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==Part 3==


Revision as of 23:04, 22 June 2011

4 September 2009

  • Chris mowed the back yard today. His mom mowed the front yard.
  • Chris says he jogged around the neighborhood.
  • Chris "forgot" to buy Bob a birthday present. Vivian Gee didn't forget, she sent him a nice gift basket.
  • Chris still hates Vivian for making the Audiobooks and making a mockery and slander out of him. Kacey likes the Audiobooks.
  • Chris didn't read Vivian's book "and he did not care to"; he gave it to his pastor who told Chris it's a mockery of him.
  • Chris bought some sports bras, he likes them and now wears them all the time.
  • Chris was confused by bra sizes, so he had to ask a girl to measure him.
  • Chris now understands how women feel because he has to wear a bra too.
  • Chris talks about chromosomes, and implies that he's part-woman or something stupid.
  • Chris shaved his belly before taking the sports bra photos.
  • Chris claims he had manboobs since he was 8 years old.
  • Chris has no goals or ambitions, but he once wanted to be a cowboy.
  • Chris dreamt that he had a daughter with him at his office job; in the dream he called her Crystal. Clearly this was God showing him the future.
  • Chris would like to get married before he turns 30.
  • Chris currently has $10 in his savings, but he's "letting it grow". He also just bought a bunch of video games.
  • Chris doesn't want to sell any of his video games, he wants to hold on to them for his children to enjoy.
  • Chris admits he's really just keeping the games for himself.
  • Kacey calls Chris a hoarder. Chris has never heard of that word.
  • Chris blames his hoarding on his parents again, it's all their fault, they're a bunch of packrats.
  • If Chris moves any of the shit out, his mom will yell at him.
  • Apparently, when Chris asked his parents about moving stuff out of the house, they said "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO WE'RE GONNA KICK YOU OUTTA THE HOUSE".

Part 1

Chris: Hallo
Kacey: Hey, Chris, it’s Kacey
Chris: Hay Kace, How are you
Kacey: I’m good, how about you
Chris: 'Kay [Short Pause] Yeah, shoot I had a topic on my head but I can’t remember it right now so how was-
Kacey: [interrupting] Just give yourself a few minutes and think about it. My day was good, you know, just school and everything. I got to do a dissection today, so it was fun.
Chris: A dissection, what you had biology?
Kacey: Um, I’m taking anatomy and physiology. I mean, um, yeah, Im majoring in biology. [giggles]
Chris: Oh, yeah that’s right, um, um, um, nurse thing Kacey: Yeah Chris: so it’s only natural, yeah. Okay, so I mowed the backyard today, while my mom mowed the front yaaard
Kacey: Oh, that’s good. Um, was it really hot out there, because I know it was hot where I am.
Chris: Yeah, it was warm out here, but fortunately we had a bunch of trees.
Kacey: Did you ever think that maybe you should have done both yards then and let your mom rest?
Chris: Aah, I’m sorry, what? I did not understand the question
Kacey: Maybe you should have done both of the yards, you know instead of your mom being out there in the heat
[Long pause]
Chris: Well, she wa-, she wanted to do it. She was the first one out to start mowing the lawn.
Kacey: Oh, so she had to push you to do it.
Chris: Oh no, she didn't push me to do it but, ah, it’s like, you know, I asked her if she would like my help and she said- she said, "yeah" so I, uh-
Kacey: [interrupting] Oh, well, that’s kind of you to offer
Chris: We have a ride-on mower and a push mower. She used the ride-on, I used the push.
Kacey: Oh, okay.
Chris: I had went under the- I even pushed the mover underneath- underneath the dripping branches of some of our trees.
Kacey: Oh, okay.
Chris: Some of our trees- some of our trees are- some of our trees have overhanging branches
Kacey: You ever think of trimming those branches off then?
[Long pause]
Chris: Hm. [pause]
Kacey: You know, so they don’t fall and mess things up
Chris: Yeah, we have, uh, uh, we have- we have- we have actually trimmed some of the branches before [pause] Uh, but they Kacey: 'kay Chris: grow back, you know.
Kacey: Yeah, you know plants tend to grow, um, so did you do anything else today?
Chris: Yeah, after I- after I finished up the yard I took a shower, and I went and got a smoothie with my- I went with my [sound of phone ringing in the background] Uh, my phone's, my home phone's ringing, le-le-let nobody answer it, ha uh. It’s distracting me though, anyway, yeah. My family, if I need to go out with them to get something to eat so I have to drive me by Sheetz. I got a fruit smoothie while I sent my mom and dad over at Coaches while they had, while they shared a pair of hotdogs and fries over at our- over at our Coaches Grill. They had a hot dog and fries; I had a smoothie.
Kacey: Oh, well that sounds like fun. It was just a normal family outing, huh?
Chris: Yeah, and then afterwards- and then after we got back I checked my e-mail and, ah, it went through all, it went through all that, yeah, and then I walked around the neighborhood. I did a little walking and a little jogging, I got five minutes of jogging in out of the walking, yeah, we had mostly, we have a whole bunch of inclines so it is mostly up and down, in our [long stutter] in my neighborhood here [long pause] and I went around prac- [long stutter] my whole subdivision area
Kacey: Well I mean I’ve just checked my e-mail too, and, um, Kim said it was your dad's birthday today, so did you guys do anything else besides getting the smoothie?
Chris: Yeah my mom- yeah I was going to get my father- I remembered it was my fathers birthday yesterday, and a couple of days before that as well, but unfortunately when I was running, I mean I had the money in my bank and, uh, I spaced out and I forgot to buy my father a present, but you know it’s all good. My father doesn’t usually, like he doesn’t usually care a lot much, so I can just, 'cause it is as simple as, you know, go up to Walgreen's and get a bag of Maple Nut Goodies for him, he likes those Maple Nut Goodies.
Kacey: Ok, ok, well, um, did he get any other presents?
Chris: Uhh, yeah after we got back home from lunch apparently there was a box on our front porch from a, uhh, Cherry Grove Tree company, uhh, it was like a little birthday box and then it was-
Kacey: [interrupting] I heard of them they do online orders
Chris: I’m sorry what?
Kacey: I've heard of them they do online orders, you know like Chris: Yeah. Kacey: Edible Arrangements and 1-800-Flowers. So what, what, uh, did he get?
Chris: Yeah there was a little teddy bear, small bag Kacey: Awwww Chris: of cookies, a couple of pieces of fancy chocolate and some hard- and some spheres [pronounced spears by Chris] of hard candy
Kacey: Oh my gosh, so who was nice enough to send that to him? That sounds amazing!
Chris: Mmm, yeah, but says like get this. On the- on the message note it says it was from, "Vivian and friends,". The only Vivian I know is Vivian Gee, who was that witch-
Kacey: [interrupting] Oh my gosh that was so nice of her!
Chris: Hmm, yeah, but- yeah, but-
Kacey: [interrupting] So I mean-
[long pause]
Chris: I mean, you see [unintelligible] know [unintelligible]
Kacey: You did it right? [talking over Chris] Did your dad like it?
Chris: Yeah he- yeah he liked it. He mostly shared it with my mom
Kacey: Oh, that’s so awesome though. Oh, that’s so nice
Chris: Uh, yeah, I was talking to Kim about that as well, and, you know- you know it is a nice gesture but-
Kacey: Yeah, you should totally be happy to have friends like that.
Chris: Uh
Kacey: [talking over Chris] I mean you should thank her, I mean look at that, I mean she got your dad a present when you didn’t even. I mean that’s just amazing of her.
[long pause]
Chris: Uhh, yeah well I mean I was- I was thinking about- I was planning on making a video thanking her for that, but still you know I don’t- still it doesn’t win me over, you know- it does not turn my feelings around with her on that note, you know I still- I still-
Kacey: Well I don’t see why you are trying to make this a bad thing, I mean she did a vary big gesture of good will, I mean it was- it was towards your dad of all things, I mean that’s huge. But, I mean, what did she do that is making you so mad?
Chris: Come on, if you look on her youtube account, vivi-the-gee, which is for my- which is ahh- oh shi- I have subscribed to that, and I blocked her from my youtube, mmm, oh maybe I did but
Kacey: She must have said something really bad. What was it
Chris: Uhh, but anyway she made these- she made- behind my back she make these audiobook parodies of my comic pages and that I should- and she did not have my permission on that. She was Clyde- She is- she was Clyde Cash's cousin and Clyde Cash was a major troll in my life- was really
Kacey: Oh, well maybe you should make a video concerning that, I mean you know-
Chris: I’m talk- may I finish, anyway Kacey: Whatever. Chris: anyway she- anyway aside from that- in addition to all of that she just made a whole bunch of mockery out of me. She just mocked me a whole bunch. And slandered- and slandered along with the trolls. I mean, she was no better than the rest of 'em
Kacey: How did she mock you?
Chris: Sh-sh-she. You watch any of her audiobooks and you'll find- and you'll let her- audiobooks and you'll find- or it- yeah, you watch any of her videos and you'll find out. But anyway, als- Oh shoot, I lost my train of thought.
Kacey: Well, I mean, it just seemed like that she just gave your comics a voice. I mean, I thought they were pretty good. It's just the comics in audio form. I mean, she didn't change any of your text or anything. Lots of books have audiobooks.
Chris: Yeah, anyway, I remember what I was talking about. She also wrote this book that she sent me a copy of. I did not read it, and I do not care to. I loaned it to my pastoral counselor Rocky Shoemaker, she read some of it, and it was just mostly mockery again- mostly mockery against me and my characte- and my Sonichu characters and all- and all- and my real life [unintelligible] and all that.
Kacey: Did it- did it actually have your name in it?
Chris: [pause] I wouldn't know. I have not read it.
Kacey: Well then how do you know?
Chris: It's- she based it- she
Kacey: Maybe it's a wonderful book.
Chris: No! It's not that- no, It's not that great a book. She just basically copied-
Kacey: Well how do you know if you didn't read it?

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Part 2

Part 3

External links

Kacey Call 9 Kacey Phone Calls Kacey Call 11

    Chats and calls