Kacey Call 11

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Revision as of 20:00, 4 March 2011 by Champthom (talk | contribs)
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Just a brief overview until the entire call is transcribed.

File Name: kc090709.mp3

  • Chris got an email saying Target was not going to hire him.
  • Chris has 10 dollars in the bank but he's going to start saving!
  • Kacey asks to coach Chris and help him save money.
  • Talking about walking and working out.
  • Chris volunteers to give Kacey a Q&A about autism for her Abnormal Psychology class.
  • Kacey asks for him for info right now about autism.
  • Chris says that he'll only do it if the maximum is 500 words.
  • Kacey asks if Chris ever uploaded essays from High School to CWCipedia, he says he hasn't found them yet.
  • Chris tries to push a relationship on her, but she turns him off right away.
  • Chris is going to take a yoga class. He heard about yoga from Wii Fit.
  • Chris said the last workout he had was standing on one leg for an ENTIRE Guitar Hero song!
  • Chris is comparing Rock Band guitars to Guitar Hero guitars. Kacey says she likes real guitars and likes it when guys write songs for her. Chris says he could play Guitar Hero for her, and he can write a song in Guitar Hero for her. Kacey isn't impressed and Chris doesn't understand the difference between the two.
  • "I can be just as good in Guitar Hero as a real guitar."
  • Chris walks around the mall for exercise. Five whole laps!
  • Chris complains about the lack of male bras at J.C. Penny.
  • Chris didn't realize you can wash bras, thought you had to throw them away after every three days of use.
  • Kacey suggests for Chris to spray his bras with febreze. Kacey recommends lavender.
  • Kacey says that she mixes her perfumes to smell better. Chris compares this to mixing food together at Country Cookin'.
  • Chris says he was reading Playboy earlier and they had a Family Guy article.
  • Chris complains that Family Guy was canceled originally because 9/11 distracted people from the show.
  • Chris is upset to find out that Stewie is gay.
  • Chris admits to reading Playgirl once.
  • Kacey was uncomfortable with the subject, so they stopped talking about Playboy/Playgirl.
  • Kim convinced Chris to watch the news more often.
  • Chris claims he is drawing more Sonichu.
  • Kacey says that she is excited for Vivian's next audiobook. Chris gets stressed out.
  • Kacey suggests to Chris to make his own audiobooks if he doesn't like Vivian's version.
  • Chris talks about how he can't trust Vivian due to Clyde Cash being related. Chris complains about Clyde for a while, but then says that Clyde is dead now so it's okay. Chris says he is glad that Clyde is dead.
  • Chris says that he never read Vivian's book, and he gave it to Rocky instead.
  • Chris is looking for new jobs. He says he can make 980 dollars a month without losing the tugboat.
  • Chris is trying to get a discount at the gym by talking to his doctor.
  • Chris sent a letter to his doctor about his penis. Letter included asking about if his penis being bent was okay, how to straighten it out, and trying to get penis enlarging medication.
  • Chris asks Kacey how big Liquid's penis is. Kacey starts laughing really hard, and then says that it's 9 inches, thick, and it would hurt sometimes. Chris is amazed and sounds depressed and talks about how small his penis is.
  • Chris is upset that Kacey said that she enjoyed Liquid's cock.
  • Chris admits that he is taking penis enlargement medication, and starts describing his cock in detail to Kacey.
  • Kacey says she has to go, unless Chris has any more questions about Liquid's cock. Chris says no, and the call ends.


CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

External links

Kacey Call 10 Kacey Phone Calls Kacey Call 12

    Chats and calls