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<font color="#BDBDBD">[06:54] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #sonichu
<font color="#BDBDBD">[06:54] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #sonichu

Revision as of 11:18, 16 April 2010

On 24 October 2008, Chris chatted with some fans.



[06:54] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #sonichu
[06:54] * Guest is now known as Guest1

[06:54] <Spankety> rofl
[06:54] * Guest1 is now known as ChrisChanSonichu
[06:54] <Spankety> WHOA IT'S HIM
[06:54] * Spankety was kicked by [^_^] (Turn caps lock OFF!)
[06:54] * Spankety (~Spankety@Rizon-681DE572.eastlink.ca) has joined #sonichu

[06:54] <Richter> lol
[06:55] <ChrisChanSonichu> yep, I'm here. Hey, Y'all.
[06:55] <Spankety> sup bossman?
[06:55] <Viral> nah, it's jimmy hill trying to trick us
[06:55] <Viral> he's such a liar
[06:55] <Haihai> Spankety ssssht >:c
[06:55] <Viral> and a fraud
[06:55] <ChrisChanSonichu> no; I am Christian Weston Chandler.
[06:55] <ChrisChanSonichu> Cassey, tell them.
[06:55] <@PandaHalo> hi ChrisChanSonichu :)
[06:55] <@PandaHalo> it's him
[06:55] <ChrisChanSonichu> :)
[06:55] <Spankety> yeah I could tell by the address
[06:55] * PandaHalo sets mode: +o ChrisChanSonichu
[06:55] <peenpouncin> Hey Chris, welcome
[06:55] <Spankety> ~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net
[06:56] <Spankety> virginia!
[06:56] <@PandaHalo> it's not very busy in here atm :(
[06:56] <@ChrisChanSonichu> thanks.
[06:56] <Richter> Hello Chris
[06:56] <Viral> well then, sorry, chris
[06:56] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's fine; I'll still take any questions if there are any.
[06:57] <Haihai> Chris have you seen the fangame someone is making yet and what do you think of it? http://i38.tinypic.com/10wtpn7.jpg
[06:57] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Did Cassey inform the person who asked about my Halloween plans of my answer?
[06:57] <Spankety> yeah she did :3
[06:57] <@PandaHalo> yeah it was Spankety
[06:57] <Viral> so what do you have planned for halloween?
[06:58] <Viral> i heard something about a sonichu costume
[06:58] <@ChrisChanSonichu> nothing really.
[06:58] <Viral> i c
[06:58] <@ChrisChanSonichu> at the moment, that rumor is incorrect.
[06:58] <Viral> that's good, actually
[06:58] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and I did not care for that game's portrayl of Sonichu; it made him look fat.
[06:59] <Spankety> I think he looks cute ^_^
[06:59] <Haihai> Hm you're right I see it too now
[06:59] <peenpouncin> haha
[06:59] <peenpouncin> he does kinda look fat
[06:59] <Richter> and why is there some black guy with a jetpack
[06:59] <Haihai> That appears to be a jetpack jerkop
[06:59] <peenpouncin> ahh
[06:59] <Richter> Ahh
[06:59] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that is the correct assumption.
[06:59] <peenpouncin> what ar eyou doing up at 7am chris?
[07:00] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I had a lot of sleep beforehand.
[07:00] <Spankety> peen... you must live close to me
[07:00] <@ChrisChanSonichu> IDK, Spankety; what state do you live in?
[07:00] <peenpouncin> i live in virginia
[07:00] <Spankety> oh nevermind
[07:00] <Spankety> I'm Canadian rofl
[07:01] <peenpouncin> haha
[07:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yeah, because I live in Virginia.
[07:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> lol
[07:01] <peenpouncin> have you ever been to fredericksburg chris?
[07:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, but only on the way to my Aunt Corina's house.
[07:01] <peenpouncin> ahh yeah, that's where i'am :|
[07:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> so only a few times.
[07:02] <@ChrisChanSonichu> neat.
[07:02] * Niski (~Niski@Rizon-3D0AA07D.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #sonichu
[07:04] <Haihai> There have been rumors of a new hedgehog pokémon going to arrive in the next comic, do you want to share anything about that with us?
[07:04] <Spankety> do you ever fart on your feet? the bubbly ones feel really good on it
[07:05] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I think you are referring to Silvana Rosechu.
[07:05] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and no, I do not, Spankety; that's gross.
[07:07] <Spankety> are you going to do any updates soon?
[07:07] <peenpouncin> any new videos?
[07:07] <@ChrisChanSonichu> not at the moment, but maybe in the near future.
[07:07] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-78AD0665.midco.net) has joined #sonichu
[07:07] * Guest is now known as Guest1
[07:07] * Guest1 is now known as TheTengu

[07:08] <Spankety> ...from SL?
[07:08] <TheTengu> I just beat Dead Space.
[07:08] <@ChrisChanSonichu> it depends on my IRL events.
[07:08] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Congratuations.
[07:08] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have Resistance 2 Beta now.
[07:08] <TheTengu> How is it?
[07:08] <peenpouncin> did you play mother 3 chris?
[07:08] <Viral> is it good?
[07:08] <Spankety> Tengu are you from Second Life?... lol
[07:09] <TheTengu> lol nah
[07:09] <@PandaHalo> christian, i was thinking maybe, as part of the fan site, we could run a sonichu contest, where people can submit custom characters, and winner is randomly chosen and gets a guest spot in a comic? it would generate a lot of sonichu hype and stuff
[07:09] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have not had a chance to play the Beta game yet.
[07:09] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's an idea, Cassie.
[07:09] <Haihai> Yeah Sonichu could really use some more hype right now, so people will see who the true original creator is
[07:10] <Viral> come to think of, you participate in a lot of betas
[07:10] <Viral> must be the perks of being sponsored by sony, right?
[07:10] <Spankety> have you seen the latest screen shots of Jimmy Hill's new anime? Thoughts?
[07:10] <Haihai> I think Chris just has good connections :)
[07:10] <@ChrisChanSonichu> How About this, and I would be willing to approve it; Custom Chracters, Full Fan Comics (5 Pages Minimum), and general Fanart.
[07:10] <Richter> Who would watch anything from Jimmy Hill....seriously
[07:10] * ClanTog (~KeaneSixt@Rizon-77E9CB31.phlapa.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: [17:37] <+Melon_Ninja> for your own good, use only 1 hand to do the kneading, otherwise you'll just make an insane mess [17:37] <+Melon_Ninja> and yes, do)
[07:11] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and the Prize for the TOP 5, from MY hands only, a Sonichu Medal for each of the Top 5.
[07:11] <peenpouncin> :o
[07:11] <Haihai> Well most of your fans are young kids and they may not have the motivation to make a full fan comic... I don't know. But you're in charge ofcourse
[07:11] <Spankety> Chris I must thank you personally for saving my life from boredom
[07:12] <TheTengu> Jimmy Hill's still at it eh? (I've been gone for a week or so)
[07:12] <@ChrisChanSonichu> just ignore that Wabbit-Thief.
[07:12] <Viral> i bet jimmy will steal the contest idea too
[07:12] <Viral> he soooooo lacks creativity
[07:13] <Haihai> Like he does with everything :S
[07:13] <@PandaHalo> i hope somebody cuts off his penis
[07:13] <Viral> then he'd steal someone elses
[07:13] <Viral> gross
[07:13] <peenpouncin> Lol
[07:13] <Spankety> haha
[07:13] <TheTengu> lol
[07:13] <@PandaHalo> lol
[07:13] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have not made any official announcements about the contest yet, but should it go into effect, I will post it on Sonichu.net, and on the Fan Site.
[07:13] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Me too, Cassie.
[07:14] <TheTengu> What's the status of the comic? Haven't heard much since the preview came out.
[07:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I hope he loses his duck.
[07:14] <Haihai> It's fun when you come in here Chris, and it's fun to be one of the first to know about new Sonichu news
[07:14] <@PandaHalo> its one of the perks of being true sonichu fans :)
[07:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm still working on the comic.
[07:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yep. :)
[07:14] <@PandaHalo> ChrisChanSonichu: we also have a bot in the channel now.. ^_^ will kick anyone from chat automagically if they write the word pickle or nigger or type in all caps
[07:15] <Haihai> That should keep those trolls out
[07:15] <@PandaHalo> if you have ops though (the @ next to your name) it wont kick you though
[07:15] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yep.
[07:15] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's good.
[07:16] <Viral> let's hope those ED-trolls don't find a way to bypass this protection
[07:16] <Viral> that would be hell
[07:16] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I hear that.
[07:16] <Spankety> they aren't smart enough
[07:17] <Haihai> They get kicked and they'll think they got disconnected or something and wil just give up I think
[07:17] <@ChrisChanSonichu> let's change the subject; who here has enjoyed the Classic PSP TV ads with the pencil-drawn characters?
[07:17] <Spankety> the squirrels?
[07:17] <Viral> gotta check them on youtube, those never aired around here
[07:17] <@ChrisChanSonichu> The Squirrels, the one with the Mice and Dustball.
[07:17] <TheTengu> The squirrels were win
[07:17] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'd Hit That!
[07:17] <Haihai> wat
[07:18] <peenpouncin> :o
[07:18] <@ChrisChanSonichu> "Daxter on PSP, I'd Hit That."
[07:18] <Spankety> the ghetto squirrels lol
[07:18] <Viral> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHB-92kSkCk those?
[07:18] <@ChrisChanSonichu> also, "Come out and Play." "I can't; I'm playing nut." "But there's Portable Nut." "WWWHHHHAAAAAAT?!" "Yeah, it's a nut you can play with outside!" "PSP, it's like a nut, you can play with outside."
[07:19] <Viral> lol
[07:19] <Richter> Ok I didn't know what you were talking about, but now I do
[07:19] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I've downloaded the classic Pencil-Character commercials from the PSP-ONLY website.
[07:19] <Richter> Those commercials are funny
[07:19] <@ChrisChanSonichu> of the US.
[07:19] <peenpouncin> good advertising, who doesn't want to play with nuts outside?
[07:19] <TheTengu> I saw them on tv a few times back when I had cable.
[07:19] <Spankety> I love nuts
[07:19] <@ChrisChanSonichu> hey, how about the "Mr. Goose" commercial featuring Dustball?
[07:20] <Spankety> especially jiggling them in my hand
[07:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> "Mr. Goose, what's happening?" "SQUAK!"
[07:20] <Spankety> feels soooo gooood
[07:20] <TheTengu> Lol geese are an evil lot
[07:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Whatch it, Spankey Pig.
[07:20] <Viral> they sure are
[07:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I don't know about geese being evil.
[07:20] <TheTengu> You ever been chased by a goose Chris?
[07:20] <TheTengu> An angry one at that?
[07:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> my family and I had pet geese.
[07:21] <TheTengu> My grandpa had a guard goose.
[07:21] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-66C8476F.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #sonichu
[07:21] * Guest is now known as Guest1

[07:21] <peenpouncin> lol
[07:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> one of them was infatuated with my father.
[07:21] * PandaHalo was kicked by [^_^] (Requested (PandaHalo))
[07:21] <Viral> some geese can get mad for no reason
[07:21] <peenpouncin> o.o
[07:21] * PandaHalo (~Canda@Rizon-E22D879B.ip.adam.com.au) has joined #sonichu
[07:21] * [^_^] sets mode: +o PandaHalo

[07:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> we ended up giving the geese away.
[07:21] <Viral> that's kinda scary when you're still a small kid and you just wanted to feed them
[07:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> we had a total of 4
[07:21] <TheTengu> lol no geese dinner?
[07:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> NO
[07:22] <Spankety> U
[07:23] <Haihai> I you could transform into Chris-chan in real life, and kick some 'behind' without anyone finding out it was you, would you do it?
[07:23] <Spankety> hellz yeah
[07:23] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'd definitely go kick RickyRicardo123's teeth in.
[07:23] <Viral> that would be totally awesome
[07:23] <TheTengu> What would be the process? I imagine you wouldn't just go into a phone booth like Superman
[07:23] <@ChrisChanSonichu> as well as Jimmy Hill.
[07:24] <@ChrisChanSonichu> don't you read the comics?
[07:24] <@PandaHalo> he'd touch his medallion!
[07:24] <Haihai> I don't get it how you have so many enemies :S
[07:24] <@ChrisChanSonichu> the Transformation happens as drawn.
[07:24] <TheTengu> Ah right. Bit sleep deprived x.x
[07:24] <Viral> must be the jealousy
[07:25] <Viral> or boredom in some cases
[07:25] <@ChrisChanSonichu> actually, if you'd read the Comic 10 preview pages, it changes from the Medal to my High School Ring; the Power has been in there THE WHOLE TIME since March 17, 2000.
[07:25] <Haihai> So that ancient guy was wrong?
[07:25] <@ChrisChanSonichu> not really.
[07:25] <peenpouncin> i still wear my high school ring :S
[07:25] <@ChrisChanSonichu> It took the event to awaken the power.
[07:25] <peenpouncin> i wish it had powers
[07:25] <Haihai> Ohh... that makes sense
[07:25] <@ChrisChanSonichu> well, mine is the ONLY ring of its kind.
[07:25] <peenpouncin> 8(
[07:26] <Viral> ;___;
[07:26] <@ChrisChanSonichu> it has my initials engraved inside it.
[07:26] <TheTengu> The One Ring..
[07:26] <TheTengu> To Transform Chris-Chan?
[07:26] <peenpouncin> mine has my first name written on the inside^^
[07:26] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and it has my birthstone in it.
[07:26] <peenpouncin> same with mine, but we probably have different stones.
[07:26] <Haihai> I still have to finish highschool, I'm only 13...
[07:27] <Spankety> as long as they aren't kidney
[07:27] <Spankety> *ba dum bish*
[07:27] <Haihai> It's really hard fitting in as a 13 year old girl with freckles
[07:27] <peenpouncin> lol
[07:27] <TheTengu> Chris, you ever watch the show Mighty Boosh? Check out the Old Gregg episode sometime.
[07:27] <TheTengu> It's a hoot.
[07:27] <Spankety> I'm old Gregg!
[07:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> It's hard fitting in as a 13-year old high-function autistic person who is being mainstreamed...
[07:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Oh, wait!
[07:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> NO IT'S NOT!
[07:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> :D
[07:28] <Haihai> XD
[07:28] <Viral> oh you
[07:28] <Spankety> .jpg
[07:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Seriously, I've had a LOT of great gal-pals in my Middle and High School years.
[07:28] <Haihai> Grrr now there's tea all over the place and running from my nose
[07:29] <Spankety> you drink tea?
[07:29] <Haihai> I'm Brittish
[07:29] <TheTengu> Do you still keep in touch with them or not so much?
[07:29] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I drink tea too.
[07:29] <Viral> stop drinking like a little piggy
[07:29] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm a little brit myself.
[07:29] <peenpouncin> tea owns
[07:29] <Spankety> I say arse
[07:29] <@PandaHalo> :O
[07:29] <@PandaHalo> i say arse too
[07:29] <TheTengu> lol me too
[07:29] <Spankety> :O
[07:29] <@PandaHalo> omg we're so awesome! :D
[07:29] <Haihai> I say delicious :)
[07:30] <Spankety> butts aren't delicious
[07:30] <TheTengu> I say proper a lot. Mostly from speaking with a danish friend.
[07:30] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Tea for a dollar, in a Large Cup, at McDonalds; go Dollar-Menuaires!
[07:30] <Haihai> Let's go ghostbusters, let's go let's go
[07:31] <TheTengu> *cue the gorilla runnin around*
[07:31] <Spankety> ow my axles
[07:31] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Has anyone here ever won any Big Prizes or Big Money from the McDonalds Monoply game?
[07:31] <TheTengu> did you lose them?
[07:31] <TheTengu> I won like a big mac
[07:31] <peenpouncin> my dad won a free frosty the other day
[07:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's a small instant-win prize.
[07:32] <Spankety> I eat at Wendy's
[07:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm talking about getting ALL the pieces of a set.
[07:32] <peenpouncin> mcdonalds hamburgers make me sick
[07:32] <peenpouncin> wendy's is awesome
[07:32] <Haihai> I haven't but there's a wet towel on my bathroom floor
[07:32] <TheTengu> Wendys is pretty good
[07:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yeah, it's alright.
[07:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> but McDonalds is MORE VALUEable. :D
[07:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and still good.
[07:32] <Spankety> not if you eat the nuggets D:
[07:33] <TheTengu> those nuggets are win
[07:33] <@ChrisChanSonichu> they're made with pure white chicken meat.
[07:33] <Spankety> yeah but expensive lol
[07:33] <Viral> i liek their 1€ deals
[07:33] <@ChrisChanSonichu> 4 for a dollar is a good deal.
[07:33] <Spankety> wow
[07:33] <Viral> their cheeseburgers are pretty good
[07:33] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's chicken nuggets though.
[07:33] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, especially their Double Cheeseburgers.
[07:33] <Spankety> over here it's like 6 for 5
[07:34] <@ChrisChanSonichu> with no dill
[07:34] <Viral> we have the same 4 nuggets for a €
[07:34] <Richter> Double Quarter Pounder w/ cheese is my mickey D's choice
[07:34] <Viral> plus some sauce
[07:34] <Haihai> If you don't mind me asking so many questions, what has been the greatest day of your life so far Chris?
[07:34] <Viral> i wish they had more variety there
[07:34] <Viral> you only get sweet and sour or bbq
[07:34] <TheTengu> Big mac and maybe a shamrock shake is my choice
[07:34] <Spankety> mcdonald's has awesome shakes
[07:34] <Richter> omg I love shamrock shakes
[07:35] <Viral> bbq tastes a bit funny if you ask me
[07:35] <Spankety> and mcflurries
[07:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> IDK, that's going to take some thought...
[07:35] <Viral> flurries, fuck yeah
[07:35] <Viral> those are awesome
[07:35] <TheTengu> yeah they are
[07:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'll get back to the fanbase with my answer.
[07:35] <Viral> which one's your fave
[07:35] <Haihai> Ok, thanks
[07:35] <TheTengu> Oreo or Take 5
[07:35] <Spankety> caramel oreo
[07:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> for a McFlurrie?
[07:35] <peenpouncin> oreo frosty ftw
[07:35] <Viral> meh we don't even have those
[07:35] <peenpouncin> or mcflurry rather
[07:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I prefer M&Ms
[07:36] <TheTengu> Are you dressin up for Halloween this year Chris?
[07:36] <Spankety> I don't think they have m&ms at the one in my area
[07:36] <Viral> we have kitkat, smarties or cornetto
[07:36] <TheTengu> I'm going to a zombie walk this weekend, so I'm just using stuff from that :P
[07:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> it gives of a Rainbow Swirl color in the ice cream, and it's still very good. :)
[07:36] <Spankety> the kitkat ones are fucking gross
[07:36] <TheTengu> For a costume.
[07:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no.
[07:36] <TheTengu> Smarties sounds bad.
[07:36] <Viral> i always take smarties
[07:36] <Spankety> nah the smarties are good
[07:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I like smarties.
[07:36] <Haihai> I hear they make you smart ;)
[07:36] <Viral> sometimes they mess them up real bad though
[07:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> lol
[07:37] <Spankety> the kitkat ones don't even taste like kitkat
[07:37] <TheTengu> I could see that. I don't mind smarties, kind of like pringles.
[07:37] <TheTengu> Just not in a mcflurry sort of thing
[07:37] <Viral> and the cornetto one is just silly
[07:37] <@ChrisChanSonichu> potato chips in ice cream? I don't think so.
[07:37] <Richter> lol
[07:37] <Spankety> lmao
[07:37] <TheTengu> lol I've seen weirder things from japanese stores
[07:37] <Viral> an icecream cone mixed into a mcflurry?
[07:38] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's a great idea.
[07:38] <Viral> what were they thinking?
[07:38] <TheTengu> anchovie chips comes to mind
[07:38] <@ChrisChanSonichu> ugh
[07:38] <Richter> ugh indeed
[07:38] <Viral> i like anchovies
[07:38] <Spankety> dill pickle chips in an cream root beer float haha
[07:38] * Spankety was kicked by [^_^] (Watch your language!)
[07:38] * Spankety (~Spankety@Rizon-681DE572.eastlink.ca) has joined #sonichu

[07:38] <Richter> Nasty
[07:38] <Viral> not in a mcflurry though
[07:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I agree.
[07:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> NOT for a McFlurrie.
[07:39] <TheTengu> I had dill sunflower seeds once. Kind of interesting.
[07:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> only Gonzo would like that.
[07:39] <peenpouncin> have you ever played the world of warcraft chris? any interest in mmo's?
[07:39] <Viral> i had a daim flurry in switzerland once
[07:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no.
[07:40] <Viral> that was great
[07:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm not into PC games.
[07:40] <Viral> probably ruins your teeth if you have too many
[07:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> daim?
[07:40] <Haihai> Chris I think it would be awesome if I would go eat at mcdonalds and then the happy meal suddenly includes a Sonichu or Rosechu figure
[07:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> someday, my loyal fans, someday.
[07:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> what's daim?
[07:40] <Viral> crunchy butter almond bar covered in milk chocolate
[07:40] <Viral> from sweden
[07:41] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that DOES sound good.
[07:41] <Viral> it is
[07:41] <Richter> Is that like a Heath bar?
[07:41] <Viral> candy
[07:41] * BrianClough (~asdasdas@Rizon-554724AA.in-addr.btopenworld.com) has joined #sonichu
[07:41] <Richter> err no that's toffee
[07:41] <Viral> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Dime_bar.jpg
[07:41] <TheTengu> lol Europe has a lot of good candies
[07:41] <Viral> wikipedia spelt daim wrong >___<
[07:42] <Spankety> Chris: cheese and pepperoni or combo pizza?
[07:42] <Haihai> Chris is making everyone hungry with all this food talk ;)
[07:42] <Viral> lucky for me i'm having lunch now
[07:42] <BrianClough> hey cool the great man himself is here
[07:43] <BrianClough> hi Chris
[07:43] <TheTengu> No joke, I might make a sammich soon.
[07:43] <Spankety> yes the lord has blessed us
[07:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> a smore sammich? :D
[07:43] <TheTengu> lol no marshmallow :(
[07:43] <TheTengu> otherwise I would
[07:43] <Haihai> marshmallow? More like marshMELLOW ;)
[07:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> what's wrong with the marshmallow?
[07:44] <Spankety> yellow is a mellow color
[07:44] <TheTengu> Nothing, I just don't have any available
[07:44] <@PandaHalo> i pronounce marshmallow as marshmellow
[07:44] <Spankety> same
[07:44] <TheTengu> So any hopes of Surfin' Bird kareoke?
[07:44] <Viral> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwTHVZHqSb0
[07:45] <Viral> lol i loved those armadillo ads
[07:45] <peenpouncin> so is it true that you're single now chris?
[07:46] <Haihai> How could Chris be single
[07:46] <BrianClough> with so many fans
[07:46] <peenpouncin> i know, i wouldn't believe it unless he said it here
[07:46] <Haihai> Well it won't be for long that's for sure
[07:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I am still single, and I'll find my Sweetheart soon.
[07:46] <Haihai> If I were 5 years older... :)
[07:46] <Spankety> If I had a china
[07:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm going to check out for now, but I'll check in later. :)
[07:46] <BrianClough> all the best in your quest chris
[07:47] <peenpouncin> take care.
[07:47] <Haihai> It was great seeing you here
[07:47] <Richter> Take care Chris, thanks for stopping by to visit your loyal fans
[07:47] <BrianClough> yeah thanks for dropping by!
[07:47] <Viral> see ya later
[07:47] <TheTengu> Record Surfin Bird :P
[07:47] <TheTengu> Take care man
[07:47] <@ChrisChanSonichu> thank y'all; take care and stay safe.
[07:47] <BrianClough> and please can we have a new comic soon :)
[07:47] * @ChrisChanSonichu (~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ChrisChanSonichu)


[20:35] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #sonichu
[20:35] * Guest_ is now known as Guest1
[20:35] * PandaHalo sets mode: +o Guest1
[20:35] * Guest1 is now known as ChrisChanSonichu

[20:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Hey, Y'all!
[20:35] <@SonichuGal> !
[20:35] <zezlez> Hello, I am from Australia.
[20:35] <@SonichuGal> Hey Chris! Hope you're feeling better!
[20:35] <BrianClough> w00t hey Chris!
[20:35] <Orca> Oh snap!
[20:35] <Spankety> hi
[20:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I am, thank you.
[20:35] <zezlez> diddle diddle
[20:35] <Maxwell_House> ...nope, not right
[20:36] <zezlez> I only just heard about Blanca
[20:36] <zezlez> sorry to hear bro
[20:36] <Maxwell_House> hey Chris
[20:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> it's alright.
[20:36] <@PandaHalo> if you noticed chris, some of the people in that email are in here now XD
[20:36] <Stalyn> hey chris
[20:36] * Spankety was kicked by [^_^] (Turn caps lock OFF!�)
[20:36] * Spankety (~Spankety@Rizon-681DE572.eastlink.ca) has joined #sonichu

[20:36] <Stalyn> good to see you well
[20:36] <BrianClough> yeah we can't wait to hear your answers!
[20:36] * zezlez was kicked by PandaHalo (hahah fuck you retard�)
[20:37] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-66C8476F.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #sonichu
[20:37] * Guest_ is now known as Guest1
[20:37] * Jerkop is now known as Sonichu_Fan

[20:37] <Spankety> I missed what he said
[20:37] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's good, and in due time.
[20:37] <Spankety> :(
[20:37] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Monday isn't long.
[20:37] <Maxwell_House> how goes the comic? Coloring that beast looks pretty labor-intensive!
[20:37] <@ChrisChanSonichu> if not sooner.
[20:37] * Guest_ (~Guest@984FF181.E3477AC7.6DD738B1.IP) has joined #sonichu
[20:37] * Guest_ is now known as sneeze
[20:38] * spasticnerfbag (cgiirc@Rizon-174CDCC0.cfl.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client�)

[20:38] <@PandaHalo> maybe you could do it tomorrow suring the day?
[20:38] <BrianClough> Chris have you ever thought about using a vector-graphics programme to make your comic
[20:38] <BrianClough> like FireWorks or illustrator
[20:38] <sneeze> As a gay person who enjoys Sonichu, who also has had multiple boyfriends and girlfriends, where does this put me on the moral scale for CWC productions?
[20:38] * Rosey (cgiirc@Rizon-174CDCC0.cfl.res.rr.com) has joined #sonichu
[20:38] <BrianClough> it makes it a lot easier to color in etc
[20:38] <sneeze> And cleaner, crisper lines
[20:38] <Maxwell_House> Chris, I drew up some fanart, I emailed it to you, did you get it?
[20:39] <@SonichuGal> Please people, one at a time.
[20:39] <Spankety> burn the gays
[20:39] <BrianClough> and also if you want to change anything all of the parts can be moved about
[20:39] <sneeze> Spankety: yeah because being gay is entirely a choice durrhurr
[20:39] <EXKeine> It is a choice
[20:39] <Spankety> yes
[20:39] <Maxwell_House> well, yesh; it is
[20:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I've never heard of Vector Graphics; sneeze, you are on thin ice, watch your step; which fan art was that, Maxwell_House?
[20:40] <sneeze> Chris: Are you just jealous that I've been intimate with a girl before though?
[20:40] * Mofo_P sets mode: +b *!*@984FF181.E3477AC7.6DD738B1.IP
[20:40] <Rosey> Chris, would you ever consider switching from markers to crayons for your comics?
[20:40] <BrianClough> well imagine something like ms paint but every shape that you draw can me moved around or resized
[20:40] <Orca> I've also drawn some fanart and sent it to ya Chris.
[20:40] * sneeze was kicked by SonichuGal (Don't diss Chris.�)
[20:40] <Sonichu_Fan> Chris, have you ever thought about using Flash to make Sonichu animations?
[20:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> lol.
[20:40] <Maxwell_House> just a simple line drawing of you pointing to sonichu as he leaps into action
[20:40] <Orca> Dunno if you received it though...
[20:41] <Rosey> I just think crayons would look nicer.
[20:41] <BrianClough> flash is the next step up from something like Fireworks
[20:41] <Maxwell_House> I could just link you to the image
[20:41] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I prefer markers; better, more reliable tips, and they're more bold than crayons.
[20:41] <Rosey> True.
[20:41] <Bluecheese> but it looks kind of bad
[20:41] <@ChrisChanSonichu> plus, marker ink looks more professional than crayons.
[20:41] <Bluecheese> and takes a loooong time to color with
[20:41] <EXKeine> What about colored pencils? The colors blend better and you can get a finer tip with sharpening
[20:41] <Rosey> Yeah!
[20:41] <Bluecheese> good colored pencils look classy
[20:41] <@ChrisChanSonichu> IDK.
[20:42] <Stalyn> ChrisChanSonichu, i think what others are asking would you ever consider using a computer to draw/color your comics?
[20:42] <BrianClough> you could make them much more quickly and the computer takes care of things like shading
[20:42] <Bluecheese> it would really speed things up and just not be so exhausting on yourself
[20:42] <Maxwell_House> pastel crayons would allow you to have more blending power
[20:42] <@SonichuGal> I was thinking pastel crayons. I remember using those in art class and they were pretty neat.
[20:42] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I hand-draw the individual pages, then I retype the text in photoshop and fix some of the images, or add images in that program.
[20:42] <EXKeine> Pastels are a bit hard to use right.
[20:43] <Bluecheese> well you have photoshop
[20:43] <Bluecheese> its very powerful
[20:43] <Maxwell_House> they take some practice
[20:43] <Bluecheese> and actually easy as all get out
[20:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yep; so is LittleBiGPlanet. :D
[20:43] <BrianClough> photoshop isnt good for vector stuff though
[20:43] <Spankety> penis cheeks
[20:43] <EXKeine> It's good for drawing, but so is OpenCanvas
[20:43] <Bluecheese> no need for vector stuff in a web comic though
[20:44] <Stalyn> ChrisChanSonichu, do you read any webcomics? and if so what are your favorites?
[20:44] * PandaHalo sets mode: +b *!*@Rizon-681DE572.eastlink.ca
[20:44] <Maxwell_House> Actually, if you make the line art on paper, and scan it into paint as pure black&white, you can use the bucket tool to color it
[20:44] * Spankety was kicked by PandaHalo (i told you no more faggotry�)
[20:45] <EXKeine> Yeah, that's what I do.
[20:45] <EXKeine> Or did
[20:45] <DOUKNOUKEM> Oh hey ChrisChanSonichu
[20:45] <DOUKNOUKEM> how are you
[20:45] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I am well, thank you.
[20:45] <DOUKNOUKEM> did you make any little big planet levels yet
[20:45] <EXKeine> Except I never used Photoshop and used the GIMP because it was free
[20:45] <DOUKNOUKEM> this game with mgs4 really make me think of getting a ps3
[20:45] <@Mofo_P> ChrisChanSonichu: I remember seeing in your subcomics about a Sonichu Scrapbook, does this have the history of Sonichu in it?
[20:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> if I did the line art then scan and paint, there would be A LOT of holes to patch up digitally.
[20:46] <DOUKNOUKEM> and i'd like to play your little big planet levels if i eventually get a ps3
[20:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> so paint doesn't spill outside.
[20:46] <Sonichu_Fan> If I may ask, do you use mechanical pencils for any of your drawings?
[20:46] <Bluecheese> you can actually color it in like a coloring book
[20:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no
[20:46] <Bluecheese> make the paint brush as big as you want
[20:46] <BrianClough> what you can do is use the "magic wand" tool and set the tolerance higher
[20:46] <Bluecheese> no no no
[20:46] <Bluecheese> layers
[20:46] <BrianClough> so you dont get any gaps
[20:46] <Bluecheese> a multiply layer is all you need
[20:47] <Bluecheese> no magic wand, not white spaces
[20:47] <Bluecheese> you just just color over it like a coloring book
[20:47] <Bluecheese> and you can erase the color without messing up your lines
[20:47] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I feel better hand-coloring the drawings.
[20:48] <BrianClough> what ever's best for you tbh
[20:48] <Bluecheese> well thats whats important
[20:48] <@Mofo_P> ChrisChanSonichu: I remember seeing in your subcomics about a Sonichu Scrapbook, does this have the history of Sonichu in it?
[20:48] <Sonichu_Fan> You should. Mechcanical pencils are a lot more efficient than ordinary ones if you know how to use them.
[20:48] <@ChrisChanSonichu> basically, yes
[20:48] <Maxwell_House> Are we going back to the sonichu balls story arch, or are we focusing on the dude that stole the medallion?
[20:48] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I prefer pen.
[20:48] * JohnBarnes (~JohnBarne@8C5C2E16.6029BC75.36443E58.IP) has joined #sonichu
[20:48] <EXKeine> What kind of pen?
[20:48] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Pentel RSVP
[20:48] <BrianClough> didn't you have a degree in CAD or something
[20:48] <@SonichuGal> Nice choice.
[20:48] <@SonichuGal> Pentel makes a fine pen.
[20:48] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes; two CADD degrees.
[20:49] <@Mofo_P> ChrisChanSonichu: COuld you consider uploading it? I'd like to see the development of Sonichu and Bionic and all the other characters from a young age
[20:49] <BrianClough> two? wow
[20:49] <@ChrisChanSonichu> IDK; THAT'S A LOT OF ART TO MEMORIZE ONLINE in my FTP
[20:49] <BrianClough> I bet you could design a car engine
[20:49] <@Mofo_P> We don't know much about how you actually came up with them, it'll be very informative IMO
[20:49] <EXKeine> Other than CADD, what kinds of classes did you take in school?
[20:50] <@PandaHalo> i would also like to see your sonichu scrap book
[20:50] <@SonichuGal> As would I. I'd like to see the evolution of your artistic style.
[20:50] <@PandaHalo> maybe you could mail it to me and i could send it back to you after i've had a look?
[20:50] <Maxwell_House> I would like to take a look at the book
[20:50] <@ChrisChanSonichu> a varitey; math, english, science, ART, 2-years of Spanish, HTML, P.E. and more.
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[20:50] <Stalyn> ChrisChanSonichu, why do you think people troll you?
[20:50] * Guest_ (~Guest@DB149B83.FF11B0B7.9F71A1C6.IP) has joined #sonichu
[20:50] <BrianClough> because they have no life
[20:50] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's the answer
[20:50] <Sonichu_Fan> Exactly
[20:51] <@SonichuGal> Because they're mean >:/
[20:51] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and for the Cheap Laughs.
[20:51] <Stalyn> yeah but why YOU?
[20:51] <Stalyn> why not someone else
[20:51] * Guest_ is now known as X1800SD
[20:51] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I KNOW.
[20:51] <Laurie> Hi Chris!
[20:51] <@PandaHalo> maybe you could mail your sonichu scrap book to me and i could send it back to you after i've had a look?
[20:51] <BrianClough> a lot of them are jealous of his talents
[20:51] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I ask that question as well; I guess all those celebs have been fully played out.
[20:51] <@Mofo_P> That is curious, of all people to go after they chose you, a poet & artist
[20:52] <@SonichuGal> Let's not forget a storyteller.
[20:52] <Bluecheese> bard
[20:52] <Stalyn> Do you think your work will only be fully appreciated until after your death.. like Van Gogh?
[20:52] * kicker_ (~chatzilla@Rizon-6A04C988.mpls.qwest.net) has joined #sonichu
[20:53] <@SonichuGal> I think this chat shows that isn't the case.
[20:53] <@SonichuGal> We all fully appreciate Chris' art! =D
[20:53] <Maxwell_House> would someone else draw them for you?
[20:53] <BrianClough> yeah and we want to see MORE :)
[20:53] * GuySonich1 (~kyo@Rizon-A69A4575.adsl.hansenet.de) has joined #sonichu
[20:53] <@ChrisChanSonichu> why ask such a question; it's being appreciated now, by y'all, so thank you all.  :)
[20:53] <DoctorWily> Whoa, I'm late to the party, hi there Chris :D
[20:53] <Bluecheese> oh! Chris would you ever consider doing a colab comic?
[20:53] <@ChrisChanSonichu> colab?
[20:54] <Maxwell_House> colaboration
[20:54] <EXKeine> Doing a comic with another artist
[20:54] <Bluecheese> a team up
[20:54] <Sonichu_Fan> *collaboration
[20:54] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have someone in mind.
[20:54] <Maxwell_House> riiight
[20:54] * GuySonichu (~kyo@Rizon-79F409C9.adsl.hansenet.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[20:54] <Laurie> Have you ever considered commissions?
[20:54] <Maxwell_House> neat
[20:54] <@SonichuGal> Laurie, I don't think Chris is a sellout.
[20:55] <Maxwell_House> fair enough
[20:55] <@ChrisChanSonichu> she is right; I am not a sellout.
[20:55] <@Mofo_P> ChrisChanSonichu: COuld you give a definition of "Anchuent Powers"? Are they like ancient powers?
[20:55] <Bluecheese> its not selling out to be succesfull
[20:55] <@ChrisChanSonichu> then, I would be a man-slut. lol
[20:55] <Maxwell_House> but you wannt this to be a career, right?
[20:55] <@ChrisChanSonichu> YES
[20:55] <X1800SD> A TRUE Artist works alone!
[20:55] <BrianClough> yeah not like certain evil people who just steal ideas for money
[20:55] <@ChrisChanSonichu> maybe.
[20:55] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I agree.
[20:55] <@PandaHalo> ChrisChanSonichu.. have you ever considered polygamy?
[20:55] <Laurie> Ah, I'm sorry. I just thought that since your art's so amazing, people would want to pay you to do it.
[20:55] <Bluecheese> no they dont Brian
[20:56] <X1800SD> Love is Dead
[20:56] <Bluecheese> well...yeah
[20:56] <@Mofo_P> ChrisChanSonichu: COuld you give a definition of "Anchuent Powers"? Are they like ancient powers?
[20:56] <X1800SD> The only true Love is the love one has for himself
[20:57] <BrianClough> Chris have you ever heard of a guy called Stephen Wiltshire? he's a bit like you, amazingly talented artist with autism
[20:57] <EXKeine> Polygamy isn't a Christian value...
[20:57] <kicker_> i'd just like to know why chris hates the x-box so much
[20:57] <BrianClough> I think you'd like his work
[20:57] <Maxwell_House> ex-bawks
[20:57] <@SonichuGal> Chris has expressed his reasons for disliking the HEX BOX before.
[20:57] <X1800SD> xbox is made by microsoft
[20:57] <@SonichuGal> I'm sure PandaHalo will post the chat logs for future reference soon.
[20:57] <kicker_> what were they
[20:57] <Maxwell_House> yes it is!
[20:57] <EXKeine> Hey Chris, what are your favorite and least favorite foods?
[20:57] <X1800SD> I mean Micro$oft
[20:57] <Maxwell_House> in order!
[20:57] <@SonichuGal> I've been wondering that myself, EXKeine.
[20:58] <@PandaHalo> do you mean this chat chat logs?
[20:58] <@SonichuGal> Logs of previous chats with Chris, I mean. So people can see previous Q&As with Chris =D.
[20:59] <EXKeine> I have logs but I'd have to go through and cut out the Q&A parts.
[20:59] <@Mofo_P> I'd like to suggest posting previous chatlogs to the Q&A section of the new fansite
[20:59] <@SonichuGal> Yeah, Mofo_P has the right idea =D!
[21:00] <Bluecheese> Chris, do you like other comics? Like Marvel or DC?
[21:00] <Bluecheese> I looove Marvel
[21:00] <Maxwell_House> is he still there?
[21:01] <@SonichuGal> Chris, if you'd like, we can moderate the chat so only one person can ask you a question at a time, if that would be easier for you.
[21:01] <@Mofo_P> Yes, if this is a new format for you then we can moderate it more to your pace
[21:02] * BILLY_MAYS (~fakeemail@Rizon-AA1237ED.prvdri.east.verizon.net) has joined #sonichu
[21:03] <Maxwell_House> Billy Mays, we missed you!
[21:03] <@SonichuGal> Weclome BILLY_MAYS! Tonight CHRISTIAN WESTON CHANDLER is here to field your questions!
[21:03] <BILLY_MAYS> I miss my license to scream.
[21:03] <BILLY_MAYS> srsly?
[21:03] <Maxwell_House> we all do
[21:03] <@Mofo_P> Yews
[21:03] <@Mofo_P> The True Creator of the Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon is here
[21:03] <@SonichuGal> Accept no immitations!
[21:04] <@Mofo_P> Did I get it right, ChrisCHanSonichu?
[21:04] <BILLY_MAYS> Wow, how lucky are we?
[21:04] <Bluecheese> Official and Originial
[21:04] <Orca> Extremely lucky
[21:04] <X1800SD> As a fellow Artist, I am honoured
[21:04] <BILLY_MAYS> I'm going to need a few minutes to think, I wasn't anticipating this bonus
[21:04] <BILLY_MAYS> Chatting with fellow fans was a treat in itself
[21:05] * Spunkety (~Spunkety@32033900.CF758F80.C2A87CD0.IP) has joined #sonichu
[21:05] <Bluecheese> he's probobly Skyp'n right now
[21:06] * kicker_ (~chatzilla@Rizon-6A04C988.mpls.qwest.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092417]�)
[21:10] <X1800SD> A quiet room
[21:10] * Spunkety belches.
[21:10] <DoctorWily> not anymore
[21:10] <@SonichuGal> Excuse you!
[21:10] <BrianClough> it's a hushed silence
[21:10] <@SonichuGal> Spunkety, that is.
[21:10] <X1800SD> Back to life
[21:11] <Maxwell_House> We're just waiting on Chris to answer some questions and such
[21:11] <@Mofo_P> ChrisCHanSonichu could you respond?
[21:11] <@Mofo_P> Are you OK?
[21:11] <Maxwell_House> hmm...
[21:11] <@Mofo_P> We know you suffered some really bad times earlier this week...
[21:11] <@PandaHalo> he's busy talking to me on skype atm hang on a sec guys
[21:11] <@Mofo_P> And we're here to offer words of Trust and Friendship
[21:11] <X1800SD> I will disturb him not.
[21:12] <X1800SD> Trust no one but your self.
[21:12] <Spunkety> and McCain
[21:12] <@[^_^]> If anyone messes with CWC, they'll have me to answer to. :|
[21:12] <Bluecheese> robot dance
[21:12] <X1800SD> I hope so.
[21:12] <@Mofo_P> Thank you facebot
[21:13] <@Mofo_P> Our Digital Friend
[21:13] <Maxwell_House> Anime smiley, s there anything you can't do?
[21:13] <Spunkety> make pretzels
[21:13] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-924C11D2.asm.bellsouth.net) has joined #sonichu
[21:13] <Maxwell_House> I could believe that
[21:13] <X1800SD> >^..^<
[21:13] <Spunkety> ^ furry?
[21:13] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-924C11D2.asm.bellsouth.net) Quit
[21:14] <X1800SD> Black Cat
[21:14] <BILLY_MAYS> I'd listen to Anime Smiley. I for one think he is an awesome guy that has never done anything objectionable in his moderation of this chat.
[21:14] <Maxwell_House> He doesn't afraid of anything
[21:14] <EXKeine> Anime smiley is a pretty cool guy
[21:14] <Maxwell_House> indeed
[21:15] <Maxwell_House> P&A Bear!
[21:15] <Sonichu_Fan> I liek Anime Smiley
[21:15] <BILLY_MAYS> Me too. We have a great history.
[21:15] <Maxwell_House> I wish I had a P&A Bear!
[21:15] <@Mofo_P> facebot, say a few words
[21:15] <@Mofo_P> Enlighten us with your knowledge
[21:16] * Spunkety (~Spunkety@32033900.CF758F80.C2A87CD0.IP) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[21:16] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-924C11D2.asm.bellsouth.net) has joined #sonichu
[21:16] * Guest_ is now known as DIMMY_HIWW

[21:16] <DIMMY_HIWW> Hey guys
[21:16] <DIMMY_HIWW> Whats da update?
[21:16] <Sonichu_Fan> >:(
[21:16] <BILLY_MAYS> Ugh.
[21:16] <Maxwell_House> ...not now!
[21:16] <DIMMY_HIWW> What?
[21:16] <Maxwell_House> go away
[21:16] <X1800SD> Darkness
[21:16] <BrianClough> go away
[21:16] <DIMMY_HIWW> whats wrong?
[21:16] <Sonichu_Fan> D:<
[21:17] <X1800SD> Death
[21:17] <Sonichu_Fan> Gtfo
[21:17] <@SonichuGal> No naughty language, Danny!
[21:17] <Maxwell_House> gtfo!
[21:17] <@SonichuGal> There might be children here.
[21:17] <X1800SD> I bow to The Artist
[21:17] <Rosey> lol
[21:18] <Sonichu_Fan> Hi Rosey
[21:18] <Rosey> Hello!
[21:18] * Retrieving #sonichu modes...
[21:18] * SonichuGal sets mode: +m

[21:18] <@SonichuGal> Okay, the chat is now moderated.
[21:18] <@SonichuGal> Only mods can speak.
[21:19] <@SonichuGal> When Chris returns, we'll take questions one by one.
[21:19] * Spunkety (~Spunkety@Rizon-E433513C.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #sonichu
[21:19] <@SonichuGal> Thanks for your cooperation ^__^.
[21:19] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-9F04BEB0.asm.bellsouth.net) has joined #sonichu
[21:19] * Richter (~fake@Rizon-1D2C35BC.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net) has joined #sonichu

[21:20] <@DannyMothman> finally
[21:21] <@DannyMothman> ok you have a question for CWC PM me or another mod
[21:21] <@SonichuGal> Yes.
[21:23] * falsion (~yes@Rizon-F1FF1CD2.nap.wideopenwest.com) has joined #sonichu
[21:23] * [^_^] sets mode: +o falsion
[21:24] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-9F04BEB0.asm.bellsouth.net) Quit
[21:24] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-9F04BEB0.asm.bellsouth.net) has joined #sonichu

[21:26] <@DannyMothman> patience
[21:26] <@DannyMothman> lol
[21:27] <@DannyMothman> PM me if you need updates
[21:28] * cogsdev_ (~coggins@Rizon-91DEDA2A.plusnet.pte-ag2.dyn.plus.net) has joined #sonichu
[21:30] * cogsdev (~coggins@Rizon-39D28613.plusnet.pcl-ag01.dyn.plus.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[21:31] * @PandaHalo (~Canda@Rizon-F5F3EE2D.ip.adam.com.au) Quit

[21:32] <@SonichuGal> In the meantime, we'll be holding a dating education class.
[21:32] <@SonichuGal> Based on dating advice given by Christian Weston Chandler.
[21:32] <@SonichuGal> So PM your dating questions to me or Danny and we will field them.
[21:32] <@DannyMothman> yes
[21:32] <@DannyMothman> professor mothman at your service
[21:33] <@DannyMothman> PM me if you have a question for the professor
[21:33] * @ChrisChanSonichu (~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ChrisChanSonichu�)

Later Still

[23:49] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #sonichu
[23:49] * Guest is now known as Guest1
[23:49] * Fag\ is now known as Fag
[23:49] <veronichan> haha
[23:49] <SonichFan1> omg omg omg omg
[23:49] <@falsion> less obvious plz
[23:49] * Fag was kicked by Sonee (OUT�)
[23:49] <@falsion> good
[23:49] <veronichan> must...roll...joint...quickly
[23:49] <SonichFan1> I am ripe with glee
[23:49] <SonichuZapsOfThunder> heyyy
[23:49] <@SonichuGal> Chris, is that you? It's got a .va in your thingy.
[23:50] <@Sonee> ?
[23:50] <@Sonee> Oh shit-
[23:50] <@falsion> it's him
[23:50] * Filbert (~nou@Rizon-1A20F717.jpi-denton.dfw.ygnition.net) has joined #sonichu
[23:50] <@falsion> Hey Chris
[23:50] * Guest1 is now known as ChrisChanSonichu
[23:50] <@SonichuGal> Remember Sonee, no foul language!
[23:50] * PandaHalo sets mode: +o ChrisChanSonichu
[23:50] <@Sonee> Oops
[23:50] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Hey, Yall!
[23:50] <@Sonee> Sorry guys =(
[23:50] <@SonichuGal> Hurray! It's Chris! Heya Chris!
[23:50] <@falsion> Good to see you.
[23:50] <Filbert> Hello Chris!
[23:50] <Sonichu_Fan> Hey Chris!
[23:50] <MagichanSonichu> Hi Chris!
[23:50] <Sonichu_Fan> How are you?
[23:50] <veronichan> Wow! Cool!
[23:50] <Sonichu_Fan> :D
[23:50] <SonichuZapsOfThunder> Hello chris.
[23:50] <knuckip> mr. chandler, are you going to make a new comic anytime soon?
[23:50] <Filbert> I love Sonichu.
[23:50] <SonichFan1> Hey Christian Weston Chandler. I am your biggest fan. Sonichu is such an inspiration to me
[23:51] <SonichuZapsOfThunder> ditto
[23:51] <@PandaHalo> �4Hey Christian, how is the video going that you were going to make to address the fan questions?
[23:51] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm still working on the 18th Episode, and it's going well.
[23:51] <chris_chan_is_numero_uno> We love you, Christian!
[23:51] <@SonichuGal> Please people, let's try and keep questions one at a time, Allow someone to ask a question and Chris to answer it.
[23:51] <@PandaHalo> we're all REALLY excited about it!
[23:51] <MagichanSonichu> Chris, we hear your heart is back at 100%! That is great news, but how?
[23:51] <@falsion> Stop spamming
[23:51] * PandaHalo sets mode: +m
[23:51] <@falsion> Okay, slowly now.
[23:51] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have a Real Woman in my life now.
[23:51] <@falsion> You do?
[23:51] <@falsion> Chris, you did it!?
[23:51] <@SonichuGal> Tell us more! Is she nice?
[23:52] <@falsion> You did like I said didn't you?
[23:52] <@Sonee> Sonee! Sonee!
[23:52] <@ChrisChanSonichu> she is nice.
[23:52] <@falsion> That's good to hear, man
[23:52] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes
[23:52] <@SonichuGal> Can you tell us what she looks like?
[23:52] <@falsion> That's awesome
[23:52] <@SonichuGal> Is she hot ;)?
[23:52] <@falsion> I told you, you could do it.
[23:52] <@ChrisChanSonichu> she is not only hawt, but positively gorgeous.
[23:52] <@falsion> You don't need the internet to talk to a girl. You've got the skills to make it happen in real life.
[23:53] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yep.
[23:53] <@falsion> Man, that's reallly good to hear
[23:53] <@SonichuGal> If you have a question for Chris, PM a mod and we'll ask Chris.
[23:53] <@Sonee> This is a In-Person girl?
[23:54] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Yes
[23:54] <@Sonee> Wow
[23:54] <@Sonee> So good to hear!
[23:54] * Guest (JavaUser@FC00DD8A.C555F7BE.6DD738B1.IP) has joined #sonichu
[23:54] <@falsion> Chris. I don't know how to say this. Remember how I said that I had trouble talking to girls and decided to maybe just give up altogther? Well, something else came up.
[23:54] <@falsion> My doctor just told me I'm impotent
[23:55] <@falsion> I can't reproduce
[23:55] <@falsion> What am I supposed to do?
[23:55] * Guest_ (~Guest@444866F6.34A33052.7892FEC9.IP) has joined #sonichu
[23:55] <@falsion> What would you do in this situation?
[23:55] <@Sonee> Remember fellow Sonichu fans: PM a mod with your question to ask the Big CWC!
[23:55] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v Guest
[23:55] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v Guest_
[23:55] <@falsion> I'm embarressed to say this in front of everyone, but I know I can trust your advice.
[23:55] * Guest is now known as steventheeunuch
[23:56] * Guest_ is now known as Ayatollah
[23:56] <+steventheeunuch> Hi falsion
[23:56] <@ChrisChanSonichu> falsion, listen, if the woman truly loves you, it will not matter to her rather or not you're impotent.
[23:56] <@ChrisChanSonichu> She should still love you just the same.
[23:56] <@PandaHalo> Chris, when will the fan video be out?
[23:56] <@PandaHalo> where you answer the questions?
[23:57] * @falsion (~yes@Rizon-F1FF1CD2.nap.wideopenwest.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[23:57] <@ChrisChanSonichu> just don't go blurting all over the place about your impotence.
[23:57] <@Sonee> CWC, how long have you and your new gal been seeing each other?
[23:57] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Monday.
[23:57] * falsion (~yes@Rizon-F1FF1CD2.nap.wideopenwest.com) has joined #sonichu
[23:57] * [^_^] sets mode: +o falsion
[23:57] <@falsion> Sorry, I got disconnected
[23:57] <@ChrisChanSonichu> for a short while now.
[23:58] <@falsion> Chris, did you see my question?
[23:58] <@falsion> <@falsion> But, I wanted a daughter. Much like you did.
[23:58] <@falsion> <@falsion> What's the point in going on if she'll never exist?
[23:58] <+steventheeunuch> Hi chris, sorry to interrupt, but I sent you a message over youtube about dating advice- Im a life coach and part of my job is to help people when it comes to courting men/women, and I was wondering if ever you wanted to chat about that?
[23:58] <@Sonee> SonichuFan1 wants to know: Have you had a kiss yet with da new lady?
[23:59] <@ChrisChanSonichu> falsion, you can have some of your stuff surgecally removed and put into your woman.
[23:59] * PandaHalo sets mode: -b *!*@Rizon-FCC1C55A.lv.lv.cox.net
[23:59] <@falsion> I can?
[23:59] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm okay, steventheeunuch; yes, and her name is Chloe; yes, falsion, just ask a doctor about that procedure.
[23:59] * NipplesOfSillyness (~mulletfac@Rizon-9585E5DB.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #sonichu
[23:59] <@falsion> What about adoption? Is that a good option in your opinion?
Session Time: Sun Oct 26 00:00:00 2008
[00:00] <@SonichuGal> Chris, filbert asks: if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?
[00:00] * NipplesOfSillyness (~mulletfac@Rizon-9585E5DB.lv.lv.cox.net) has left #sonichu
[00:00] <@falsion> also sorry to cut into other peoples question time
[00:00] <+steventheeunuch> Chris: have you met her in real life yet?
[00:00] <@falsion> but i really need to know this
[00:00] <@SonichuGal> steve, he's said it's in person.
[00:00] <+steventheeunuch> Oh I see i see
[00:00] <+steventheeunuch> will she be in any videos?
[00:00] <@falsion> I'm sure you all understand what I'm going through right now. I apologize
[00:00] <@Sonee> SonichuFan1: Wants to know: I tried calling your fhouse but your parents got mad! Is there a way to talk directly with Christian Chandler?
[00:01] * DOUKNOUKEM (~chatzilla@Rizon-33093FC3.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[00:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> England; yes; soon enough; only if you are nice about it when you call.
[00:02] * sonichuslover (~mulletfac@Rizon-9585E5DB.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #sonichu
[00:02] <+Ayatollah> Why would you want to go to England may I ask?
[00:02] * sonichuslover (~mulletfac@Rizon-9585E5DB.lv.lv.cox.net) has left #sonichu
[00:02] <+steventheeunuch> Do you consider the possibility of chloe being a fake?
[00:02] * sonichuslover (~mulletfac@Rizon-9585E5DB.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #sonichu
[00:03] <+steventheeunuch> *no offence and nothing implied*
[00:04] <+steventheeunuch> Hello?
[00:04] <@falsion> Chris, are you still with us?
[00:04] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Because I have ancestors from jolly ol' England; she is not a fake, we have met in person.
[00:04] <+steventheeunuch> Its oh, so, quiet
[00:04] <+steventheeunuch> Do we have pictures?
[00:04] <+steventheeunuch> Do you feel once youve obtained a sweetheart, you'll be able to have guy friends?
[00:05] <@SonichuGal> Please steve, other people have questions they're waiting to be asked.
[00:05] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Also, Chloe is shy and currently doesn't want her face on the internet currently.
[00:05] * BILLY_MAYS (~fakeemail@Rizon-AA1237ED.prvdri.east.verizon.net) has joined #sonichu
[00:05] * SonichuGal sets mode: -v steventheeunuch
[00:06] <@Sonee> SonichuFan1 wants to know: I have a hard time talking on the phone and I need to communicate with iprelay?
[00:06] * sonichuslover (~mulletfac@Rizon-9585E5DB.lv.lv.cox.net) Quit
[00:06] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have pictures, but I refuse to upload them onto the internet; I have male acquaintances, and I still will feel how I feel about them as I do now.
[00:06] <@Sonee> I believe he means if you know of iprelay and would like to speak with SonichuFan1 in this manner?
[00:07] <@falsion> IPRelay is where a person types something to an operator and the operator talks to you
[00:07] <@falsion> and types back to the person
[00:07] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm sorry, but that method of communication is very annoying to me, and I do not care for it much, goahead
[00:07] <@SonichuGal> Chris, SonichuZapsOfLightening asks if you've ever been in a fight with someone other than a jerkop/manajerk/etc.
[00:07] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no comment.
[00:07] <@SonichuGal> Fair enough.
[00:08] <@Sonee> cogsdev wants to know: i have not left my house in two years and am terrified of showing my face in public. Does chris have any advice to help me overcome my problems and get back to school?
[00:08] <+Ayatollah> Christian, If I may ask, do you find relationships online to be as satisfying as ones in the outside world?
[00:08] * sonichuslover (~mulletfac@Rizon-9585E5DB.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #sonichu
[00:09] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Suck it up and dive right into the public scene; 3/4 as satisfying.
[00:09] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v sonichuslover
[00:09] <+sonichuslover> yay
[00:09] * SonichuGal sets mode: -v Ayatollah
[00:09] * SonichuGal sets mode: -v sonichuslover
[00:09] <@Sonee> MagichanSonichu wants to know: How did you meet the new girl if you were banned from other places?
[00:10] * SonicusPrime (~SONICUS@84713AA4.FBF86FF6.223E4A6B.IP) has joined #sonichu
[00:10] <@ChrisChanSonichu> We met at the Gamestop; we were both preordering LittleBiGPlanet at the same time.
[00:11] <@Sonee> I believe I have skipped over another mod that had a question, if one has a question from a fan please do so
[00:11] <@ChrisChanSonichu> it just happened with the Emotional Spark of the moment.  :)
[00:11] <@falsion> Sega4ever wants to know what you think about Muslims delaying LittleBigPlanet, any thoughts?
[00:12] * eifer (~eifer@Rizon-E1385D69.prvdri.fios.verizon.net) has joined #sonichu
[00:12] <@falsion> They delayed the game because they did not want a song that was used in the game to be used if I recall correctly
[00:12] <@falsion> as it somehow offended them
[00:12] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Crazy.
[00:12] <@falsion> I know, it is now that you mention it
[00:13] <@falsion> But yeah, anyway..
[00:13] <@SonichuGal> Christian, Filbert also wants to know - do you like raisins?
[00:13] <@ChrisChanSonichu> the two lyrics from that song translated to sentences of an apocolypse; they didn't want the children who were playing it to get that idea and be stressed.
[00:13] * Sandmastah_ (~eblue2520@Rizon-A9B3479F.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) has joined #sonichu
[00:13] <@ChrisChanSonichu> but the song was in another language; it wouldn't have been understood in most countries.
[00:13] <@falsion> yeah, it makes no sense
[00:14] <@falsion> people will be offended by anything
[00:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Also, SONY COULD HAVE made a downloadable patch to delete that song from the game, or hidden it.
[00:14] <@falsion> its like they do it for attention
[00:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> what kind of raisins; the fruit?
[00:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> or the Califorinia singing Raisins?
[00:14] <@SonichuGal> Yes, the fruit.
[00:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, I like Raisins.
[00:14] <@SonichuGal> Haha, I remember the Californian Raisins.
[00:14] <@SonichuGal> o/'I heard it on the grape vine..o/'
[00:15] <@falsion> one of the zelda games got delayed for the same reason if I recall correctly.
[00:15] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-F5F3EE2D.ip.adam.com.au) has joined #sonichu
[00:15] <@falsion> Hmm, Chris. What is your opinion on this kind of censorship? I mean, people censoring things for reasons like this, some which don't really make a lot of sense.
[00:15] <@Sonee> steventheeunuch wants to know: With Chloe, are you dating, or have you only met once? Subsequently, have you kissed yet?
[00:15] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v Guest
[00:16] * Guest is now known as HorniGal
[00:16] <@SonichuGal> Hold one other mods, let's have Chris have a chance ot answer each question carefully and thoughtfully.
[00:16] <@SonichuGal> one = on.
[00:16] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Censorship is good.
[00:16] <@falsion> ok sorry
[00:16] <+HorniGal> Chris I have a question. I'm a really really horny girl, and I remember hearing you talk about how girls can put bananas in their pussy, but i have no bananas. What else could i use?
[00:16] <@falsion> But sometimes it goes too far, don't you think? Someone doesn't like something and they want it removed.
[00:16] <@falsion> Even if it's something that people won't even see or even notice.
[00:16] <@ChrisChanSonichu> we have dated; our first date was at a Taco Bell, and we have kissed deeply.
[00:17] * HorniGal was kicked by SonichuGal (No naughty language in here.�)
[00:17] <@falsion> steventheeunuch asks "in what regards and to what extent censorship is good?"
[00:17] <@ChrisChanSonichu> a plastic dildo, girl.
[00:17] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-F5F3EE2D.ip.adam.com.au) has joined #sonichu
[00:17] * Laurie (~riyna.sha@Rizon-14EBF2D6.socal.res.rr.com) has joined #sonichu
[00:17] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v Guest
[00:17] * Guest is now known as HorniGal
[00:17] <+HorniGal> where could i get one of those dildos from?
[00:17] * Physaris (~lonnie11@Rizon-98B55C1B.htc.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[00:17] <@ChrisChanSonichu> to censor language and naughty bits from the younger viewers.
[00:17] <@Sonee> MagichanSonichu wants to know: Now that your Love Quest is over, do you forgive Mary Lee Wlash?
[00:18] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I prefer not to think about that B****
[00:18] * Physaris (~lonnie11@Rizon-98B55C1B.htc.net) has joined #sonichu
[00:19] <@Sonee> Gilbert wants to know: What do you think of the Digimon and Monster Rancher animes?
[00:19] <@Sonee> I'm sorry, Filbert
[00:19] <@falsion> Do you think that some people will go to far to censor things? I mean, say a group doesn't beleive in God and wants it removed from public usage or some form of media.
[00:19] * Parakarry (~chatzilla@Rizon-3C36B4BA.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[00:19] <@falsion> ok sorry i'll shut up now
[00:19] * SonichuGal sets mode: -v HorniGal
[00:19] <@falsion> i've had enough time to ask questions hehe
[00:19] <@ChrisChanSonichu> both animes are okay, but I have not played the games.
[00:20] <@falsion> but people are wanting to know that as well it seems
[00:20] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v HorniGal
[00:20] <@Sonee> MagichanSonichu wants to ask: have you told Chloe about Crystal Weston Chandler yet?
[00:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> with the current levels of censorship in the media, I feel it is okay.
[00:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, and she is good on the idea for that name for our daughter.
[00:20] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-D15EE8FB.pn.at.cox.net) has joined #sonichu
[00:20] * Physaris (~lonnie11@Rizon-98B55C1B.htc.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[00:20] <@SonichuGal> Christian, SonichuZapsOfThunder wonders if Christian and the Hedgehog Boys will ever "reunite" or in other words - can we expect to hear more of your original songs from you?
[00:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> not at the moment.
[00:21] * Physaris (~lonnie11@Rizon-98B55C1B.htc.net) has joined #sonichu
[00:21] <+HorniGal> Christian, I really like it when my boyfriend makes love to me in my ass. It feels just as good as my vag***. I am wondering, what do you think of anal sex between a boy and a girl? (NOT BOY AND BOY)
[00:22] <@Sonee> SonichuFan1 wants to know: Have you made it to second base with Chloe? Inquiring minds want to know ;)
[00:22] <@ChrisChanSonichu> between boy and girl, I see no problem.
[00:22] <@falsion> How is that possible though?
[00:22] <@falsion> wait
[00:22] <@falsion> i'm missing something here
[00:22] <@falsion> ooh
[00:22] <@falsion> n/m i see
[00:23] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, we have done second.
[00:23] <@falsion> I was thinking the other way around
[00:23] <@ChrisChanSonichu> with a strap-on dildo for the woman.
[00:23] <@falsion> sounds painful
[00:23] <@falsion> anyway i'll shut up now
[00:23] <@falsion> any other questions?
[00:23] <@falsion> anyone?
[00:24] <@Sonee> Yes
[00:24] <+HorniGal> me and my boyfriend would love for me to get a strap on dildo, do you know where i could get one and how it would work?
[00:24] <@ChrisChanSonichu> http://www.adameve.com
[00:24] <@Sonee> SonicusPrime wants to know: I heard you changed your name when you were younger, could you explain?
[00:24] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'll answer that question in my next video
[00:24] <@SonichuGal> I can confirm, AdamAndEve has some great stuff ;)
[00:25] <@SonichuGal> Christian, SonichuZapsOfThunder wonders if you think Chloe will be your special sweetheart whom you'll lose your virginity to.
[00:25] <@Sonee> veronichan wants to know: what are some upcoming twists & turns in future comics?
[00:25] <@SonichuGal> Veronichan, I don't think Chris wants to spoil his comic for us fans!
[00:26] <@falsion> Protoman wants to know what will happen if Chloe finds your ED page, since in the past, that has broken your relationships up. Are you worried about that or taking any steps to prevent that?
[00:26] <+HorniGal> christian, what other things does adam and eve have that you would recommend for me and my boyfriend who want to try new fun sexual things
[00:26] <@SonichuGal> PLEASE one at a time, we don't want to overwhelm Christian with too many questions at once.
[00:27] <@ChrisChanSonichu> SHE IS MY VIRGIN-TAKER; no spoilers at the moment; she has found it, and has ignored it with a grain of salt; that depends on what you'd like to try, have a look around.
[00:27] <@SonichuGal> Wait Chris, has she already taken it?
[00:27] <@SonichuGal> If you wish to remain a gentlemen and not "kiss and tell", that's fine.
[00:27] <@SonichuGal> But inquiring fans want to know.
[00:27] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I am a gentleman.
[00:28] <@Sonee> MagichanSOnichu wants to know: Have you showed Chloe Sonichu yet? And if so how does she feel about it?
[00:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> She Loves the stories of Sonichu, Rosechu and myself.
[00:28] <+HorniGal> christian, what other things does adam and eve have that you would recommend for me and my boyfriend who want to try new fun sexual things
[00:28] <@Sonee> BILLY_MAYS wants to know: Despite being a fan of your work, I admit I have experimented with tobacco and alcohol. I share your view they are very bad things, but felt I had to see for myself. How do you justify condeming things you have never experienced?
[00:29] <@ChrisChanSonichu> the educational DVDs for one thing; second-hand smoke...ugh  :(
[00:30] <@SonichuGal> Veronichan asks " Rosiechu is my favorite character. Would he mind if I named my gerbil after her?"
[00:30] <+HorniGal> I have a question. My boyfriend wants me to invite one of my friends in to the bedroom for some threesome sex. Should i say yes?
[00:30] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's cool; that's cool.
[00:31] <@Sonee> sonichuslover wants to know: How long ago did you meet Chloe?
[00:31] <+HorniGal> would you have a threesome with chloe?
[00:31] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I met her mid-September
[00:31] <@ChrisChanSonichu> she has agreed to that idea.
[00:31] <+HorniGal> you say it is cool for two girls and a guy, what about two guys and a girl?
[00:31] <@Sonee> Filbert wants to know: Do you find hentai to be a turn-on?
[00:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> NO WAY; yes
[00:32] <@falsion> I just looked at the AdamEve page. I've never considered sex toys before. I never even know they made them for guys. You've used them before, correct? Do you think they are satisfying enough to, well, you know, ease the lonliness of not having a woman to do it with? Are they a decent substitute, or at least thing to ease you over until then?
[00:33] <@SonichuGal> I can say from my experience that AdamAndEve's sex toy lines are quite satisfying ;)
[00:33] <@falsion> I wonder what my mom would think if I ordered some though, she would kick me out of the house and never talk to me again.
[00:33] <@Sonee> SonichuFan1 wants to know: I heard Jimmy Hill just made 1 million on Sonichu merchandise and DVDs, what are you going to do??
[00:33] <@falsion> It's tempting but
[00:33] <@falsion> i don't know
[00:33] <+HorniGal> Chris, does your mother know you buy sex toys?
[00:33] <@ChrisChanSonichu> to me, they are close enough, but not as satisfying as the real woman (reference to the love doll); just talk to your mother about it.
[00:33] <@ChrisChanSonichu> it is being dealt with accordingly.
[00:33] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-ADE8DCE8.resnet.purdue.edu) has joined #sonichu
[00:34] <@falsion> Well, I'd rather not. She'll well.. kick my ass
[00:34] <@falsion> i'd do so otherwise
[00:34] <@ChrisChanSonichu> then go ahead; who is she to stop you.
[00:34] <@Sonee> steventheeunuch wants to know: You met Chloe in mid-September but when did you become Sweethearts?
[00:34] <@falsion> i dunno i live in her house
[00:35] <+HorniGal> Chris, would you like chloe to use a strap on with you?
[00:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> after a month
[00:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> maybe.
[00:35] <+HorniGal> If Chloe wanted you to pee on her in a golden shower, would you?
[00:35] <@Sonee> cogsdev wants to know: I would like it if Chris could elaborate on his previous answer with any tips he has for building up my confidence, so I can "dive right in" as he suggested. I don't think it'll be as easy as he makes it sound, as the main reason I stopped going to school was due to bullying.
[00:35] <@SonichuGal> Yuck!
[00:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> maybe; talk to some women on the internet, but do not expect a relationship out of it right away.
[00:37] <@falsion> Chris, would you ever consider moving out of your house? My mom always tells me "You can't live here forever. I won't always be here to support you." I mean, is she right? Do you agree with that?
[00:37] <@falsion> Say if you could no longer live with your parents i mean
[00:37] <@ChrisChanSonichu> possibly; yes
[00:37] <@Sonee> steventheeunuch wants to know: do you find taco bell to be an overly inappropriate place to bring a woman for a first date, considering you are grown adults?
[00:37] <@SonichuGal> Hey, Taco Bell has great food at low prices!
[00:37] <@falsion> Chris, could you elaborate on that?
[00:37] <@SonichuGal> THINK OUTSIDE THE BUN!
[00:38] <@falsion> i'm sorry but i really need to know and a lot of people are asking me the same thing
[00:38] * LordKaT (~HP@Rizon-2418D950.si.res.rr.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[00:38] <@falsion> Say if something happened to your parents (pray that never happens but), what would you do?
[00:38] <@ChrisChanSonichu> your family is going to pass on eventually; you'll need to be able to support yourself, or have a sweetheart for support sooner or later.
[00:39] <@Sonee> sonichuslover wants to know: when did you get to second base with Chloe?
[00:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm fully capable of doing the chores around my house should that happen, god forbid.
[00:39] <@falsion> Yeah, but I'm worried who is going to pay expenses
[00:39] <@falsion> my mom usually does it
[00:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no comment.  :)
[00:39] <+HorniGal> Chris, you didn't answer my questions about golden showers :(
[00:39] <@SonichuGal> Christian, SonichuZapsOfThunder would like to know if you plan on incorporating Chloe into your Sonichu comics.
[00:39] <@SonichuGal> HorniGal, he said "maybe."
[00:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I said maybe, hornigal
[00:40] <+HorniGal> oh sorry i must have missed it :(
[00:40] <@SonichuGal> See? ;)
[00:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes
[00:40] <@Sonee> SonicusPrime wants to know: has anyone offered to make Sonichu action figures?
[00:40] <+HorniGal> Christian, me and my boyfriend are going to dress up like sonichu and rosechu and have sex later and take photos. Would you like some copies of the photos?
[00:40] <@falsion> Chris, what about expenses and such? I apologize for interupting anyone elses question but there is nobody else I can really talk to or relates to me on this issue
[00:40] <@SonichuGal> I would!
[00:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no, but I am capable of designing rough designs on paper or Crayola Model Magic.
[00:40] <@falsion> Like if my mom someday couldn't be there to pay them
[00:41] <@falsion> okay i'll shut up sorry everyone
[00:41] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no, thank you, HorniGal; get a job or career.
[00:41] <@Sonee> steventheeunuch wants to know: why cant you do the supporting? Isnt that the role of a man, to support the woman, not the other way around?
[00:41] <@falsion> yeah but my disability prevents that from happening
[00:41] <@falsion> i thought you were in the same boat, i don't mean to assume too much
[00:42] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I will be supporting her as the Househusband.
[00:42] <@ChrisChanSonichu> oh.
[00:42] <@ChrisChanSonichu> well, get your boyfriend to help you.
[00:42] <+HorniGal> what about if your wife dies and you're left with a child and no job to support that child?
[00:42] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'll get a job.
[00:42] <@falsion> was that to me? i'm a guy
[00:43] <@falsion> sorry
[00:43] <+HorniGal> are you gay falsion?
[00:43] <@falsion> no
[00:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> oh, I'm sorry; *girlfriend.
[00:43] <@Sonee> MagichanSonichu wants to know: Recently, Family Guy had a sketch that resembled Christian's. I wonder if he thinks they used his idea.
[00:43] <+HorniGal> ChrisChanSonichu: what would you do if Chloe left you for Robert Simmons?
[00:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> what?
[00:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> she will not.
[00:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> what happened in Family Guy?
[00:43] <@SonichuGal> She's referring to Mort Goldman accidently thinking Stewie's time machine was a bathroom
[00:44] <@SonichuGal> And it looked IDENTICAL to the Ghost Neutral chamber from your comic.
[00:44] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that can be taken from anywhere.
[00:44] <+HorniGal> what would you do if Robert Simmons raped Chloe and popped her virginity before you had a chance? Would you still love chloe even though she wasn't a virgin?
[00:44] <@falsion> Chris, maybe if I get a girlfriend like you someday. But the economy is kinda downtrodden right now. I don't think just one person working is enough to sustain living expenses now these days.
[00:44] <@falsion> anyway i digress
[00:44] * EXKeine (~hakutaku@Rizon-CA02B42C.ptld.qwest.net) has joined #sonichu
[00:44] <@falsion> i'll let everyone else talk now
[00:44] <@Sonee> RachmaninovDESU wants to know: what kind of job would you like to have?
[00:45] <@ChrisChanSonichu> something with Computer Aided Drafting & Design.
[00:45] * loony (~joker_of_@Rizon-3EF7FF67.dllstx.dsl-w.verizon.net) has joined #sonichu
[00:46] <@falsion> Do you find that enjoyable? What made you choose that career path?
[00:46] <@falsion> I'm curious. I'm undecided
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[00:46] <@falsion> as to what I want to do as far as a major
[00:46] <+HorniGal> Chrischan, My boyfriend says he wants to rape your girlfriend
[00:46] <+HorniGal> and knock her up
[00:46] <+HorniGal> what is your reply to this?
[00:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have two CADD degrees.
[00:46] <+HorniGal> if you dont reply, i'll assume you want it to happen
[00:46] <@SonichuGal> I bet Chris would kick him in the teeth.
[00:47] <@SonichuGal> I wouldn't want to mess around with Chris.
[00:47] <@ChrisChanSonichu> HorniGal, Shut Up.
[00:47] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I would
[00:47] <@ChrisChanSonichu> kick him in the teeth
[00:47] <@Sonee> Yes please, be more plite & courteous with your quesitions like everyone else
[00:47] <@falsion> Chris, tell me more about CADD. Is it enjoyable?
[00:47] <@Sonee> *polite
[00:47] <@falsion> Is it a good career path in your opinion
[00:47] <@falsion> what do you like about it?
[00:48] * HorniGal was kicked by [^_^] (Requested (PandaHalo)�)
[00:48] <@ChrisChanSonichu> it's okay.
[00:48] <@falsion> would you mind elaborating?
[00:48] <@falsion> sorry
[00:49] <@falsion> i just wanna know
[00:49] <@falsion> i think i might get into that too
[00:49] <@falsion> if i go back to school
[00:49] <@ChrisChanSonichu> basically, you're designing parts and buildings on the computer.
[00:49] <@falsion> hmm
[00:50] <@Sonee> steventheeunuch wants to know: I don't mean to be insulting but are you capable of kicking a man in his teeth? You dont look flexible enough to lift your leg above your waist, nor fit enough
[00:50] <@SonichuGal> I absolutely think Chris could.
[00:50] <@SonichuGal> Especially if he was angry.
[00:50] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I AM capable.
[00:50] <@falsion> Chris wouldn't do it, he's a nice guy. Right? Or do you have a sort of side that you don't show to people
[00:50] * SonichuZapsOfThunder (~derp@7570D48A.B0F5ACF0.BF30298F.IP) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[00:50] <@falsion> sort of a mean streak
[00:50] <@falsion> if you will
[00:50] * SonichuZapsOfThunder (~derp@7570D48A.B0F5ACF0.BF30298F.IP) has joined #sonichu
[00:50] <@SonichuGal> I think Chris would in self defence.
[00:50] <@SonichuGal> Or to protect his loved ones.
[00:50] <@ChrisChanSonichu> self-defense
[00:51] <@falsion> Have you ever taken any self defense or karate lessons?
[00:52] <@ChrisChanSonichu> in a way; I've watched a lot of television, and I've taken a lot of P.E. Classes.
[00:52] <@falsion> Ah, you mean like kung fu movies?
[00:52] <@falsion> those are good
[00:52] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes.
[00:52] <@falsion> Who's your favorite Kung Fu movie actor?
[00:52] <@falsion> I'm a fan of Bruce Lee myself
[00:52] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm tired for now, plus I have church, so I'll answer more questions next time, as well as in the video.
[00:53] <@SonichuGal> Sure!
[00:53] <@SonichuGal> Thanks for coming by, Chris!
[00:53] * @ChrisChanSonichu (~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ChrisChanSonichu�)

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