BlueSpike PSN Chat 2

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The second of the BlueSpike PSN chats involving Chris.


Chris doesn't really want to see his dying relative, though Julie tells him he should. Chris asks his mom and his mom tells him he doesn't need to. Julie asks Chris to ask Barb if she can talk to him. Chris asks while Julie attempts to summon Snorlax. Barb tells Chris to screw off, and Julie's summon fails. Chris tells Julie that the comics are going good, saying it's a classroom scene with a Ms. Jackaras (who is actually Sarah Jackson). Julie asks Chris why he ruined Optimus Prime's good name by having him hit her in the spring break issue. Chris asserts that nobody could tell that it's Optimus, and Julie "sobs." Julie asks if Chris will put her in Episode 19, and Chris says that he will put her as one of the students (she seems to have been written out and replace by Ivy).

Incomplete Transcript

Only done til 8:13, to be finished.

B = Bluespike, C = Chris, M = Barb
B: Oh, what did she say?
C: Uh, I think I'm not going up, she's got the [???] tonight.
B: Then you need to go tonight and give her a hug, you said you would, there's no... saying no to this, you need to give her a hug. I will not... allow you to not give her a hug, you need to show her how much you love her. 
C: [???] still afraid I'm not sure what a hospital(?) is.
B: *agitated* So ask your mother, it's important, you have to.
C: Yeah, I'll talk to my mom about it, but I doubt that... that I would be able to get there soon, but hey, my mom said that she's gonna go visit my aunt and uncle tom tomorrow and she's gonna come back to [???] to come back here, pick me up, then we're going to red oak to see her in the uhhh, funeral home.
B: *sigh* Chris, this is someone's life, I don't think you're taking this very seriously. Your aunt is about to die, you're not taking this seriously, I don't think you're telling the truth about your aunt.
C: I am serious
B: Do you really want Aunt Korilla or... sorry
C: No, no, I'm serious
B: You don't, you don't have an aunt?
C: I don't have an entourage!
B: No, NO, AN AUNT! Well, what's her name again? I keep forgetting it...
C: My aunt Korina.
B: Thank you, aunt Korina. I've, this... *sigh*, like, why haven't you ever, why haven't you ever told me about your aunt Korina before then?
C: I guess it hadn't come up in conversation before.
B: *sigh*
C: What? Believe me, I'm telling you the truth.
B: That's very hard to believe, Chris. I don't like liars.
C: I'm not lying to you, I promise, I swear.
B: I know, it's just hard to believe...
C: I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth.
B: I, I have my doubts.
C: Uh, hang on, I'll talk to my mom... You can uh, you can listen in.
B: Ok.
C: Oh hey mom
M: Yeah
C: Hey mom be sure to ??? to go on Friday so I can give her a last hug?
M: Christian...
B: *laugh*
M: She won't even know you're there. [???] She knows you love her.
C: Yeah but at least I was able to give her my, give her my last "I love you" when I called her the other day.
M: That's right, that call was fine.
C: Yeah. Alright mom, I'll talk to you later. [static] Did you get that Julie?
B: Yeah, can you ask your mom if I can talk to her? 'Cause I've wanted to talk to her for a while. 
C: Oh... I'm not sure if she's in the mood, but...
B: C'mon, just ask, please?
C: I'll ask her
B: Ask her if I can talk to her, please, for me?
B: yousmell(?) summons snorlax.
C: Whoops, I dropped the [???]. I'm not going to come out way over there mom. I was just talking to my friend Julie on the PSN Network she wants to, uh, say hello to you.
M: I'm not able to talk to her right now.
C: Are you emotional?
M: *annoyed* I am not able to talk to anybody right now, would you leave the room? (snorlax farting?)
C: See ya later.
B: Summon failed!
C: Uhhhh... yeah, she just um... she's all broken up right now.
B: That's ok, I understand. Maybe another time.
C: Yeah, another time. She's like uh, [???] or after the funeral somewhere around that time.
B: Yeah.
C: Maybe (baby?) I got a couple more pages done.
B: Did you color them?
C: Basically, uh I just... I got a couple pages done today in the comic
B: Did you color them?
C: Uh, no. I gotta draw the that's just more like one half pages but it's just the the teacher of the class.
B: Oh, what is it?
C: Her name is uh... I didn't really give her a first name but I called her Ms. Jackaras
B: Ah.
C: Now, you see, [???] confidentially, it's actually sarah jackson if you recall 
B: Ah.
C: Yeah, I don't want to [???] cause she died back in october, she had an autistic sister.
B: Oh, and can I ask you something?
C: Yeah
B: Fucking comic [???] the spring break issue? Why... Why did one of the girl gal-pals, whoever they were, I'm sorry, I forget, why did they get killed by optimus prime?
C: no, no... that wasn't, that was, that happened to Sarah Jackson, yeah she got hit by a truck.
B: But why did you have to but isn't that punishing optimus prime good name by making optimus prime that killed her?
C: No, it's not necessarily recognizable or something...
B: But you said it was optimus prime, I think, didn't you?
C: I never have quote that way, I can look up that page in my number 8 book
B: Well I... it looks enough like optimus prime to know who it is. Most people would think it's optimus prime and I thought it was.
C: I just meant it as a parody, but I never, I never drew in the full autobot symbol, just the basic outline.
B: *sigh*
C: And, you know, that could be any truck.
B: But not many trucks have a paint scheme such as Optimus Prime, that's why he's like a unique character, that's how you can see him in a crowd 'cause of his unique paint job. It's alright, it's alright if it's optimus prime, I just wanna know, please?
C: Yeah, I'm reading in the book here, and I never said that it was optimus prime. It's just... It's just a truck the hit her while she was driving
B: *sigh* alright.
C: Yeah. [silence] [???]
B: Sorry, I coughed a bit.
C: Sorry, it sounded like you sobbed a bit
B: yeah, sort of. I just, I feel bad for what happened to her. Let's just move on.
C: Yeah, let's move on. By the way, for your information, the uh [???] is a troll, yeah, that was blanca weiss.
B: Oh. 
C: If you recall.
B: But I thought Blanca was real?
C: Well I thought she was too, but then someone with so much information got me good, and it turned out she was a troll.
B: Oh. That's no good.
C: Anyway, she said that her favorite movie was Troll2, so I drew that out and wrote trolls with a backwards 2[??? not sure on this entire sentence]
B: So Chris, is there anything you want to talk about?
C: Hmm, well, basically, I'll let you in on the... hang on a second, something messed up... *sigh of relief*... hmm, anyway, I guess I could show you the uh drawing I did in the pages I drew today. I can give you a look at those.


  • Julie wants Chris to hug his mom or aunt
  • Julie wants him to ask where his aunt is
  • Chris' mom is going out to visit Uncle, coming back for Chris, then going to see aunt in the funeral home
  • Julie is enraged at Chris' lack of seriousness
  • Julie: You don't have an aunt?!
Chris: I don't entourage..
Julie: NO~! An aunt!
  • 'Aunt Corina' is her name, SHE IS REAL!
  • Julie doesn't like liars
  • Chris goes to talk to his mom
  • Chris asks his mom if he can go see his aunt one last time and Barb says that Aunt Corina won't even know he's there
  • Chris and his mom stop talking
  • Julie wants to talk to Barb
  • Chris goes to get Barb.
Chris: I'm not coming all the way over there mom. My friend Julie wants to talk to you and say hello.
Barb: I'm not going to talk to her.
Chris: Too emotional?
Barb, angrily: I am not able to talk to anyone right now would you leave the room!
Chris: See you later.
  • Chris got a couple more pages done, they are uncolored. Actually, 1 and 1/2 pages done
  • Teacher of dating class is called 'Miss Jackela'
  • It's actually Sarah Jackson who had an autistic sister.
  • Julie asks why (Sarah) was killed by Optimus Prime (See Audiobooks)
  • Chris says Sarah was hit by a truck
  • Julie doesn't like Optimus' name being bismerched
  • Chris says he never said it was Optimus
  • It could be any truck
  • Julie insists it's Optimus
  • Chris has to check his book to prove it isn't Optimus
  • Julie feels bad for Sarah, says they should just move on and they do
  • Chris says the troll from book 8 is Blanca
  • The 'Troll 2' joke came from Blanca's favorite movie
  • Julie wants to be in the comic
  • She will be revealed as a student in the Dating ED class, will be revealed as sweetheart at end
  • Talks about deleted scene
  • Talks about go-carts and Rosechu doing laundry in the garage, Sonichu enters, Rosechu says some shit,this turns out to be some sex talk or something between the two, Sonichu heard the news that he has homo fans who he can respect, but dislikes the fact that they are homos..
  • Julie doesn't get why Chris hates them so much
  • Chris says the scene is optional
  • Julie reprimands him further.
  • Chris defends, more reprimanding.
  • Continuing with Sonichu, Sonichu recounts a gay man coming on to him in college and is angry that the homos are making a Sonichu float in their gay pride parade
  • Sonichu does not want to promote the lifestyle, is angry and says that only the villains are gay, proclaims Chris' straightness
  • Sonichu starts smashing shit
  • Rosechu is sorry Sonichu is upset, and comforts Sonichu
  • Chris might leave this out all together
  • Chris was worried about Julie because she left screaming in last chat
  • Julie says the power went out
  • Chris thought Clyde had come to hurt/kill Julie
  • Julie wants to know what would happen if she died
  • Chris elaborates on the 'Fight' video he wants to create (to show Clyde who's boss)
  • Julie re-asks him about her death
  • Julie is appalled that he would just upload a video
  • First Chris would cry (if she died) then upload the video
  • I love you Julie
  • Chris asks if she needs space, she does not
  • Chris' mom worked at a bank as a receptionist after retiring from Virginia Power doing the same thing
  • Julie proposes ideas for Chris to do lulzy moves for the fight video
  • Julie proposes blow up dolls
  • Chris had two, one for back up
  • A few weeks ago while Chris was doing his thang, he injured it and it deflated
  • Too much 'humping force' killed the doll
  • The doll had a good run (RIP)
  • Julie wants him to video tape his love making to the doll, he says he'll record it 'tonight'
  • He'll send it over skype
  • He wants to send it to her PSP/PS3
  • Chris wants her to talk about herself
  • He wants he to describe her life in Molvania
  • Julie had a poor life, mastered English language
  • Julie doesn't remember her upbringings
  • She went to school in Molvania, it was low budget, the girls learned cooking and cleaning
  • Chris bets that Julie was in cooking and cleaning class
  • Chris proclaims he is a math genius, he has gotten up to college level trig
  • He got A's in those classes
  • Julie is exasperated at Chris' lack of job, thinks he should be in a high paying job, can't remember name, Chris says 'Computer Drafting and Design?', the one he got a degree for
  • As an immigrant Julie can not get high paying jobs
  • Lots of details in this mysterious letter that she has written
  • Bob worked at GE, he designed the controls for plastic molding machines, plastic covering for game controllers, he is an 'unsung hero', he had his name in the papers
  • Julie is at a loss of things to talk about
  • Julie is having doubts about their relationship, but things will get better when they meet in person
  • 'Ich bin schwell'
  • Kissing noises, he pretends to hug her
  • Julie wants to watch him color, he wants to draw, he gets out his drawing supplies
  • Julie brings up the anime (something) North Star, Chris has heard of it, has the video game
  • They parodied North Star in Excel Saga
  • Chris does the impersonation of the North Star character
  • Julie is bored,Chris suggests she sings
  • Chris has not seen Karate Kid
  • Julie wants to sing 'You're the best (of the best) nothing is ever gonna take you down'
  • Chris doesn't answer the phone
  • Julie wants him to sing more songs
  • Julie wants him to sing the Pokemon Theme, Chris can't remember it.
  • Chris starts the first verse, can't remember
  • 'You can reach the other side of the rainbow' from Sonic CD
  • 'Yellow is a Mellow Color'
  • Julie wants Sonichu Theme, Chris starts singing
  • Chris starts singing an Uncle Ruckus song, says nigger.
  • Dog barking in the background
  • Chris'Mom comes in, Chris tells her to *69
  • Chris goes to get a drink
  • Chris wants to know if he looks better w/glasses or w/o glasses, Julie says w/o glasses
  • Chris is nearsighted
  • Chris does Herbert from Family Guy impersonation
  • Chris used to pick his nose
  • Julie requests Sailor Moon theme
  • Chris has heard both versions and he's mixing the two up
  • Chris hums it
  • Barb wants Chris to look up area code 408
  • He finds out it's San Jose, California
  • Julie warns Clyde to run
  • The number has called before, Barb told him Chris wasn't here
  • Told Barb to tell Chris to check his email, Barb tells him not to and Chris says he won't
  • Chris goes to read them on the urging of Julie
  • Clyde(?) tells Chris that he wants to help him when Chris' parents die
  • Julie thinks he's sincere
  • Julie goes to the bathroom
  • After awhile conversation starts again
  • Julie says Chris should have his own Radio Station, talk about K.C.W.C
  • Chris' radio is all that can be heard
  • Chris thinks it was Clyde who called
  • Chris thinks Julie is safe
  • But Julie insists that Clyde could hack phones to change his actual location
  • Julie mixes up Molvania/Ohio, Chris catches her on it, dismisses it
  • Julie hates Clyde, so does Chris
  • Julie explains that cell phones retain their activation location while roaming
  • Julie is afraid he's in Ohio, Chris is skeptical
  • After a pause, Julie get hysterical about CLyde killing her
  • Chris tells her not to worry
  • Julie is still upset
  • Julie tells Chris to turn down the music, he complies
  • Chris reads his message to Julie, saying 'comma' when there are commas
  • Julie thinks they should meet in mumble, but Chris doesn't like using mumble
  • Chris would rather read an email
  • Julie wants to mumble chat with fans
  • I love yous are exchanged, kissing sounds, Chris kissed the camera



    Chats and calls