Kacey Call 24

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Audio Transcript:

Intro and Barbara's Colitis


Chris: Hello?

Kacey: Hey Chris it’s Kacey! C: Hi Kacey how are you?

K: Um I’m good. Just a little tired. (C talks over here, “Yeah I agree?”) So how are you?

C: Yeah. I’m better myself. I just uh read your email. Did you uh read me reply I sent back to you?

K Yeah Actually I did.

C Yeah pretty much in a nutshell what’s been happening lately.

K: Umm that sucks about your mom. I give my condolences. I hope she feels better, but how did they know she had food poisoning? C: Yeah well I mean that was my –that was my fathers and mine theory at first. But you know, we took her to {restaurant she got sick at?} [Something Jefferson’s] and then the doctors (stutters) classified the ailment as Colitis {link to Barbara Recent Health Problems}.

K: Oh well that’s definitely not Food Poisoning. (Chris Talks over her: Yeah well I mean) I mean, you guys shouldn’t have gone back there to talk to them then, ‘cause it’s obviously not them.

C: Hmm Yeah Well I mean Still, uh you know cause my mom acted today, she was having gut pains so she was like yeah she was like, yeah take the uh there’s the majority of the food I left behind, I uh had left had not eaten, so you know just take it back to them and uh, tell them what happened. She was like you know, uh my father and I, we were just like you know, we couldn’t do much at this point. You know my mom was like all up – all up on top of the world kinda you know? (Kasey cuts him off)

K: Well how, How long ago did it happen? I mean, did either of you eat it and get sick to?

C: uhh no my father and I did not eat it.

K: Besides if she has colitis, she shouldn’t be eating food like that you said it was Chinese right? I mean that food’s loaded with MSG and salt and fat. That’s like the worst thing she could be doing now.

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