Golden Church of Sonichu

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Revision as of 09:45, 4 August 2023 by Lilacraven (talk | contribs) (→‎Transfer to CWCville: Added some chats, adding more soon)
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January18SonichuBodyswapArt.jpg Delusion disclosure: This article or section takes place during Chris's phase of role-playing as Sonichu. He may refer to his Christine Chandler personality and physical body in the third person by using terms such as "mama".

Golden Church of Sonichu is a Discord server set up by Praetor, exclusive to customers who bought a golden medallion off of Praetor's OfficialCWCmart page.

Chris's chats

Below is a set of messages that Chris sent in the server.

Transfer to CWCville

17 February 2021

Hey, I am feeling uncertain, disgruntled, and mildy confused. All I consciously know at the moment is that everything of the dimension merge is continuing on better now, and shortly enough I will be in Cwcville with this body, and during the present time I am to chill and give this body a bunch of self-love. Yet, as I've mensioned to y'all earlier on Instagram, this body and brain are still harping on its failure of a mutual respected/love cuddle or lay in this universe.
My bad for not starting this thread with more positive news.
Thanks for listening.

21 February 2021

No, Chris is still in my body in universe C-197.

24 February 2021

Hey, y'all.
Just kinda emoting out some; did today's meditate in the gazebo with the gate crystal and all.
It's Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu's bitchday; she's still in my body in Cwcville, and I, Sonichu Prime, am still in her body in this universe. I am feeling like, "Why the hell am I not in Cwcville with this body today of all days!?"

External links

A YouTube video of screenshots from the server

    Chats and calls

PraetorIcon.png Praetor Saga PraetorIcon.png
The Players: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Jail, Revelations