Count Dankula

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Markus Meechan, better known as Count Dankula, is a Scottish YouTuber. He is known for achieving major press coverage for posting a video where his girlfriend's pug does the Nazi salute on command.


The interview was initially teased by Kiwi Farms owner Null two days before, when he posted: "A YouTube/broader Internet celebrity with a large audience is interviewing Chris on Tuesday. If you have any requests put them in now".[1] Like CLog 10042017 - Q&A 1, the questions were from user requests.

Some highlights include Chris saying that he physically travels to CWCville and other fictional cartoon and video games locations through portals that open up before him, and claiming that his homemade S-Chu Ball is physical evidence of something he brought back from the other side. Another claim Chris makes is that he, his father Bob and serial killer Ted Bundy are/were half-Sonichu in real life. Most troubling of all is that Chris claims that serial killer Ted Bundy did not kill anyone, was innocent of all those crimes, was working undercover to find who the real murderer was, and was framed for the murders – all ideas he got from Idea Guy.

A Chat With Chris-Chan
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Stardate 5 June 2018
A Chat with Christine Weston Chandler/Chris Chan


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Count:[laughs nevously] and uh here we are ehh chri- chris chan it is amazing to actually finally be able to meet you, how you doing?

Chris: I'm doing ok how are you?

Count: I uh-

Chris: Live on space coast, coast to coast

Count: [Laughs] Well uh I have been trying to set up this interview for quite a little while and as someone that has actually watched for uh good number of years and obviously, you know that a lot of the internet is very interested in you so im going to do my best and make sure this interview isn't like all the other interviews you've had where the interviews have been pretty lame and they havent dove too much into you so im going try to go into areas that some people may not have spoken about so I do have a few questions lined up of a few things that im pretty intrested in hearing about uh mainily about cwcville is-

Chris: Yes

Count: One of the... one of the main things that ive- from what I've read and some of the things I've seen is that you believe that CWCville itself is a completely real place

Chris: It is a real place

Count: as well... and all the characters within CWCville are also real

Chris: Yes

Count: and mo- and one thing that I've heard as well is that you believe that you can actually travel to CWCville

Chris: Yes I do believe so

Count: ohthatsfineum- so what is it that actually makes CWCville a real place

Chris: well it exists in another dimension and realistically it's in the northern part of Virginia

Count: Th- CWCville is in the northern part of Virginia

Chris: ya

Count: so you can actually travel there

Chris: uh not in this world but I gu- I have a way of which I'll be able to get there from this world to over there in that world

Count: how- how is it you actually travel there then, just curious

Chris: Well, we're still working on th- getting the bugs out of it, among which I've astral projected there. [incomprehensible] is quite infectuous.

Count: [Laughs] Thanks very much, I try my best to speak clearly whenever I'm on Youtube because my accent's very thick and sometimes people, uh, have trouble understanding what I'm saying. So, uhh, just to clarify as well, you can reach CWCville through astral projection, then, so it's like, with meditation kind of, you can reach CWCville?

Chris: Yes.

Count: Right. So, any g-

Chris: That's the easiest way of visiting at least.

Count: Right, I've got you. Umm, and so obviously, if you go to CWCville all the characters will be there, all the characters are actually real?

Chris: Yes.

Count: Right, well, just as... is there any... I'm just asking, is there any evidence that you have that proves CWCville is a real place?

Chris: Evidence? I can show a few things that I've actually gotten from there...

Count: If...If you want to show them on stream, yeah, that would be good.

Chris: I have an S-Chu Ball for one thing [shows ball off to camera]

Count: Did you get that from CWCville?

Chris: Yep.

Count: That's interesting, that's amazing. Well, see how you... Have you travelled to CWCville before, yourself?

Chris: Yep.

Count: You have? Umm, can anyone travel to CWCville?

Chris: Hmm... Currently, the majority can travel to CWCville through meditation and astral projection. But for the, like, the proper visitation to happen, we're working on a portal, eh?

Count: Right. Okay, and so do you need to get special permission, then, before you can enter CWCville?

Chris: Eh... We're still going through a bunch of red tape there, but yeah. Pretty much.

Count: Ah, right, I've got you then. So then would CWCville essentially have, uhh, a bit of an immigration policy, then, only certain people would be allowed in?

Chris: Yeah. Too many people from this world could take great advantage of things, and try to make things go wrong. Very very bad.

Count: I completely understand where you're coming from. Umm, so when you actually travel to CWCville, what do you do while you're there?

Chris: I help watch over things, I help defend the city when need be, and I definitely see over the laws and things.

Count: Right. Because you're the mayor.

Chris: Uhh, I'm pretty much the big leader, I'm the head honcho, I'm the creator and the chronicler.

Count: Right, okay. So obviously you created this place so, would essentially... you'd be a little bit higher than the leader then, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you be the god since you literally created the place?

Chris: No, no. I am not a god because a God created everything, I only created a portion. I did not create all things.

Count: That's fair enough, that's very humble. And when you're in CWCville, who do you speak to in particular? What characters from the Sonichu/CWCville universe, who do you speak to?

Chris: I talk to the... I talk to my Sonichu and Rosechu and all the others of my species.

Count: So what do you talk about?

Chris: About... I'm half Sonichu.

Count: You're half Sonichu?

Chris: Yes.

Count: So is it... Sonichu like part of yourself, almost like a split personality sort of thing, or is it an alter ego?

Chris: You see me transform in the books, eh? It's pretty much like that.

Count: Right. So are you yourself Sonichu? When you go to CWCville, do you transform into Sonichu or are you still-

Chris: I, I go there, I'm human, and then I can transform into my Chris-Chan Sonichu form.

Count: Riiight, right, I understand now. That's fine, that's interesting, and umm, one thing that I've sort of read about you as well is that you feel all other cartoon universes, so things like American Dad, My Little Pony, so on and so on, they're all actually real places, as well?

Chris: Yes, they are.

Count: And all the characters there are actually real?

Chris: Oh yes.

Count: But do they exist sort of in the same dimension as the Sonichu universe, or do they have their own dimension?

Chris: Some universes... Some of them actually do have an alternate dimension, like Steven Universe where World War II never happened.

Count: Right.

Chris: That's a whole different dimension right there.

Count: Right, I understand. So, some of them exist in the same dimension, some of them are different, but do you get to all of them by the same method?

Chris: Uhh, among which a whole dimensional portal and everything, yes.

Count: Right. So is it, different portals or different kinds of meditation will take you to different universes?

Chris: Get you-

Count: Yeah.

Chris: Get you physically there.

Count: Nice one, that's interesting. Now, see, CWCville itself. Now obviously you are the creator, you're the one that creates the Sonichu comics, you draw them all up and you create the story of CWCville. Now, what would happen to CWCville if you just stopped creating the comics? Like-

Chris: E-Everybody still continues on living their lives as normal, like, like you or me. Our story still continues on as long as we live.

Count: Th-

Chris: And pretty much, uhh, what I've written and, what I've written and chronicled, yeah? Among which that definitely happened beyond my own power and authority of pen and paper, but then also some of it... had already happened and I just was able to get the history in my mind all the way directly from there. It's a whole psychic process, eh?

Count: Right. So, uhh, what would happen to CWCville after you're gone, would the CWCville universe just continue regardless? It would just keep going?

Chris: It would, it would keep going, yes... [speaking like a showman] The show must go on!

Count: [Laughs] Well, moving on from CWCville, that has been some really interesting stuff that you've actually told me about, but just to go a bit more into sort of personal things about your life, I have read an awful lot into you, but I'm... Let me try and keep things as positive as I absolutely can, now, it's just that some people are really interested in your relationship with your father, and it's just to find out what are some of the fondest memories you have of your father?

Chris: Uhh, well let's just see, eh? That's quite a bit to think about. I'd say among which, definitely, the road trips and him taking me to a park or two, and just enjoying the scenery and all.

Count: That's really nice. Umm, I know your dad had something, was it called the dreaming studio?

Chris: Uhh, yes, that's a workshop in the backyard.

Count: Umm, did you and your dad ever make anything together in there?

Chris: Uhh, a few do-it-yourself projects.

Count: Was it just like woodworking, stuff like that?

Chris: Yeah.

Count: Well, what did you make?

Chris: [Exhales] I don't remember.

Count: Was it a long time ago? Yeah.

Chris: Too long, yeah.

Count: Nah, that's absolutely fair enough. I know that another question, as well, that a lot of people are interested in is, eh, have you ever been to Disney World or any other theme parks?

Chris: No.

Count: You've never been to theme parks?

Chris: I've been to a theme park before, but I've definitely never gone out of state to go to a theme park.

Count: Alright, what kind of rides were your favorite?

Chris: Uhh, I like the... I like the roller coaster, I like the ferris wheel, I like the spinning-go-round where you're sp- you're... you're inside the [incomprehensible], you're spinning around and around, and you come out all dizzy.

Count: Ah. You're braver than me, uhh, I went-

Chris: [Laughs loudly]

Count: [Chuckles] I went on a roller coaster once when I was twelve, and it made me sick, and I've never been on one again ever since. [Shakes head] I'm scared of roller coasters.

Chris: I t-

Count: [Laughs]

Chris: I tell you the trick? You find your center when you're feeling dizzy. You just... you ride the dizziness in your brain, you find the center in your brain and you ride with it.

Count: [Laughs again] I'll keep that in mind. And uhh, another question that quite a few people are interested in is, ehm, who... What can you tell us about... Is it Maggie-Chan?

Chris: Yeah, Magi-Chan.

Count: M... Magi-Chan, sorry, umm, who is Magi-Chan?

Chris: Uhh, he is our... He is our resident major powerful psychic/electric type Sonichu. Amongst the special 59. There are 59 of us special Sonichus and Rosechus out of the thousands they emitted from the rainbow of February 3, two thousand... [thinks] three.

Count: Ah, right, and what's your relationship to Magi-Chan?

Chris: Throughout my entire life, he's a lot older than you think. Hmm. And definitely as old as I had mentioned on twitter earlier, but anyway... [widens eyes] He was my guardian angel my whole life.

Count: So... So has he been around a lot longer than the CWCville universe, then?

Chris: Quite so, even a lot longer than me.

Count: Really?

Chris: Yeah.

Count: So well, what is it that he does? Does he just sort of look out for you in the real world, and even in CWCville?

Chris: He looks out for everyone in CWCville, he looks out for me, he looks out for a lot of us people. And he's my loving, devoted husband.

Count: So you're... You're married to Magi-Chan as well?

Chris: Yes.

Count: So what's uhh... What's your relationship with Magi-Chan like, then?

Chris: Really good. We have a good... We have a good relationship between us, good communication and everything. [Smiles]

Count: That's really good then, how long have you been married for?

Chris: We've been married since March 26, this year.

Count: Congratulations, I'm actually getting married myself.

Chris: Heh. Congratulations to you. I'm also married to my Cryzel Rosechu, we got married on the same day. We're polyamorous.

Count: P... Polyamorous... relationship? [Visibly confused]

Chris: Yeah.

Count: Very progressive. Umm... So, I understand one of the things about your past is your Love Quest, you were obviously looking to find a partner, and uhh... Some people made fun of you for it, which I find very unfair because, you know, finding a life partner is everyone's goal, to be honest, you were just a lot more vocal about it. So...

Chris: Yeah.

Count: So you being married to these two characters, does that mean that you've completed your Love Quest, then?

Chris: Pretty much, yes. Because it turns out, uhh, I was destined for this relationship, and that's why my past relationships, real and fictional, with the theoretical exes that were trolls and bullies that pretend to be women, that's why they all failed. Because I was destined for this [forces a smile] lovely relationship.

Count: That's... That's amazing, that's really good, so like, do any of them exist in the real world, or do they only exist in the CWCville universe, I know you said Magi-Chan...

Chris: They exi-... They exi-... They exist in this world, they exist in that world, they exist everywhere.

Count: Right. And so, so they...

Chris: They just come... They come from there, they come from here, they use a portal and whatnot to get from there to here.

Count: Right. And are any of them with you right now?

Chris: Oh yes, they're all with... A lot of them are... A few of them are with my, currently my hubby and my honey.

Count: That's good, umm... This is something I've kept track of for a long time, so I'm actually pretty happy that you've completed your Love Quest. Congratulations.

Chris: Yes. Yes, thank you.

Count: And, uhh, one thing that you brought up as well was one of the main things that I did want to speak about, is, in your past you have had people troll you, I would probably go as far as to say that you have been one of the most trolled people on the internet, and I'm... I'm kind of known for being a bit of a troll myself, I like to make fun of people, I like to take the piss out of people, but there is a line that people shouldn't cross. I feel if you're trolling someone, you shouldn't affect their real life, and you have had some really really bad things happen to you in the past, things that even to me are things that really cross the line. And it has had a really bad effect on you.

Chris: Mhmm.

Count: And stuff, like you said people in the past pretended to be women, tricking you into falling in love with them, and I-

Chris: Mhmm...

Count: I know one of them was BlueSpike, and I thought what BlueSpike did particularly was absolutely disgusting. I thought what he did to you was terrible.

Chris: Mhmm. [Covering face]

Count: Yeah. I'm sorry, I don't mean to upset you, Chris, I would... If you don't want me to talk about it, I won't talk about it.

Chris: It's all right.

Count: Okay, I'm very sorry, I'll move on from that, I just uhh... I just wanted to make it clear that some of the stuff that's happened to you is very very unfair

Chris: Yes.

Count: And just so you know, we don't... Not everyone laughs at what happened to you.

Chris: Yes.

Count: I just wanted you to know that.

Chris: Yeah, thank you. If there's anything positive I'd like for everybody who, say, gets trolls or bullies out there on the internet, definitely just ignore them and try and move on with your lives for yourself offline and uhh... Just try to do good for yourself, be emotionally positive for yourself, because the most important person you could love, or who loves you, is yourself.

Count: That's a good and wholesome message, that's really good. But like, those were just some of the main questions that people wanted to go over but I'm quite happy that you keep talking about CWCville cause it seems that CWCville is obviously a passion it's what you're most active about and you love doing.

Chris: Yeah, that and my species of Sonichus and Rosechus.

Count:So what's next in the CWCville storyline then? What's next to happen?

Chris: We're still developing, it's ongoing. I'm still working on the Ninth star book, and after that I'm working on book 14, which is... we're end up going further into Graduon's story.

Count: And what's going to happen there, or do you not- do you not want to give away too much of the story there? Do you want to keep it a secret?

Chris: Well, essentially we go- we talk about Graduon's history, and how he came to be here and there, and uh... at this point pretty much coming back to Earth in the Metal Sonichu body and what happens after that.

Count: Nice one. It's interesting. So, in regards to then, obviously you're in a polyamorous relationship. Do you plan on having kids?

Chris: Eventually yes. That is definitely part of the destiny.

Count: Do you have a destiny planned out for yourself?

Chris: The destiny was planned out for me without my knowledge.

Count: [Laughs] Was that- was that MagiChan that did that?

Chris: For so many years I didn't even know until most recently, but yeah. It's all good.

Count: That's good then. What are you... what are you doing with yourself in the real world anyway? You just sitting making comics and stuff, or you just doing your drawings? What else are you doing in the real world?

Chris: Uh, I didn't understand the question.

Count: Oh, sorry, just... In the real world, like where you are just now, like outside of CWCville, do you have any future plans or anything or are all of your plans centered on CWCville? Basically is all that matters or of the real world.

Chris: I don't know much about future plans right now, except for what I've learned recently about the uh... about my destiny and everything, so I'm pretty much just going with the flow, and doing as I go, which it actually kind of works out. Being pretty much in the present.

Count: Well that's good then. So, I'm just trying to- it's some of the things you've said about CWCville with like- I'm fascinated, mainly about the dimensions type of thing but like... It's just that I'm interested in about the travel, like how often do you actually travel to CWCville?

Chris: I'd say most daily.

Count: Daily? How long do you spend there?

Chris: Uh, about like a few hours at the moment?

Count: Does it... does it work in the same way like, for example, if you travel to CWCville and you're there for two hours, does two hours pass in the real world?

Chris: Yeah, the time difference is one to one.

Count: Right, so it's the same amount of time. Right.

Chris: Yeah.

Count: It's fair enough. I'm just- so what else do you- what else is it that you do there? Do you just talk to everyone, like, do you have a house in CWCville that you live in?

Chris: Yes, I have a place that I live in there.

Count: Right. And do you live there with your wife and husband then there?

Chris: Yeah. We're pretty much mostly still here- still here at the time, and we're going to end up being mostly over there much later on.

Count: No, that's fair enough. And I totally- It's weird that I totally get where you're coming from. Is there anything else, like, about CWCville, that you think people would find interesting? We've got about 3,000 people watching just now and they're finding it pretty interesting. Is there anything else you want to tell them that, you know, not many people know that you think they'd be interested in?

Chris: [Sighs] Well, I definitely so much more to CWCville that meets the eye. And, by the way, Pallet town where Ash Ketchum came from, as well as Viridian City is clearly south of CWCville.

Count: So is the Pokemon Universe in the same dimension as CWCville?

Chris: Yeah.

See also

    Chats and calls

Copitz interview Chris's videos