Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

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Kenneth habitually deletes his projects, posts, accounts, and websites, and starts over from scratch. Be sure any links directed towards such projects are archived when posting them on the CWCki.
Why do you Reply to Everything?!
Do you have a Crush on me, Ken?
Chris, owning Kenneth
Is [Chris] genuinely delusional? The only one who could answer that for sure is CWC herself.
Kenneth being delusional, February 2022[1]

Kenneth Erwin Englehardt
Name Kenneth Erwin Englehardt
Date of birth (1960-03-02) March 2, 1960 (age 64)
Also known as Sailfish
Gender Male
Known for *Hosting the Kiwi Farms splinter site, Onion Farms
*Being the primary recipient of Chris's letters from jail.
Religion Ahmadi
Race White
Education DeKalb Technical College (AAS, accounting)
Kennesaw State University (BBA, accounting)
Nationality American
Occupation Owner of Onion Farms
Amateur artist
Saga Second Exile, Jail

Kenneth Erwin Englehardt (born 2 March 1960) also known by his online alias as "Sailfish", and affectionately nicknamed Kengle or OnionNull, [note 1] is the current owner of the Onion Farms; a splinter forum based on the Kiwi Farms, and the Onionpedia; a Wordpress based splinter wiki based on this one.

Kenneth is sometimes noted for the dubious honor of being the second person in Chris's life to encapsulate all five groups in the Unholy Quintet, the first of whom being Jacob Sockness. Kenneth was once one of Chris's Facebook white knights during the Second Exile. He would then act as a financial enabler of Chris, and then an A-log, ween, and carpetbagger during Chris's stay in jail.

Kenneth is also notable for being one of two confirmed genuine fans of Sonichu during the comic's run (another being Sonichuizcool). As an overweight, inept, autistic,[2] elderly, part-time bookkeeper and accountant with a penchant for creating bizarre artwork, Kenneth naturally felt as though he shares a lot in common with him.

He has also bought several of Chris' eBay items, and sent him some sardines after Chris's house burned down.

Kenneth has later gained notoriety for posting many of Chris's letters from jail on his own Onion Farms website, seemingly as a means to promote the website and other related projects.

Ownership of Onion Farms

Kenneth had created the website Onion Farms in its current incarnaton in 2019 as a splinter site of the lolcow forum Kiwi Farms, claiming it to be an alternative. The website was also created as a gossip site for lolcows, though Kenneth had planned for the site to focus on lolcows from every country around the world.

Sonichen and Rosechen

Kenneth is well-known for his artwork, Sonichen and Rosechen. While he was initially rejected as a troll by Chris, this is no longer the case, and they have been Facebook friends for quite a while. Kenneth remains the only person on record to have made a Sonichu-derivative website.

Kenneth had attempted to get Chris to implement the characters from this series into his Sonichu canon.


Relationship with Chris

Prior to the creation of the Onion Farms, Kenneth was a frequent orbiter of Chris's. Kenneth's intentions towards Chris seem entirely True and Honest. Kenneth will often give praise to Chris when he feels there is justification in doing so. A notable example of this was praising on Christian on some of his artwork of a medallion, having an opinion on a video game, and breathing in and out. That being said, he'll occasionally make what appears to be a subtle jab at Chris, and even outright call him out when he's clearly in the wrong, in particular over the events of 26 December 2014.

Occasionally, he does post on Chris's Facebook statuses. There is some debate on whether Kenneth can be considered a member of Chris's inner circle on Facebook (as they do have a number of mutual friends, the most notable being William Elliott Waterman), but Kenneth is often flatly ignored and sometimes treated contemptuously by Chris. Despite being known as a lolcow amongst lolcow enthusiasts, by and large he is actually quite well-liked on Facebook.

Kenneth has also hosted anti-bullying forums in the past, on and Technical issues (caused by his unfamiliarity with forum design) and trolling forced these off the Internet. While Chris did express interest in his idea of making a fan-site, this did not materialize due to Kenneth's unfamiliarity with Dreamweaver.

Kenneth has also bought several of Chris' eBay items, and sent him some sardines after Chris's house burned down. Kenneth is considered a lolcow in his own right in part due to his bizarre Sonichu fan comic Sonichen. It is not known what Chris thinks of this parody, but according to Kenneth himself Chris takes a neutral stance.

Ken once bought a Sonic the Hedgehog comic book. The problem was that it contained a preview for Sonic Boom at the start, which predictably got Chris hotheaded.

On May 2, 2018, Chris listed a spare Sonichu license plate on eBay. Since license plates may be considered DMV property, Kenneth asked Chris if he got permission to sell it from the DMV, which prompted Chris to ask him to stop, to which Kenneth agreed. Two days later, on May 4, 2018, somebody suggested to Chris that his donations dropping could be Patreon taking a 50% cut, which Kenneth said was outrageous. This prompted Chris to call Kenneth outrageous and tell him not to comment on his posts anymore or Chris would unfriend him, but he told Kenneth that he is still allowed to donate to Chris's Patreon if he chooses. Kenneth, having finally had enough, told Chris that friendships don't work like that and said goodbye, suggesting that he was done with Chris.

Not too long after, Kenneth replied to Chris's tweet begging for money:

Have you considered a project manager? They can help with work layout, publicity, the bottom line and so forth.

Chris replied with:

If I had even remotely Knew of such a Manager YEARS ago, I seriously would have done that sooner. Eeyup.

Kenneth had been responding to Chris so frequently, that Chris had decided to create a test on Twitter, seeing if he would reply to his message.

Jail Communications

Kenneth had used his Onion Farms website as a host for posting a majority of the known letters that Chris had sent from Jail. Chris had first contacted Kenneth via letter on 4 October 2021, where he declares that he is Jesus of Nazareth, like he has with Null.

Chris had appeared to see Kenneth as trustworthy to host letters and calls involving him while he is in Jail. He had directed the financial enablers Zombo to Kenneth's website in order to provide monetary donations to him.

Kenneth Cuts Ties

After Chris has been transfered to Central Virginia Regional Jail, Kenneth had claimed he would cut all ties with Chris.

Kenneth Strikes Back

Please post this on kiwifarms. I am not holding back or being unfair. We've have gotten some pretty amazing content from what CWC chooses to share. But she calls the shots and there are people who write her telling what has been posted on Onionfarms.
Kenneth prompting people lurking on his site to tell people on Kiwi Farms about content from Chris he farmed.[3]

After Chris had been transferred back to Central Virginia Regional Jail, Kenneth had decided to initiate letters back to Chris,[4] and had once again agreed to conceal certain letters of his by his request. Kenneth would partially break this promise still by summarizing the major points of one of the letters he was told not to share.

On 30 May 2022, Kenneth had made a thread on Onion Farms, in which he told people to post on the Kiwi Farms to promote content that he had received from Chris. Null had responded to this with "It took 9 years, but Kengle finally has a way to use Chris to get attention that nobody can interfere with. Congrats, big boy."[5]

External Links


  1. Named in reference to Joshua "Null" Moon, the proprietor of the Kiwi Farms


SecondExileIcon.png Second Exile SecondExileIcon.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:

Incest saga icon.png Jail Saga NuthouseSagaIcon.png
The Players

People: ChrisDavid HeilbergPraetorKenneth EngelhardtBarbara ChandlerHelena FiorenzaEels and the Egg-manFlutterSpamton G. SpamtonZomboCory AllisonThe CrusaderBizarre BazaarCelestiaMichael AfghaniJacob Sockness

Places Misc Jail Communications:
Coinciding Sagas: Praetor