Kacey Call 21
- Chris had a job interview at Target today. He claims to not remember most of it, despite it happening just hours ago.
- Chris uses his time spent playing at the Pokemon League as job experience in his interview.
- Kacey asks about his "photographic and audio memory," and Chris claims that doesn't work when he tries to remember things "spur of the moment," as if he didn't expect to be asked about the interview that happened that day.
- Chris claims to have not worn his medallion to the job interview. He also admits that he complimented the female interviewers on their appearance. Kacey points out that you aren't supposed to hit on your interviewer - Chris disregards this and says it's fine because the compliment was "informal."
- Despite claiming his memory doesn't work "spur of the moment," he is able to immediately remember word for word what he said to troll phone calls. He was called gay by trolls.
- Kacey suggests simply ignoring troll phone calls - this goes completely over his head, and he immediately changes the subject.
- Kacey asks if he thinks he got the job. Chris says yes because "they smiled at me."
- Chris's logic kicks in full force. After failing to remember what his password was several times, he is locked out of his copyright management account for "multiple failed login attempts." Rather than figuring that his own failed log in attempts caused this, he believes it is the work of a troll.
- Chris believes that not only is it possible to steal the Sonichu copyright, but that all you need to do is have the copyright mailed to you and it's legally yours, disregarding the legal name on it. This further proves that Chris has no idea what the copyright actually is.
- Kacey asks Chris to film himself jogging so she can make sure he is doing it right. He says he "will consider it."
- Chris says that he will get to work on putting essays on CWCipedia.
All Jews must die
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