Kacey Call 8

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2 September 2009

  • Chris found out that he can earn up to $980 a month at a job while still receiving welfare.
  • Chris says he'll apply at WalMart to be a greeter or mop floors, claims he can take directions "up to a certain level of forcefulness".
  • Chris just rented a Hanna Montanna movie, Kacey asks if he's worried about renting that at age 27.
  • Chris defends his movie choices, says he has the "mind of a younger age" and eventually he can pass that shit to his children.
  • Chris enjoys adult comedies like Seinfeld, Family Guy and Friends.
  • Chris thinks he can identify with George Costanza.
  • Kacey jokes that Chris is like "the George Costanza of Sonichu" and he gets VERY offended, saying that's a worse image than the retarded Sonichu fanart.
  • Chris watched an episode of House that featured an autistic child.
  • Chris favorited some hentai on YouTube (as "Christopher"), lies that he doesn't remember doing that.
  • Chris clearly regrets ever coming up with this multiple personality horseshit now that he has to explain it.
  • Now he claims he never had multiple personalities, he was just possessed by the ghost one of the trolls who died.
  • Chris was either possessed by the ghost of Max Milvania or Clyde Cash.
  • Chris totally "willed away" his other personality since yesterday.
  • Chris tries to change the subject because he knows how fucking stupid he sounds and he wants to pretend this never happened.
  • Chris told his mom about buying a sports bra (but not his dad), he felt like his mom should know.
  • Chris drinks chocolate-flavored soy milk.
  • Chris was taking vitamins for a while, but he stopped because he "didn't feel like taking them".
  • Chris and Kacey spend a long time talking about healthy food that Chris will never eat.
  • Chris gets "thousands" of troll calls, making it hard for Kim and Kacey to call him.
  • Chris doesn't know the password on his own phone.
  • Chris thinks Kacey and Kim should get new phones so they can call him without any problems.
  • Kacey is mad because Chris told some other girl that he is turning Kacey into his Sweetheart From the Ground Up.
  • Kacey says they're only friends and they'll only ever be friends. Chris is disappointed.
  • Chris: "It's called wishful thinking".

External links

Kacey Call 7 Kacey Phone Calls Kacey Call 9

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