Jail Letter - 16 November 2021

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On 16 November 2021, Chris sent the 4th letter to Kenneth Englehardt.[1]

Chris's Response

① Hey, Kenneth.

I have not heard from you in a while, so I thought I'd write to you once again. I am certain you've been keeping yourself very well and safe. Are you enjoying the indirect popularity from Kiwi Farms, as well as the direct increase on your Onion Farms?

Also, I and my Body have read some of the Qur'an, including all of chapter 19, as you've recommended.

② that being stated, here are 10 Q&A’s in response to a faking “Joe Mama”.

1. What does your daily life (in jail) consist of? Do you have a schedule? What do they have you do on a daily basis? Any chores or jobs? As stated before: I meditate innately, as well as consciously, for the majority and whole of my Body’s time in jail. I leave my body to work with the superheroes, OP Individuals, and my fellow Gods and Goddesses, and Sonichus and Rosechus, on the Event works and Damage Control and Damage Prevention for the Benefit of the Majority who will shift to 1C-211987 Earth. On that, EVERYTHING Not Drawn, written, or Thought by I and/or my Body are Absolutely Not Canon or Effective upon ALL Universes within this timeline, including This 1218 Earht, ALL of universe 1C-211987 (formerly C-197) AND Equestria (G5MLP is not Canon AT ALL in this timeline), and so forth, as of the date of August 1, 2021.

Other than that: some drawing from time to time, lots of writing, I have read a few books from the Jail’s Library, and over time lots of Solitaire Gameplay on the Prayer Rug on the floor, and more recently, music from the Radio. The only scheduled details are too Early Breakfest, Brunch, and tea time supper, as well as a Daily Shower with Bob Barker Soap or Irish Spring Soap, water washcloth and Shampoo and towel, I also Brush my Teeth with Colgate Toothpaste And every other day apply Lady’s Speed deodorant. No Chores or Jobs.

{quotebox|④ 2. Have you made any friends/ What are they like, and what have you learned from them?

I am not allowed to associate much with the other inmates, and I've made allies out of most of the police and medical staff. I have learned what I needed to for my consciousness from them in confirmation of the proceeding events.

3. How is the food and cell? What kind of food do they give you? Is it good? Have they assigned you to help in the kitchen at all? What is your jail cell like? Is it comfortable? Do they give you a pillow and blanket? Do you have a cellmate? Are they pretty cool?

Mostly good, but the boneless chicken breast is dry, and the meatballs from a banquet TV dinner are better than the meatballs, here. Typical foods (including vegetables) like you’d find in a TV dinner. Mostly good (not write-home-about-it quality, but good). No estoy en la cocina. My cell is roomy enough and long with the standard bidet and toilet and mattress with enclosed pillow. The cell is comfortable enough; got cold, so I got and wear two thermal tops, two long Jhons, and two pairs of socks. Not Joey Tribani; stocky that one episode of “Friends”, but I am warm. The pillow’s in the mattress; they give me two bed sheets and a thick enough blanket in wool, I believe. No inmate cellmate, but I am never alone since I have Magi-Chan and the others, my ally highest level, rank, and trained psychic and ghost Pokemon, including some from the Sonichu and Rosechu Psychic Squad, and a large number of angels from the Heaven realm, as well as well over ten million good and neutral spirits, sould, and entities in my body’s conduit...}}



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