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{{main|Midnight Moonflower Discord chats}}
{{main|Midnight's Nightlings and Starettes}}

Midnight had a Discord server in which Chris was a guest but rarely commented.  
Midnight had a Discord server in which Chris was a guest but rarely commented.  

Revision as of 13:50, 22 August 2022

It's funny because before my manic episodes I used to dislike her.
Midnight in reference to CWC

Midnight Moonflower
Name Clare Garcia
Also known as Midnight Moonflower
Gender Female
Race White
Nationality American
Saga Watchmen

Claire Garcia, better known as Midnight Moonflower is a former gal-pal who first gained Chris's attention on Twitter by sending him a "Birthday gift" drawing of them embracing. Midnight first learned of Chris through Sonichu the Animated Series. While an introduction like that would permanently poison the well for an average person, her initial disgust grew into respect stemming from a feeling of kinship toward him. In many ways (aside from the notable presence of a sweetheart) Midnight is similar to Chris: She is artistically stagnant; has been manipulated into sending nudes of herself;[1] and shares interests in Sonic, Pokémon, and My Little Pony. If her behavior and slightly-off tonal inflections are anything to go by, she may be autistic as well.

In April 2019, Chris drove to Newport News, VA to meet with Midnight and her husband. He let her try on his medallion.[2] While in town, Chris lost his wallet at a gas station, and Midnight and her husband tried to help him look for it and helped him file for a temporary license.[3]

He had spent the night at Midnight's place,[citation needed] though no romancing was to be had that night, however, because a) Midnight is married, and b) if anything sexual was to happen, you know Chris would have bragged about it.

Due to their mutual appreciation of franchises targeted towards children and similar life experiences, they met again at BronyCon.

In June 2019, Midnight reported Geno Samuel's YouTube channel for bullying, namely, "talking shit". The 'bullying' in question is attributed to a livestream where Geno said he thought Chris looked better than her. This hostility was a great overreaction considering how he immediately followed up the statement with, "I don't want to be mean." Chris congratulated Midnight in the action she took, although he confused her reporting the YouTube channel with blocking Geno on Twitter. Unsurprisingly, the channel is still up on YouTube, and the only repercussion from Midnight's decision to report it is that her husband grounded her from commenting on social media platforms for a week.

In May 2021, Midnight commented on a Dillin Thomas video narrating this CWCki article to state that she had cut off contact with Chris and regretted being friends with him.[4]


Main article: Midnight's Nightlings and Starettes

Midnight had a Discord server in which Chris was a guest but rarely commented.

The Watchmen entered Midnight's Discord server in an attempt to steer her away from contact with Chris as they believed her to be a ween. Naught and several other Watchmen would threaten to dox one of Midnight's friends on this server.[5][6][7]



Chris at 2019 BronyCon - Gala sighting
Direct link Youtube, archive
Made By CWCville Tourist
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

Made By cwcki user
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

Midnight's "I'm friends with Chan Chan" video
Made By cwcki user
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos


Watchmens.png Watchmen Saga Watchmens.png
The Players

Watchmen groups: The Sons of the MiscreantsArbitarch CWC AllianceThe Place
Watchmen members: The WCTMKRNightVeeNaughtKyleOwls
Targets: Jacob SocknessLukeJoseph DraftMidnight MoonflowerBen SaintProjectSNTOpuscon789Larry VaughnPraetor

Watchmen Chats: General • Solo Members (AquaDiamond8KyleMKRNightVeeNaughtSpunkyThe WCT)

Enabling and Delusions: Targeted Orbiters: Other

Coinciding Sagas
Jacob, Secret Shipfic, Lainchu, Crystalgate, Incest
