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Revision as of 11:48, 15 March 2009

* Guest (~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #sonichu
[20:51] <superawesome> YAY
[20:51] <@falsion> Everyone calm down
�03[20:51] * Guest1 is now known as Chrischu
[20:51] <RocketFox> YAY ^_^
[20:51] <Evangs> srsly though, can I get my ops back? D:
�03[20:51] * Guest is now known as ChrisChanSonichu
[20:51] <@PandaHalo> Hi Chris :)
�06[20:51] * @PandaHalo hugs ChrisChanSonichu
[20:51] <ChrisChanSonichu> hey, ya'll.
[20:51] <Evangs> Hey Chris-chan!
�01[20:51] <SonichuGal> Hi Chris! =D
[20:51] <@PandaHalo> if we need more ops then sure Evangs
[20:51] <@falsion> The chat is now in session.
[20:51] <GarthCrooks> hi Christian :)
[20:51] <GenesisRosechu> Hi Chris!
[20:51] <RocketFox> Hey CWC
�03[20:51] * _EXKeine (~hakutaku@Rizon-15A928DE.ptld.qwest.net) has
joined #sonichu
[20:51] <jurishiku> Hey
[20:51] <Evangs> Okay bro
[20:52] <Evangs> ...yeah four is enough isn't it. I keep thinking
there's only two
[20:52] <Evangs> NEVERMIND THEN
[20:52] <Solarius> hey chris I love your work
[20:52] <@PandaHalo> i'm not sure how much time christian has to
answer questions so try and make them good ones :)
[20:52] <Evangs> How's the new comic coming? I enjoyed the
[20:52] <@falsion> Indeed.
[20:52] <Robotnik> Can I ask a question about Wes Iseli?
[20:52] <ChrisChanSonichu> okay, I have a pizza on my lap, so
I'll humble accept any compliments and one question at a time.
�02[20:52] * EXKeine (~hakutaku@Rizon-4D3019EF.ptld.qwest.net) Quit
(Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by _EXKeine))�)
[20:52] <RocketFox> I have a question on Sonichu/Rosechu types if
that's OK
[20:52] <ChrisChanSonichu> yes, sir.
�03[20:52] * PandaHalo sets mode: +o ChrisChanSonichu
�03[20:52] * _EXKeine is now known as EXKeine
�03[20:52] * Parakarry
(~chatzilla@Rizon-CAD78589.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) has joined #sonichu
[20:52] <@falsion> Everyone, one at a time. Chat is now in
[20:52] <Parakarry> uh
[20:52] <Parakarry> what is this
[20:52] <@vivitheg> Silence!
[20:52] <Parakarry> also can i have ops :(
�03[20:53] * vivitheg sets mode: +m
[20:53] <@ChrisChanSonichu> question about Wes Islei; please ask.
�03[20:53] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v Robotnik
[20:53] <+Robotnik> You mentioned in the last chat, you had grown
past a phase involving the curseyehame and jelousy.
[20:53] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes
�03[20:53] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-815543FC.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has
joined #sonichu
[20:53] <+Robotnik> Is Wes still in the comic for other reasons?
�03[20:54] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-33D7253B.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has
joined #sonichu
�03[20:54] * PandaHalo sets mode: -m
�02[20:54] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-815543FC.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) Quit
[20:54] <@ChrisChanSonichu> at this, only the fact that he has
turned villian, since the loss of Sarah Hammer as his sweetheart.
�03[20:54] * Guest_ is now known as Konata
[20:54] <Evangs> Someone wanted me to ask if Patti would show up
in any new comics, Chris.
�03[20:54] * Konata is now known as DarkKonata
[20:55] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, Patti will.
�03[20:55] * jimmyhill was kicked by PandaHalo (jimmyhill�)
[20:55] <GarthCrooks> I didn't realise you were a Monty Python
fan Chris. what other comedies do you like?
[20:55] <@ChrisChanSonichu> there was a question about Sonichu
and Rosechu Types?
[20:55] <RocketFox> I have a question about the hedgehog element
types if you have time
[20:55] <RocketFox> yes
[20:55] <Solarius> what does sonichu and rosechu evolve from or
[20:55] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I like a LOT of comedies.
[20:55] <RocketFox> sonee and rosee = babies
[20:55] <@ChrisChanSonichu> for the ORIGINAL Sonichu and Rosechu,
at least, Sonee & Rosee for babies (Eletric).
[20:56] <Evangs> Sonichu was originally a Pikachu and Rosechu a
Raichu, I thought. But I wouldn't know as well at the big man himself.
[20:56] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Metonic evolution with Sonichu +
Metal Coat and Trade (Electric/Steel)
[20:56] <RocketFox> Are there going to be any ice, rock, or steel
Sonichu or Rosechu? [Or is the plural Sonichu and Rosechus?]
[20:56] <RocketFox> well what do you know
[20:56] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Vamprosa evolution with Rosechu +
HIGH FRIENDSHIP, level up during the midnight hour.
[20:56] <@ChrisChanSonichu> maybe; give me time to create as I
[20:57] <GenesisRosechu> Why are Sonichu and Rosechu the only
ones without defining names, like Angelica Rosechu? and if they are the
same species, how come they are all so very different?
[20:57] <Solarius> will knuckles or tails make a cameo?
[20:57] <Evangs> Will we see Metonic or Vamprosa ever, or is it
only factual information that won't be used?
[20:57] <GarthCrooks> Vamprosa sounds cool :)
[20:57] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Sonichu and Rosechu are the FIRST of
Many Sonichus and Rosechus, so I added names to define everyone else
from the original.
[20:57] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Vamprosa is Dark/Electric.
[20:57] <RocketFox> awesome
�01[20:58] <SonichuGal> I have a question. What is the
significance of your Black Sonichu medallion? In other words, why did
you make a medallion of Black Sonichu and what is the significance of
[20:58] <RocketFox> vamprosa sounds gothic
[20:58] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Metonic and Vamprosa made a brief
appearance in a comic strip in Comic #0, with a short joke.
�03[20:58] * Chrischu was kicked by Physaris (Caps abuse - 100%�)
[20:58] <superawesome> lol
[20:58] <RocketFox> owned!!
[20:58] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Kick Chrischu OUT
[20:58] <Evangs> What a loser.
[20:58] <GarthCrooks> haha, troll owned
[20:58] <Solarius> lol
[20:58] <@falsion> Continue please.
[20:58] <Evangs> He has been kicked.
[20:58] <superawesome> What an idiot.
[20:58] <GenesisRosechu> Well Chris, it's been nice seeing you
again. But I do have to go!
[20:58] <jurishiku> Where is Rosechu's friend from the begining?
[20:58] <@ChrisChanSonichu> take care.
[20:58] <+Robotnik> I'm glad that was taken care of swiftly.
[20:58] <GenesisRosechu> I hope to talk to you on a regular basis
again soemday :3
[20:59] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Rosechu's friend?
[20:59] <RocketFox> Kel
[20:59] <MachPunch> Kel, the trainer from #0.
[20:59] <RocketFox> I think he was talking about Kel
[20:59] <jurishiku> Yeah
�02[20:59] * GenesisRosechu (~Guest@Rizon-EA96D36D.hsd1.sc.comcast.net)
[20:59] <Evangs> Also, one I'd like to suggest an idea--what if
Naitsirhc had his own, evil version of CWCville, RNNville? (Reldnahc
Notsew Naitsirhc)?
[20:59] <Knuckles> Do Sonichu and Rosechu reproduce asexually?
[20:59] <Evangs> I'd like to know about Kel too.
[20:59] <RocketFox> oh that'd be awesome, it could be underground
[20:59] <@ChrisChanSonichu> oh, she's been living at the college,
until she decided to venture on to better her Pokemon Trainer Skills.
�03[20:59] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-FC5108B4.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net) has
joined #sonichu
�03[20:59] * Guest is now known as Guest1
[20:59] <Evangs> Did Kel release Rosechu to live with Sonichu?
[21:00] <Solarius> does Naitsirhc have his own ring?
[21:00] <@falsion> Guest1, name please.
�03[21:00] * Guest (~Guest@A1E388DF.3DB1DC44.88FCFD39.IP) has joined
[21:00] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, Kel released Rosechu to live
with Sonichu.
[21:00] <@falsion> Guest, name please.
[21:00] <Guest> :D
�03[21:00] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-E60F540E.home3.cgocable.net) has
joined #sonichu
[21:00] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Naitsirhc does not have a Ring; HIS
[21:00] <Parakarry> hi im CWC
�03[21:00] * Guest is now known as MyName
[21:00] <MyName> k
[21:00] <@ChrisChanSonichu> kick Parakarry out.
�03[21:00] * Guest_ is now known as avathecat
�03[21:00] * Parakarry was kicked by falsion (Parakarry�)
[21:00] <avathecat> OMG is that Chris?
�03[21:00] * Parakarry
(~chatzilla@Rizon-CAD78589.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) has joined #sonichu
[21:00] <MyName> lol
[21:00] <Parakarry> oh really
[21:00] <Knuckles> lol [21:00] <Parakarry> lol
[21:01] <EXKeine> Yes, now let the man talk
[21:01] <@falsion> Parakarry, please behave.
[21:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I am the real Christian Weston
[21:01] <@falsion> Chris will now continue to answer questions.
[21:01] <RocketFox> I am so pumped for the next comic
[21:01] <avathecat> Chris, some question if you don't mind
[21:01] <GarthCrooks> will you be voting in next month's
presidential election Chris?
[21:01] <Knuckles> I'm Sparatacus!
[21:01] <Parakarry> monitors
[21:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, Parakarry, calm down.
[21:01] <Parakarry> ew you became a fag falsion
[21:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> McCain.
[21:01] <Parakarry> :(
[21:01] <avathecat> Chris, how do you feel about laying your life
open in the comic book and the internet?
[21:01] <Solarius> why McCain chris?
[21:01] <MyName> Chris, I'm curious about your artistic process.
How is your storyline inspired?
[21:01] <Knuckles> Why not Ron Paul, Chris? [21:01]
<Evangs> Don't question his opinions.
[21:01] <Evangs> This is about Sonichu, not politics.
[21:02] <Knuckles> ):
[21:02] <@ChrisChanSonichu> by various events in my life, and
what I saw on television.
[21:02] <RocketFox> since McCain has a chance ^^;
[21:02] <+Robotnik> Chris, do you have a favorite comic book
artist or mangaka?
[21:02] <Parakarry> omg did you guys see the sonichu promos?!
[21:02] <Parakarry> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvME96zrOuo
[21:02] <avathecat> Chris, is Sonichu a guise for you to talk
about yourself and your life?
[21:02] <Parakarry> they're amazing omg
[21:02] <Knuckles> McCain has a chance? How so?
[21:02] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Koshi Rikdo; Excel Saga.
[21:02] <Parakarry> almost as good as the comic
[21:02] <RocketFox> He dies in the anime xD
[21:02] <Knuckles> If the market completely rebounds by election
date, then maybe. [21:02] <avathecat> Chris, I just had a
cigarette? Good or bad?
[21:02] <@ChrisChanSonichu> he comes back.
�03[21:02] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-79095581.dyn.optonline.net) has joined
[21:02] <Solarius> chris what do you think of the Sonichu
animated promos?
[21:02] <@ChrisChanSonichu> TERRIBLE.
[21:02] <DarkKonata> mccain dies in excel saga?
[21:02] <@ChrisChanSonichu> cool.
[21:02] <RocketFox> hehe yeah ^^;
[21:02] <Parakarry> what
[21:02] <Knuckles> Obama is gonna win otherwise.
[21:02] <Parakarry> really? :(
[21:03] <avathecat> You don't like the Sonichu animated promos?
�02[21:03] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-79095581.dyn.optonline.net) Quit
[21:03] <Knuckles> Vote Obama :D
[21:03] <@ChrisChanSonichu> please, no more politics.
�03[21:03] * vivitheg sets mode: +m
[21:03] <@vivitheg> Okay, everyone shut up! There is way too much
conversation going on at once!
�03[21:03] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v Evangs
[21:03] <@ChrisChanSonichu> next question.
�03[21:03] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v SonichuGal
[21:03] <+Robotnik> What are you listening to?
[21:03] <+Evangs> Those Sonichu promos are awesome.
[21:03] <@PandaHalo> PM me if you have a decent question and I'll
voice you
[21:03] <+Robotnik> At the moment, that is.
�02[21:03] * Guest1 (~Guest@Rizon-FC5108B4.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net)
[21:03] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Lite Rock, Z-95.1; Charlottesville.
�03[21:03] * concreteman (~lmaointer@Rizon-C94EBC59.glfd.cable.ntl.com)
has joined #sonichu
[21:04] <+Evangs> One last question before I go for a moment,
Chris-chan: Is the female rights storyline continued in the next issue?
Will Simonla and Zapina show up again?
�03[21:04] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v concreteman
�03[21:04] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-FC5108B4.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net) has
joined #sonichu
�02[21:04] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-FC5108B4.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net)
[21:04] <+concreteman> Hello Mr. Chandler and friends. : D
[21:04] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, they BOTH will.
�01[21:04] <+SonichuGal> Christian, what is the significance of
the Black Sonichu medallion? In other words, why did you make a
medallion of Black Sonichu and what is its signifiance? [21:04]
<@ChrisChanSonichu> hello.
�03[21:04] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v RocketFox
�03[21:04] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-FC5108B4.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net) has
joined #sonichu
[21:04] <+Evangs> Awesome!!
�03[21:04] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v knuckip
[21:04] <@ChrisChanSonichu> just for the Dark Half that is my
[21:04] <+knuckip> when will the next comic come out?
[21:04] <+Evangs> Oh man, so many questions I'd love to
ask...but everyone else has plenty, so I gotta go.
[21:04] <@PandaHalo> Naitsirch?
[21:04] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes
[21:04] <+RocketFox> Chris, if another question is alright: Is
Bill the scientist the same Bill from Pokemon, or a totally different
dude? ^^; Will he come back? xP
[21:04] <+Evangs> Good luck answering all the questions,
�03[21:05] * PandaHalo sets mode: +o Solarius
[21:05] <+Evangs> Oh man, Bill the scientist is my favorite
�03[21:05] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v Solarius
�03[21:05] * PandaHalo sets mode: -o Solarius
[21:05] <+RocketFox> He's such a dork and I love him xD;;;
[21:05] <+Solarius> what do you think of the pokémon Mudkip?
[21:05] <@PandaHalo> Do you like shorts? I heard that they are
comfy and easy to wear.
[21:05] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I don't remember the Bill you're
talking about, but Bill the PokeScientist is a Bill I'd talk about a
lot in the Sonichu World, if I do.
[21:05] <@falsion> That one's a personal favorite of mine. I love
[21:05] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Mudkip is okay.
[21:05] <+Solarius> :(
[21:06] <@falsion> A lot of people here like mudkip too
[21:06] <+Evangs> Bill is the lighthouse guy in Cerulean City,
[21:06] <+RocketFox> Bill in Pokemon games, the guy who makes
your storage box
[21:06] <+Evangs> Which is your favorite Pokemon besides your
electric-hedgehog children?
[21:06] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Shorts are okay, but I don't like to
show off my hairy legs.
�01[21:06] <+SonichuGal> Bill the Pokemaniac, you mean?
[21:06] <+RocketFox> yep
[21:06] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Pikachu, Scyther and Sneasel.
�03[21:06] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v GarthCrooks
[21:06] <@ChrisChanSonichu> are my TOP 3
[21:06] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no particular order.
[21:06] <+Robotnik> Have you pursued legal action against Jimmy
[21:06] <+RocketFox> Bill is a very common name xP (was my dad's
name, rest in peace) so I can understand if they're two different guys
�03[21:06] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-CE589056.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) has
joined #sonichu
[21:06] <+Solarius> could we perhaps see more Mudkips in future
installments of you comics?
[21:07] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have, and Cassandra, who is in on
the chat is helping me resolve that.
[21:07] <+Evangs> And ONE last thing for real now: Will any other
Pokemon from the games show up? I always liked how you tied the Pokemon
world into Sonichu in the stories of the Chaotic Combo members.
[21:07] <+GarthCrooks> Chris, will you be getting legal advice
about Jimmy Hill's crimes or do you hope for a peaceful settlement?
[21:07] <+knuckip> do you have an email where i can send you my
fan pictures?
[21:07] <@ChrisChanSonichu> IDK about mudkips in my comics, but
I'll see what comes up.
[21:07] <@falsion> Everyone, one at a time.
[21:07] <@ChrisChanSonichu> ChrisChanSonichu@aol.com
[21:07] <+Evangs> Not specifically mudkips. I'd love to see
Sonichu fight Regigigas.
[21:07] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Dragonite made an appearance.
[21:07] <+RocketFox> oh, David?
�02[21:07] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-CE589056.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
[21:08] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, Kel's Dragonite, David.
[21:08] <@PandaHalo> If you are Sonichu's trainer, why doesn't
Sonichu live in his Pokeball? Is he like pikachu from the original
animated series in that regard?
�03[21:08] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-CE589056.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) has
joined #sonichu
[21:08] <+Evangs> I didn't think Sonichu had a trainer. Anyway,
I'm going for real now. See you all in a bit
[21:08] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes.
�03[21:08] * Evangs is now known as Evangs|Away
�02[21:08] * avathecat (~Guest@Rizon-E60F540E.home3.cgocable.net) Quit
[21:08] <+Solarius> does Sonichu marry Rosechu in the near
[21:08] <+RocketFox> bye Evan
[21:08] <@PandaHalo> If Robert Simmons the first male friend you
have had?
�01[21:08] <+SonichuGal> I have the same question, Solarius.
[21:08] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I think he will.
�01[21:09] <+SonichuGal> What about Sonichu and Rosechu having
[21:09] <+RocketFox> That'd be an awesome ending IMO
�02[21:09] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-FC5108B4.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net)
�03[21:09] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-E60F540E.home3.cgocable.net) has
joined #sonichu
[21:09] <@ChrisChanSonichu> NO, I have a few male acquaintences.
[21:09] <+concreteman> CWC, I am playing Mega Man 9. Did you
download MM9 yet and if so, did you download it for your PS3 and your
Wii? (The hexbox360 shouldn't have this game but it does grr)
[21:09] <@ChrisChanSonichu> eventually.
[21:09] <+Solarius> think? so there is a chance he won't
[21:09] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, MEGA MAN 9, PS3
[21:09] <@ChrisChanSonichu> with BOTH ADD-ONS.
�02[21:09] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-CE589056.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
[21:10] <@vivitheg> How far have you gotten in the Endless Maze?
[21:10] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Protoman and Attack.
[21:10] <@ChrisChanSonichu> haven't played it yet.
[21:10] <@falsion> Chris, what system do you like more. PS3 or
�03[21:10] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-8FC1850.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) has
joined #sonichu
[21:10] <@ChrisChanSonichu> PS3
[21:10] <+RocketFox> my brother has a 360 >__<;;;; he
doesn't use it though, but still it bothers me ><;
[21:10] <+concreteman> darned hexbox
[21:10] <+RocketFox> he also smokes ;~;
[21:10] <@falsion> yeah, that system...
[21:10] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I am looking forward to
[21:10] <@vivitheg> When will Issue 8 be completed?
[21:10] <@vivitheg> And Issue 9?
[21:10] <+Solarius> what do you think of the news that MGS4 is
coming to Xbox360?
[21:10] <+GarthCrooks> chris, as a nintendo fan and a sonic fan,
how excited were you to see sonic and mario team up in games?
�01[21:11] <+SonichuGal> I was wondering the same thing,
[21:11] <@ChrisChanSonichu> November at the latest for 8; IDK
about 9 or 10 at the moment.
[21:11] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'll post any updates I see fit on
Sonichu.net, the Official Blog Page, YouTube Video, or in this chat
[21:11] <@falsion> Sounds good.
[21:11] <+RocketFox> yay ^0^
�01[21:12] <+SonichuGal> YAY! ^___^
[21:12] <+knuckip> will there be a sonichu movie?
[21:12] <+Solarius> what religion is Sonichu?
[21:12] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I am only human; I sometimes lack
energy from stress, and it's like I'm paralyzed.
[21:12] <+RocketFox> he's a christian
[21:12] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no movie yet, and yes, Christian.
[21:12] <+Solarius> what denomination?
�02[21:12] * +GarthCrooks (~Guest@1BE9E3.2AC3C3DE.9F61C4C4.IP) Quit
(Quit: GarthCrooks�)
[21:12] <@ChrisChanSonichu> IDK for sure yet; I may lead him to
Methodist, or just plain Baptism.
[21:13] <+Solarius> is Sonichu a creationist?
[21:13] <@PandaHalo> Do you believe in evolution?
[21:13] <@ChrisChanSonichu> what's a creationist, and I am open
to the evolution theory, as well as the Genesis.
�02[21:13] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-8FC1850.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net)
�03[21:13] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-8C8C9973.byrnes.resnet.clemson.edu)
has joined #sonichu
[21:13] <@ChrisChanSonichu> what is a creationist?
[21:13] <+RocketFox> creationists believe in adam and eve were
the first humans
�02[21:14] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-E60F540E.home3.cgocable.net) Quit
[21:14] <+RocketFox> like the forbidden apple story x3
[21:14] <+Solarius> the believe that God created everything as
literally told in Genesis
�01[21:14] <+SonichuGal> It's more or less a literal account of
the story of Creation.
[21:14] <+Solarius> belief*
[21:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I know the story of Adam & Eve.
[21:14] <+concreteman> CWC, do you own a Sega Saturn? Did you
like it at all?
�03[21:14] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v Parakarry
[21:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, and I liked it.
�03[21:14] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v Knuckles
[21:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have all 3 Saturn Sonic games.
[21:14] <+RocketFox> What about the 32x and the other thing for
the Genesis? and did you like Sonic CD? x3
[21:14] <+Parakarry> CWC, will Sonichu and Rosechu eventually
evolve someday?
[21:14] <@PandaHalo> is there a sonic hedgehog game you do not
[21:14] <+RocketFox> I have it for the PC myself
[21:15] <+knuckip> what is your favorite pokemon game?
[21:15] <@ChrisChanSonichu> It's sad that they Shelved Sonic
Crackers and Sonic Extreme; would have introduced Tiara Boobowski
[21:15] <@PandaHalo> Boobowski? sounds like Boobs [21:15]
<@ChrisChanSonichu> there are a few somic games, but I can't name
them at the moment.
[21:15] <+concreteman> Could Tiara Boobowski star in Sonichu at
some point?
�02[21:15] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-8C8C9973.byrnes.resnet.clemson.edu)
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[21:15] <+concreteman> Perhaps as one of the girls in the
[21:16] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I gave her a cameo appearance with
Mighty the Armidillo in the introduction of Bionic the Hedgehog.
[21:16] <@vivitheg> Will Reldnahc have a boyfriend?
[21:16] <+Parakarry> Also, would Blake evolve like Sonichu and
Rosechu if they ever evolve?
[21:16] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I will not go into that.
[21:16] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no.
[21:16] <+Robotnik> Have you ever played the sonic on the
original gameboy?
[21:16] <+RocketFox> Reldnahc is so mean Dx
[21:16] <+Knuckles> Is it true that Annie is a lesbian? [21:16]
<@ChrisChanSonichu> ONLY IN MY DREAMS.
[21:16] <+Robotnik> It does exist, I think it's a homebrew.
�03[21:16] * the-pickle-man
(~fgsfds@Rizon-CE589056.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) has joined #sonichu
[21:16] <@vivitheg> I mean, Reldnahc can further ruin Chris's
psyche in the comics. He can be even more of a villain than ever!
[21:16] <+Knuckles> OH NOES
[21:16] <+concreteman> p word :(
[21:16] <+Knuckles> PICKLE MAN
[21:16] <@falsion> ...
�01[21:16] <+SonichuGal> BAN HIM!
[21:16] <+RocketFox> no pickles D: please
[21:17] <+Knuckles> GET HIM SOME LOVE
[21:17] <+RocketFox> that's not funny man ;A;
�03[21:17] * the-pickle-man was kicked by vivitheg (the-pickle-man�)
[21:17] <+Parakarry> :(
[21:17] <+Parakarry> stupid trolls
[21:17] <@falsion> Everyone, calm down.
[21:17] <+RocketFox> Yay! /huggles
[21:17] <@falsion> Okay.
[21:17] <@falsion> Continue.
�06[21:17] * +Knuckles hugs Chris :3
[21:17] <@ChrisChanSonichu> lol :)
[21:17] <+Knuckles> I'm a dude D:
�01[21:17] <+SonichuGal> Chris, I love your style, where do you
get your clothes?
[21:18] <+concreteman> D:
�01[21:18] <+SonichuGal> I especially love the shirt from your
new video.
�01[21:18] <+SonichuGal> It's very colorful.
[21:18] <@falsion> yeah I agree
[21:18] <+Solarius> does Sonichu prefer Pepsi or Coka-Cola?
�03[21:18] * Guest (~Guest@Rizon-E60F540E.home3.cgocable.net) has
joined #sonichu
[21:18] <+Solarius> Coca*
[21:18] <@ChrisChanSonichu> oh.
�01[21:18] <+SonichuGal> I think the real question is whether
Chris is a Pepsi or Coke man.
[21:18] <@vivitheg> Will you ever do audio dramas with Sonichu?
Many animes have audio dramas. I think Sonichu should have some too.
[21:18] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Goodwill.
[21:18] <@ChrisChanSonichu> CWC Cola (Pepsi-Based.
[21:18] <+Parakarry> cool
[21:18] <+Robotnik> What do you think about emulation?
[21:19] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Audio Dramas?
[21:19] <+RocketFox> I'm drinking Pepsi now! ^0^; great minds
think alike eh
[21:19] <@falsion> Yeah, spoken versions of the comic. Made by
you of coarse.
[21:19] <+knuckip> will you make a sonichu rpg on something like
rpg maker?
[21:19] <+Solarius> where do you shop for clothes Chris? Your
last shirt looked like a jockeys, pretty athletic
�03[21:19] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v EXKeine
�01[21:19] <+SonichuGal> He just said Goodwill.
[21:19] <@falsion> he said goodwill
[21:19] <@ChrisChanSonichu> emulations is okay; I wouldn't be
doing Silvana emulating others if I didn't.
[21:19] <+Solarius> woops sorry already asked
[21:19] <@falsion> video game emulation the question was
[21:19] <+Knuckles> So how's it going with Blanca, Chris?
[21:19] <@falsion> running old games on your computer
[21:19] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I did think about the TRUE Audio
Videos for YouTube done by me and my Sweetheart.
[21:19] <+Robotnik> Yeah, that's what I meant. Sorry if I wasn't
[21:20] <+EXKeine> Hey Chris-kun, will you ever do special
holiday comics, like for Christmas or Halloween?
[21:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> things are okay between me and
Blanca, thank you.
[21:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> maybe, but not at the moment.
[21:20] <+concreteman> That'd be the best, CWC. I'd love to hear
your dramatic readings, honestly.
[21:20] <+concreteman> No offence, Vivi.
[21:20] <+RocketFox> Blanca is a pretty name :3 she sounds pretty
[21:20] <@vivitheg> None taken, if chris did them
[21:20] <+Parakarry> CWC, will Sonichu and Rosechu eventually
evolve someday?
[21:20] <@vivitheg> that'd be awesome
[21:20] <+RocketFox> I dunno why vivian had a russian guy, a
teenager, and a boston girl do the voices but OK ^^;
[21:21] <@vivitheg> But will you write new stories involving
Sonichu? You wouldn't have to draw and maybe give us more Sonichu
[21:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Comic 9 Spoiler: Episode 19 involves
Wild and Punchy attending a Dating Education Class at Cwcville
Community College; Wild meets and falls for Simonla.
[21:21] <+RocketFox> scandalous! D:
[21:21] <@PandaHalo> ohhh I love punchy!
[21:21] <@PandaHalo> can punchy climb walls and glide?
[21:21] <+RocketFox> Punchy is so funny and random xDDDD
[21:21] <+concreteman> Will Wild wear big red pointy sunglasses?
[21:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and Episode 20 is the EPIC BATTLE
Between MOST of the Electric-Hedgehogs and ALL THE INTRODUCED VILLIANS
[21:21] <@vivitheg> Is this the one Chris foretold of?
[21:21] <@PandaHalo> :O THAT SOUNDS EPIC!
[21:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no sunglasses for Wild.
[21:22] <+Knuckles> CWC, do you think Sarah Palin is cute?
[21:22] <+RocketFox> palin is prettier than me ;3;
[21:22] <@PandaHalo> would you bone her if you werent dating
[21:22] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I will write MANY NEW Stories Around
[21:22] <+Knuckles> Palin is a gmilf :3
�01[21:22] <+SonichuGal> Chris, I read some of your dating tips
from the Sonichu News Dash from a few years ago. Do you have any new
dating tips for us?
[21:22] <@ChrisChanSonichu> No Politics.
[21:22] <+Knuckles> Because she's gonna be a grandma
[21:22] <+RocketFox> gmilf? e_e; what is that
[21:22] <+knuckip> if you could go to any country, where would
you go?
[21:22] <@vivitheg> Stop talking about Politics! NO MORE
[21:22] <+RocketFox> okay no politics ._. it's boring anyway
[21:22] <@ChrisChanSonichu> if I may have a silent moment, I'll
answer the Dating Question.
�03[21:22] * Muninn (~Alberesk@Rizon-FC5108B4.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net)
has joined #sonichu
[21:23] <@falsion> Understood.
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[21:23] <@falsion> Please proceed when you're ready.
[21:24] <@ChrisChanSonichu> If you are SHY to talk to your
OPPOSITE GENDER in public, make an acquaintanceship, at least, with one
on the Internet, but MAKE SURE She/He is Legit; Video Chat with her/him
in addition to Instant Messaging.
[21:24] <@ChrisChanSonichu> If it grows into a Friendship, that's
[21:24] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Do not expect a Romantic
Relationship, unless you two should meet IRL
[21:24] <+Knuckles> What about role playing? [21:24]
<@ChrisChanSonichu> unless you both decide to open up to each
other over Video Chat. :)
[21:25] <@falsion> Chris, may I ask. This is embarrsinning.
But... when do you think is the right time to have sex?
[21:25] <@ChrisChanSonichu> ONLY in Video Chat, then you may
consider Role Playing.
�03[21:25] * Evangs|Away is now known as Evang-y
[21:25] <@ChrisChanSonichu> After you become the LEGALLY
CONSENTING AGE for your STATE; look it up for your respective state.
[21:25] <@falsion> By that, I mean. After mairrage or what.
[21:25] <@falsion> *marriage
[21:26] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Before is okay, AS LONG AS YOU BOTH
[21:26] <+Knuckles> Hanky panky :3
[21:26] <+Parakarry> indeed
�03[21:26] * PandaHalo sets mode: +v Guest_
[21:26] <+Parakarry> that is very sweet cwc
[21:26] <@falsion> Hmm.. okay, but in church they always tell me
that before marraige is bad
�03[21:26] * Guest_ is now known as GarthCrooks
[21:26] <+knuckip> i'm a high function autistic in middle school,
and jerkops annoy me all the time. how do you recommend
to deal with them?
[21:26] <@falsion> and that I can go to hell
[21:26] <+Evang-y> Hey Chris-chan. Have you played any Kirby or
Mega Man games before?
[21:26] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I asked my Pastor about that as well,
and she agreed with that.
[21:26] <+Solarius> speaking of religion, what are your views on
the Jewish people Chris?
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joined #sonichu
[21:27] <@falsion> I see. Well, thanks for your advice.
[21:27] <+EXKeine> Or Muslims for that matter
[21:27] <+Evang-y> Oooh, Wild is going to fall in love with
Simonla? I am catching up with some questions now, please excuse me.
[21:27] <+Solarius> i.e. do Jewish people go to heaven?
[21:27] <+Knuckles> Jews like money too much ):
[21:27] <@ChrisChanSonichu> just ignore the Jerkops, but if
approached, tell them to PUSH ON. Yes on Both Kirby and Mega Man. I
will tolerate Jewish people.
[21:27] <+GarthCrooks> lets not get into religious arguments guys
[21:27] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have no opinion on them good or
[21:27] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I agree.
[21:27] <+Solarius> ok
[21:27] <@falsion> Yes, please stop bringing up politics and
[21:27] <@falsion> Anyway, continue
[21:27] <+knuckip> thanks for the advice cwc, your my hero
[21:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> :)
[21:28] <@vivitheg> As a former lesbian trying desperately to
stay on the straight path, what do you recommend I should do?
�01[21:28] <+SonichuGal> Thank you for answering my questions as
[21:28] <+Solarius> chris do you own a BMW?
[21:28] <+RocketFox> your advice is wise :3
[21:28] <+Evang-y> Have you ever watched Gurren Lagann, as it is
the basis for creating Simonchu when I sent him to you.
[21:28] <+Knuckles> I own a BMW
[21:28] <+Knuckles> :3
[21:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Fill your Room with picutres of Male
People, young lady; you'll eventuall become straight.
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�03[21:28] * Parakarry is now known as Parakarry|debate
[21:29] <+Parakarry|debate> CWC, who do you want to win the
presidential debate? By the way, are you voting?
[21:29] <@ChrisChanSonichu> the BMW in that picture before is my
mother's BMW; I drive a 94 Ford Escort.
[21:29] <@vivitheg> Well, my room has been full of pictures with
guys...for years.
�02[21:29] * MyName (~Guest@A1E388DF.3DB1DC44.88FCFD39.IP) Quit (Quit:
[21:29] <+GarthCrooks> he already answered he's voting mccain
[21:29] <+Evang-y> He already said who he was voting for. Don't
ask about politics
�01[21:29] <+SonichuGal> NO POLITICS HERE.
[21:29] <+Robotnik> Enough with the politics.
[21:29] <+Parakarry|debate> I'm sorry. I don't pay attention to
the IRC chat all day :(
�03[21:29] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-E60F540E.home3.cgocable.net) has
joined #sonichu
[21:29] <+Parakarry|debate> I am very busy ..
[21:29] <@ChrisChanSonichu> vivitheg, didn't I talk to you about
that earlier?
[21:29] <+Evang-y> Can I request that political questions result
in kicks?
[21:29] <@vivitheg> Yes, I believe you did. But that was before I
decided to take the straight path
[21:30] <+Evang-y> It is a tiresome subject. I want to hear about
[21:30] <@vivitheg> It's been a rough month.
[21:30] <@ChrisChanSonichu> You may ask, and I don't know about
[21:30] <+Knuckles> vivi can't stop thinking about vaginas
[21:30] <@vivitheg> I mean, I try hard to find guys attractive
but...it just doesn't work
[21:30] <@ChrisChanSonichu> lol
[21:30] <+concreteman> Has the mammoth flown for you, Vivi?
[21:30] <@vivitheg> Yeah.
[21:30] <+GarthCrooks> chris what do you think about Katy Perry??
she seems to encourage fans to go away from the straight path
�01[21:30] <+SonichuGal> Boy for girl and girl for boy!
[21:30] <+RocketFox> Chris I need advice :<
[21:30] <@ChrisChanSonichu> one moment, I'm thinking...
[21:31] <+RocketFox> okay
[21:31] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Vivi, just continue CONCENTRATING
FULLY ON MEN. RocketFox, what else concerns you? and I dont' know who
Katy Perry is, and I don't think it's appropriate at the moment, if she
is a s l u t.
[21:32] <+Evang-y> Seriously though, have you ever watched
Gurren Lagann? I think you'd like it a lot as Simon is all about
drilling a straight path for the future of society and staying straight
[21:32] <@vivitheg> Thank you Chris, I will try.
[21:32] <+GarthCrooks> katy perry is a pop singer with a hit song
called "I Kissed a Girl"
[21:32] <+RocketFox> My father died of liver cancer and
cirrohosis a day ago ;~; he drank a ton and it hurt him - I'm only 11
and I dunno what to do ;~;
[21:32] <+Knuckles> Chris, what makes homosexuality so wrong? If
something makes you happen, you should pursue it, right?
[21:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> oh, I'm sorry; my mistake.
�01[21:32] <+SonichuGal> Sheesh, Chris has been over this.
�01[21:32] <+SonichuGal> BOY FOR GIRL AND GIRL FOR BOY.
�02[21:32] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-E60F540E.home3.cgocable.net) Quit
[21:32] <+Robotnik> I could use some advice, as well.
�01[21:33] <+SonichuGal> The big man upstairs is disturbed by
�03[21:33] * Guest_ (~Guest@Rizon-E60F540E.home3.cgocable.net) has
joined #sonichu
[21:33] <+Evang-y> Chris-chan is quite good with advice, but if I
may, I'd reccommend keeping it Sonichu related.
[21:33] <+Robotnik> It was about getting a girlfriend.
[21:33] <+Evang-y> He can give great advice but he can only do so
much at a time!
[21:33] <+Evang-y> Not that I should speak for him, but.
[21:33] <@ChrisChanSonichu> RocketFox, you will soon recover from
your father's accident, I guess it is; DO NOT DRINK Alcohol yourself;
[21:33] <+Robotnik> Alright. If he doesn't reall want to, that's
[21:34] <+RocketFox> thanks chris ^^; /hug
[21:34] <+Knuckles> I have AIDS ):
[21:34] <+knuckip> could you post the lyrics to "Yellow is a
Mellow Color"? it's really catchy
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[21:34] <+concreteman> CWC, what if RocketFox did heroin?
[21:34] <@ChrisChanSonichu> well, pass it on to a monkey,
[21:34] <+concreteman> I heard that's pretty okay.
[21:34] <@vivitheg> Right now, I'm with my boyfriend on this chat
and I honestly can't get aroused enough for him. My pussy isn't wet
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joined #sonichu
[21:34] <@vivitheg> It just doesn't seem to work. I'm staring
very hard at his...youknowwhat...
�01[21:35] <+SonichuGal> Maybe if you go to a male strip club.
�01[21:35] <+SonichuGal> So you can get wet and go back to him.
�01[21:35] <+SonichuGal> Like how married men go to strip clubs
so they can get hard to please their wives
[21:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> vivi, ask him to do a sexy dance for
you; IDK right now. let him do what he thinks can help.
[21:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> or go with SonichuGal's idea; just
don't FALL for any one of those men.
[21:36] <@vivitheg> There are no male strip clubs in my area...
[21:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Try FALLING for YOUR MAN ONLY.
[21:36] <+knuckip> could you look into producing a sonichu role
playing game, using rpg maker?
�03[21:36] * spastic (cgiirc@Rizon-174CDCC0.cfl.res.rr.com) has joined
[21:36] <@vivitheg> My boyfriend is doing a dance for me now. It
doesn't seem to be working. In fact, I think it's having the opposite
effect on me.
[21:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> IDK; I may parody an RPG scenario one
episode or so.
�03[21:36] * sonic_90 (~fgsfds@710485DE.3D2A8E6A.BC94B6EA.IP) has
joined #sonichu
[21:37] <+Evang-y> Nahh, RPGs wouldn't fit Sonichu. May I make a
suggestion, Chris?
[21:37] <+Evang-y> http://www.stencyl.com/about/ When this comes
out you should use it. It's built to make game-making easy.
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joined #sonichu
[21:37] <@ChrisChanSonichu> well Vivi, just let him pleasure you
his own way.
[21:37] <@ChrisChanSonichu> try that.
[21:37] <+Evang-y> I'll be using it for my Own Video Game
Adventure, Teff the Battle Robot.
[21:37] <@vivitheg> Well, would it be okay if I used a strap-on
on him?
[21:37] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'll conisider that, Evang-Y
[21:38] <@ChrisChanSonichu> not right now, Vivi; not a good idea.
[21:38] <+Evang-y> It's not out yet, as I said, but I think it'd
be perfect for you to use, Christian.
[21:38] <@vivitheg> Why would it not be a good idea? He says he
would be okay with it.
[21:38] <+GarthCrooks> you might turn him gay vivi
[21:38] <@ChrisChanSonichu> oh, okay then; let him play you his
�01[21:38] <+SonichuGal> STAY STRAIGHT!
[21:38] <@PandaHalo> ChrisChanSonichu: Is wearing two condoms at
once more affective that one condom?
[21:38] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I don't think so; if anything, it's
[21:38] <+Knuckles> Chris, I saw on that ED page that you own a
dildo. Say it ain't so! �01[21:39] <+SonichuGal> :(
[21:39] <+Robotnik> It could be more of their slander.
[21:39] <+Knuckles> I don't know.
[21:39] <@falsion> Let's not bring up the ED page.
[21:39] <+knuckip> you should never go to that jerkop page
[21:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I got that ONLY as a Bonus Gift from
AdamEve.com; I have never used it.
[21:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I agree.
[21:39] <@vivitheg> Well, my boyfriend finished...but I'm still
not...done...if you know what I mean CHris.
[21:39] <+Knuckles> What about the anal beads, Chris? �01[21:39]
<+SonichuGal> That fast, vivi?
[21:39] <@vivitheg> Yeah.
�01[21:39] <+SonichuGal> That wasn't very long.
[21:40] <@falsion> Those were a gift too. Enough.
[21:40] <@vivitheg> It was new to him and I guess it did
something for him.
[21:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> same thing.
[21:40] <@vivitheg> But for me...ugh...I'm so *@#$ing miserable
[21:40] <@vivitheg> This boyfriend thing isn't working.
[21:40] <@vivitheg> I...i just don't know.
[21:40] <@PandaHalo> maybe get a sex change?
[21:40] <@PandaHalo> and become a boy?
[21:40] <+Knuckles> Have you ever heard of a fleshlight, Chris?
[21:40] <@vivitheg> He's taking a shower right now.
[21:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Just keep trying.
[21:40] <@PandaHalo> that way you can be attracted to girls?
[21:40] <+Robotnik> you could probably keep a bible at hand.
[21:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm against Sex-Changing.
[21:40] <+Knuckles> It's a pussy... in a flashlight
[21:40] <+Evang-y> Kick Knuckles, he is flat out trolling right
[21:40] <+GarthCrooks> agreed
�03[21:40] * vivitheg sets mode: -v Knuckles
[21:41] <@ChrisChanSonichu> okay.
[21:41] <@falsion> Sorry, I'm watching the debates. I'm a bit
distracted now.
[21:41] <@falsion> Please continue.
[21:41] <@vivitheg> no more...politics okay
[21:41] <+Solarius> what are your favourite books Chris, asside
from comics?
[21:41] <@falsion> oh
[21:41] <@falsion> sorry
[21:41] <@falsion> that was unintentional
[21:41] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Vivian, while he's showering, try
turing yourself on, as you may have done before.
[21:42] <@vivitheg> But my choice of...porn...would be against my
original gender.
[21:42] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have enjoyed the works of R.L.
[21:42] <@vivitheg> Would that still be okay?
[21:42] <+concreteman> CWC, what did you think of the classic
NICKELODEON show, "Are You Afraid Of The Dark"?
[21:42] <@ChrisChanSonichu> is it, and I AM ONLY USING THE WORD
[21:42] <@vivitheg> Yes. Yes it is.
[21:42] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I liked it.
[21:43] <@falsion> Chris. I just wanted to ask this, back to your
[21:43] <@falsion> Chris, do you feel that your stories have
taken a more adult tone over the years, and why has it changed so much
in that regard?
[21:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I grew up more, mentally, so it does
get reflected now and the.
[21:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> then
[21:43] <+Robotnik> Did you like The Dark Knight?
�01[21:43] <+SonichuGal> Christian, do you plan on attending any
more anime conventions in the future? If so, do you plan on getting a
table for Sonichu? I know I would totally go to a con if you were
[21:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> did not see that.
[21:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> maybe.
�01[21:44] <+SonichuGal> I'd cosplay as Rosechu if that was the
[21:44] <@PandaHalo> Have you ever been outside of Virginia?
[21:44] <@falsion> Okay, I just was wondering. Because it seems
like you let other people get to you too much, and it seems to reflect
in the comics.
[21:44] <+GarthCrooks> that's a good idea SonichuGal
[21:44] <@falsion> Before the bullies found you, the comics were
a lot more innocent in a way
[21:44] <@vivitheg> Alright, my boyfriend finished and he's going
to head back home now. He says he'll try to think of something for next
[21:44] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Vivi, you may watch Lesbian video,
but wait for him to return to you, so he can watch it with you; he can
get ideas on how to turn you on from them.
[21:44] <@vivitheg> Well he's tried that before
[21:44] <@falsion> But anyway, I regress
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(Quit: Guest_�)
[21:45] <@ChrisChanSonichu> just keep trying, Vivi; it'll get
started soon enough.
[21:45] <@vivitheg> He's just...I don't know how to say it. a
man...he's not a woman. he doesn't know how it works.
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[21:45] <+Solarius> Chris I heard your babysitter abused you,
what did she do that was abusive?
[21:45] <@vivitheg> Even if he did the exact same things a woman
would do, it just wouldn't...click ya know?
[21:45] <+Robotnik> Chris, do women like facial hair?
[21:45] <+Robotnik> I was wondering, trying to improve my
attraction methods.
�03[21:45] * glisteningsquid (cgiirc@Rizon-174CDCC0.cfl.res.rr.com) has
joined #sonichu
[21:45] <@ChrisChanSonichu> only locked me in a room, alone by
myself; no one else around in the room.
[21:45] <@PandaHalo> Robotnik: have you tried hanging around the
mall singing to attract a boyfriend free girl?
[21:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> facial hair, to most women, is a Turn
[21:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> lol
[21:46] <@falsion> Chris, all I'm saying is I hope you don't let
the bullies get to you too much. It seems like you've been pressured to
draw sexual imagery in response to the bullies as protest. But I feel
as though that your earlier comics were the best.
[21:46] <@falsion> But I still enjoy your latest works
[21:46] <@falsion> however your stress does show
[21:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I try to stay away from stress as
much as possible.
[21:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and ignore the bullies.
�01[21:46] <+SonichuGal> Good for you, Chris!
[21:46] <+knuckip> how do you releive stress?
[21:46] <+Evang-y> Yeah. You're getting better with ignoring
[21:47] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I gtg; the new South Park is going to
start in a quarter of an hour.
[21:47] <+Evang-y> Keep plugging away, Chris. You're our hero.
[21:47] <+GarthCrooks> i liked in the new preview that the
anti-Jimmy Hill bit was quite humourous rather than just angry :)
�01[21:47] <+SonichuGal> Thanks for reminding me Chris.
�01[21:47] <+SonichuGal> I <3 South Park.
[21:47] <+Evang-y> Oh, I'm watching it too. See you, Chris-chan
[21:47] <@falsion> As soon as you take care of them in the comic,
I hope things go back to the basics, like the earlier comics
[21:47] <@falsion> and ignoring the trolls
[21:47] <@ChrisChanSonichu> y'all take care and stay safe.
[21:47] <+RocketFox> bye CWC! ^^
[21:47] <+Robotnik> It was nice to meet you again chris :)
[21:47] <+GarthCrooks> thanks for answering our questions
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(~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit:
* Guest (~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #sonichu
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[06:54] <Spankety> rofl
�03[06:54] * Guest1 is now known as ChrisChanSonichu
[06:54] <Spankety> WHOA IT'S HIM
�03[06:54] * Spankety was kicked by [^_^] (Turn caps lock OFF!�)
�03[06:54] * Spankety (~Spankety@Rizon-681DE572.eastlink.ca) has joined
[06:54] <Richter> lol
[06:55] <ChrisChanSonichu> yep, I'm here. Hey, Y'all.
[06:55] <Spankety> sup bossman?
[06:55] <Viral> nah, it's jimmy hill trying to trick us
[06:55] <Viral> he's such a liar
[06:55] <Haihai> Spankety ssssht >:c
[06:55] <Viral> and a fraud
[06:55] <ChrisChanSonichu> no; I am Christian Weston Chandler.
[06:55] <ChrisChanSonichu> Cassey, tell them.
[06:55] <@PandaHalo> hi ChrisChanSonichu :)
[06:55] <@PandaHalo> it's him
[06:55] <ChrisChanSonichu> :)
[06:55] <Spankety> yeah I could tell by the address
�03[06:55] * PandaHalo sets mode: +o ChrisChanSonichu
[06:55] <peenpouncin> Hey Chris, welcome
[06:55] <Spankety> ~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net
[06:56] <Spankety> virginia!
[06:56] <@PandaHalo> it's not very busy in here atm :(
[06:56] <@ChrisChanSonichu> thanks.
[06:56] <Richter> Hello Chris
[06:56] <Viral> well then, sorry, chris
[06:56] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's fine; I'll still take any
questions if there are any.
[06:57] <Haihai> Chris have you seen the fangame someone is
making yet and what do you think of it?
[06:57] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Did Cassey inform the person who
asked about my Halloween plans of my answer?
[06:57] <Spankety> yeah she did :3
[06:57] <@PandaHalo> yeah it was Spankety
[06:57] <Viral> so what do you have planned for halloween?
[06:58] <Viral> i heard something about a sonichu costume
[06:58] <@ChrisChanSonichu> nothing really.
[06:58] <Viral> i c
[06:58] <@ChrisChanSonichu> at the moment, that rumor is
[06:58] <Viral> that's good, actually
[06:58] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and I did not care for that game's
portrayl of Sonichu; it made him look fat.
[06:59] <Spankety> I think he looks cute ^_^
[06:59] <Haihai> Hm you're right I see it too now
[06:59] <peenpouncin> haha
[06:59] <peenpouncin> he does kinda look fat
[06:59] <Richter> and why is there some black guy with a jetpack
[06:59] <Haihai> That appears to be a jetpack jerkop
[06:59] <peenpouncin> ahh
[06:59] <Richter> Ahh
[06:59] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that is the correct assumption.
[06:59] <peenpouncin> what ar eyou doing up at 7am chris?
[07:00] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I had a lot of sleep beforehand.
[07:00] <Spankety> peen... you must live close to me
[07:00] <@ChrisChanSonichu> IDK, Spankety; what state do you live
[07:00] <peenpouncin> i live in virginia
[07:00] <Spankety> oh nevermind
[07:00] <Spankety> I'm Canadian rofl
[07:01] <peenpouncin> haha
[07:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yeah, because I live in Virginia.
[07:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> lol
[07:01] <peenpouncin> have you ever been to fredericksburg chris?
[07:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, but only on the way to my Aunt
Corina's house.
[07:01] <peenpouncin> ahh yeah, that's where i'am :|
[07:01] <@ChrisChanSonichu> so only a few times.
[07:02] <@ChrisChanSonichu> neat.
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joined #sonichu
[07:04] <Haihai> There have been rumors of a new hedgehog pokémon
going to arrive in the next comic, do you want to share anything about
that with us?
[07:04] <Spankety> do you ever fart on your feet? the bubbly ones
feel really good on it
[07:05] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I think you are referring to Silvana
[07:05] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and no, I do not, Spankety; that's
[07:07] <Spankety> are you going to do any updates soon?
[07:07] <peenpouncin> any new videos?
[07:07] <@ChrisChanSonichu> not at the moment, but maybe in the
near future.
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[07:08] <Spankety> ...from SL?
[07:08] <TheTengu> I just beat Dead Space.
[07:08] <@ChrisChanSonichu> it depends on my IRL events.
[07:08] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Congratuations.
[07:08] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have Resistance 2 Beta now.
[07:08] <TheTengu> How is it?
[07:08] <peenpouncin> did you play mother 3 chris?
[07:08] <Viral> is it good?
[07:08] <Spankety> Tengu are you from Second Life?... lol
[07:09] <TheTengu> lol nah
[07:09] <@PandaHalo> christian, i was thinking maybe, as part of
the fan site, we could run a sonichu contest, where people can submit
custom characters, and winner is randomly chosen and gets a guest spot
in a comic? it would generate a lot of sonichu hype and stuff
[07:09] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have not had a chance to play the
Beta game yet.
[07:09] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's an idea, Cassie.
[07:09] <Haihai> Yeah Sonichu could really use some more hype
right now, so people will see who the true original creator is
[07:10] <Viral> come to think of, you participate in a lot of
[07:10] <Viral> must be the perks of being sponsored by sony,
[07:10] <Spankety> have you seen the latest screen shots of Jimmy
Hill's new anime? Thoughts?
[07:10] <Haihai> I think Chris just has good connections :)
[07:10] <@ChrisChanSonichu> How About this, and I would be
willing to approve it; Custom Chracters, Full Fan Comics (5 Pages
Minimum), and general Fanart.
[07:10] <Richter> Who would watch anything from Jimmy
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(~KeaneSixt@Rizon-77E9CB31.phlapa.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: [17:37]
<+Melon_Ninja> for your own good, use only 1 hand to do the
kneading, otherwise you'll just make an insane mess [17:37]
<+Melon_Ninja> and yes, do�)
[07:11] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and the Prize for the TOP 5, from MY
hands only, a Sonichu Medal for each of the Top 5.
[07:11] <peenpouncin> :o
[07:11] <Haihai> Well most of your fans are young kids and they
may not have the motivation to make a full fan comic... I don't know.
But you're in charge ofcourse
[07:11] <Spankety> Chris I must thank you personally for saving
my life from boredom
[07:12] <TheTengu> Jimmy Hill's still at it eh? (I've been gone
for a week or so)
[07:12] <@ChrisChanSonichu> just ignore that Wabbit-Thief.
[07:12] <Viral> i bet jimmy will steal the contest idea too
[07:12] <Viral> he soooooo lacks creativity
[07:13] <Haihai> Like he does with everything :S
[07:13] <@PandaHalo> i hope somebody cuts off his penis
[07:13] <Viral> then he'd steal someone elses
[07:13] <Viral> gross
[07:13] <peenpouncin> Lol
[07:13] <Spankety> haha
[07:13] <TheTengu> lol
[07:13] <@PandaHalo> lol
[07:13] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I have not made any official
announcements about the contest yet, but should it go into effect, I
will post it on Sonichu.net, and on the Fan Site.
[07:13] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Me too, Cassie.
[07:14] <TheTengu> What's the status of the comic? Haven't heard
much since the preview came out.
[07:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I hope he loses his duck.
[07:14] <Haihai> It's fun when you come in here Chris, and it's
fun to be one of the first to know about new Sonichu news
[07:14] <@PandaHalo> its one of the perks of being true sonichu
fans :)
[07:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm still working on the comic.
[07:14] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yep. :)
[07:14] <@PandaHalo> ChrisChanSonichu: we also have a bot in the
channel now.. ^_^ will kick anyone from chat automagically if they
write the word pickle or nigger or type in all caps
[07:15] <Haihai> That should keep those trolls out
[07:15] <@PandaHalo> if you have ops though (the @ next to your
name) it wont kick you though
[07:15] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yep.
[07:15] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's good.
[07:16] <Viral> let's hope those ED-trolls don't find a way to
bypass this protection
[07:16] <Viral> that would be hell
[07:16] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I hear that.
[07:16] <Spankety> they aren't smart enough
[07:17] <Haihai> They get kicked and they'll think they got
disconnected or something and wil just give up I think
[07:17] <@ChrisChanSonichu> let's change the subject; who here
has enjoyed the Classic PSP TV ads with the pencil-drawn characters?
[07:17] <Spankety> the squirrels?
[07:17] <Viral> gotta check them on youtube, those never aired
around here
[07:17] <@ChrisChanSonichu> The Squirrels, the one with the Mice
and Dustball.
[07:17] <TheTengu> The squirrels were win
[07:17] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'd Hit That!
[07:17] <Haihai> wat
[07:18] <peenpouncin> :o
[07:18] <@ChrisChanSonichu> "Daxter on PSP, I'd Hit That."
[07:18] <Spankety> the ghetto squirrels lol
[07:18] <Viral> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHB-92kSkCk those?
[07:18] <@ChrisChanSonichu> also, "Come out and Play." "I can't;
I'm playing nut." "But there's Portable Nut." "WWWHHHHAAAAAAT?!" "Yeah,
it's a nut you can play with outside!" "PSP, it's like a nut, you can
play with outside."
[07:19] <Viral> lol
[07:19] <Richter> Ok I didn't know what you were talking about,
but now I do
[07:19] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I've downloaded the classic
Pencil-Character commercials from the PSP-ONLY website.
[07:19] <Richter> Those commercials are funny
[07:19] <@ChrisChanSonichu> of the US.
[07:19] <peenpouncin> good advertising, who doesn't want to play
with nuts outside?
[07:19] <TheTengu> I saw them on tv a few times back when I had
[07:19] <Spankety> I love nuts
[07:19] <@ChrisChanSonichu> hey, how about the "Mr. Goose"
commercial featuring Dustball?
[07:20] <Spankety> especially jiggling them in my hand
[07:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> "Mr. Goose, what's happening?"
[07:20] <Spankety> feels soooo gooood
[07:20] <TheTengu> Lol geese are an evil lot
[07:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Whatch it, Spankey Pig.
[07:20] <Viral> they sure are
[07:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I don't know about geese being evil.
[07:20] <TheTengu> You ever been chased by a goose Chris?
[07:20] <TheTengu> An angry one at that?
[07:20] <@ChrisChanSonichu> my family and I had pet geese.
[07:21] <TheTengu> My grandpa had a guard goose.
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[07:21] <peenpouncin> lol
[07:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> one of them was infatuated with my
�03[07:21] * PandaHalo was kicked by [^_^] (Requested (PandaHalo)�)
[07:21] <Viral> some geese can get mad for no reason
[07:21] <peenpouncin> o.o
�03[07:21] * PandaHalo (~Canda@Rizon-E22D879B.ip.adam.com.au) has
joined #sonichu
�03[07:21] * [^_^] sets mode: +o PandaHalo
[07:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> we ended up giving the geese away.
[07:21] <Viral> that's kinda scary when you're still a small kid
and you just wanted to feed them
[07:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> we had a total of 4
[07:21] <TheTengu> lol no geese dinner?
[07:21] <@ChrisChanSonichu> NO
[07:22] <Spankety> U
[07:23] <Haihai> I you could transform into Chris-chan in real
life, and kick some 'behind' without anyone finding out it was you,
would you do it?
[07:23] <Spankety> hellz yeah
[07:23] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'd definitely go kick
RickyRicardo123's teeth in.
[07:23] <Viral> that would be totally awesome
[07:23] <TheTengu> What would be the process? I imagine you
wouldn't just go into a phone booth like Superman
[07:23] <@ChrisChanSonichu> as well as Jimmy Hill.
[07:24] <@ChrisChanSonichu> don't you read the comics?
[07:24] <@PandaHalo> he'd touch his medallion!
[07:24] <Haihai> I don't get it how you have so many enemies :S
[07:24] <@ChrisChanSonichu> the Transformation happens as drawn.
[07:24] <TheTengu> Ah right. Bit sleep deprived x.x
[07:24] <Viral> must be the jealousy
[07:25] <Viral> or boredom in some cases
[07:25] <@ChrisChanSonichu> actually, if you'd read the Comic 10
preview pages, it changes from the Medal to my High School Ring; the
Power has been in there THE WHOLE TIME since March 17, 2000.
[07:25] <Haihai> So that ancient guy was wrong?
[07:25] <@ChrisChanSonichu> not really.
[07:25] <peenpouncin> i still wear my high school ring :S
[07:25] <@ChrisChanSonichu> It took the event to awaken the
[07:25] <peenpouncin> i wish it had powers
[07:25] <Haihai> Ohh... that makes sense
[07:25] <@ChrisChanSonichu> well, mine is the ONLY ring of its
[07:25] <peenpouncin> 8(
[07:26] <Viral> ;___;
[07:26] <@ChrisChanSonichu> it has my initials engraved inside
[07:26] <TheTengu> The One Ring..
[07:26] <TheTengu> To Transform Chris-Chan?
[07:26] <peenpouncin> mine has my first name written on the
[07:26] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and it has my birthstone in it.
[07:26] <peenpouncin> same with mine, but we probably have
different stones.
[07:26] <Haihai> I still have to finish highschool, I'm only
[07:27] <Spankety> as long as they aren't kidney
[07:27] <Spankety> *ba dum bish*
[07:27] <Haihai> It's really hard fitting in as a 13 year old
girl with freckles
[07:27] <peenpouncin> lol
[07:27] <TheTengu> Chris, you ever watch the show Mighty Boosh?
Check out the Old Gregg episode sometime.
[07:27] <TheTengu> It's a hoot.
[07:27] <Spankety> I'm old Gregg!
[07:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> It's hard fitting in as a 13-year old
high-function autistic person who is being mainstreamed...
[07:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Oh, wait!
[07:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> NO IT'S NOT!
[07:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> :D
[07:28] <Haihai> XD
[07:28] <Viral> oh you
[07:28] <Spankety> .jpg
[07:28] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Seriously, I've had a LOT of great
gal-pals in my Middle and High School years.
[07:28] <Haihai> Grrr now there's tea all over the place and
running from my nose
[07:29] <Spankety> you drink tea?
[07:29] <Haihai> I'm Brittish
[07:29] <TheTengu> Do you still keep in touch with them or not so
[07:29] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I drink tea too.
[07:29] <Viral> stop drinking like a little piggy
[07:29] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm a little brit myself.
[07:29] <peenpouncin> tea owns
[07:29] <Spankety> I say arse
[07:29] <@PandaHalo> :O
[07:29] <@PandaHalo> i say arse too
[07:29] <TheTengu> lol me too
[07:29] <Spankety> :O
[07:29] <@PandaHalo> omg we're so awesome! :D
[07:29] <Haihai> I say delicious :)
[07:30] <Spankety> butts aren't delicious
[07:30] <TheTengu> I say proper a lot. Mostly from speaking with
a danish friend.
[07:30] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Tea for a dollar, in a Large Cup, at
McDonalds; go Dollar-Menuaires!
[07:30] <Haihai> Let's go ghostbusters, let's go let's go
[07:31] <TheTengu> *cue the gorilla runnin around*
[07:31] <Spankety> ow my axles
[07:31] <@ChrisChanSonichu> Has anyone here ever won any Big
Prizes or Big Money from the McDonalds Monoply game?
[07:31] <TheTengu> did you lose them?
[07:31] <TheTengu> I won like a big mac
[07:31] <peenpouncin> my dad won a free frosty the other day
[07:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's a small instant-win prize.
[07:32] <Spankety> I eat at Wendy's
[07:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm talking about getting ALL the
pieces of a set.
[07:32] <peenpouncin> mcdonalds hamburgers make me sick
[07:32] <peenpouncin> wendy's is awesome
[07:32] <Haihai> I haven't but there's a wet towel on my bathroom
[07:32] <TheTengu> Wendys is pretty good
[07:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yeah, it's alright.
[07:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> but McDonalds is MORE VALUEable. :D
[07:32] <@ChrisChanSonichu> and still good.
[07:32] <Spankety> not if you eat the nuggets D:
[07:33] <TheTengu> those nuggets are win
[07:33] <@ChrisChanSonichu> they're made with pure white chicken
[07:33] <Spankety> yeah but expensive lol
[07:33] <Viral> i liek their 1€ deals
[07:33] <@ChrisChanSonichu> 4 for a dollar is a good deal.
[07:33] <Spankety> wow
[07:33] <Viral> their cheeseburgers are pretty good
[07:33] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's chicken nuggets though.
[07:33] <@ChrisChanSonichu> yes, especially their Double
[07:33] <Spankety> over here it's like 6 for 5
[07:34] <@ChrisChanSonichu> with no dill
[07:34] <Viral> we have the same 4 nuggets for a €
[07:34] <Richter> Double Quarter Pounder w/ cheese is my mickey
D's choice
[07:34] <Viral> plus some sauce
[07:34] <Haihai> If you don't mind me asking so many questions,
what has been the greatest day of your life so far Chris?
[07:34] <Viral> i wish they had more variety there
[07:34] <Viral> you only get sweet and sour or bbq
[07:34] <TheTengu> Big mac and maybe a shamrock shake is my
[07:34] <Spankety> mcdonald's has awesome shakes
[07:34] <Richter> omg I love shamrock shakes
[07:35] <Viral> bbq tastes a bit funny if you ask me
[07:35] <Spankety> and mcflurries
[07:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> IDK, that's going to take some
[07:35] <Viral> flurries, fuck yeah
[07:35] <Viral> those are awesome
[07:35] <TheTengu> yeah they are
[07:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'll get back to the fanbase with my
[07:35] <Viral> which one's your fave
[07:35] <Haihai> Ok, thanks
[07:35] <TheTengu> Oreo or Take 5
[07:35] <Spankety> caramel oreo
[07:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> for a McFlurrie?
[07:35] <peenpouncin> oreo frosty ftw
[07:35] <Viral> meh we don't even have those
[07:35] <peenpouncin> or mcflurry rather
[07:35] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I prefer M&Ms
[07:36] <TheTengu> Are you dressin up for Halloween this year
[07:36] <Spankety> I don't think they have m&ms at the one in
my area
[07:36] <Viral> we have kitkat, smarties or cornetto
[07:36] <TheTengu> I'm going to a zombie walk this weekend, so
I'm just using stuff from that :P
[07:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> it gives of a Rainbow Swirl color in
the ice cream, and it's still very good. :)
[07:36] <Spankety> the kitkat ones are fucking gross
[07:36] <TheTengu> For a costume.
[07:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no.
[07:36] <TheTengu> Smarties sounds bad.
[07:36] <Viral> i always take smarties
[07:36] <Spankety> nah the smarties are good
[07:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I like smarties.
[07:36] <Haihai> I hear they make you smart ;)
[07:36] <Viral> sometimes they mess them up real bad though
[07:36] <@ChrisChanSonichu> lol
[07:37] <Spankety> the kitkat ones don't even taste like kitkat
[07:37] <TheTengu> I could see that. I don't mind smarties, kind
of like pringles.
[07:37] <TheTengu> Just not in a mcflurry sort of thing
[07:37] <Viral> and the cornetto one is just silly
[07:37] <@ChrisChanSonichu> potato chips in ice cream? I don't
think so.
[07:37] <Richter> lol
[07:37] <Spankety> lmao
[07:37] <TheTengu> lol I've seen weirder things from japanese
[07:37] <Viral> an icecream cone mixed into a mcflurry?
[07:38] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that's a great idea.
[07:38] <Viral> what were they thinking?
[07:38] <TheTengu> anchovie chips comes to mind [07:38]
<@ChrisChanSonichu> ugh
[07:38] <Richter> ugh indeed
[07:38] <Viral> i like anchovies
[07:38] <Spankety> dill pickle chips in an cream root beer float
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[07:38] <Richter> Nasty
[07:38] <Viral> not in a mcflurry though
[07:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I agree.
[07:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> NOT for a McFlurrie.
[07:39] <TheTengu> I had dill sunflower seeds once. Kind of
[07:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> only Gonzo would like that.
[07:39] <peenpouncin> have you ever played the world of warcraft
chris? any interest in mmo's?
[07:39] <Viral> i had a daim flurry in switzerland once
[07:39] <@ChrisChanSonichu> no.
[07:40] <Viral> that was great
[07:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm not into PC games.
[07:40] <Viral> probably ruins your teeth if you have too many
[07:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> daim?
[07:40] <Haihai> Chris I think it would be awesome if I would go
eat at mcdonalds and then the happy meal suddenly includes a Sonichu or
Rosechu figure [07:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> someday, my loyal
fans, someday.
[07:40] <@ChrisChanSonichu> what's daim?
[07:40] <Viral> crunchy butter almond bar covered in milk
[07:40] <Viral> from sweden
[07:41] <@ChrisChanSonichu> that DOES sound good.
[07:41] <Viral> it is
[07:41] <Richter> Is that like a Heath bar?
[07:41] <Viral> candy
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(~asdasdas@Rizon-554724AA.in-addr.btopenworld.com) has joined #sonichu
[07:41] <Richter> err no that's toffee
[07:41] <Viral> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Dime_bar.jpg
[07:41] <TheTengu> lol Europe has a lot of good candies
[07:41] <Viral> wikipedia spelt daim wrong >___<
[07:42] <Spankety> Chris: cheese and pepperoni or combo pizza?
[07:42] <Haihai> Chris is making everyone hungry with all this
food talk ;)
[07:42] <Viral> lucky for me i'm having lunch now
[07:42] <BrianClough> hey cool the great man himself is here
[07:43] <BrianClough> hi Chris
[07:43] <TheTengu> No joke, I might make a sammich soon.
[07:43] <Spankety> yes the lord has blessed us
[07:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> a smore sammich? :D
[07:43] <TheTengu> lol no marshmallow :(
[07:43] <TheTengu> otherwise I would
[07:43] <Haihai> marshmallow? More like marshMELLOW ;)
[07:43] <@ChrisChanSonichu> what's wrong with the marshmallow?
[07:44] <Spankety> yellow is a mellow color
[07:44] <TheTengu> Nothing, I just don't have any available
[07:44] <@PandaHalo> i pronounce marshmallow as marshmellow
[07:44] <Spankety> same
[07:44] <TheTengu> So any hopes of Surfin' Bird kareoke?
[07:44] <Viral> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwTHVZHqSb0
[07:45] <Viral> lol i loved those armadillo ads
[07:45] <peenpouncin> so is it true that you're single now chris?
[07:46] <Haihai> How could Chris be single
[07:46] <BrianClough> with so many fans
[07:46] <peenpouncin> i know, i wouldn't believe it unless he
said it here
[07:46] <Haihai> Well it won't be for long that's for sure
[07:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I am still single, and I'll find my
Sweetheart soon.
[07:46] <Haihai> If I were 5 years older... :)
[07:46] <Spankety> If I had a china
[07:46] <@ChrisChanSonichu> I'm going to check out for now, but
I'll check in later. :)
[07:46] <BrianClough> all the best in your quest chris
[07:47] <peenpouncin> take care.
[07:47] <Haihai> It was great seeing you here
[07:47] <Richter> Take care Chris, thanks for stopping by to
visit your loyal fans
[07:47] <BrianClough> yeah thanks for dropping by!
[07:47] <Viral> see ya later
[07:47] <TheTengu> Record Surfin Bird :P
[07:47] <TheTengu> Take care man
[07:47] <@ChrisChanSonichu> thank y'all; take care and stay safe.
[07:47] <BrianClough> and please can we have a new comic soon :)
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(~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit:
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