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(→‎Summary: uploading summary of 58:30-1:22:30)
(→‎Summary: uploading 1:22:30-2:29:00 (end))
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*Chris says he has to leave for a while to collect his thoughts.
*Chris says he has to leave for a while to collect his thoughts.
*Clyde shows up and announces that he’s heard everything.
*Clyde was the salesman and he’s gonna bring his guns next time.
*Clyde taunts Chris, who says that he’ll haunt Clyde in his sleep.
*Clyde doesn’t sleep, so Chris will haunt his every waking moment.
*Chris has God by his side, but Clyde says there is no God.
*Chris says he’ll pray for Julie’s safety, and Clyde laughs at him.
*Chris has been out of the house today… to get his mom some coffee.
*Clyde is tough because he’s lived on the streets in sub-zero weather.
*Chris responds that he’s tough because he stands up for his friends.
*Clyde is at a loss for words to describe how pathetic Chris is.
*Chris responds that Clyde is pathetic because he feels that way.
*Clyde says that that statement proves that Chris is autistic.
*Clyde states that he himself has no physical or mental handicaps.
*Clyde adds that he’s not on drugs either… at the moment.
*Clyde says that he’s going to play Russian Roulette with Julie.
*Chris bets that every time Clyde has played before, he’s lost.
*Julie says that Max will protect her, but Clyde doubts that.
*Clyde will get rid of Max like he did Richard Simmons and Sarah.
*Clyde knows that Julie will be dead tomorrow.
*Chris knows that Clyde is dead inside, and Clyde admits it.
*Chris honestly believes that Clyde is afraid to face him.
*Clyde admits that his rage will die when Chris does.
*Chris tries and fails to psychoanalyze Clyde.
*Clyde dares Chris to call the police on him.
*Clyde has money to travel thanks to an inheritance.
*Chris suspects that Clyde killed his parents to get that money.
*Clyde insists that they died from carbon monoxide poisoning.
*Clyde says that Chris should leave his house and lose weight.
*Chris would leave for Julie’s, but he doesn’t know her address.
*Chris grows a pair and yells at Clyde to shut the fuck up.
*Chris calls Clyde “small” several times.
*Chris apologizes for leading Ryan to commit suicide.
*Clyde tells Chris that he’s a burden upon his parents.
*Chris says in reply only that he feels his parents’ pain.
*Clyde reminds Chris that he is the cause of that pain.
*Chris has changed from a “mental case” into a “social butterfly”.
*Clyde thinks Chris’s parents meant for his babysitter to give him autism.
*Chris denies that and expresses gratitude towards his parents.
*Clyde tells Chris that his conception was a drunken mistake.
*Chris thinks he’s a miracle child because his parents were old even then.
*Chris compares the situation to an episode of Sex and the City.
*Chris doesn’t see any reason for men not to watch TV shows for women.
*Chris thinks fewer wars would happen if more men watched those shows.
*Julie can’t name three specific good qualities that Chris has.
*Chris understands that autism is caused by genetics.
*Still, Chris insists that his babysitter brought it out in him.
*Clyde insists that Chris is just using autism as an excuse.
*Chris said his first word when he was just two weeks old.
*Baby Chris said “monkey”, but he was trying to say “mommy”.
*Chris thinks that he has “recovered” from his autism in a way.
*Chris doesn’t need to blame his autism because he's overcome it.
*Clyde says that it’s a fact that autism doesn’t exist.
*Clyde keeps telling Chris to get a “real” autism diagnosis.
*Chris weakly promises to get himself re-tested some time soon.
*Clyde has Chris read the Wikipedia article on “high-functioning autism”.
*Chris reluctantly accepts that the diagnosis is not a recognized one.
*Chris agrees with Clyde that his “mental block” never actually existed.
*Clyde remarks that Chris could never possibly live on his own.
*Chris replies that he can cook because he took two home ec classes.
*'''Chris can also clean, since he has to pick up cat poop all the time.'''
*Chris even knows how to wash his clothes and wash the dishes.
*Chris lastly explains in detail how he’s learned to take out the trash.
*Clyde congratulates Chris on knowing how to do all of those basic chores.
*Clyde explains that he’s trying to rescue women everywhere from Chris.
*Chris is content with the $800/month that he receives through Social Security.
*Clyde is irate that Chris has no interest whatsoever in getting a job.
*Chris honestly believes that he is paid as much as most employed people.
*Clyde’s job is driving people around, and driving is his favorite thing.
*Chris describes himself as “a jack-of-all-trades and master of none”.
*Chris just doesn’t know what type of job he’d be comfortable in.
*Chris is also concerned that he’d need to be paid at least $1,000/month.
*Clyde asks Chris what he’s done with his two CADD degrees.
*Chris replies that he designed the Cwcville Shopping Center.
*Chris adds that he’s also added more perspective to his artwork.
*Clyde reminds Chris that he’s supported by people who actually work.
*Chris says he just needs a woman to help him make sound decisions.
*Clyde warns, “Spoiler alert: you’re never going to get a woman.”
*Clyde mentions that Vivian’s white knight efforts have been in vain.
*Chris says that he’s seeing his pastoral counselor once a week.
*Chris isn’t at all concerned that she isn’t a trained psychologist.
*Chris used to visit a “$25/hour psychologist” named Dr. Price.
*Chris was forced to see Dr. Price by PVCC and Mary Lee Walsh.
*Dr. Price put Chris’s sweetheart search into perspective for him.
*Clyde insists that everything on Chris’s ED page is true.
*Chris still thinks that his words were simply misinterpreted.
*Chris believes that he lost Megan because he “got too close”.
*Chris says he drew ShecameforCWC “in protest of” his ED page.
*Chris blames himself, but at least he drew in a censor bar.
*Chris ripped that drawing up, but he still has the pieces.
*Chris’s mean old principal was the original cause of his hate for gay men.
*Chris accepts Clyde’s analogy about Mary Lee Walsh and other women.
*Chris explains that his past statements of hating gays were “misplaced rage”.
*Chris says that God has blessed him with more female friends than male ones.
*Chris seems to have forgotten that he conceded that he’s not autistic.
*Clyde says that he’ll give Julie a reprieve if Chris declares that he’s gay.
*Clyde threatens to harm or kill Julie if Chris doesn’t make such a video.
*'''Chris says he won’t lie about his sexuality even to save Julie’s life.'''
*Chris relents and offers to sacrifice his image to save Julie from harm.
*Chris has three hours to record and post a video of himself coming out.
*Clyde says he fears that he’ll soon be banned from the channel, and he leaves.
*Julie is eternally grateful to Chris for the sacrifice that he’s about to make.
*“The admin of the server” shows up and asks if Clyde is still around.
*'''Chris wants to videotape his first time with Julie, and she wants the same.'''
*'''Chris says he’ll “cut the worst parts out” and upload the rest to YouTube.'''
*Chris and Julie tell each other “I love you”, and Chris exits the channel.
*BlueSpike starts singing “This was a triumph!” from Portal’s “Still Alive”.
*The other trolls go wild with laughter, and a couple join in with the singing.


Revision as of 00:49, 23 June 2009

The third of the Mumble chats involving Chris.


  • Julie is having problems with her microphone.
  • Chris tries and fails to diagnose the problem.


  • Julie reveals that she’s a professional cook.
  • Chris’s favorite food is macaroni and cheese.


  • Julie doesn’t know why Max stole her password.
  • Chris recommends snooping around his room for clues.


  • Julie wants to talk about her relationship with Chris.
  • Chris says “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” instead.


  • Julie asks if Chris has heard from Cameron yet.
  • Julie says that his/her country, Molvania, was destroyed.
  • Julie keeps getting confused about Cameron’s gender.


  • Chris describes Virginia as “okay” and “a historic town”.


  • Clyde joins the channel, but he leaves right away.


  • Chris says that he’s recovering from the stress of the Internet.
  • Chris’s phone alarm goes off, making him lose his train of thought.


  • Chris went with his dad to get his pacemaker checked.
  • Julie says that Chris’s mom is an awesome singer.


  • Julie hopes that Clyde is gone from Mumble for good.


  • Chris previews Simonla and Wild’s upcoming relationship.


  • Chris likes some heavy metal music and loves Guitar Hero.
  • Chris created himself and a Sonichu guitar in World Tour.
  • Chris uploaded a video of himself playing the game to YouTube.
  • Chris doesn’t know how to play guitar but doesn’t care.


  • Clyde comes back, but he’s not in Chris and Julie’s channel.



  • Chris says that all of his female characters think he’s handsome.
  • Chris’s mom tells him that he’s handsome all the time.
  • Chris thinks he’s handsome and can’t understand why he’s single.


  • Julie isn’t sure when she’ll be able to afford to come to Virginia.
  • Clyde shows up to ask Chris why he hasn’t killed him yet.
  • Clyde insists that he’d too nice to be on drugs this time around.
  • Chris hasn’t killed Clyde because Clyde is slowly killing himself.


  • Clyde leaves the channel, and Julie says she has to leave for a bit.


  • Chris asks Julie if she’s receiving any aid from her relatives.


  • Chris realizes that Clyde has heard the whole conversation.


  • Chris is “mostly attracted to women”.
  • Chris likes to draw attractive female characters.
  • Chris loves his “brain-children”, but he’d never have sex with them.


  • Chris watches porn, and Encyclopedia Dramatica has frustrated him.
  • Chris wanted to do something to “stretch an adult muscle” in his head.


  • Chris can draw romance well despite being a frustrated virgin.
  • Chris is random, and sometimes he does what he feels instead of thinking.


  • Chris’s comics are intended for children.
  • The adult scenes are to be appreciated by teens and adults.


  • How to Talk to Girls took the words out of Chris’s mouth.


  • Chris tells Julie that she didn’t miss anything important.
  • Julie explains that she was helping Max in the kitchen.


  • Chris would consider making more non-Sonichu characters.
  • Chris figures that Julie could help when she moves to Virginia.


  • Chris doesn’t feel comfortable traveling long distances alone.
  • Julie hopes to have slowly moved over to Virginia within the year.
  • Chris lets Julie know that she could board with him.


  • Most men are more comfortable with a “Sadie Hawkins situation”.
  • Relationships are different in America than they are in Molvania.


  • Chris explains how he used to wait for women to approach him.
  • Chris trusts Julie, but he worries about what his mom will think.


  • Chris suggests that Julie just “take a plunge”.
  • Chris somehow realizes that he should be taking his own advice.
  • Julie promises that she will try to come to Virginia within the year.
  • Chris thanks Julie sincerely for her promise.


  • Julie worries that Clyde will rape her like he raped Panda.
  • A half-Asian guy drove by Julie’s house and glared at her.
  • Julie worries that the half-Asian guy might’ve been Clyde.
  • Julie regrets that she didn’t get the guy’s plate number.


  • Chris is the strongest, toughest person Julie knows.
  • Chris assures Julie that she can trust him to protect her.


  • Chris and Julie are happy that they can trust each other.


  • Julie sees someone outside of her house and is worried.
  • Chris says that it’s best to just not think about it.
  • Julie says that the person is holding something – perhaps a gun.
  • Chris repeats that it’s best to just not think about it.
  • Julie goes to lock her door because she hears pounding.
  • Chris laughs hard when he’s told that it was just a salesman.
  • Chris had been “quaking” with fear – an obvious lie.


  • Chris links Burnout to the Transformers’ Bumblebee.
  • Julie links the game to Back to the Future’s DeLorean.


  • Julie wants to play video games with Chris for hours on end.
  • Chris repeatedly suggests that they could “play” in other ways.


  • Chris reveals that he is willing to let Panda be with Clyde.
  • Chris says that he will let Julie take his virginity.
  • Julie thanks Chris and says that she can’t wait.


  • Chris will do his best and hopefully not prematurely ejaculate.
  • Chris supposes that he has learned from pornography.
  • Chris guesses that cowgirl will be his favorite sexual position.


  • Julie will try her hardest to visit Chris on his birthday.
  • Chris wishes that Julie could see him smiling at that news.


  • Julie asks Chris for a description of their future first time.
  • Julie says that she will let Chris take her virginity.
  • Julie is making Chris hard, and she should take that as a compliment.


  • Chris begins describing their future first time in detail.
  • First up is a make-out session, and Chris will have eaten strawberries.


  • Julie says that she’s already masturbating to his description.
  • Next up is Chris taking off his pants and having Julie warm him up.
  • Julie says that she wouldn’t mind blowing Chris on this first date.


  • Chris explicitly assumes that he will prematurely ejaculate.
  • Chris notes that he’ll still have a lot more “tiger in [his] tank”.
  • Chris will unhook Julie’s bra and “marvel at [her] nipples”.
  • Chris notes that Julie will already be “marveling at [his] dick”.
  • Chris will then massage Julie’s breasts and go down on her.


  • Julie hopes that Chris is masturbating with her, but he isn’t.
  • Chris changes his mind and grabs his dick right afterward.


  • Chris will start things off by going at it doggy style.
  • Chris says that “it can go up to seven inches” – an obvious lie.
  • Chris spouts, “In and out. In and out. Doggy style. Yay!”


  • Chris will use his fingers to keep his dick inside her.
  • Chris says that he wouldn’t do anal during their first time.
  • Chris predicts that cowgirl will come after doggy style.
  • Chris belatedly notes that he will be wearing a condom.
  • Chris speculates as to where on Julie’s body he’ll cum.
  • Julie says that she’ll probably want to take it in the mouth.


  • Chris says that they might clean up… or they might not.
  • Julie says out of nowhere that she thinks she’s coming.


  • Julie says that she’ll try to send Chris a picture of herself.
  • Chris gives Julie his number, apparently for the first time.
  • Julie can’t give Chris her number because she doesn’t have one.


  • Chris wants to “be emotional in person” at some point.
  • Julie has to leave for a little bit for no stated reason.


  • Chris says that his parents would be cool with them fucking.
  • Chris will be happy to introduce Julie to his parents first.


  • Chris imagines his future: married and with a daughter.
  • Julie will gladly be his wife and the mother of Crystal.
  • Chris wants to be the “househusband” of the relationship.


  • Chris has no idea what he’d do if he did have to work.
  • Chris isn’t sure what job he could get with his CADD degree.


  • Julie has set up a PayPal account for herself.
  • Chris uses his account to sell items on eBay.
  • Julie suggests that Chris make money with Sonichu.
  • Chris isn’t sure he wants to go around advertising him.


  • Julie suggests that Chris re-start talks with Nintendo.
  • Chris says that he isn’t in touch with Cole Smithey.
  • Chris has no idea how he’d come up with money to travel.
  • Julie insists that Chris prove himself to Reggie Fils-Aimé.


  • Chris won’t shut up about Julie helping him do all of the above.


  • Chris has no idea when the next issue of Sonichu will be done.
  • Chris says he has to leave for a while to collect his thoughts.


  • Clyde shows up and announces that he’s heard everything.
  • Clyde was the salesman and he’s gonna bring his guns next time.
  • Clyde taunts Chris, who says that he’ll haunt Clyde in his sleep.
  • Clyde doesn’t sleep, so Chris will haunt his every waking moment.


  • Chris has God by his side, but Clyde says there is no God.
  • Chris says he’ll pray for Julie’s safety, and Clyde laughs at him.


  • Chris has been out of the house today… to get his mom some coffee.


  • Clyde is tough because he’s lived on the streets in sub-zero weather.
  • Chris responds that he’s tough because he stands up for his friends.


  • Clyde is at a loss for words to describe how pathetic Chris is.
  • Chris responds that Clyde is pathetic because he feels that way.
  • Clyde says that that statement proves that Chris is autistic.


  • Clyde states that he himself has no physical or mental handicaps.
  • Clyde adds that he’s not on drugs either… at the moment.


  • Clyde says that he’s going to play Russian Roulette with Julie.
  • Chris bets that every time Clyde has played before, he’s lost.


  • Julie says that Max will protect her, but Clyde doubts that.
  • Clyde will get rid of Max like he did Richard Simmons and Sarah.
  • Clyde knows that Julie will be dead tomorrow.
  • Chris knows that Clyde is dead inside, and Clyde admits it.


  • Chris honestly believes that Clyde is afraid to face him.
  • Clyde admits that his rage will die when Chris does.


  • Chris tries and fails to psychoanalyze Clyde.


  • Clyde dares Chris to call the police on him.


  • Clyde has money to travel thanks to an inheritance.
  • Chris suspects that Clyde killed his parents to get that money.
  • Clyde insists that they died from carbon monoxide poisoning.


  • Clyde says that Chris should leave his house and lose weight.
  • Chris would leave for Julie’s, but he doesn’t know her address.


  • Chris grows a pair and yells at Clyde to shut the fuck up.
  • Chris calls Clyde “small” several times.


  • Chris apologizes for leading Ryan to commit suicide.


  • Clyde tells Chris that he’s a burden upon his parents.
  • Chris says in reply only that he feels his parents’ pain.
  • Clyde reminds Chris that he is the cause of that pain.
  • Chris has changed from a “mental case” into a “social butterfly”.
  • Clyde thinks Chris’s parents meant for his babysitter to give him autism.
  • Chris denies that and expresses gratitude towards his parents.


  • Clyde tells Chris that his conception was a drunken mistake.
  • Chris thinks he’s a miracle child because his parents were old even then.
  • Chris compares the situation to an episode of Sex and the City.


  • Chris doesn’t see any reason for men not to watch TV shows for women.
  • Chris thinks fewer wars would happen if more men watched those shows.


  • Julie can’t name three specific good qualities that Chris has.


  • Chris understands that autism is caused by genetics.
  • Still, Chris insists that his babysitter brought it out in him.
  • Clyde insists that Chris is just using autism as an excuse.


  • Chris said his first word when he was just two weeks old.
  • Baby Chris said “monkey”, but he was trying to say “mommy”.


  • Chris thinks that he has “recovered” from his autism in a way.
  • Chris doesn’t need to blame his autism because he's overcome it.
  • Clyde says that it’s a fact that autism doesn’t exist.


  • Clyde keeps telling Chris to get a “real” autism diagnosis.
  • Chris weakly promises to get himself re-tested some time soon.


  • Clyde has Chris read the Wikipedia article on “high-functioning autism”.
  • Chris reluctantly accepts that the diagnosis is not a recognized one.


  • Chris agrees with Clyde that his “mental block” never actually existed.


  • Clyde remarks that Chris could never possibly live on his own.
  • Chris replies that he can cook because he took two home ec classes.
  • Chris can also clean, since he has to pick up cat poop all the time.
  • Chris even knows how to wash his clothes and wash the dishes.
  • Chris lastly explains in detail how he’s learned to take out the trash.


  • Clyde congratulates Chris on knowing how to do all of those basic chores.
  • Clyde explains that he’s trying to rescue women everywhere from Chris.


  • Chris is content with the $800/month that he receives through Social Security.
  • Clyde is irate that Chris has no interest whatsoever in getting a job.
  • Chris honestly believes that he is paid as much as most employed people.
  • Clyde’s job is driving people around, and driving is his favorite thing.


  • Chris describes himself as “a jack-of-all-trades and master of none”.
  • Chris just doesn’t know what type of job he’d be comfortable in.
  • Chris is also concerned that he’d need to be paid at least $1,000/month.


  • Clyde asks Chris what he’s done with his two CADD degrees.
  • Chris replies that he designed the Cwcville Shopping Center.
  • Chris adds that he’s also added more perspective to his artwork.


  • Clyde reminds Chris that he’s supported by people who actually work.
  • Chris says he just needs a woman to help him make sound decisions.
  • Clyde warns, “Spoiler alert: you’re never going to get a woman.”


  • Clyde mentions that Vivian’s white knight efforts have been in vain.
  • Chris says that he’s seeing his pastoral counselor once a week.
  • Chris isn’t at all concerned that she isn’t a trained psychologist.


  • Chris used to visit a “$25/hour psychologist” named Dr. Price.
  • Chris was forced to see Dr. Price by PVCC and Mary Lee Walsh.
  • Dr. Price put Chris’s sweetheart search into perspective for him.


  • Clyde insists that everything on Chris’s ED page is true.
  • Chris still thinks that his words were simply misinterpreted.
  • Chris believes that he lost Megan because he “got too close”.
  • Chris says he drew ShecameforCWC “in protest of” his ED page.
  • Chris blames himself, but at least he drew in a censor bar.
  • Chris ripped that drawing up, but he still has the pieces.


  • Chris’s mean old principal was the original cause of his hate for gay men.
  • Chris accepts Clyde’s analogy about Mary Lee Walsh and other women.


  • Chris explains that his past statements of hating gays were “misplaced rage”.
  • Chris says that God has blessed him with more female friends than male ones.
  • Chris seems to have forgotten that he conceded that he’s not autistic.


  • Clyde says that he’ll give Julie a reprieve if Chris declares that he’s gay.
  • Clyde threatens to harm or kill Julie if Chris doesn’t make such a video.
  • Chris says he won’t lie about his sexuality even to save Julie’s life.
  • Chris relents and offers to sacrifice his image to save Julie from harm.


  • Chris has three hours to record and post a video of himself coming out.
  • Clyde says he fears that he’ll soon be banned from the channel, and he leaves.
  • Julie is eternally grateful to Chris for the sacrifice that he’s about to make.


  • “The admin of the server” shows up and asks if Clyde is still around.


  • Chris wants to videotape his first time with Julie, and she wants the same.
  • Chris says he’ll “cut the worst parts out” and upload the rest to YouTube.
  • Chris and Julie tell each other “I love you”, and Chris exits the channel.


  • BlueSpike starts singing “This was a triumph!” from Portal’s “Still Alive”.
  • The other trolls go wild with laughter, and a couple join in with the singing.



    Chats and calls