Kacey Call 24

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Just a brief overview until transcriptions are complete.

File Name: kc10509.mp3

  • Chris said that his mom had food poisoning, so they went to a doctor and found out that it wasn't food poisoning. So they went back to the restaurant to complain anyways.
  • Chris says him mom has to be on a diet now. Kacey suggests that Chris joins her on the diet to support her. Chris starts talking about how he's unsure of the diet and tries to get out of it. I'LL THINK ABOUT IT!
  • Chris is amazed that families and friends of cancer patients will shave their heads to support the person with cancer.
  • Kacey asks about Chris' room getting cleaned. Chris is "still working on it!", but Kim suggested that Chris take his lego city apart. Kacey asks for pictures, Chris will think about it.
  • Kacey failed a class and lost her job.
  • Chris is still trying to get a job at Target, but has applied to two other stores.
  • Chris was talking to a girl named Regina, the girl who's father bought Chris' two Guitar Hero guitars. Chris went to meet her, and she didn't show up. Chris got an email stating that Gregg Mays showed up and sold her guitars instead for half price.
  • Chris talks about the Emily date, and claims that the man in the pickle suit's name is Harold.
  • Chris talks about the PVCC trolling him, and Kacey says that such an organization doesn't exist and he just thinks too much of himself. Chris says they do it for the L-U-L-Z (spells it out.)
  • Chris gets stressed out when Kacey says that he's not important enough to spend that much effort on.
  • Chris claims that he gets lots of emails from men asking him on dates. Kacey says that's a complement, and he doesn't come off as straight. This makes Chris yell in a high pitched voice "OH JESUS CHRIST! I'M STRAIGHT! WHAT THE HELL!"
  • Chris doesn't even open emails anymore.
  • Kacey says it's common sense to not reply to trolls. Chris says "Let me tell you about common sense," and says that he had sex with a FEMALE BLOW UP DOLL, not a male blow up doll, so it's obvious that he's straight!
  • Kacey says that Chris should just be bisexual. Chris yells "I HATE LOOKING AT PENISES!"
  • Kacey: "I have gay friends, and they're always grabbing my boobs! It's okay because they're gay!"
  • Kacey tells Chris to stop sighing because it makes him sound like a baby. Also to stop saying "whatever." He sighs several times while Kacey talks, this is unintentionally funny.
  • Chris asks what Kacey wants to talk about, and Kacey says she doesn't care unless Chris can tutor him in her Statistics class. Chris says that he's really good at it and that he can help her with it.
  • Kacey says that she has to go.

Intro and Barbara's Colitis


Chris: Hello?

Kacey: Hey Chris it’s Kacey! C: Hi Kacey how are you?

K: Um I’m good. Just a little tired. (C talks over here, “Yeah I agree?”) So how are you?

C: Yeah. I’m better myself. I just uh read your email. Did you uh read me reply I sent back to you?

K Yeah Actually I did.

C Yeah pretty much in a nutshell what’s been happening lately.

K: Umm that sucks about your mom. I give my condolences. I hope she feels better, but how did they know she had food poisoning? C: Yeah well I mean that was my –that was my fathers and mine theory at first. But you know, we took her to {restaurant she got sick at?} [Something Jefferson’s] and then the doctors (stutters) classified the ailment as Colitis {link to Barbara Recent Health Problems}.

K: Oh well that’s definitely not Food Poisoning. (Chris Talks over her: Yeah well I mean) I mean, you guys shouldn’t have gone back there to talk to them then, ‘cause it’s obviously not them.

C: Hmm Yeah Well I mean Still, uh you know cause my mom acted today, she was having gut pains so she was like yeah she was like, yeah take the uh there’s the majority of the food I left behind, I uh had left had not eaten, so you know just take it back to them and uh, tell them what happened. She was like you know, uh my father and I, we were just like you know, we couldn’t do much at this point. You know my mom was like all up – all up on top of the world kinda you know? (Kasey cuts him off)

K: Well how, How long ago did it happen? I mean, did either of you eat it and get sick to?

C: uhh no my father and I did not eat it.

K: Besides if she has colitis, she shouldn’t be eating food like that you said it was Chinese right? I mean that food’s loaded with MSG and salt and fat. That’s like the worst thing she could be doing now.

External links

Kacey Call 23 Kacey Phone Calls Father Call

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