Kacey Call 22

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Just a brief overview until the entire call is transcribed.

File Name: kc92709.mp3

  • Chris went to couple's relationship class by himself, told them about being trolled and how hard it is to be him.
  • Kim told Chris to make a Sonichu costume, Kacey agreed. Chris says it's too much work.
  • Chris is trying to get a job at Target.
  • talking about buying and selling Guitar Hero stuff on Ebay, says that Guitar Hero is better than Rock Band.
  • Chris talks about a bear and her cubs being near a school; he heard about it on the news. Kacey sounds bored as hell.
  • talks about more news stuff, a guy who raped a 13 year old girl ran to Europe, Kacey doesn't care but then gets angry about child molesters.
  • Chris says that child molesters should only get 5 years in jail. Kacey says that it should be longer, Chris eventually changes to 20 years. Kacey gets angrier and starts yelling at Chris. Chris backs down.
  • Kacey is really pushing the topic of rape on Chris; Chris sounds uncomfortable. Chris: "I have never personally been raped. I would definitely be offended if I was."
  • Chris talks about Family Guy/Cleveland Show, says that American Dad is bad.
  • Chris keeps talking about Meg from Family Guy, saying that she's really hot. Kacey says as much as possible to piss Chris off in regards to Meg.
  • Chris is STILL talking about Meg and wanting to bang her. Kacey calls Meg fat.
  • Chris ignores any homosexual part of Family Guy. Gets pretty angry when Kacey keeps talking about how Family Guy is pro-homo.
  • Chris stopped drinking various types of soda because he started to associate them with gay people.
  • Kacey says that no gay man would ever be into Chris because he's not clean enough. This actually upsets Chris.
  • Kacey asks if gay people have ever hit on him before. He says over the Internet it's happened.
  • Chris claims he's been hit on a few times by girls back in middle school, ever since he left high school it hasn't happened because every single woman is taken by a guy already.
  • Chris says that he has good fashion sense.
  • Kacey says that the idea of being a "house husband" will make girls think that Chris is gay.
  • Kacey says Chris needs to be more manly. Chris takes this to mean that he needs to take male hormone pills.
  • Kacey tells Chris to go clean his room and says she has to leave.


CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

External links

Kacey Call 21 Kacey Phone Calls Kacey Call 23

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