Kacey Call 5

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29 August 2009


  • Chris just finished getting a "stern talking-to" from Kim about getting a job; he already can't remember what she said.
  • Kacey did research on how Chris can still receive the tugboat while having a job or something; he doesn't listen.
  • Counselors at PVCC told Chris that they could get him a job; he didn't listen.
  • Chris doesn't know what Student Financial Aid is; he promises to google it.
  • Chris whines some more about being blank-minded and confused.
  • Chris says he's willing to go from digital cable to basic cable.
  • Chris lies about how much he spends on the PSN.
  • Chris compares buying game add-ons to having a magazine subscription to try and make Kacey understand it's not a big deal.
  • Chris doesn't know anything about college because that happened yeeeeaars ago.
  • Chris took tennis and ice-skating classes in college.
  • Chris took accounting and/or marketing classes first, then "years later" he found out there were not enough jobs available in that field so he switched to CADD.
  • Kacey says Chris is basically wiping his ass on his CADD Degree; Chris says "that was uncalled for".
  • Chris says he understands so Kacey will shut up and let him leave.


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Kacey Call 4 Kacey Phone Calls Kacey Call 6

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