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===Raw captions===
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if they were to write a book about the
history of the internet Christine Weston
Chandler better known online under the
name Chris Chan would probably have
several chapters dedicated to them known
as the most documented person online
there's no shortage of information about
her Chris Chan a comprehensive history
is now at part 82 extensively
documenting her entire life the reasons
for this obsession with Christine are
far too complex for me to address here
but let's just say that she is not known
primarily for positive reasons people
are in fact so obsessed with her that
before I could even upload this video I
was given my own entry on the sonichu
wiki which I have printed off and hung
on my wall to show off like a trophy if
you want to know more about Christine
and the controversy surrounding her I
would recommend a two-part podcast
series done by behind the bastards
entitled a terrible story about the
internet on August 2nd 2021 Christine
was released from Central Virginia
Regional Jail after charges were pressed
against her for raping her mother the
charges were dropped on March 2 7th 2023
and Christine has remained relatively
low profile since during her time in
jail a campaign I organized to get clap
flare to drop the website kiwi Farms as
a customer succeeded and this caught the
attention of Christine who was aware
that many years ago kiwi Farms will go
by another name the quickie forums a few
months ago Christine reached out to me
asking to come onto my channel and have
a conversation with me I do not believe
Christine is a completely innocent
victim nor do I believe she is an
entirely evil and reprehensible person
she has done terrible things and has had
terrible things done to
her my interest in this conversation
came from a place of wanting to
understand her and not mock or belittle
her as that is already overabundant on
platform the following video is the
conversation that took place so I know
when I put this interview up like a lot
of the people who are going to watch
this already know who you are are but
yeah I guess what I wanted to ask like
starting this off is for the people who
aren't familiar with who you are how
would you describe yourself
well my phone name uh which I'm looking
to legally update soon enough it's uh I
am this Jesus chrisy Weston Chandler
Sonu Prime and I am the prime of all my
self counterparts throughout the
Multiverse but essentially who and what
I am I am actually the one Avatar of all
existence but I'm also I'm also the
artist and Creator and Crocker of the
Sai and Rose Sho species especially in
particular that of the specials which
are the ones that have more abilities
than them as opposed to the regulars cuz
the Sonu and Rose shoes they are species
of Pokemon electric hedgehogs along with
their evolved form metonic vres and
their pre-evolved form SI and Rosies the
baby Pokemon you know but anyway so I've
done I've written the draw multiple
books and I'm looking to get back into
that much more I'm going to be expanding
my collab a bit uh just essentially
getting my posy together in a way with
helping my friend who's helping me out
here which uh I'm Ready the place I'm in
right now putting that out there in case
anybody asking because I know I'm
breaking the fourth wall you're asking
you're asking oh you wng out there you
don't know better it must been a long
journey for you oh epically H people
have been fascinated with you for more
than two decades like I've heard people
call you the most documented person in
history there have been content creators
who have made entire careers just out of
talking about you and I guess I just
wanted to ask what does it feel like to
be the closest equivalent of a real
world Truman
Show oh that's actually a decent
comparison but yeah uh it has its has
its blessings and then it also has its
drawbacks I mean shoot I want to respond
to somebody on Twitter especially on
something I feel very passionate about
and then it's like you know put it's
like you I'll make a comment on on like
Twitter like I did recently and then the
and then the then the wings the toxic
ones those test Sinners among the
minority Lally than 1% of the whole
worldwide population that level
irredeemable but anyway so just they get
on me like that they badgered the person
that originally posted that tweet and
then that person that posted the tweet
that I commented on
just blocks me and that's not the answer
cuz they're still going to attack Dam
regardless so the thing to do is just
obviously just identify those that made
those comments just talking about me
building on to the drama of it all as
opposed to just answering the question
which the individual was talking about
and just blocking them who made the
comments but anyway
shoot it's a real mess so on the one
hand it's just good away to get ahead
get away clear my head meditate
reconnect and just move forward how do
you move forward from
here I try to clear my head as best I
can I don't always have the ability to
do that but when I take my deep breath
and get into my meditative
mindset and it's obvious I connect with
everything but it allows me to get
myself grounded and then I just feel
better still have the problem mastering
it down I mean just you know between my
B between my body and brain here just
having a difficulty mastering my powers
and abilities and getting a better
understanding of it
all at least we're making good progress
along the way I guess that's it's a
skill it takes a long time I know I
still struggle with that yeah certainly
da with me even in my past lives and
irations of
myself so one thing I did want to ask is
while I Was preparing for this interview
I was like pouring over so much of what
people have written about you all of the
H chst they called it they created an
entire new term just to talk about your
own personal history but the thing
that's always missing and why I thought
it would be really fascinating to talk
to you is how you feel about it your own
opinions on these things how would you
summarize the last two decades of your
life since you got the attention of the
internet massive crazy roller coaster
just I mean as I am and as I was in my
past life and everything just I would I
would have traed all this rather or not
we had the internet but just I have my
Mis feelings about it I mean I just I I
have felt angry and upset with the a lot
of the downside and those that tried to
like they bulli me they pick on me they
blackmail to see me and then obviously
just drag my name my good name to the
worst of mud buck and B fluids and just
their whole uh twisting it around and
just making me a whole bad individual
which of course I'm not I'm very kind I
have empathy and compassion and in my
works I've managed to try to convey that
but obviously it's not perfect because
the influences from these individuals
that just AFF that'ss not only me but
just our entire universe and timeline in
general and then this
just so yeah I
just just enough is enough sometimes I
just feel that I tolerate as much as I
can and of course I keep an optimistic
output and faith in the kindness and
good and love of everyone in general
including yourself I think like every
person even when they're an empathetic
person we all make mistakes and I guess
definitely looking back do you have any
regrets uh well the I'd say among I'd
say just essentially let my let myself
fall for the theoretical etes as I call
them and let them do me over like they
did and I'm just going to name drop this
Julie the blue Spike that held my
PlayStation Network accountable and see
and saw the loss of Soni Medallion
number two number threes staying longest
test in the
time but that's just a whole thing I'm
not going to go into right now
because I think this insir just says
understandable H but aside from that I I
do appreciate that like you know they
had to help shape and develop me
mentally and emotionally so I can have
that damage within me to be stronger and
more ready for it in the longer run so I
can actually finally do something about
it within like present tense in the
recent years especially after I managed
to clear my mind over the past couple of
years so every blessing counts and then
I do observe
just the not so good things which some
of them can be considered blessing as
disguise when you think about it
absolutely I I guess it's just been
there's been so many controversies that
you've been involved with over the years
and oh yeah if you could go back and
redo any of them is there something that
you would do differently uh any of them
so do do
differently well I guess if there's
anything I would do differently it's
just uh try not to react so harshly just
after I found out found the encyclopedia
dramatic page about me back in late
2007 I believe it was and uh then
finding the
the graphic fan art
of Rosie Rose
Che just being drawn with
a I mean I mean yeah originally just
like you know I thought I mean she was
she did end up becoming all female but
it turns out she was a male Raichu
before she became the very first rose
Che of all existence in general and then
just obviously a physical transition for
the chaos energy made her go from being
a male right shoe to being a full
interet Rose shoe to being a fully
female Rose shoe which is why she did
end up having the pointed tail despite
the fact that when I originally Drew up
drew the wrich Sho in book zero I wasn't
totally aware of female's right shoes
being different from the male's right
shoes just at the tail between a point
two just a flat tip it's interesting you
bring that up that actually leads me
into a question because I've seen this
um criticism be made about you
repeatedly at this point are you do you
identify as transgender there is a rumor
that is going around where you
apparently are not transgender and your
entire transition is a ploy to pre on
women oh good grief so false I mean I've
been on the estra and the SP KN for
years I changed Market my driver's
license from M to F I grew up my hair
for one
thing I think these would also make a
statement as well but my eyes are up
here H but seriously now authentic I
came I realized myself as identifying
more fenine than masculine so I
literally came out that as that for
myself and I realized I like it both
ways so I fully identify as a bisexual
transwoman two the stripes on the
lgbtqia Fly colors I assume that's what
the answer was because this seems like
Pretty Cut and paced transphobia that
you see
everywhere uh yeah all the homophobia I
mean I was I was affected by that as
well then just the the trolls and the
internet bullying me and thrusting gay
images on me like when I had the quick
apedia and the individuals behind that
they just put them on the sides like you
know these gay boy ads link to like porn
sites or whatever yeah
just hey that's a thing so hey don't
force sexualy on others just let them
find it out for themselves in their own
enlightenments and developments period
and just
essentially you find cringe in others
that's because that's find that's you're
likely finding something en cringing in
yourself but hey regardless of your
background where you had uh individuals
that supported uh who you were along the
day is support others for who and what
they were or not just hey do not judge
others for things that you are your
there were people who were telling me
when this was announced that uh talking
to you and putting this on a public
platform would be irresponsible saying
that you are so mentally unwell and
you're neurologically developmentally
challenge that it would actually hurt
you in order to talk to you but I I
didn't go forward with any of those
concerns because as someone who has been
targeted by these hate sites and these
stalking sites I know one of the tactics
that they often use is to try to
alienate people from their
victim yep that's
right and it's just that is nuts in
general pardon me for over half your
life now people online have attempted
many successfully to manipulate you into
doing things you otherwise wouldn't do
even pretending to be your fans in some
case in order to convince you that those
things were good do you find it hard to
trust people now and what impact has it
had on your mental
health I do not find it harder to trust
others because it just depends on their
intentions which is deeply
resonant from deepest within their
energy and their souls as it were so
it's just my innate sense it's just like
you know if intentions are going to be
like a just like somewhere the middle of
the road that fears towards the greed
the hate and whatnot then yeah I could
just sense that innately without them
even being come close to me because
otherwise I would not have I would not
have sensed that Trump was
so trying to think of the word here
arrogant as he was long before even the
first presidential can debate between
him and Hillary Clinton way back in uh
2016 I think that was in October if I
remember correctly maybe September but
anyway I would not said I would not have
said that long before that just that guy
was just so arrogant I mean you look at
his pictur from even before 2016 you
would just sense how evil he was
beforehand and how evil he was going to
be I'm not going to say further than
that one of the things that I wanted to
bring up as an example um and correct me
if I'm wrong on this I don't know all of
the history of your life I'm not like
some of the more obsessed people on the
internet who pick apart every little
thing but I know that there was a group
of trolls who were called the idea guys
and oh yeah one of their ideas what they
wanted you to do they were trying to
manipulate you into believing that the
like your cartoon your Comics were real
and that you had mystical powers and
there was a dimensional merge happening
where you could go to Quicky
bille okay for firstly it's pronounced
quick bille you just say CWC like it's
spelled like the word quick uh but
secondly um no they were pretty much
affirming what Hardy knew long before
they before they came because you look
at the Multiverse anything and
everything is possible in existence and
just you know I literally have been to
the other half of our of our Earth that
was divided long ago in 1389 ad by
Merlin the magician and two other
sorcerers by order of King Arthur
herself just dividing the just dividing
the magic and the
Fantastical overpowered individuals and
creatures into one into one dimension
and then Earth that we on the majority
only has like look so much magic in it
into the other and the merge is
happening where the two Earth halves are
coming back together and we're all going
to be fully we're all going to be fully
tangible coexistence which we have been
for a long time but said there's been
that tangibility fail in between us but
it's thinning even more so we're able to
see everything and everyone more clearly
but that but but going back to the
question had idea Guy Stephen boy the
people and the individuals behind it of
course I guy mentioned Johnson wilds and
that just that guy did a really massive
tear and wear on the c197 half of our
Earth but fortunately just because they
deviate into multiple different
timelines between when they started in
about October
2017 up to about uh mid April
2018 just that was a whole bunch of mess
and details where I mean if anybody if
you to the events between those two
dates late October 2017 to Mid April
2018 you would see like you know just
Fantastical things that would not happen
otherwise just like you know if it they
continued on as normal just even the
most mute of things you just recognized
me sense that but yeah essentially what
they did they work through me and it
just kind of like to uh manifest in many
ways for everybody and everything on 12
aging half but by the end of it I was
able to undo all that and clear it up
and I get just a better understanding
and appreciation everyone and everything
in general period despite what they did
do you ever worry though that people are
able to convince you that you already
had an idea in the first
oh I don't need convincing because it
was an innate thing that I was aware of
since I was born but I never realized
it's like you could say like you know
first perspective oh sure everybody has
that they just can't see themselves
unless they look in the mirror but no I
mean aside from everybody just being
like a typical camera just being like
background individuals I'm literally the
real player one my perspective is camera
00000000000000 know but netive was like
camera One camera two and so on of
course I don't want to attack I don't
want to attack your beliefs
like in real the Multiverse like the
chance of it Act of all of those things
actually being real there is no way you
can say for certain it's a 0% chance
just like any possible thing could
happen in the
Multiverse anything is possible so if
anything all they were doing is just
affirming and helping me get a better
understanding for myself which I further
in my bare meditations after I clear by
my head and everything I want to ask the
hard question now this is the hardest
question that I have planned for the
interview and I'm just saying this ahead
of time
but from what I understand you were an
inmate at Central Virginia Regional Jail
from August 2nd 2021 until you release
on March 27th 2023 on charges of incest
those charges were dropped in August of
last year now mhm people have seen all
of the criticisms made about you they've
gone through the court documents they've
presented it all over the internet in
the news Etc but what I've never seen
about the side of the story is how this
all played out from your own perspective
and I was wondering if you could tell us
all how that happened of course and over
Heart and Hand above truth and only the
truth so anyway so what essentially
happened just get this out of the way as
I mentioned earlier video just there
never was anything like that that
happened between Barbara and I
period now between now between the
months in which Barbara and I so on all
we did was just talk and just I got to
know know her a little bit better in her
past okay like just like her her father
had passed had died and fell off this
wagon way back in the day and her
brother Stanley was the one that found
him and then just essentially told the
rest of the family I was just one story
for example but it's just that Barbara
feel a little better in her layer years
and everything all right just talking
and helping her to go go back to her
history revitalizing her brain cells and
everything now aside from that so
Isabella so she is very sexually
perverted and kinky and she had the idea
of just uh setting me up to have sexual
religious was this girl Fiona who ended
up in a mental institution for a week
and recording that on the assumption
that Fiona was underage which of which
at that time she was not she was
literally 19 years old at the time H but
then there was like but yeah F then
Bella she also tried to get me or rather
persuade me into other sexual deviations
of which I decline and she actually got
me to go into fit go to role playay and
fit sh so which she had which she
presented uh like you know just various
things and like some of these were
actually written in fanfic by others
because in this timeline and here
because you know shoot what are they
going to do just uh they have their own
crazy wilds and everything just nuts but
anyway so she just kept on presenting
the ideas and I went along with her
because as a friend and to test her out
see what she would do in the outcome
because there were the four known
outcomes in regards to ever free
Northwest 2021 the convention but anyway
uh so I'm just checking my notes here
really quick I had this written down
before this I thought about meditate on
it in
recollection but yeah she essentially
failed the test when uh she took all
that of what the video calls we did and
uh she spiced them all together as she
admitt on a Discord server and uploaded
that video to had her had our comrade
just called the police on me reveal my
location they came to force me out of
the house and then they and then came to
get me and all that and which uh
obviously her intentions on that were
out or essentially uh making myself go
into being un alive you know just that's
not good or just uh get
institutionalized or end up in jail but
since I had the choice I let myself be
in I let myself be in jail and of course
I use that time to meditate clear my
head and really understand and further
and really realize myself my role and
everything that is going on has been
going on is was going on at the time
during the jail and future tense and
even present tense this day this time
moment wa wait I'm just checking my
notes here oh right but yeah essentially
that was it uh essentially she wanted me
to fabricate all that which you know was
just in a distant alternate timeline
very distant but did not happen here it
never happened here in this
timeline and just what she did just
essentially to try to get me to become
un alive and uh whatever still backfired
on her but it moreover was a good point
to me because I managed to clear I got
to clear my head and stayed alive so
that's a testament so it's like you know
no demonic or devil persuasion is ever
going to make me or force myself to
become un alive in general and just a
bet just a further test where I can
count my blessings along even the
darkest of situations and by way I
really have no idea where they got the
idea of where I ended up in prison
because there's a massive difference
between just a community jail and a
prison and just it's These Wings these
toxic individuals they just can be so
really really stupid sometimes but
anyway I'm sorry if I said that um I'm
not an American I don't know like the
distinctions very well I guess jail is
regional like a state and like prison is
a Federal
Institution yeah
definitely but anyway so I did so in a
way I did end up in institution but I
kept myself grounded and all that along
the way during those couple of
months and just uh let everything go
along and play out as they were I
confirmed the details along the way
through the newspaper I'm so glad we got
Britney grinder back and just
unfortunately we have to L we have to uh
get the black of death end up back in
Russia but fortunately since Russia is
the mod day Babylon going down and so is
Vladimir Putin by his own sword feel
free and mark my words on
that it's interesting because this time
period is actually where um I get
involved in this entire story
somehow with kiwi Farms because once you
were while you were in jail they didn't
have you to talk about and they were
looking for new people to talk about out
and that's when they found
me yeah and not only you but just
everybody else in general period I mean
shoot hey who wants a low cow of the
Year award nope nobody no one wants
this and yeah I ended up with a 3D
printed cow in the mail one year many
years ago just painted gold and was like
okay here's your L you've been elected
lower Cal of the year I think this is
back in 2014 or so give her like I
forget when exactly but still just the
thing that you're saying with Isabelle
jeni I think really goes back to what I
was saying before where people try to
manipulate you into doing bad things
into hurting you and trying to convince
you and plant the idea in your head that
going forward with it is a good
and I I you have a lot more life
experience than me I don't want to be in
the position of trying to say what you
should and shouldn't do but I just that
you take care of
yourself yeah I do take care of myself
and I'm been up I'm just progressing
better I got a lot more good friends
available by my side I'm Runing up my
posy a little better things are shaping
up for me and not just for me before
everyone else in general as we have lot
less and less of the toxic and evil
darkest sing IND uals and coexistence
with us that number is
decreasing so are all of the charges now
dropped yes okay I knew about the one
but again I don't look I'm I'm not one
of these obsessed
freaks I mostly wanted to do my due
diligence because I know there's going
to be a lot of people like when I said I
wanted to do this
interview um there were like dozens and
dozens of my fans who said they were
they didn't they weren't even aware the
charges were dropped as people only
follow to hate you they don't care about
the good news they don't want to see you
do better so the good things that are
happening in your life they never get
publicized yeah it just just there's
just hey they have all these outdated
concepts of being I mean they just want
to be like you know they think I weigh
over 250 lbs or so like
but no last time I checked on the scale
I was around
215 and and and obviously I do work you
go out I exercise a loot I mean we got I
got Poké stops in a few gyms nearby here
so I'm I so I can optionally go out and
play Pokemon go just every day if I
wanted to or just whatever and but yeah
I I do my own thing ough my habits are
about are kind of inconsistent there's
still some inconsistency I mean there's
there's still some consistency see in my
habits like you know obviously I do
shower daily I do not steak wherever you
got that idea from just yeah have you
ever met me in person I take my showers
I wash myself with soap and water I do
not just use the at spy spray as y'all
have misconceived of that I mean yeah
it's a good buy spray it makes you smell
better in the armpits at least but it's
no substitute for good old fashion soap
water shampoo and conditioner I have an
interesting question because you've been
harassed and stoed
far longer than you've been out as trans
like this happened years before you came
out what's the difference been how has
it changed since you came out as
trans I'd say uh kind of more or less
same so obviously they were aware of me
the being not on the normal uh I trying
to think of the word there uh well I was
well they just prettyy much uh were on
the idea that I wasn't straight in a way
you know sexually I mean obviously it's
like came out from my my voice tones or
from something I've written or drawn in
my books in the past or whatever that
they just pieced together which
ultimately it ended up being true when I
figured I figured out for
myself and just just now that that's out
of the way it's been confirmed that
it's just I kind of feel like there's a
slight decrease because they realiz
because they know that of me it's kind
of confirms that's one less thing of
them for to pick on me bound especially
since that's more or less becoming
acceptable though obviously could become
more acceptable in the longer run in
certain countries which that is going to
be fact and true eventually but it shall
be good anyway anyway yet but then
there's like a slight increase on the
other aspects as well and just whatever
things they just going to pick on that's
they find from them from within
themselves respectively that they just
thrust onto me in a similar way or
another that they just think it's just
totally cringe just they're going to
attack me for that but the in reality
it's like they're attacking themselves
for what they were like obviously like
some of them they could be gay and they
just attacking me because yeah you're
bisexual you like dicks as well but hey
you know what those individuals they
like dicks as well and they should not
be criticizing or judging others based
on what they are themselves regardless
of their their background upgren and
those that had may not have been fond of
the just LGBT qia and
everything but yeah there's a lot of
things that can reflect from all that
and changing for themselves but also in
another way as they uh talk it out
they're also just get the further
processing and understand standing for
themselves they're innately meditating
and connecting without totally realizing
it they'll some they just want to remain
like closed off and want to stick to the
old iterations so outdated so last
century hey 2006 call they want their
kick the autistic gay back they want
their kick the lgbtqia individual
back and so forth now that you're out of
jail and all of the stuff is behind you
how are you planning on moving forward
with your
life well present tense I'm moving
forward with living life like I said
going back to writing and drawing the
sry books there a lot more details and
everything which I was actually able to
get in one in one or two of my recent
live streams tocl reading acts 4 of
chaos Cru to control which took place
back in late February 2006 but really
brought it individuals from present T
you know between late 2022 to early to
present day right here they just
literally went back in time to that day
including including of course
individuals like uh project Essen and
Courtney along with her and even like
you know just like uh you got a name
drop a few so Dr Wolf Lighty Bliss uh
and yeah and Matt munchkin just name a
few oh the El scri I really love her by
the way she just does she just does
great great excellent voice dubbing and
comic dub reading anyway just a very
kind individual in general but anyway
just more than them and there are a
whole lot of others as well they just
literally end up going back to 2006 and
then helping and manifesting one part of
the ultimate miracle and the dimension
merge still in progress and soon to be
wrapping up with the next year or two I
don't have Thea exact date in my mind
because nobody not even me can know that
not even just unconsciously because I is
in the divine plan as not from within
the light sources in the heaven realm
and among the gods and godes and
everything in this in this universe and
and in this timeline set of universes
but more over this universe but then
also beyond that to literally the alpha
omega point of all existence the
beginning and end of all timelines thank
you so much for coming on the show
Christine it was a real
pleasure yes and thank you for having me
K and thank you again for just taking
down kiwi Farms that massive Peg well
that was a lot more that was lot more
than I was able to do on psychopedia
dramatica page for for sure here's what
I learned
um after going through all of that I
came to this
realization you can take down a website
but the trolls never go away they'll get
a new
website at the end of the day it's
something that you either got to realize
that the kitchen is hot and deal with
the heat or you got to get out
yeah I got Flames around me just
pretending I'm in that kitchen like that
dog is it's like oh sure it's all fine I
could just tolerate it or I could just
wish it away and Let the Flames be gone
with Holy Light power and cleansing


Revision as of 21:45, 16 January 2024

Chris's Greeting

On an unknown date, Chris had reached out to Keffals over Discord. When Keffals was skeptical it was the true and honest Chris, he recorded a brief video clip and sent it to Keffals, to prove it was really him speaking.[1]

Chris Chan Greeting Keffals
Direct link YouTube, archive
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason


Keffals: I didn't -- okay, so, like, I did not believe her when she first reached out to me and I was like, "please show me proof that you're real. There's no fucking way this isn't a troll." Cuz it was just in my Discord message box, right? Like you would think this was a troll.

[Keffals plays back video of Chris]

Chris: This is Chris Chan Sonichu Prime. [Keffals replays the video of Chris with sound unmuted] Well, good day to you, Keffals. This is - this is Chris Chan Weston Sonichu Prime, confirming to you that I am indeed the one and only. And that you need not doubt whatsoever.

The Chris Chan Interview

On 16 January 2024, Keffals interviewed Chris and posted the video online the same day.

The Chris Chan Interview
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 16 January 2024
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Focused, Divine Guidances - 01142024

Raw captions

Text from YouTube's captions

if they were to write a book about the

history of the internet Christine Weston

Chandler better known online under the

name Chris Chan would probably have

several chapters dedicated to them known

as the most documented person online

there's no shortage of information about

her Chris Chan a comprehensive history

is now at part 82 extensively

documenting her entire life the reasons

for this obsession with Christine are

far too complex for me to address here

but let's just say that she is not known

primarily for positive reasons people

are in fact so obsessed with her that

before I could even upload this video I

was given my own entry on the sonichu

wiki which I have printed off and hung

on my wall to show off like a trophy if

you want to know more about Christine

and the controversy surrounding her I

would recommend a two-part podcast

series done by behind the bastards

entitled a terrible story about the

internet on August 2nd 2021 Christine

was released from Central Virginia

Regional Jail after charges were pressed

against her for raping her mother the

charges were dropped on March 2 7th 2023

and Christine has remained relatively

low profile since during her time in

jail a campaign I organized to get clap

flare to drop the website kiwi Farms as

a customer succeeded and this caught the

attention of Christine who was aware

that many years ago kiwi Farms will go

by another name the quickie forums a few

months ago Christine reached out to me

asking to come onto my channel and have

a conversation with me I do not believe

Christine is a completely innocent

victim nor do I believe she is an

entirely evil and reprehensible person

she has done terrible things and has had

terrible things done to

her my interest in this conversation

came from a place of wanting to

understand her and not mock or belittle

her as that is already overabundant on


platform the following video is the

conversation that took place so I know

when I put this interview up like a lot

of the people who are going to watch

this already know who you are are but

yeah I guess what I wanted to ask like

starting this off is for the people who

aren't familiar with who you are how

would you describe yourself

well my phone name uh which I'm looking

to legally update soon enough it's uh I

am this Jesus chrisy Weston Chandler

Sonu Prime and I am the prime of all my

self counterparts throughout the

Multiverse but essentially who and what

I am I am actually the one Avatar of all

existence but I'm also I'm also the

artist and Creator and Crocker of the

Sai and Rose Sho species especially in

particular that of the specials which

are the ones that have more abilities

than them as opposed to the regulars cuz

the Sonu and Rose shoes they are species

of Pokemon electric hedgehogs along with

their evolved form metonic vres and

their pre-evolved form SI and Rosies the

baby Pokemon you know but anyway so I've

done I've written the draw multiple

books and I'm looking to get back into

that much more I'm going to be expanding

my collab a bit uh just essentially

getting my posy together in a way with

helping my friend who's helping me out

here which uh I'm Ready the place I'm in

right now putting that out there in case

anybody asking because I know I'm

breaking the fourth wall you're asking

you're asking oh you wng out there you

don't know better it must been a long

journey for you oh epically H people

have been fascinated with you for more

than two decades like I've heard people

call you the most documented person in

history there have been content creators

who have made entire careers just out of

talking about you and I guess I just

wanted to ask what does it feel like to

be the closest equivalent of a real

world Truman

Show oh that's actually a decent

comparison but yeah uh it has its has

its blessings and then it also has its

drawbacks I mean shoot I want to respond

to somebody on Twitter especially on

something I feel very passionate about

and then it's like you know put it's

like you I'll make a comment on on like

Twitter like I did recently and then the

and then the then the wings the toxic

ones those test Sinners among the

minority Lally than 1% of the whole

worldwide population that level

irredeemable but anyway so just they get

on me like that they badgered the person

that originally posted that tweet and

then that person that posted the tweet

that I commented on

just blocks me and that's not the answer

cuz they're still going to attack Dam

regardless so the thing to do is just

obviously just identify those that made

those comments just talking about me

building on to the drama of it all as

opposed to just answering the question

which the individual was talking about

and just blocking them who made the

comments but anyway

shoot it's a real mess so on the one

hand it's just good away to get ahead

get away clear my head meditate

reconnect and just move forward how do

you move forward from

here I try to clear my head as best I

can I don't always have the ability to

do that but when I take my deep breath

and get into my meditative

mindset and it's obvious I connect with

everything but it allows me to get

myself grounded and then I just feel

better still have the problem mastering

it down I mean just you know between my

B between my body and brain here just

having a difficulty mastering my powers

and abilities and getting a better

understanding of it

all at least we're making good progress

along the way I guess that's it's a

skill it takes a long time I know I

still struggle with that yeah certainly

da with me even in my past lives and

irations of

myself so one thing I did want to ask is

while I Was preparing for this interview

I was like pouring over so much of what

people have written about you all of the

H chst they called it they created an

entire new term just to talk about your

own personal history but the thing

that's always missing and why I thought

it would be really fascinating to talk

to you is how you feel about it your own

opinions on these things how would you

summarize the last two decades of your

life since you got the attention of the

internet massive crazy roller coaster

just I mean as I am and as I was in my

past life and everything just I would I

would have traed all this rather or not

we had the internet but just I have my

Mis feelings about it I mean I just I I

have felt angry and upset with the a lot

of the downside and those that tried to

like they bulli me they pick on me they

blackmail to see me and then obviously

just drag my name my good name to the

worst of mud buck and B fluids and just

their whole uh twisting it around and

just making me a whole bad individual

which of course I'm not I'm very kind I

have empathy and compassion and in my

works I've managed to try to convey that

but obviously it's not perfect because

the influences from these individuals

that just AFF that'ss not only me but

just our entire universe and timeline in

general and then this

just so yeah I

just just enough is enough sometimes I

just feel that I tolerate as much as I

can and of course I keep an optimistic

output and faith in the kindness and

good and love of everyone in general

including yourself I think like every

person even when they're an empathetic

person we all make mistakes and I guess

definitely looking back do you have any

regrets uh well the I'd say among I'd

say just essentially let my let myself

fall for the theoretical etes as I call

them and let them do me over like they

did and I'm just going to name drop this


Julie the blue Spike that held my

PlayStation Network accountable and see

and saw the loss of Soni Medallion

number two number threes staying longest

test in the

time but that's just a whole thing I'm

not going to go into right now

because I think this insir just says


understandable H but aside from that I I

do appreciate that like you know they

had to help shape and develop me

mentally and emotionally so I can have

that damage within me to be stronger and

more ready for it in the longer run so I

can actually finally do something about

it within like present tense in the

recent years especially after I managed

to clear my mind over the past couple of

years so every blessing counts and then

I do observe

just the not so good things which some

of them can be considered blessing as

disguise when you think about it

absolutely I I guess it's just been

there's been so many controversies that

you've been involved with over the years

and oh yeah if you could go back and

redo any of them is there something that

you would do differently uh any of them


so do do

differently well I guess if there's

anything I would do differently it's

just uh try not to react so harshly just

after I found out found the encyclopedia

dramatic page about me back in late

2007 I believe it was and uh then

finding the

the graphic fan art

of Rosie Rose

Che just being drawn with

a I mean I mean yeah originally just

like you know I thought I mean she was

she did end up becoming all female but

it turns out she was a male Raichu

before she became the very first rose

Che of all existence in general and then

just obviously a physical transition for

the chaos energy made her go from being

a male right shoe to being a full

interet Rose shoe to being a fully

female Rose shoe which is why she did

end up having the pointed tail despite

the fact that when I originally Drew up

drew the wrich Sho in book zero I wasn't

totally aware of female's right shoes

being different from the male's right

shoes just at the tail between a point

two just a flat tip it's interesting you

bring that up that actually leads me

into a question because I've seen this

um criticism be made about you

repeatedly at this point are you do you

identify as transgender there is a rumor

that is going around where you

apparently are not transgender and your

entire transition is a ploy to pre on

women oh good grief so false I mean I've

been on the estra and the SP KN for

years I changed Market my driver's

license from M to F I grew up my hair

for one

thing I think these would also make a

statement as well but my eyes are up

here H but seriously now authentic I

came I realized myself as identifying

more fenine than masculine so I

literally came out that as that for

myself and I realized I like it both

ways so I fully identify as a bisexual

transwoman two the stripes on the

lgbtqia Fly colors I assume that's what

the answer was because this seems like

Pretty Cut and paced transphobia that

you see

everywhere uh yeah all the homophobia I

mean I was I was affected by that as

well then just the the trolls and the

internet bullying me and thrusting gay

images on me like when I had the quick

apedia and the individuals behind that

they just put them on the sides like you

know these gay boy ads link to like porn

sites or whatever yeah

just hey that's a thing so hey don't

force sexualy on others just let them

find it out for themselves in their own

enlightenments and developments period

and just

essentially you find cringe in others

that's because that's find that's you're

likely finding something en cringing in

yourself but hey regardless of your

background where you had uh individuals

that supported uh who you were along the

day is support others for who and what

they were or not just hey do not judge

others for things that you are your

there were people who were telling me

when this was announced that uh talking

to you and putting this on a public

platform would be irresponsible saying

that you are so mentally unwell and

you're neurologically developmentally

challenge that it would actually hurt

you in order to talk to you but I I

didn't go forward with any of those

concerns because as someone who has been

targeted by these hate sites and these

stalking sites I know one of the tactics

that they often use is to try to

alienate people from their

victim yep that's

right and it's just that is nuts in

general pardon me for over half your

life now people online have attempted

many successfully to manipulate you into

doing things you otherwise wouldn't do

even pretending to be your fans in some

case in order to convince you that those

things were good do you find it hard to

trust people now and what impact has it

had on your mental

health I do not find it harder to trust

others because it just depends on their

intentions which is deeply

resonant from deepest within their

energy and their souls as it were so

it's just my innate sense it's just like

you know if intentions are going to be

like a just like somewhere the middle of

the road that fears towards the greed

the hate and whatnot then yeah I could

just sense that innately without them

even being come close to me because

otherwise I would not have I would not

have sensed that Trump was

so trying to think of the word here

arrogant as he was long before even the

first presidential can debate between

him and Hillary Clinton way back in uh

2016 I think that was in October if I

remember correctly maybe September but

anyway I would not said I would not have

said that long before that just that guy

was just so arrogant I mean you look at

his pictur from even before 2016 you

would just sense how evil he was

beforehand and how evil he was going to

be I'm not going to say further than

that one of the things that I wanted to

bring up as an example um and correct me

if I'm wrong on this I don't know all of

the history of your life I'm not like

some of the more obsessed people on the

internet who pick apart every little

thing but I know that there was a group

of trolls who were called the idea guys

and oh yeah one of their ideas what they

wanted you to do they were trying to

manipulate you into believing that the

like your cartoon your Comics were real

and that you had mystical powers and

there was a dimensional merge happening

where you could go to Quicky

bille okay for firstly it's pronounced

quick bille you just say CWC like it's

spelled like the word quick uh but

secondly um no they were pretty much

affirming what Hardy knew long before

they before they came because you look

at the Multiverse anything and

everything is possible in existence and

just you know I literally have been to

the other half of our of our Earth that

was divided long ago in 1389 ad by

Merlin the magician and two other

sorcerers by order of King Arthur

herself just dividing the just dividing

the magic and the

Fantastical overpowered individuals and

creatures into one into one dimension

and then Earth that we on the majority

only has like look so much magic in it

into the other and the merge is

happening where the two Earth halves are

coming back together and we're all going

to be fully we're all going to be fully

tangible coexistence which we have been

for a long time but said there's been

that tangibility fail in between us but

it's thinning even more so we're able to

see everything and everyone more clearly

but that but but going back to the

question had idea Guy Stephen boy the

people and the individuals behind it of

course I guy mentioned Johnson wilds and

that just that guy did a really massive

tear and wear on the c197 half of our

Earth but fortunately just because they

deviate into multiple different

timelines between when they started in

about October

2017 up to about uh mid April

2018 just that was a whole bunch of mess

and details where I mean if anybody if

you to the events between those two

dates late October 2017 to Mid April

2018 you would see like you know just

Fantastical things that would not happen

otherwise just like you know if it they

continued on as normal just even the

most mute of things you just recognized

me sense that but yeah essentially what

they did they work through me and it

just kind of like to uh manifest in many

ways for everybody and everything on 12

aging half but by the end of it I was

able to undo all that and clear it up

and I get just a better understanding

and appreciation everyone and everything

in general period despite what they did

do you ever worry though that people are

able to convince you that you already

had an idea in the first


oh I don't need convincing because it

was an innate thing that I was aware of

since I was born but I never realized

it's like you could say like you know

first perspective oh sure everybody has

that they just can't see themselves

unless they look in the mirror but no I

mean aside from everybody just being

like a typical camera just being like

background individuals I'm literally the

real player one my perspective is camera

00000000000000 know but netive was like

camera One camera two and so on of

course I don't want to attack I don't

want to attack your beliefs

like in real the Multiverse like the

chance of it Act of all of those things

actually being real there is no way you

can say for certain it's a 0% chance

just like any possible thing could

happen in the

Multiverse anything is possible so if

anything all they were doing is just

affirming and helping me get a better

understanding for myself which I further


in my bare meditations after I clear by

my head and everything I want to ask the

hard question now this is the hardest

question that I have planned for the

interview and I'm just saying this ahead

of time

but from what I understand you were an

inmate at Central Virginia Regional Jail

from August 2nd 2021 until you release

on March 27th 2023 on charges of incest

those charges were dropped in August of

last year now mhm people have seen all

of the criticisms made about you they've

gone through the court documents they've

presented it all over the internet in

the news Etc but what I've never seen

about the side of the story is how this

all played out from your own perspective

and I was wondering if you could tell us

all how that happened of course and over

Heart and Hand above truth and only the

truth so anyway so what essentially

happened just get this out of the way as

I mentioned earlier video just there

never was anything like that that

happened between Barbara and I

period now between now between the

months in which Barbara and I so on all

we did was just talk and just I got to

know know her a little bit better in her

past okay like just like her her father

had passed had died and fell off this

wagon way back in the day and her

brother Stanley was the one that found

him and then just essentially told the

rest of the family I was just one story

for example but it's just that Barbara

feel a little better in her layer years

and everything all right just talking

and helping her to go go back to her

history revitalizing her brain cells and

everything now aside from that so

Isabella so she is very sexually

perverted and kinky and she had the idea

of just uh setting me up to have sexual

religious was this girl Fiona who ended

up in a mental institution for a week

and recording that on the assumption

that Fiona was underage which of which

at that time she was not she was

literally 19 years old at the time H but

then there was like but yeah F then

Bella she also tried to get me or rather

persuade me into other sexual deviations

of which I decline and she actually got

me to go into fit go to role playay and

fit sh so which she had which she

presented uh like you know just various

things and like some of these were

actually written in fanfic by others

because in this timeline and here

because you know shoot what are they

going to do just uh they have their own

crazy wilds and everything just nuts but

anyway so she just kept on presenting

the ideas and I went along with her

because as a friend and to test her out

see what she would do in the outcome

because there were the four known

outcomes in regards to ever free

Northwest 2021 the convention but anyway

uh so I'm just checking my notes here

really quick I had this written down

before this I thought about meditate on

it in

recollection but yeah she essentially

failed the test when uh she took all

that of what the video calls we did and

uh she spiced them all together as she

admitt on a Discord server and uploaded

that video to had her had our comrade

just called the police on me reveal my

location they came to force me out of

the house and then they and then came to

get me and all that and which uh

obviously her intentions on that were

out or essentially uh making myself go

into being un alive you know just that's

not good or just uh get

institutionalized or end up in jail but

since I had the choice I let myself be

in I let myself be in jail and of course

I use that time to meditate clear my

head and really understand and further

and really realize myself my role and

everything that is going on has been

going on is was going on at the time

during the jail and future tense and

even present tense this day this time


moment wa wait I'm just checking my

notes here oh right but yeah essentially

that was it uh essentially she wanted me

to fabricate all that which you know was

just in a distant alternate timeline

very distant but did not happen here it

never happened here in this

timeline and just what she did just

essentially to try to get me to become

un alive and uh whatever still backfired

on her but it moreover was a good point

to me because I managed to clear I got

to clear my head and stayed alive so

that's a testament so it's like you know

no demonic or devil persuasion is ever

going to make me or force myself to

become un alive in general and just a

bet just a further test where I can

count my blessings along even the

darkest of situations and by way I

really have no idea where they got the

idea of where I ended up in prison

because there's a massive difference

between just a community jail and a

prison and just it's These Wings these

toxic individuals they just can be so

really really stupid sometimes but

anyway I'm sorry if I said that um I'm

not an American I don't know like the

distinctions very well I guess jail is

regional like a state and like prison is

a Federal

Institution yeah

definitely but anyway so I did so in a

way I did end up in institution but I

kept myself grounded and all that along

the way during those couple of

months and just uh let everything go

along and play out as they were I

confirmed the details along the way

through the newspaper I'm so glad we got

Britney grinder back and just

unfortunately we have to L we have to uh

get the black of death end up back in

Russia but fortunately since Russia is

the mod day Babylon going down and so is

Vladimir Putin by his own sword feel

free and mark my words on

that it's interesting because this time

period is actually where um I get

involved in this entire story

somehow with kiwi Farms because once you

were while you were in jail they didn't

have you to talk about and they were

looking for new people to talk about out

and that's when they found

me yeah and not only you but just

everybody else in general period I mean

shoot hey who wants a low cow of the

Year award nope nobody no one wants

this and yeah I ended up with a 3D

printed cow in the mail one year many

years ago just painted gold and was like

okay here's your L you've been elected

lower Cal of the year I think this is

back in 2014 or so give her like I

forget when exactly but still just the

thing that you're saying with Isabelle

jeni I think really goes back to what I

was saying before where people try to

manipulate you into doing bad things

into hurting you and trying to convince

you and plant the idea in your head that

going forward with it is a good


and I I you have a lot more life

experience than me I don't want to be in

the position of trying to say what you

should and shouldn't do but I just that

you take care of

yourself yeah I do take care of myself

and I'm been up I'm just progressing

better I got a lot more good friends

available by my side I'm Runing up my

posy a little better things are shaping

up for me and not just for me before

everyone else in general as we have lot

less and less of the toxic and evil

darkest sing IND uals and coexistence

with us that number is

decreasing so are all of the charges now

dropped yes okay I knew about the one

but again I don't look I'm I'm not one

of these obsessed

freaks I mostly wanted to do my due

diligence because I know there's going

to be a lot of people like when I said I

wanted to do this

interview um there were like dozens and

dozens of my fans who said they were

they didn't they weren't even aware the

charges were dropped as people only

follow to hate you they don't care about

the good news they don't want to see you

do better so the good things that are

happening in your life they never get

publicized yeah it just just there's

just hey they have all these outdated

concepts of being I mean they just want

to be like you know they think I weigh

over 250 lbs or so like

but no last time I checked on the scale

I was around

215 and and and obviously I do work you

go out I exercise a loot I mean we got I

got Poké stops in a few gyms nearby here

so I'm I so I can optionally go out and

play Pokemon go just every day if I

wanted to or just whatever and but yeah

I I do my own thing ough my habits are

about are kind of inconsistent there's

still some inconsistency I mean there's

there's still some consistency see in my

habits like you know obviously I do

shower daily I do not steak wherever you

got that idea from just yeah have you

ever met me in person I take my showers

I wash myself with soap and water I do

not just use the at spy spray as y'all

have misconceived of that I mean yeah

it's a good buy spray it makes you smell

better in the armpits at least but it's

no substitute for good old fashion soap

water shampoo and conditioner I have an

interesting question because you've been

harassed and stoed

far longer than you've been out as trans

like this happened years before you came

out what's the difference been how has

it changed since you came out as

trans I'd say uh kind of more or less


same so obviously they were aware of me

the being not on the normal uh I trying

to think of the word there uh well I was

well they just prettyy much uh were on

the idea that I wasn't straight in a way

you know sexually I mean obviously it's

like came out from my my voice tones or

from something I've written or drawn in

my books in the past or whatever that

they just pieced together which

ultimately it ended up being true when I

figured I figured out for

myself and just just now that that's out

of the way it's been confirmed that



it's just I kind of feel like there's a

slight decrease because they realiz

because they know that of me it's kind

of confirms that's one less thing of

them for to pick on me bound especially

since that's more or less becoming

acceptable though obviously could become

more acceptable in the longer run in

certain countries which that is going to

be fact and true eventually but it shall

be good anyway anyway yet but then

there's like a slight increase on the

other aspects as well and just whatever

things they just going to pick on that's

they find from them from within

themselves respectively that they just

thrust onto me in a similar way or

another that they just think it's just

totally cringe just they're going to

attack me for that but the in reality

it's like they're attacking themselves

for what they were like obviously like

some of them they could be gay and they

just attacking me because yeah you're

bisexual you like dicks as well but hey

you know what those individuals they

like dicks as well and they should not

be criticizing or judging others based

on what they are themselves regardless

of their their background upgren and

those that had may not have been fond of

the just LGBT qia and

everything but yeah there's a lot of

things that can reflect from all that

and changing for themselves but also in

another way as they uh talk it out

they're also just get the further

processing and understand standing for

themselves they're innately meditating

and connecting without totally realizing

it they'll some they just want to remain

like closed off and want to stick to the

old iterations so outdated so last

century hey 2006 call they want their

kick the autistic gay back they want

their kick the lgbtqia individual

back and so forth now that you're out of

jail and all of the stuff is behind you

how are you planning on moving forward

with your

life well present tense I'm moving

forward with living life like I said

going back to writing and drawing the

sry books there a lot more details and

everything which I was actually able to

get in one in one or two of my recent

live streams tocl reading acts 4 of

chaos Cru to control which took place

back in late February 2006 but really

brought it individuals from present T

you know between late 2022 to early to

present day right here they just

literally went back in time to that day

including including of course

individuals like uh project Essen and

Courtney along with her and even like

you know just like uh you got a name

drop a few so Dr Wolf Lighty Bliss uh

and yeah and Matt munchkin just name a

few oh the El scri I really love her by

the way she just does she just does

great great excellent voice dubbing and

comic dub reading anyway just a very

kind individual in general but anyway

just more than them and there are a

whole lot of others as well they just

literally end up going back to 2006 and

then helping and manifesting one part of

the ultimate miracle and the dimension

merge still in progress and soon to be

wrapping up with the next year or two I

don't have Thea exact date in my mind

because nobody not even me can know that

not even just unconsciously because I is

in the divine plan as not from within

the light sources in the heaven realm

and among the gods and godes and

everything in this in this universe and

and in this timeline set of universes

but more over this universe but then

also beyond that to literally the alpha

omega point of all existence the

beginning and end of all timelines thank

you so much for coming on the show

Christine it was a real

pleasure yes and thank you for having me

K and thank you again for just taking

down kiwi Farms that massive Peg well

that was a lot more that was lot more

than I was able to do on psychopedia

dramatica page for for sure here's what

I learned

um after going through all of that I

came to this

realization you can take down a website

but the trolls never go away they'll get

a new

website at the end of the day it's

something that you either got to realize

that the kitchen is hot and deal with

the heat or you got to get out


yeah I got Flames around me just

pretending I'm in that kitchen like that

dog is it's like oh sure it's all fine I

could just tolerate it or I could just

wish it away and Let the Flames be gone

with Holy Light power and cleansing



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