friend request from. He later contacted the real Doopie, who confirmed it wasn't real.

The Jig is Up! I have been long suspicious of the Facebook account, but I went along for the possibility of it being real. Then the first deletion from Facebook by others' flagging. And the birth dates did not match between your first and second profile trials. And then you said your email was from @mail.com. I offered a benefit, since you might have missed typing the "g". And the Big Flag, actual email from your @mail.com address. I had received actual email from the real Doopie before from her actual address. I emailed her and checked, she responded "No" to making a Facebook Profile Page.

Your Game IS Over Trollish Impostor! Consider yourself Blocked. Good day.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christine W. Chandler

Fan Art

Some are NSFW.

See also

External links


