Jail Letter - 20 October 2021
On 20 and 22 October 2021, Chris sent a letter from jail, responding to six questions asked by a fan.
Chris's Response
Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu | Richmond VA 230
ENERGY ACTION MONTH [stamp of a bird] |
25 OCT 2021 PM 5 L
| |
13021 James Madison Hwy Orange, VA 22960 | ||
[illustration of the Sonichu Cross] | █████████████ ██████████████████ ██████████████████ ██████████████████ |
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20 October
October 20, 2021[note 1]
To <CENSORED>[note 2], I had reveived your letter earlier today and have just read through it over a couple of sandwiches. I write this now with continued sound mind and body and soul on this partial sheet torn from the photocopy of the letter's envelope while the response is fresh. Short on full, blank paper and envelopes at this moment, I will write more in a couple of days after receiving more paper and envelopes. Now for genuine, on the level and down to this Earth preface, directly with you, Eliza; I do Meditate innately, consciously and involuentarily [sic], and constantly, and have all of my life. So, I do have direct access to and with this Earth; Both of our Earths of the recombining Universe, the entire Multiverse, the Akashic Records and All other Greater and ultimate Knowledge; Insights, and Wisdoms. So, I do not just believe, I KNOW full and certain, with absolutely no delusions, illussions [sic], or lies, and I only speak True and Fact, as aside from same future Spoilers details not yet to be publicly revealed that I am not allowed to divulge, I, personally, have nothing or very little to hide. --> |
That being stated, I shall initially open by answering your sixth and fourth questions, since the two are sharing in similar details.
In regards to online fame or infamy, yes I do realize and have accepted that in a certain extent of the damage and chaos that had come upon myself on this Earth was, in fact, my fault and bad in sharing too much conscious honesty during those respective years in pertanance [sic] to what had been present then. Consiously Naive, ADD, OCD, Tunnel vision, in reference to and on top of my innate meditations, my brain was still a work in progress with a cacophony of many details, and what was right in front of my Body and happening took a lot of attention from me. I was simply still soul searching, exploring, and in remaining in observation and testing of others in mindset up til about 2011 or 2014, I did not like to lie, so honest and benefitting of the doubt I was. I Know my faults; I am certainly no Mary Sue, and that case was the same of me in Isreal [sic] over 2000 years ago. Yet, Even if I had not divulged so many truth bombs in honesty, and in counter in late 2007 and early 2008, the results being chronicled and famous still have transpired, anyway, as had my followers started following me in my Past Life as well. The partial lack of focus on the books is found in what I had stated above. I Know I am better than some to most, but I still have room for self-improvement. Mrs. Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu, the Goddess Blue Heart and Lord of All |
22 October
October 22, 2021[note 3]
Dear <CENSORED>, As I have written a couple of days ago when I had received and read your letter (and now better able to answer the remaining questions with this letter pad at my use), I now resume with continued sound mind, body and soul and focus. I also reaffirm with a hand over my heart as I write this sentence, with my full and extensive access to all greater and ultimate knowledge, insights, and wisdoms from my strong connections with the Cosmos, Universe, Akashic Records, and the entire of and beyond the Multiverse, I speak to you both True and Fact and Direct and On the Level. ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████[An icon of Chris Chan Sonichu giving a peace hand gesture] Now, I've already answered the 4th and 6th questions in the enclosed note, which were in regard to lack of focus on the books, about my self-awareness of my faults, and so forth. The Dimension Merge, Collective Shift, and my Second Coming: while visually, you may or may not have witnessed obvious incoming or outgoing prescences, physical, they Have Happened and Are Happening as we speak right now. I'll spare the greater metaphysical truths and details, but suffice to state... --> |
... there still remains a lingering veil that continues to be very tough to remove by great force prematurely; its removal is Set in Divine Timing to be removed upon the completion of my Second Coming as detailed in the Bible's Malachi chapters 3 and 4. The Merge itself, Is completed between Universes 1218 and C-197, But it is one of the Three Big Events, and it all can't be concluded until after the completion of All Three. The Collective Shift is the Second and Present Event in Progress. Second Coming is the Third. NOT to avoid the Hypothetical Question; just offering the context at present.
Now, Hypothetically, for the Merge Not ever to go through in the greater conclusion is also to have the Second Coming Never to happen. In that, there would not be a "What would I do?", because I would have Never Existed during these Modern Years from 1982 to Present. And in the Lack of My Existence, You Both and EVERYONE ELSE would have Never Existed now either. I encourage you both to deeply Meditate and consult with the Cosmos for yourselves, or ask any Authentic, Highly Enlightened Psychic or Medium for the deeper details. But, to put it in shorter terms: Since my birth in Bethlehem in year Zero, and after my obvious and physical ascension to the Heaven Realm, I had returned to Earth with my physical appearance changed and assuming a new identity, with continued immortal Memories, and so forth. I've continued to walk with Everyone for Centuries on continued guidance, observations, and Divine Missions. And I change myself time and again, even to internally and externally change my physical gender as well. Come the year 1389, and King Arthur commanded Merlin to exile all Dragons, ... --> ② |
➁...which ended up Dividing the Universe, putting me Exiled from the non-magic-able Peoples as well for a brief moment for me, but Centuries for you all. My sudden Mind, Body, and Soul interdimensional transport forward and back through Time and Space landing me in my One Reincarnation and Rebirth on February 24, 1982. My father, now mother, Emanuel (GOD above Gods), herself, had been answering everyone's prayers and projecting my outdated visage in my steed from 1389 with my temporary exile to 2000 when I came of age, once again, and started astral projecting, manifesting, and working with everyone once again.
My Exile in 1389 was my Real leave from you all, and this Life I live Immortally in now Is the foreshadowing, along with the rewakening, obviously, of the foretold Second Coming of mine. So Hypothetically: if there was No Dimensional Merge, there is no Second Coming, and without a Second Coming, I and ALL of you would not exist at all now. So what would I be doing? Same as you: Not Exist. |
20 October
22 October