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Just a brief overview until the entire call is transcribed.
'''Kacey Call 15''' is the fifteenth of the [[Kacey calls]], occurring in [[September 2009]].

File Name: kc91209.mp3
*[[Kacey]] starts the call by complaining about how stressful her [[job]] is. [[Chris]] compares this to how stressed he gets when looking at e-mails from [[trolls]].
*Kacey continues complaining about her life, as well as how she and Kim have to do all of Chris's research for his jobs and he won't do anything himself.
*Kacey apologizes for yelling at Chris, but then says he can't even understand it. Chris gets defensive and says he has a hard life too.
*Kacey asks what his parents think about how lazy he is. He says that his [[mom]] is proud of him for going outside to walk now, and how he's looking for a job.
*Chris says he's being social now. Kacey asks how many friends he made. Chris is quiet for a long time, and says that they just pass byf and that he makes acquaintances.
*Chris is interrupted by his mom. [[Barb]] starts talking about how hard her life was, and how Chris needs to show more humility if he wants to make money. She also complains about [[Bob]] and how all he does is make it look like he does all the work around the house.
*Chris [[Affair with Mother|casually brings up his sex dolls to his mom]] during her tirade.
*Chris finally starts talking to Kacey again. Kacey says that Barb made some really good points.
*Chris says that his mom only wants him to get rid of his and Bob's stuff, but she refuses to get rid of her own.
*Kacey says that Chris needs to throw out 95% of his toys. Chris says that he will take that into great consideration, but Kacey knows whenever he says this it usually leads to him not actually doing so.
*Chris reveals Barb's having him wash and reuse plastic utensils, because their silverware is underneath an overflowing stack of unwashed dishes in the sink. Kacey gets extremely concerned when she hears it's been like this for months, that his house is filled with ants, flies, and wasps from not cleaning, and that this is going on even though they have a dishwasher. Before Chris signs off, Kacey briefly explains to him how to use a dishwasher.

*[[Kacey]] starts the call by complaining about how stressful her [[job]] is. [[Chris]] compares this to how stressed he gets when looking at [[troll]] emails.
*Kacey starts screaming at Chris about how hard her life is. Chris doesn't care.
*Kacey: "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT STRESS IS!" Chris: "hm... yeah..."
*Kacey yells more about Chris not getting a job.
| name          = Kacey Call 15
| audio          = {{#ev:youtube|jN7JiBX4mVU}}
| Stardate      = Between 4 to 16 [[September 2009]]
*Kacey is jealous that Chris gets government [[money]] for free.
| Featuring      = [[Chris]]; [[Kacey]]
*Kacey complains that she and Kim have to do all of Chris's research for his jobs and he won't do anything. Still bitching about how hard her life is.
| Saga          = {{Liquid}} Liquid Saga
*Chris: "I'm workin on it!"
| previous      = [[Kacey Call 14]]
*Kacey apologizes for yelling at Chris, but then says he can't even understand it. Chris gets defensive and says he has a hard life and talks about how he had to bring "REALLY HEAVY TRASH BAGS OUTSIDE" when he worked at [[Wendys]] like six years ago, and how this was the hardest day of his life. Kacey starts screaming again about how useless Chris is. Chris says he will prove her wrong because he's stronger now than six years ago.
| next          = [[Kacey Call 16]]
*Kacey asks what his parent's think about how lazy he is. He says that his [[mom]] is proud of him for going outside to walk now, and how he's looking for a job.
}} </Center>
*Kacey starts screaming AGAIN about how she's the one that made him do all of that.
*Chris says he's being social now, Kacey asks how many friends he made. Chris is quiet for a long time and says that they just pass by, and that he makes acquaintances. Kacey asks just for a single name, and Chris says that he didn't catch their names. Kacey calls Chris "Lonely and Sad."
*Kacey asks Chris what he's doing to improve his life. Chris says going to the [[mall]], going to [[church]], finding social outings to go to. He is interrupted by his mom.
*We are barely able to hear Chris saying "Let me rub your feet for you" to his mom. He says he is talking to Kacey, and his mom asks him what he did that day. He says he put 5 dollars in the bank and ate a sandwich.
*Chris says he has 14 dollars in his bank. It is very hard to make out what they are saying. His mom is telling him that he needs to do more, he starts talking about how once he [[copyrights]] [[Sonichu]] people will make [[games]] for him and he'll get the money for it.
*[[Barb]] starts talking about how hard her life was, and how Chris needs to show more humility if he wants to make money.
*Barb says that the reason why the [[house]] is messy and she doesn't work is because "she's been sick for so long."
*"I almost killed myself at least twice." -Barb talking about going to the hospital ''because of things falling on her in their house.''
*Barb complaining about [[Bob]] and how all he does is make it look like he does all the work around the house. Complains about Bob not having [[sex]] with her.
*She is telling Chris to clean the house and how he's been slacking off for too long. Chris starts yelling and whining about how he can't do anything because there is nothing to do. It makes no sense and Barb is getting angry.
*Barb is complaining that Chris doesn't clean and just tries to hide dirty stuff around the house. He says he has no where to put his "love doll" and that it gets too hot in his [[room]] and it will get damaged.
*Chris finally starts talking to Kacey again. Kacey says that Barb made some really good points.
*Kacey asks if he's going to help clean the house. Chris says yes, he wanted to clean for a long time, but he doesn't know where she wants things.
*Chris says that his mom only wants him to get rid of his and Bob's stuff, but she refuses to get rid of her own. Kacey says that Chris should get rid of some of his stuff and his mom might follow suit.
*Kacey says he should get rid of his [[toys]] because he's 27. Chris gets really upset at this idea of this. "Ahm gonna think about that..."
*Kacey says that he needs to make his room look like he's an adult, and for him to get rid of all his childish toys and posters.
*Kacey says that Chris needs to throw out 95% of his toys. Chris says that he will take that into great consideration. Kacey says he's bullshitting and bets he won't do it.
*Chris says he will take Kacey up on her offer and he'll do it by Tuesday.
*Chris almost calls Kacey his mom.
*Chris's family uses all plastic forks, spoons, and knives. The reason being is that his family can't find the actual silverware under all the dirty dishes.
*His house is filled with ants, flies, and wasps from not cleaning.
*Kacey asks how his house got that dirty. Chris says it just "kind of happened."
*Chris gets stressed and leaves.

<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Hello?

<br />Chris: Hello?
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Hey Chris, it's Kacey!  
<br />Kacey: Hey Chris it's Kacey!
<br />Chris: Hi Kacey. How are you?
<br />Kacey: Ugh. I'm just really tired like I had a really stressful shift today. Like I had this one table that just was really nasty and had me running around and uh they didn't even- you know- it just so mentally stressful this job, and so surprising me still how just one table can exhaust me. I don't even want to do anything else I just want to go to sleep.
<br />Chris: Yeah. That sounds like me after I check through my e-mails- similar stress. But I [unintelligible]
<br />Kacey: What? What?! Wha- [Talking over Chris] But- but- it's- it's- that's not the same thing! What are you talking about?
<br />Chris: Yeah I mean I go through my e-mails and I see a shocking news- yeah. I pretty much-
<br />Kacey: Wait that's SO different are you trying to tell me that's the same thing?!
<br />Chris: Uhh, okay well I'm not saying it's the same thing but yeah, you know- it's like, you know. Yeah. You get all these bad input and- and uh- uh- then-
<br />Kacey: [talking over Chris] It's JUST e mails what are you talking about?! I am going to a REAL job. I'm on my feet all night. I have to deal with people who treat me like SHIT and then you know the best part? They don't even have to tip me afterwards and so I don't even get money! What the hell are you talking about stressed?! You don't know what stress is and exhaustion!
<br />Chris: [random murmur] Hm. Okay well-
<br />Kacey: [shutting him up again] I mean I have a REAL job. You sit around and get free money because the government thinks you aren't capable of being a part of society.
<br />Chris: Well at least I'm working on getting a job and uh- uh- I'm sure I'll begin to work soon enough. So yeah the thing is-
<br />Kacey: [cutting him off] So yeah well how's that coming along?! I mean come on, Chris. I mean I'm really sorry but it's totally not the same thing. I mean, come on! I mean, okay what have you done recently?
<br />Chris: [unintelligible mumble] What have I done recently with uh, with a job and what not?
<br />Kacey: Yeah! Have you put out more applications? Have you even called them? You said you would call them and I bet you you haven't.
<br />Chris: I have called them.
<br />Kacey: What did they say?
<br />Chris: [long pause] And- well I have not called them recently so it's still like, you know-
<br />Kacey: So you DIDN'T call them?
<br />Chris: I did- I did- I- I- I called them when I- I called them a few- I called them- I called them yesterday, okay?
<br />Kacey: What did they say?
<br />Chris: Yeah I- like I told you they're uh- still reviewing uh- still reviewing applications and they will get back to me.
<br />Kacey: Still I don't think you realise what stress and exhaustion is. Like not only am I physically running around but it's emotionally draining, like I have to act nice to these people. I have to laugh when they flirt with me all knowing that it maybe for nothing like, they may not even leave me anything. Like THAT is exhaustion. THAT is stress.
<br />Chris: Okay. Yeah, physical and emotional that is stress. Yeah that's not good-
<br />Kacey: [talking over him] I mean that that's stress and exhaustion not because you- I'm getting really sick of this. Like you're always telling me I can't do the comics cause of stress. I can't do this because of stress. I can't do that because of stress. What stress do you really have? You sit around all day and you DRAW. You play video games.
<br />Chris: I have emotional stress.
<br />Kacey: OKAY. But what- okay, what emotional stress?
<br />Chris: The fact that the trolls- that the trolls [unintelligible] from their input and also the fact that I-
<br />Kacey: [talking over] STOP READING IT. STOP READING IT. Stop reading it. Delete it! You always tell them that you're just gonna delete stuff so just delete it. Don't even look at it. It's worthless, stupid shit. Just like I do just click it as spam, report it, TOS it, get rid of it. Because you know what I was letting them stress me and you know what, no. They're just- they're just stupid. I mean come on- that is- you do not know real stress. Just hearing stupid people on the internet is nothing. It is THE INTERNET.
<br />Chris: [pause] Yeah.
<br />Kacey: That's not stressful. That definitely shouldn't keep you from something as simple as drawing, or going out and doing something.
<br />Chris: Well, yeah okay but-
<br />Kacey: I mean you're not even hearing them! It's just visual. That's not a big deal. You can totally ignore that. I mean even if you do read them [Chris: yeah] it's just stupid people. Laugh at it. Be like oh look at what these people are doing. Mean e mails are not stress. They're just annoyances.
<br />Chris: Yeah. Okay.
<br />Kacey: I mean you don't work forty hours a week. And go to school. You don't have to study, you don't have to write papers. Like, that is stress. That is exhausting stress. I mean come on [Chris tries to interrupt] what- what have you done like I do?[?] I mean like I said, I work long nights for these people who couldn't give a shit less. Now that is stress, having to be nice to somebody who couldn't give a shit less about you.
<br />Chris: [pause] Hm. Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm sorry I tried to- I'm sorry I- if it sounded like I was arguing I- I was trying- and I- I wasn't sure even what the point was what I was trying to say that I started uh ah-
<br />Kacey: Well I mean let's just forget about it, that's the thing come on, this is not stressful, Chris. You sit around, on your ass, getting handed free money! That's not even remotely fair!
Chris: Hrm. Okay. Yeah.
<br />Kacey: You get paid to draw Sonichu and play video games. And then you know what? Then you- you even if you get a job you're still gonna be getting that, that's not even remotely- that's not even remotely cool! And I mean ugh! I'm gonna work way harder and that frustrates me. It frustrates me that I mean- why do you think you get this money for free? Do you know what that says about you?
<br />Chris: [long pause] Hm. [another long pause] I guess um- um it doesn't say very much about me.
<br />Kacey: No! It just says- it says the government thinks that you are too incompetent to be a functioning member of society. And you don't seem like you're doing enough to prove them wrong.
<br />Chris: Well actually I- actually I am doing- I am- on the contrary I have been doing such and now I've actually been going out applying for jobs. And I'm- I'm working out.
<br />Kacey: What have you done today? What have you done today?
<br />Chris: Well I went out for another power walk. And also-
<br />Kacey: No not that. I mean for your job. I don't care about the exercise thing. Power walks aren't gonna do you anything, obviously you're not listening to me on that. I told you you needed to get your heart rate up so you know what fine, that's great.
<br />Chris: Yeah I- I want to get into jogging I just haven't gotten in- I just haven't got right into it yet- I jog- I did jog.
<br />Kacey: [unintelligible talking over him] You just need to keep going. You need to just get into it or else you're never going to, it's just gonna be one excuse after another. But still, how long today did you go out looking for a job?
<br />Chris: Yeah I went- I went- actually I did go online today and I filled out another application. I filled that one out for Sears. At least there's a cashier opening there.
<br />Kacey: I mean if I never told you to get a job would you have even bothered? If I didn't do all the research for you would you have even bothered? [long pause] I'm guessing the answer's no from your silence. But anyway, I mean think about that even I had to do the research for you before you would even go for that and even- e-e-ugh! You can't talk about stress! I mean how stressful is THAT. That I have somebody whose a friend who I'm trying to help but he won't even help himself.
<br />Chris: [pause] Hm. I am working on helping myself.
<br />Kacey: By the way, also, well how are you going to help yourself before I go on? How are you helping yourself?
<br />Chris: I'm uh- hah- I'm actually doing research of my own in addition to the research I get from between you and Kim.
<br />Kacey: Like what?
<br />Chris: You know I actually do go online- I actually am searching into places I am hoping to apply for like that- like I actually did go online I went onto Sears and I found an opening for a cashier so I applied for that.
<br />Kacey: Okay that's a good start.
<br />Chris: Oh and also I got- also I got my reply letter from the guverdate[?????] but that- I think I told you in that e mail I sent you earlier.
<br />Kacey: A reply from who? [lol she didn't understand either] Oh, yeah, from your doctor?
<br />Chris: Yeah from my doctor about the uh, about the-
<br />Kacey: By the way and speaking of that e mail the attachment you tried to send me didn't come through so could you send those again like, tonight? I need them tonight. Cause I want to know that you're on the ball cause I'm tired of this. [Chris: okay] I want to help you and I'm stressed and you're not helping me help you, then that's just you know, something I don't need to worry about.
<br />Chris: Uh-um-okay I will resend- I will resend the uh- I will resend the pictures.
<br />Kacey: Thank you.
<br />Chris: Okay [Kacey sighs]
<br />Kacey: But anyway, yeah I you know, tonight was just really stressful and exhausting and I- I just- I'm sorry y-you- I don't think you can even understand a quarter of it.
<br />Chris: Yeah I can understand yeah you- yeah you had a really hard day. You're physically and emotionally tired.
<br />Kacey: But I mean it's like you don't even go through that. So it's-it's-you know-
<br />Chris: Weh-weh-well I- actually I have been through it. Y'know I worked at Wendy's for-
<br />Kacey: Okay what's- what's- what's the hardest day you've ever gone through?
<br />Chris: The hardest thing I've ever gone through?
<br />Kacey: Yeah, the hardest thing you've ever gone through.
<br />Chris: Okay work-related the hardest- one of the hardest thing I've ever gone through was like- you know I was working over at Wendy's and I had to take these like really heavy bags of garbage down – uh- up to the dumpster and it was like- yeah they were really heavy like, you know I mean- granted I had to take the cans out to the dumpster but I had to take the bags out again and then there was- and then- and uh- [high-pitched] it was just really heavy and that there was no side door to the dumpster so I had to like chuck- I had to like chuck it over and it hit the back of my head. The bag of garbage hit the back of my head!
<br />Kacey: [incredulous] It's GARBAGE! I have to do that and MORE! You wouldn't survive at my job. We have serve-work to do. I have to make sure dishes are cleaned, I have to roll silverware. I have to make tea. I have to do the salads I mean, AND I have to do the garbage and it's not that hard to throw it over. I can do that and I am smaller than you and I'm a girl. That's it?! THAT is it?!
<br />Chris: [pause] Hm.
<br />Kacey: Just a couple of garbage bags? Oh my god you would die serving! You would just homygosh!
<br />Chris: Well I'm going to prove you- I'm going to prove you wrong because that was- that was so many years ago and- uhm- and I've emotionally got- I've also emotionally grown bedder ad dad[was almost unintelligible]- I'm much- I'm much tougher now.
<br />Kacey: Well you better be cause I mean if that's like, really your worst day do you think it's any wonder you got fired? I mean maybe you just didn't apply yourself enough. [Chris sighs] I mean emotion doesn't have anything to do with it, you've got to push yourself, you've got to have willpower. You don't have willpower right now.
<br />Chris: I do have willpower. I- I- I'll admit I'm starting to feel a little down right now because you know I was bombarded earlier and na- now I feel- I feel a little bombarded now but y'know like-
<br />Kacey: Yeah but I mean how long have you been getting money from the government? Since you were like eighteen right? I mean come on you-you need way more willpower for that. I mean- I mean think about things right now to- you want- you want to have a family but if the government thinks that you can't even be a functioning member of society what do you think girls are gonna think?
<br />Chris: [pause] Hm. [pause] Yeah. That's somethin very much for me there.
<br />Kacey: I mean what do you think other people will think? I mean what about your parents?
<br />Chris: [pause. Sigh] Uuhm I don't think I understood that ques- I don't think I understood that question about my parents.
<br />Kacey: Well what do you think they think? I mean do you think that they're-er-uh- that they're happy that you're just sitting around doing nothing?
<br />Chris: Yeah well I- yeah well yeah- they're not happy just sitting around doing nothing but y'know they do actually get out and uh work in the yard as a matter of fact-
<br />Kacey: NO! Not them what do they think about YOU?
<br />Chris: Yeah well they didn't- they wouldn't be- they wouldn't be too happy if I was just sitting around but they're-the-my mum's been really proud of me like you know, getting out and doing my- doing my walking- power walking- a job- getting a job.
<br />Kacey: Yeah, stuff that you wouldn't even have done if I didn't push you to it. I mean I'm glad you're finally doing it buut-
<br />Chris: She's proud of me that I'm- I'm throwing myself out to uh- get a job at natiograafteravenso[lolwut] so- as far as to go even find out about uh- how much I could make- how much I could make before I lose my social security and-
<br />Kacey: [Chris: didthatallbymuhself] Yeah and I'm the one who gave you all that information! It was me! I'm the one who did ALL that shit you wouldn't have even done it if it weren't for me! Do NOT say- do NOT take credit for that! I'm the one who suggested it. I'm the one who pushed it. I had to get on you for a week before you did anything. If I'd heard that I would have done it right away.
<br />Chris: Yeah okay- yeah- I do not take claim for it. I know that you and Kim have been pushing me. Mostly you. Y'all-Y'all been pushing me-
<br />Kacey: I mean have you done anything on your own? I mean especially something that will make your parents proud?
<br />Chris: [long pause] Well at least I well- you know you- uh- yeah y'all just didn't have to force me to but at least I had- at least I was able to get out start socialising a little more. Like going out- like I went out to the mall now and then, and uh [unintelligiblename] library. I did not even have to be pushed to do that.
<br />Kacey: Okay, how many friends have you made? [pause] That's social. That's a lot more social than going out- just going out to the mall by yourself that's not social. Making friends is social.
<br />Chris: Yeah but I mean yeah I meet people.
<br />Kacey: Okay like who?
<br />Chris: [long pause] Y'know unfortunately most of them just pass by. Okay yeah so I haven't made new- made too many furnd-friends. But at least I made acquaintances.
<br />Kacey: Like who?
<br />Chris: [sigh] Yeah. I did not catch their names.
<br />Kacey: Okay then they're not friends, they're not acquaintances. You need to at least know them.
<br />Chris: Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
<br />Kacey: I mean that's just kind of lonely and sad.
<br />Chris: [long pause] Yeah. For a long time I have considered myself lonely and sad. [more long pause. Sigh.]
<br />Kacey: Why haven't you done anything to change it if it's so lonely and sad? I mean come on. What HAVE you done to change it?
<br />Chris: [pause] Like I'm actually- like I'm you know, fe- I got started like a year or two ago you know, talking to people, getting to know people, going to church, finding social outings to go to- oh, 'scuse me, my mom.
<br />Barbara: Yeah. [something]
<br />Chris: Sure mom. [something] looking for you. [movement. Sigh.] Yeah I'm okay. Just talking to Kacey, what's up? [Barbara says shit transcriber can't understand] Uhh think I put the rest that I had in my wallet in the bank but I'll see. Have enough to buy a sandwich. Oh uh I ah- I put five dollars in the bank. [throaty babble from Barbara] Okay. [more hick-accented talk about money from Barbara] How much money you getting tonight? Yeah I currently have like fourteen or something in the bank so. Yeah I'll check. Yeah.
<br />Barbara: I'm not trying to be hard on you. [mufflemuffle] You read this [muffle] See what you think. I'm not trying to be harsh on you.
<br />Chris: Yeah it's not just the pain in my knee[?] I want to get my Sonichu copyright registered.
<br />Barbara: I know.
<br />Chris: Cause I can't currently enforce it to negotiate the current situation. [?]
<br />Barbara: I don't think [muffle] People out to copying you. [?]
<br />Chris: Yeah well I mean what if uh- this video game [unintelligible] uses Sonichu. [muffle] It's a Sonichu game but I'm not getting the credit for it.
<br />Barbara: [long pause] Sometimes you just like have to [muffle] let me tell you what. [muffle] I have worked for a lot in my life. Y'know a LOT, okay? And my role was [muffle] secretaries, administration [muffle] I've worked for cops, companies, publishers, um, I've [muffle] All kinds of departments and management, etc. And I've worked in different types of business. [muffle] The way they operate [muffle] and sell [muffle] an animate object or inanimate object. So I've had quite a lot of experience with serving, okay. For the total benefit of the company, in all kinds of situations. So even when you want something it gives you a sense of humility if you put yourself in a [something] role of serving. You're serving [something] issue. But it shows humility and caring that, y'know, this will help. [muffle] But there's a lot and you know what, you don't know all the stuff they do. I tell you a lot of [muffle] And each section of your life that you go through is different. Say every seven years your perspective has changed. [muffle] And you learn all you can, talk to all the people you can, uhhh. Y'know you, you learn to uh, do small work at home, um medium, house-work, outside work. It's just for your creative mind. And it makes things [muffle] Okay, and that helps you live the way you live. Like [something] the kitchen for instance. I'm sorry that I got sick and I've been sick for so long. Because I enjoy all the hard work you and I did bringing stuff in here. Especially the part in which [something] and then putting it back together. And who did we think about first? You and your father. First we moved your stuff and then we moved your dad's stuff. What you all use, you got that? And we all [muffle] did everything to keep what you thought you weren't gonna need any more but you left in the end of the day, until the last trip. And I'm here to tell you that I almost killed myself at least twice accidentally. I mean it was just a hairline thing that kept me from killing myself after that. One was that big chair of dad's out there [drunken slur talk] and I fell with it, going down the back steps over there. And then picking it up on the hill in the wagon, aaand it- it fell off- it fell off the wagon twice. I fell down the steps with one part of it. And it was like four or five steps. That was the worst time. Scared me, [something] me...But we allowed you to go to your gay-game. [muffle] Your father took me to that last park bench and I was there by myself, and I had all the stuff, of your father's and yours. And then mine came last. And that was one [muffle], day and night. And I was so fatigued and then I had to drive and drive and drive, to find gas 2 o'clock or 3 o'clock in the morning. Your father [muffle] out in the truck.
<br />Chris: [finally fucking interrupts] Wait, wasn't I with you on that gas trip?
<br />Barbara: Yeah, you were.
<br />Chris: Yeah, I remember that.
<br />Barbara: Yeah. And then we [muffle]. Yeah we drive the [muffle] We had a hard time finding gas/dad. [muffle] He went back to get...Although we went to get the truck initially. Or when you went back to get the thing that you [muffle]. Um, he should have remembered gas but [muffle] the truck.
<br />Chris: Yep.
<br />Barbara: Then I had to drive all the way home. And I was so tired [the transcriber is fucking tired.] I'm surprised that I made it. That you made it [or “then he made it”] and the next day I was trying to  get some rest and your father yelled at me to get out of bed and unload that truck! Cause we had to take the truck back. [muffled, slurred] He should have told me the day before that we would have to take the truck back. [22 seconds of incomprehensible white-trash gibberish. Swear Chris said some shit about red elbows or what?] I haven't had an opportunity [gibberish] aaand I've never had an opportunity to really do the things I wanted to do, okay. We've been back nine years, I still haven't done the things I wanted to do.[Chris tries to talk] Now wait a minute, I've tried to do what I can do for most I have [skip] every day. Because of my health and because of another thing [?] I only have three hours of energy at the most. [Chris says something] Now today I did one thing that totally put me down [?] That was I brought the new wagon [?] So we can hang up in this out here and [something] wagon in the trash cans and and take it up to be [?]. And on top of that, another thing that upsets me is [something] banging away with your father yelling at me, and I was asleep. Instead of coming in and being nice and being like [something] It's abusive. The way he screams at me. So I won't help ya [something] When I tried to recharge that battery the last time I spent a long time out there.
<br />Chris: Oh by the way uh-
<br />Barbara: And!-and he was determined- he didn't want to help me. Okay? He wasn't interested.  He is only interested in making things look like he did it [sounded like sheep diddle] it was his idea and I really didn't have anything to do with it. Even when I help him. I get no credit for anything. He never gives me credit to my face. Or if[?] he's talking to anybody else. Just like he tells you sometimes “well I don't get no help from your moma huuur.” No it's his own[?] attitude to- which is wrong, which is absolutely wrong.
<br />Chris: I give you credit.
<br />Barbara: I need you to start looking around and doing what you can do because there's a lot you could do. You are healthy [lol!!] and young. And you get so involved with these other things that you've been involved in- [Chris: Yeah but-] I've let you ride. I've let you ride. And now it's time that I'm going to crack down on you, and I'm going to demand that you help me everyday whether I ask you to, or not. I'm expecting you to help improve the indoors of the house and the at-
<br />Chris: I don't know what er whya-why d-you want me to do!
<br />Barbara: ANYTHING.
<br />Chris: I don't even- I can't even ah-
<br />Barbara: Come here and look. What is it that you can clean up, straighten up, in-in your room? There's a lot you could do.
<br />Chris: Okay well, when can we straighten outside my room? Like uhyah, I know we can do the kitchen and the uh, the living room. But you know that's gonna be [unintelligible] that would require your professional uh, [unintelligible] thing.
<br />Barbara: Downstairs right now there's about [unintelligible] to be cleaned and there are things to be...[Chris sighs] And there are looooot of things that gotta go upstairs, or go to Good Will. [Chris sighs again]
<br />Chris: Yeah most of 'em-yeah um yeah an- most of 'em of-all mine [?] do have to go upstairs.
<br />Barbara: And I bought two chests there's one in the kitchen, there's one in the closet. [?]
<br />Chris: Yeah but-
<br />Barbara: And those have tools
<br />Chris: Yeah but I mean where do you expect me to put- where do you expect me to put them in here, in my room?
<br />Barbara: I didn't say put them in your room. There's a chest in that closet, there's a chest at the end of the kitchen. What- all you do is stack up stuff in the kitchen like you do in here and...We gotta, yeah neatly put things in the kitchen. But it takes two. And I have to feel like doing it. And I- I don't feel like-
<br />Chris: B-b-buh-yut mum it's just a closet, I mean you put in the-er-whu- I already had a bunch of my stuff in there. I mean where am I gonna put that stuff downstairs? I don't know where else to put it. Especially that love doll.
<br />Barbara:  [unintelligible]
<br />Chris: [sigh] Then it would- it- it gets hot- it gets hot in there and then it'll just [sound of Chris hitting Julay :( ]
<br />Barbara: Right, we need...we need [something] and clean shower.
<br />Chris: Yeah.
<br />Barbara: In the bathroom.
<br />Chris: Yeah we've got a lot to do, I know but-
<br />Barbara: And  re-[something] putting-the uh- removing the [something] between the uh, in the uh foam and then we [?] it.
[unintelligible. Silence as Chris and Barb leave the room. Some mumbling]
<br />Chris: Er sorry about that. Kacey, you still there?
<br />Kacey: Yeah, I'm here.
<br />Chris: Yeah I mean I just had to go to my mum's [unintelligible] herself, you know?
<br />Kacey: Your mum made a lot of good points though.
<br />Chris: Yeah,
<br />Kacey: Like she's  nothing- like, uh, you tell me. I mean like uh, I didn't hear a lot though like, what was she talking about?
<br />Chris: Uh, it's like you know yeah, she definitely-  she's like- she had a burst of energy right now and- she would- and then it's like- telling me about how we could further er, her ideas of what we could do to work on the hou- work on the inside and outside of the house. Move things around and clean things up.
<br />Kacey: Well, um, are you gonna help her then?
<br />Chris: Yeah, I've been wanting to help her for a long time but I just didn't have- I didn't ah shu- I just didn't know where to put the things.
<br />Kacey: Uh-it-you- if you don't need it, you throw it out. Quite simple.
<br />Chris: Yeah, I tell her that too but she doesn't want to throw any of her stuff out but- plus did you get it from the beginning it was like, you know, mostly dealt with me and my father's stuff. It never ever started on her stuff it was like, whatever you know, it's like at that point it's psychologically linked. Like you know, whatever's hers is like, you know she feels like she has to hold onto herself.
<br />Kacey: Maybe this is her way of saying that she's ready to not do that. I mean [Chris: uhh] maybe you should start getting rid of your stuff in your room as an example to her. You know she sees you doing it and getting rid of a lot of stuff in your room, I'm pretty sure it'll help ease her into it.
<br />Chris: Yeah. Yeah all right, yeah.
<br />Kacey: I mean I bet there's tons of stuff you can get rid of in your room. I mean you don't really need all those toys do you? [long pause] I mean you're twenty seven. [another pause]
<br />Chris: Yeah. I'm s-I'm still going over the toys thing but I can yeah, more importantly yeah I do have like, paper stuff I can sort out and- and- somewhere else or get rid of.
<br />Kacey: Well paper isn't much, it doesn't take up a lot of room. I mean like your room is filled with toys, like maybe you can at least get all the stuff off the walls and ceilings. I mean you know like, have an adult bedroom.
<br />Chris: Mm.
<br />Kacey: Like your room looks like a twelve year old lives there.
<br />Chris: [pause] Er, I'll think about that.
<br />Kacey: You don't need to think about it, your mum is seriously- she came to you and reached out to you and you need to reach back out to her. Come on, this is exactly what I'm talking about, have some willpower. Is it really gonna hurt you to get rid of all that stuff? Are you gonna suffer because of it?
<br />Chris: Hrm. Uhh I mean I guess, not everything I give-uhs-I can get rid of- I can get rid of uh a lot of it, yah.
<br />Kacey: I think you should take everything down from your walls. [pause] You know, make your room a lot more adult cause I mean, I think- I think maybe what's keeping you from uh, a correct frame of mind is that you're just holding on to too many things.
<br />Chris: Hrm.
<br />Kacey: You ever think about that? I mean how are you supposed to be an adult when-when you're sitting in your room all you can see is childish things? I'm not saying that it's not okay to have some of them but I mean, all over your walls and your ceiling? Come on! Besides if all of it's collector stuff you can sell it. If not donate it! Think about how happy you'll make somebody that, you know sharing your stuff like that. I mean you should probably keep maybe five percent of the stuff in your room.
<br />Chris: Now that's too little.
<br />Kacey: No it's not! I mean a lot of people don't have that much stuff, I mean it's just toys. I mean [Chris: well uh-] it's not like I'm asking you to get rid of your video games.
<br />Chris: Hm. Yeah. Yeah. Okay well that's [?] for me to do. I will take that to great- I will take that into great consideration and action.
<br />Kacey: Okay whenever you say that you're not gonna do it. I bet you you can't do it. I bet you- I bet you that by Monday or Tuesday you can't have all that stuff off your walls.
<br />Chris: By Monday or Tuesday?
<br />Kacey: I bet you you can't. I bet you wouldn't do that even for me.
<br />Chris: Hm. You know what I-
<br />Kacey: I mean it would take you a couple hours and I bet you couldn't do it. You could do it tonight but I bet you you won't. And I want you to actually you know, sort through it and either give away some things or I mean you just can't stack it.
<br />Chris: Yeah, all right well I'll tell you what- I'll-I'll tell you what- how about this, umm.
<br />Kacey: Two hours, it'll take you two hours.
<br />Chris: Yeah, I mean uh- I mean I'm going to take you up on your thing, you know. You say I can't do it- but- can't have uh clear stuff off my walls and uh, make it look a bit neater by Tuesday. I'll take you up on that uh I'll-I'll-I'll figure out where to put stuff- I'll- I will figure out-
<br />Kacey: And donate it! Don't forget to donate. 'Cause you gotta get rid of stuff, your mum wants you to get rid of stuff, I want you to make an example to your mum and your mum's gonna be so proud. You just can't put it somewhere in the house though 'cause that's just gonna mess things up even more.
<br />Chris: Okay. Yep.
<br />Kacey: Don't- only do this- do this for your mom because she is very wise and she said a lot of things that- that are good.
<br />Chris: Yep.
<br />Kacey: You can tell her I agree with her.
<br />Chris: Okay. Yah.
<br />Kacey: I mean why don't you ever listen to your parents? Your mom sounds like she really cares.
<br />Chris: I do listen to my parents. They don't talk to me much. Uh-du-now-a-days.
<br />Kacey: Okay well they seem to be talking to you now so you should start doing things like they said. They are your parents, remember Chris, obey thy mother and father.
<br />Chris: Yes m- yes. I almost said yes mother! [creepy laugh]
<br />Kacey: [forced laughter]
<br />Chris: I almost said yes mother, can you believe that? [awkward laugh]
<br />Kacey: [fake laugh] Freudian slip.
<br />Chris: Yeah.
<br />Kacey: But anyway I think you sho- I think you should do it by Monday. I mean come on, you can do it tomorrow. I bet you could do it tonight and tomorrow. You think you could do that?
<br />Chris: All right I'll take you up on it, and I will.
<br />Kacey: Okay [Chris: all right] then I will expect some awesome progress. I mean maybe you could uh, put up a video for me. You know to show us your progress.
<br />Chris: I'll-I'll take some- I'll take some pictures and then e mail them to you.
<br />Kacey: That would be awesome!
<br />Chris: Yeah okay. Uhh but yeah my mom asked me to uh, sort out some- sort out the uh plastic utensils in the kitchen sink put 'em in a plastic bag so that she can go uh- so she can wash dishes and they're- and they're-
<br />Kacey: Why is there plastic in the sink?
<br />Chris: Yeah I said plastic utensils.
<br />Kacey: Yeah why are they in the sink though? You throw those away. That's the whole point of them.
<br />Chris: Err, it's like you know a lot of times it's like, you know plastic utensils you can reuse- you can wash them and reuse them.
<br />Kacey: No, you can't sterilise those! Ew! No, no. They're plastic for a reason.
<br />Chris: All right. Well anyway my mom wants to put them in a bag so she can get them off- get them off the uh- so she can uh-
<br />Kacey: I mean don't you have like, real silverware?
<br />Chris: Yeah, we have real silverware.
<br />Kacey: Why don't you use it?
<br />Chris: Well, from my point of view I don't know where they are.
<br />Kacey: You don't know where they are?
<br />Chris: [unintelligible stuttering] I mean we used to have them all in a drawer but now it's like they're scattered, they're mostly in the sink. Underneath all the dishes and the plastic utensils.
<br />Kacey: How much is in your sink? I mean how long has it been since you've used them?
<br />Chris: Yeah, it's been along for/four months.
<br />Kacey:...Chris!
<br />Chris: [annoyed] I know. I know. [pause] But tell you uh-it's like-
<br />Kacey: I mean how-how's it motivating you to do something when you can't even use your own silverware? I mean like th-there's not bugs, are there?
<br />Chris: Frogs.
<br />Kacey: Frogs? There's frogs in your house?
<br />Chris: No. There no frogs in our house.
<br />Kacey: Whatever you're talking about the-[laughs] I meant are there bugs, 'cause of the mess.
<br />Chris: Oh. You said bugs.
<br />Kacey: Yeah, not frogs. Bugs.
<br />Chris: Hm. Yeah we- we do sometimes get bugs in the- inside the house. We get ants. Sometimes.
<br />Kacey: That's it? I mean-
<br />Chris: We also get like flies- even a couple of wasps.
<br />Kacey: Wasps? I mean like, are there- but there aren't any like mice or roaches or anything, are there?
<br />Chris: Uuh I have not seen any mice or roaches. Oh yeah we did have moths in the house as well.
<br />Kacey: Maybe, um, there's like some cracks that they're getting in I mean, you should probably really really clean that house.
<br />Chris: Yeah.
<br />Kacey: I mean I don't know how bad it is 'cause I haven't been there but if you can't even get to your own silverware that sounds pretty bad. I could never even get to halfway there.
<br />Chris: Yeah I- I feel for you there.
<br />Kacey: I mean how could you let that happen? How could you let it get that bad?
<br />Chris: [long pause] Ughh.
<br />Kacey: I don't understand.
<br />Chris: I don't understand either. It just kinda happened.
<br />Kacey: It-it-okay that's a lot of it just happens. You'd have to just not care for years. [Chris tries to interrupt] I mean it's your fucking house, don't you wanna live in it? I mean that's- that's kind of lazy and gross.
<br />Chris: Well- uh- well also like, you know. [pause] Mainly it was like my mom that was supposed to do the dishes upstairs and like-
<br />Kacey: Why wouldn't you take initiative though? Your mom wants you to help out, like she says, you're young and healthy. You know she's really tired, right? So I mean, you should be doing those things.
<br />Chris: Yeah well s-still you know...Yeah we have a two- we have a two-two rack dishwasher with a silverware sectio- silverware section on the front and I'm- I'm still confused on what  can go- I mean asides from big plates and small cups I'm ah- I get confused about some things which can go on the top rack and which go on the bottom right like uh- I don't know I get-
<br />Kacey: Just put the dishes in it, put soap in it, you're done. It's a dishwasher. But you can also wash dishes by hand.
<br />Chris: Yeah.
<br />Kacey: Just make sure you don't pile the dishes on top of them and you have to scrape them first, you know, make sure there's no debris. Just throw them in the dishwasher, put some soap in there, you're done and you can hand-wash stuff.
<br />Chris: Okay. Yeah. I-well-uh I should go- I should go sort out the uh plasticware and uh yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
<br />Kacey: Okay. You better get to cleaning, don't forget your room.
<br />Chris: Yes. Yes, Kacey. I will not forget.
<br />Kacey: And make your mom proud! She deserves it.
<br />Chris: Yeah, I will.
<br />Kacey: Okay, all right, bye.

==External links==
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Hi Kacey. How are you?
*[http://www.mediafire.com/?8l4g6d04lyt0tm6 mp3 of phonecall]
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Ugh. I'm just really tired like I had a really stressful shift today. Like I had this one table that just was really nasty and had me running around and uh they didn't even, you know, it just so mentally stressful this job, and so surprising me still how just one table can exhaust me. I don't even want to do anything else I just want to go to sleep.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah. That sounds like me after I check through my e-mails, similar stress. But I [''unintelligible''].
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> What? What?! Wha- [''Talking over Chris''] But, but, it's, it's, that's not the same thing! What are you talking about?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, I mean I go through my e-mails and I see a shocking news, yeah. I pretty much-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Wait that's SO different are you trying to tell me that's the same thing?!
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Uhh, OK well I'm not saying it's the same thing but yeah, you know, it's like, you know. Yeah. You get all these bad input and, and uh, uh, then-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> [''talking over Chris''] It's JUST e-mails, what are you talking about?! I am going to a REAL job. I'm on my feet all night. I have to deal with people who treat me like SHIT and then you know the best part? They don't even have to tip me afterwards and so I don't even get money! What the hell are you talking about stressed?! You don't know what stress is and exhaustion!
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [''random murmur''] Hm. OK well-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>[''shutting him up again''] I mean I have a REAL job. You sit around and get free money because the government thinks you aren't capable of being a part of society.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Well at least I'm working on getting a job and uh, uh, I'm sure I'll begin to work soon enough. So yeah the thing is-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> [''cutting him off''] So yeah well how's that coming along?! I mean come on, Chris. I mean I'm really sorry but it's totally not the same thing. I mean, come on! I mean, OK, what have you done recently?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [''unintelligible''] What have I done recently with uh, with a job and what not?
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Yeah! Have you put out more applications? Have you even called them? You said you would call them and I bet you you haven't.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I have called them.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> What did they say?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [''long pause''] And, well I have not called them recently so it's still like, you know-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> So you DIDN'T call them?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I did, I did, I, I, I called them when I, I called them a few, I called them, I called them yesterday, OK?
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> What did they say?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah I, like I told you they're uh, still reviewing uh, still reviewing applications and they will get back to me.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Still I don't think you realize what stress and exhaustion is. Like not only am I physically running around but it's emotionally draining, like I have to act nice to these people. I have to laugh when they flirt with me all knowing that it maybe for nothing like, they may not even leave me anything. Like THAT is exhaustion. THAT is stress.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> OK. Yeah, physical and emotional, that is stress. Yeah that's not good-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> [''talking over him''] I mean that that's stress and exhaustion not because you- I'm getting really sick of this. Like you're always telling me I can't do the comics 'cause of stress. I can't do this because of stress. I can't do that because of stress. What stress do you really have? You sit around all day and you DRAW. You play video games.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I have emotional stress.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> '''OK'''. But what, OK, what emotional stress?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> The fact that the trolls, that the trolls [''unintelligible''] from their input and also the fact that I-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> [''talking over''] ''STOP READING IT.'' STOP READING IT. Stop reading it. Delete it! You always tell them that you're just gonna delete stuff, so just delete it. Don't even look at it. It's worthless, stupid shit. Just like I do, just click it as spam, report it, TOS it, get rid of it. Because you know what, I was letting them stress me and you know what, no. They're just, they're just stupid. I mean come on, that is, you do not know real stress. Just hearing stupid people on the internet is nothing. It is THE INTERNET.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [''pause''] Yeah.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> That's not stressful. That definitely shouldn't keep you from something as simple as drawing, or going out and doing something.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Well, yeah OK but-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I mean you're not even hearing them! It's just visual. That's not a big deal. You can totally ignore that. I mean even if you do read them [<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> "Yeah."] it's just stupid people. Laugh at it. Be like, "Oh, look at what these people are doing." Mean e-mails are not stress. They're just annoyances.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah. OK.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I mean you don't work forty hours a week. And go to school. You don't have to study, you don't have to write papers. Like, that is stress. That is exhausting stress. I mean come on [Chris tries to interrupt] what, what have you done like I do?[?] I mean like I said, I work long nights for these people who couldn't give a shit less. Now that is stress, having to be nice to somebody who couldn't give a shit less about you.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [pause] Hm. Yeah. OK. Well, I'm sorry I tried to, I'm sorry I, if it sounded like I was arguing I, I was trying, and I, I wasn't sure even what the point was what I was trying to say that I started uh ah-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Well I mean let's just forget about it, that's the thing come on, this is not stressful, Chris. '''You sit around, on your ass, getting handed free money!''' That's not even remotely fair!
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Hrm. OK. Yeah.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> You get paid to draw [[Sonichu]] and play video games. And then you know what? Then you, you even if you get a job you're still gonna be getting that, that's not even remotely, that's not even remotely cool! And I mean ugh! I'm gonna work way harder and that frustrates me. It frustrates me that I mean, why do you think you get this money for free? Do you know what that says about you?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [long pause] Hm. [another long pause] I guess um, um it doesn't say very much about me.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>No! It just says, it says the government thinks that you are too incompetent to be a functioning member of society. And you don't seem like you're doing enough to prove them wrong.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Well actually I, actually I am doing, I am, on the contrary I have been doing such and now I've actually been going out applying for jobs. And I'm, I'm working out.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> What have you done today? What have you done today?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Well I went out for another power walk. And also-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> No not that. I mean for your job. I don't care about the exercise thing. Power walks aren't gonna do you anything, obviously you're not listening to me on that. I told you you needed to get your heart rate up so you know what fine, that's great.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah I, I want to get into jogging I just haven't gotten in, I just haven't got right into it yet, I jog, I did jog.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>[unintelligible talking over him] You just need to keep going. You need to just get into it or else you're never going to, it's just gonna be one excuse after another. But still, how long today did you go out looking for a job?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah I went, I went, actually I did go online today and I filled out another application. I filled that one out for Sears. At least there's a cashier opening there.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I mean if I never told you to get a job would you have even bothered? If I didn't do all the research for you would you have even bothered? [long pause] I'm guessing the answer's no from your silence. But anyway, I mean think about that even I had to do the research for you before you would even go for that and even- e-e-ugh! You can't talk about stress! I mean how stressful is THAT. That I have somebody whose a friend who I'm trying to help but he won't even help himself.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [pause] Hm. I am working on helping myself.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> By the way, also, well how are you going to help yourself before I go on? How are you helping yourself?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I'm uh, hah, I'm actually doing research of my own in addition to the research I get from between you and [[Kim]].
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Like what?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> You know I actually do go online, I actually am searching into places I am hoping to apply for like that, like I actually did go online I went onto Sears and I found an opening for a cashier so I applied for that.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> OK that's a good start.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh and also I got, also I got my reply letter from the guverdate[?] but that, I think I told you in that e-mail I sent you earlier.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> A reply from who? Oh, yeah, from your doctor?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah from my doctor about the uh, about the-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> By the way and speaking of that e-mail, the attachment you tried to send me didn't come through so could you send those again like, tonight? I need them tonight. 'Cause I want to know that you're on the ball cause I'm tired of this. [<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> "Okay."] I want to help you and I'm stressed and you're not helping me help you, then that's just you know, something I don't need to worry about.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh, um, OK, I will resend, I will resend the uh, I will resend the pictures.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Thank you.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> OK. [Kacey sighs]
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> But anyway, yeah I you know, tonight was just really stressful and exhausting and I, I just, I'm sorry y-you, I don't think you can even understand a quarter of it.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah I can understand yeah you, yeah you had a really hard day. You're physically and emotionally tired.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> But I mean it's like you don't even go through that. So it's,it's, you know-
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Weh-weh-well I, actually I have been through it. Y'know I worked at [[Wendy's]] for-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> OK what's, what's, what's the hardest day you've ever gone through?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> The hardest thing I've ever gone through?
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Yeah, the hardest thing you've ever gone through.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> OK work-related the hardest, one of the hardest thing I've ever gone through was like, you know I was working over at Wendy's and I had to take these like really heavy bags of garbage down, uh, up to the dumpster and it was like, yeah they were really heavy like, you know I mean, granted I had to take the cans out to the dumpster but I had to take the bags out again and then there was, and then, and uh, [high-pitched] it was just really heavy and that there was no side door to the dumpster so I had to like chuck, I had to like chuck it over and it hit the back of my head. The bag of garbage hit the back of my head!
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> [incredulous] It's GARBAGE! I have to do that and MORE! You wouldn't survive at my job. We have serve-work to do. I have to make sure dishes are cleaned, I have to roll silverware. I have to make tea. I have to do the salads I mean, AND I have to do the garbage and it's not that hard to throw it over. I can do that and I am smaller than you and I'm a girl. That's it?! THAT is it?!
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [pause] Hm.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Just a couple of garbage bags? Oh my god you would die serving! You would just homygosh!
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Well I'm going to prove you, I'm going to prove you wrong because that was, that was so many years ago and, um, and I've emotionally got, I've also emotionally grown better ad dad [almost unintelligible], I'm much, I'm much tougher now.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Well you better be cause I mean if that's like, really your worst day do you think it's any wonder you got fired? I mean maybe you just didn't apply yourself enough. [Chris sighs] I mean emotion doesn't have anything to do with it, you've got to push yourself, you've got to have willpower. You don't have willpower right now.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I do have willpower. I, I, I'll admit I'm starting to feel a little down right now because you know I was bombarded earlier and na-, now I feel, I feel a little bombarded now but y'know like-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Yeah but I mean how long have you been getting money from the government? Since you were like 18, right? I mean come on you, you need way more willpower for that. I mean, I mean think about things right now to- you want, you want to have a family but if the government thinks that you can't even be a functioning member of society what do you think girls are gonna think?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [pause] Hm. [pause] Yeah. That's somethin' very much for me there.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I mean what do you think other people will think? I mean what about your parents?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [pause, sigh] Um I don't think I understood that ques-, I don't think I understood that question about my parents.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Well what do you think they think? I mean do you think that they're, er, uh, that they're happy that you're just sitting around doing nothing?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah well I, yeah well yeah, they're not happy just sitting around doing nothing but y'know they do actually get out and uh work in the yard as a matter of fact-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> NO! Not them what do they think about YOU?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah well they didn't, they wouldn't be, they wouldn't be too happy if I was just sitting around but they're, the, my mum's been really proud of me like you know, getting out and doing my, doing my walking, power walking, a job, getting a job.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Yeah, stuff that you wouldn't even have done if I didn't push you to it. I mean I'm glad you're finally doing it buut-
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> She's proud of me that I'm, I'm throwing myself out to uh, get a job at natiograafteravenso[lolwut] so, as far as to go even find out about uh, how much I could make, how much I could make before I lose my Social Security and-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> [<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> "didthatallbymuhself."] Yeah, and I'm the one who gave you all that information! It was me! I'm the one who did ALL that shit you wouldn't have even done it if it weren't for me! Do NOT say- do NOT take credit for that! I'm the one who suggested it. I'm the one who pushed it. I had to get on you for a week before you did anything. If I'd heard that I would have done it right away.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah OK, yeah, I do not take claim for it. I know that you and Kim have been pushing me. Mostly you. Y'all, y'all been pushing me-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I mean have you done anything on your own? I mean, especially something that will make your parents proud?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [''long pause''] Well at least I well, you know you, uh, yeah y'all just didn't have to force me to but at least I had, at least I was able to get out start socializing a little more. Like going out, like I went out to [[Charlottesville Fashion Square|the mall]] now and then, and uh [unintelligible] library. I did not even have to be pushed to do that.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> OK, how many friends have you made? [pause] That's social. That's a lot more social than going out- just going out to the mall by yourself, that's not social. Making friends is social.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, but I mean yeah, I meet people.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> OK like who?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [long pause] Y'know unfortunately most of them just pass by. OK yeah so I haven't made new, made too many furnd-friends. But at least I made acquaintances.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Like who?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [sigh] Yeah. I did not catch their names.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> OK then they're not friends, they're not acquaintances. You need to at least know them.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah. OK. Yeah.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I mean that's just kind of lonely and sad.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [long pause] Yeah. For a long time I have considered myself lonely and sad. [long pause, sigh]
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Why haven't you done anything to change it if it's so lonely and sad? I mean come on. What HAVE you done to change it?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [pause] Like I'm actually, like I'm you know, fe-, I got started like a year or two ago you know, talking to people, getting to know people, going to [[church]], finding social outings to go to- Oh, 'scuse me, [[Barb|my mom]].
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> Yeah. [unclear]
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>Sure mom. [unclear] looking for you. [movement, sigh] Yeah I'm OK. I was just talking to Kacey, what's up?
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> Do you have your dollar(s)[unintelligible]?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh actually I think I put the rest that I had in my wallet in the bank before I came home but I'll see. I have enough to buy the sandwich. Oh uh I ah- I put five dollars in the bank.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> [That's too bad]?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Ahh, OK.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> Yeah, you saved five...[unintelligible] ...dollars paid.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> How much money you getting tonight? Yeah I currently have like fourteen-something in the bank so. Yeah I'll check. Yeah.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> I'm not trying to be hard on you- [muffle] You read this [unintelligible] you sent out [unintelligible] dad was not in the middle of something [unintelligible] asked him to [unintelligible] there's no hurry. Did you read this reservation, and see what you think of. I'm not trying to be harsh or anything.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah it's not just the pain in my knee. I want to get my Sonichu [[copyright]] registered.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> I know, but-
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> 'Cause I can't currently enforce it, especially with the current situation.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> I don't think anybody- Christian, there will be people out there copying you, harassing you.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah well I mean what if uh, this video game [unintelligible] though, is actually, is in reality a Sonichu game but I'm not getting the credit for it?
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> [long pause] Sometimes you just like have to [muffle] let me tell you something. From my experience. I have worked for a lot of people in my life. In a lot of places, okay? And my role was [muffle] secretaries, administrative assistant, uh, whatever, I've worked for cops, companies, publishers, um, I've worked for oil companies, all kinds of department managers, et cetera. And I've worked in different types of business. [muffle] Which gave me [unintelligible] The way they operate with their manufacturer and sell or if they just [unintelligible] whether it's uh, an animate object or an inanimate object. So I've had quite a variety of experience of serving, OK. For the total benefit of the company, in all kinds of situations. So even when you want something it gives you a sense of humility if you put yourself in a humble role of serving. You're serving [unintelligible] issue. But it shows humility and caring that, y'know, this will help others, but you want to make money on it too. But there's a lot and you, you know what, you don't know all the stuff they do. I could, I tell you a lot of [unintelligible] here in a few minutes, but that's with a lot of years of my life. And each... section of your life that you go through is different. So every seven years your perspective has changed somewhat. 'Cause you've learned some other things. And you learn all you can, read all you can, talk to all the people you can, uhhh. Y'know you, you learn to uh, do small work at home, um medium, housework, outside work. It's just for your creative mind. And it makes things look nice. OK, and that helps you live the way you live. Like having the kitchen food. I'm sorry that I got sick and I've been sick for so long. Because I enjoy all the hard work you and I did bringing stuff in here. Especially the part in which movin' it over here and then putting it back together again. And who did we think about first? You and [[Bob|your father]]. First we moved your stuff and then we moved your dad's stuff. What you all use, you got that? And you all learned to keep everything to keep that you thought you might need or that you live with everyday until the last trip. And I'm here to tell you that I almost killed myself at least twice. I mean it was just a hairline... thing that kept me from killing myself after that. One was that big chair of dad's downstairs I, I took it, I took it apart, so it was in two pieces, and I fell with it, going down the back steps uh, over there. And then picking it up the hill on the wagon, aaand it, it fell off, it fell off the wagon twice. I fell down the steps with one part of it. And it was like, I don't know, four or five steps. That was the worst time. Scared me, fatigued me...But see, I allowed you to go to your ga-game. [unintelligible] dad took you on those [unintelligible]. Your father took you to that last park bench and I was there by myself, and I had all the stuff, of your father's and yours. And then mine came last. And that was one [unintelligible], day and night. And I was so fatigued and then I had to drive and drive and drive, to find gas 2 o'clock or 3 o'clock in the morning. Your father shoulda got it put in the truck.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [interrupts] Wait, wasn't I with you on that gas trip?
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:''' </font>Yeah, you were.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, I remember that.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> Yeah. And dad was in the car. Yeah, he was driving the car. And we had a hard time finding gas. Well, realistically, when he went back to get...Although we went to get the truck initially. Or when you went back to get the thing that you took up to the truck. Um, he should have remembered gas but they sold gas up at the corner place [unintelligible] the truck.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> Then I had to drive all the way from over there to [unintelligible]. And I was so tired I'm surprised that I made it. That we made it. And the next day... I was... trying to get some rest and your father yelled at me to get out of bed and unload that truck! Cause we had to take the truck back! By such and such a time. He should have told me the day before that we would have to take the truck back. Overall, it woulda just been cost extra rental... went over the deadline time.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah. OK.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> I haven't had an opportunity since... we got the stuff here... aaand I've never had an opportunity to really do the things that I wanted to do, OK? We've been back nine years. I still haven't done the things I wanted to do. [Chris tries to talk] Now wait a minute, I've tried to do what I can do for most I have [audio skips] Every day, because of my health and because of another thing, I only have two to four hours of energy at the most.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I see.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> Now today I did one thing that totally put me down. That was I bought the new wagon. So we can clean up the mess out here and put it in the wagon in the trash cans and and take it up to be burned. And on top of that, another thing that upset me- took my energy away was your father yelling at me, when I was asleep, to wake me up. Instead of coming in and being nice and kind and he [unintelligible]. It's abusive. You know, he screams at me. So I won't help ya. Well, when I tried to recharge that battery the last time I spent a long time out there.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh, by the way, uh-
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> And! And he was determined- he didn't want to help me. OK? He wasn't interested. He is only interested in making things look like he did 'em, it was ''his'' idea and I really didn't have anything to do with it. Even when I help him. I get no credit for anything. He never gives me credit to my face. Or if he's talking to anybody else. Just like he tells you sometimes, “Well I don't get no help from your mother.” Ooohh, fuck(?). No, it's his own attitude to- which is wrong, which is absolutely wrong.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Mom, I give you credit...
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> I need you to start looking around and doing what you can do because there's a lot you could do. Cause you are healthy and young. And you get so involved with these other things that you've been gettin' involved in. [<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> "Yeah but-"] I've let you ride. I've let you ride. And now it's time that I'm going to crack down on you, and I'm going to demand that you help me everyday whether I ask you to, or not. I'm expecting you to help improve the indoors of the house and the out-
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I don't know what er whya-why d-you want me to do!
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> ANYTHING.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I don't even, I can't even ah-
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:''' </font>Come here and look. What is it that you can clean up, straighten up, in, in your room? There's a lot you could do.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>OK well, can we concentrate outside my room? Like uhyah, I know we can do the kitchen and the uh, the living room. But you know that's gonna be [unintelligible] that would require your direction on that, [unintelligible] thing.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> Downstairs right now there's vacuuming that needs to be done, there's carpet needs to be cleaned and there are things to be... [Chris sighs] And there are looooot of things that gotta go upstairs, or go to Goodwill. [Chris sighs again]
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah most of 'em, yeah um yeah an-, most of 'em of, all mine [?] do have to go upstairs.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:''' </font> And I bought two chests, there's one in the kitchen, there's one in that closet.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah but-
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> And those have tools-
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah but I mean where do you expect me to put, where do you expect me to put them in here, in my room?
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> I didn't say put them in your room. There's a chest in that closet, there's a chest at the end of the kitchen. What all you do is stack up stuff in the kitchen like you do in here and... We gotta, yeah, we need to move things in the kitchen. But it takes two. And I have to feel like doing it. And I, I don't feel like-
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> B-b-buh-yut mum it's a chest in a a closet, I mean you put in the-er-whu- I already had a bunch of my stuff in there. I mean where am I gonna put that stuff downstairs? I don't know where else to put it. Especially that [[Kimmi|love doll]].
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> [''sigh''] You can stick that in the other room.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [''sigh''] Then it would, it- it gets hot, it gets hot in there and then it'll just... [sound of Chris hitting something]
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> Like, we need...we need to clean the tiles of the shower.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> In the bathroom.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah we've got a lot to do, I know but-
<font color="#7D26CD">'''Barbara:'''</font> And re-grouting, putting, the uh, taking, removing the grout between the uh, tiles, and then re-grouting. And that's- [unintelligible]
[Silence as Chris and Barb leave the room. Some mumbling. The conversation with Kacey resumes at 30:54]
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Er sorry about that. Kacey, you still there?
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Yeah, I'm here.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, I mean I just had to go to my mom's [unintelligible] herself, you know?
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Your mom made a lot of good points though.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Like she's nothing, like, uh, you tell me. I mean like uh, I didn't hear a lot though like, what was she talking about?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh, it's like you know yeah, she definitely, she's like, she had a burst of energy right now and, she would, and then it's like, telling me about how we could further er, her ideas of what we could do to work on the hou-, work on the inside and outside of the house. Move things around and clean things up.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Well, um, are you gonna help her then?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, I've been wanting to help her for a long time but I just didn't have, I didn't ah shu-, I just didn't know where to put the things.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Uh, it, you, if you don't need it, you throw it out. Quite simple.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>Yeah, I tell her that too but she doesn't want to throw any of her stuff out but, plus did you get it from the beginning it was like, you know, mostly dealt with me and my father's stuff. It never ever started on her stuff it was like, whatever you know, it's like at that point it's psychologically linked. Like you know, whatever's hers is like, you know she feels like she has to hold onto herself.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Maybe this is her way of saying that she's ready to not do that. I mean [<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> "Uhh..."] maybe you should start getting rid of your stuff in [[Chris's room|your room]] as an example to her. You know she sees you doing it and getting rid of a lot of stuff in your room, I'm pretty sure it'll help ease her into it.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>Yeah. Yeah alright, yeah.</font>
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I mean I bet there's tons of stuff you can get rid of in your room. I mean you don't really need all those toys do you? [long pause] I mean you're twenty seven. [pause]
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah. I'm s-, I'm still going over the toys thing but I can, yeah, more importantly yeah, I do have like, paper stuff I can sort out and, and, somewhere else or get rid of.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Well paper isn't much, it doesn't take up a lot of room. I mean like your room is filled with toys, like maybe you can at least get all the stuff off the walls and ceilings. I mean you know like, have an adult bedroom.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Mm.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Like your room looks like a twelve-year-old lives there.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [pause] Er, I'll think about that.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> You don't need to think about it, your mum is seriously- she came to you and reached out to you and you need to reach back out to her. Come on, this is exactly what I'm talking about, have some willpower. Is it really gonna hurt you to get rid of all that stuff? Are you gonna suffer because of it?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Hrm. Uhh I mean I guess, not everything I give, uhs, I can get rid of, I can get rid of uh, a lot of it, yah.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I think you should take everything down from your walls. [pause] You know, make your room a lot more adult cause I mean, I think, I think maybe what's keeping you from uh, a correct frame of mind is that you're just holding on to too many things.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Hrm.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> You ever think about that? I mean how are you supposed to be an adult when, when you're sitting in your room all you can see is childish things? I'm not saying that it's not OK to have some of them but I mean, all over your walls and your ceiling? Come on! Besides if all of it's collector stuff you can sell it. If not donate it! Think about how happy you'll make somebody that, you know sharing your stuff like that. I mean you should probably keep maybe five percent of the stuff in your room.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Now that's too little.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> No it's not! I mean a lot of people don't have that much stuff, I mean it's just toys. I mean [<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> "Well, uh."] it's not like I'm asking you to get rid of your video games.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Hm. Yeah. Yeah. OK well that's [?] for me to do. I will take that to great, I will take that into great consideration and action.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> OK whenever you say that you're not gonna do it. I bet you you can't do it. I bet you, I bet you that by Monday or Tuesday you can't have all that stuff off your walls.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>By Monday or Tuesday?
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I bet you you can't. I bet you wouldn't do that even for me.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Hm. You know what I-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I mean it would take you a couple hours and I bet you couldn't do it. You could do it tonight but I bet you you won't. And I want you to actually you know, sort through it and either give away some things or I mean you just can't stack it.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, alright well I'll tell you what, I'll, I'll tell you what, how about this, umm.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Two hours, it'll take you two hours.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, I mean uh, I mean I'm going to take you up on your thing, you know. You say I can't do it, but, can't have uh, clear stuff off my walls and uh, make it look a bit neater by Tuesday. I'll take you up on that uh I'll, I'll, I'll figure out where to put stuff. I'll, I will figure out-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> And donate it! Don't forget to donate. 'Cause you gotta get rid of stuff, your mum wants you to get rid of stuff, I want you to make an example to your mum and your mum's gonna be so proud. You just can't put it somewhere in the house though 'cause that's just gonna mess things up even more.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> OK. Yep.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>Don't, only do this, do this for your mom because she is very wise and she said a lot of things that, that are good.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yep.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> You can tell her I agree with her.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> OK. Yah.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>I mean why don't you ever listen to your parents? Your mom sounds like she really cares.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I do listen to my parents. They don't talk to me much. Uh-du-now-a-days.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> OK well they seem to be talking to you now so you should start doing things like they said. They are your parents, remember Chris, obey thy mother and father.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes m-, yes. I almost said "yes, mother"! [''creepy laugh'']
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> [''forced laughter'']
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I almost said "yes, mother", can you believe that? [''awkward laugh'']
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> [''fake laugh''] Freudian slip.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> But anyway I think you sho-, I think you should do it by Monday. I mean come on, you can do it tomorrow. I bet you could do it tonight and tomorrow. You think you could do that?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Alright, I'll take you up on it, and I will.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Okay [<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> "Alright."] then I will expect some awesome progress. I mean maybe you could uh, put up a video for me. You know to show us your progress.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I'll, I'll take some, I'll take some pictures and then e-mail them to you.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> That would be awesome!
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah OK. Uh but yeah my mom asked me to uh, sort out some, sort out the uh, plastic utensils in the kitchen sink, put 'em in a plastic bag so that she can go uh, so she can wash dishes and they're, and they're-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Why is there plastic in the sink?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah I said plastic utensils.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Yeah why are they in the sink though? You throw those away. That's the whole point of them.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Err, it's like you know a lot of times it's like, you know plastic utensils you can reuse, you can wash them and reuse them.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> No, you can't sterilize those! Ew! No, no, they're-they're plastic for a reason.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Alright. Well anyway my mom wants to put them in a bag so she can get them off, get them off the uh, so she can uh-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I mean don't you have like, real silverware?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, we have real silverware.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Why don't you use it?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font> Well, from my point of view I don't know where they are.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> You don't know where they are?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [''unintelligible stuttering''] I mean we used to have them all in a drawer but now it's like they're scattered, they're mostly in the sink. Underneath all the dishes and the plastic utensils.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> How much is in your sink? I mean how long has it been since you've used them?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, it's been overflowing for months.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> ...Chris!
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [''annoyed''] I ''know.'' I ''know.'' [''pause''] But tell you uh, it's like-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I mean how, how is this not motivating you to do something when you can't even... use your own silverware? I mean like th-there's not ''bugs'', are there?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [''mishearing her''] Frogs?
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Frogs? Wait, there's frogs in your house?!
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> No. There are no frogs in our house.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Whatever you're talking about then? [''laughs''] I meant, like, are there bugs, 'cause of the mess?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh. You said "bugs".
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Yeah, not frogs. Bugs.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Hm. Yeah we, we do [''sighs''] sometimes get bugs in the, inside the house. We get ants, sometimes.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> That's it? I mean...
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> We also get, we also get like flies, even a couple of wasps.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Wasps? I mean like, are there, but there aren't any like mice or roaches or anything, are there?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh, I have not seen any mice or roaches. Oh yeah, we did have moths in the house as well.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Maybe, um, there's, like, some cracks that they're getting in; I mean, you should probably, really really clean that house.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I mean, I don't know how bad it is, 'cause I haven't been there, but... if you can't even get to your own silverware, that sounds pretty bad. I could never even get to halfway there.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah I, I feel for you there.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font> I mean, how could you let that happen? How could you let it get that bad?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [''long pause''] Ughh.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> I don't understand.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I don't understand either. It just kinda happened.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> It, it, OK that's a lot of it just happens. You'd have to just not care for years. [''Chris tries to interrupt''] I mean it's your fucking house, don't you wanna live in it? I mean that's, that's kind of lazy and gross.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Well, uh, well also like, you know. [''pause''] Mainly it was like my mom that was supposed to do the dishes upstairs and like-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Why wouldn't you take initiative though? Your mom wants you to help out, like she says, you're young and healthy. You know she's really tired, right? So I mean, you should be doing those things.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah well s-still you know...Yeah we have a two, we have a two, two-rack dishwasher with a silverware sectio-, silverware section on the front and I'm, I'm still confused on what can go, I mean asides from big plates and small cups I'm ah, I get confused about some things which can go on the top rack and which go on the bottom right like uh, I don't know I get-
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Just put the dishes in it, put soap in it, you're done. It's a dishwasher. But you can also wash dishes by hand.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> Just make sure you don't pile the dishes on top of them and you have to scrape them first, you know, make sure there's no debris. Just throw them in the dishwasher, put some soap in there, you're done and you can hand-wash stuff.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>OK. Yeah. I, well, uh I should go, I should go sort out the uh, plasticware and uh yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> OK. You better get to cleaning, don't forget your room.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes. Yes, Kacey. I will not forget.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> And [[Affair with Mother|make your mom proud!]] She deserves it.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, I will.
<font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:'''</font> OK, alright, bye.
==External Links==
[http://www.4shared.com/mp3/8JDNQp5Mce/Kacey_Call_15.html MP3 Phone Call]

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Latest revision as of 18:05, 15 September 2024

Kacey Call 15 is the fifteenth of the Kacey calls, occurring in September 2009.


  • Kacey starts the call by complaining about how stressful her job is. Chris compares this to how stressed he gets when looking at e-mails from trolls.
  • Kacey continues complaining about her life, as well as how she and Kim have to do all of Chris's research for his jobs and he won't do anything himself.
  • Kacey apologizes for yelling at Chris, but then says he can't even understand it. Chris gets defensive and says he has a hard life too.
  • Kacey asks what his parents think about how lazy he is. He says that his mom is proud of him for going outside to walk now, and how he's looking for a job.
  • Chris says he's being social now. Kacey asks how many friends he made. Chris is quiet for a long time, and says that they just pass byf and that he makes acquaintances.
  • Chris is interrupted by his mom. Barb starts talking about how hard her life was, and how Chris needs to show more humility if he wants to make money. She also complains about Bob and how all he does is make it look like he does all the work around the house.
  • Chris casually brings up his sex dolls to his mom during her tirade.
  • Chris finally starts talking to Kacey again. Kacey says that Barb made some really good points.
  • Chris says that his mom only wants him to get rid of his and Bob's stuff, but she refuses to get rid of her own.
  • Kacey says that Chris needs to throw out 95% of his toys. Chris says that he will take that into great consideration, but Kacey knows whenever he says this it usually leads to him not actually doing so.
  • Chris reveals Barb's having him wash and reuse plastic utensils, because their silverware is underneath an overflowing stack of unwashed dishes in the sink. Kacey gets extremely concerned when she hears it's been like this for months, that his house is filled with ants, flies, and wasps from not cleaning, and that this is going on even though they have a dishwasher. Before Chris signs off, Kacey briefly explains to him how to use a dishwasher.


Kacey Call 15
Stardate Between 4 to 16 September 2009
Featuring Chris; Kacey
Saga LiquidLiquid Liquid Saga
Audio Recordings
Kacey Call 14
Kacey Call 16

Chris: Hello?

Kacey: Hey Chris, it's Kacey!

Chris: Hi Kacey. How are you?

Kacey: Ugh. I'm just really tired like I had a really stressful shift today. Like I had this one table that just was really nasty and had me running around and uh they didn't even, you know, it just so mentally stressful this job, and so surprising me still how just one table can exhaust me. I don't even want to do anything else I just want to go to sleep.

Chris: Yeah. That sounds like me after I check through my e-mails, similar stress. But I [unintelligible].

Kacey: What? What?! Wha- [Talking over Chris] But, but, it's, it's, that's not the same thing! What are you talking about?

Chris: Yeah, I mean I go through my e-mails and I see a shocking news, yeah. I pretty much-

Kacey: Wait that's SO different are you trying to tell me that's the same thing?!

Chris: Uhh, OK well I'm not saying it's the same thing but yeah, you know, it's like, you know. Yeah. You get all these bad input and, and uh, uh, then-

Kacey: [talking over Chris] It's JUST e-mails, what are you talking about?! I am going to a REAL job. I'm on my feet all night. I have to deal with people who treat me like SHIT and then you know the best part? They don't even have to tip me afterwards and so I don't even get money! What the hell are you talking about stressed?! You don't know what stress is and exhaustion!

Chris: [random murmur] Hm. OK well-

Kacey: [shutting him up again] I mean I have a REAL job. You sit around and get free money because the government thinks you aren't capable of being a part of society.

Chris: Well at least I'm working on getting a job and uh, uh, I'm sure I'll begin to work soon enough. So yeah the thing is-

Kacey: [cutting him off] So yeah well how's that coming along?! I mean come on, Chris. I mean I'm really sorry but it's totally not the same thing. I mean, come on! I mean, OK, what have you done recently?

Chris: [unintelligible] What have I done recently with uh, with a job and what not?

Kacey: Yeah! Have you put out more applications? Have you even called them? You said you would call them and I bet you you haven't.

Chris: I have called them.

Kacey: What did they say?

Chris: [long pause] And, well I have not called them recently so it's still like, you know-

Kacey: So you DIDN'T call them?

Chris: I did, I did, I, I, I called them when I, I called them a few, I called them, I called them yesterday, OK?

Kacey: What did they say?

Chris: Yeah I, like I told you they're uh, still reviewing uh, still reviewing applications and they will get back to me.

Kacey: Still I don't think you realize what stress and exhaustion is. Like not only am I physically running around but it's emotionally draining, like I have to act nice to these people. I have to laugh when they flirt with me all knowing that it maybe for nothing like, they may not even leave me anything. Like THAT is exhaustion. THAT is stress.

Chris: OK. Yeah, physical and emotional, that is stress. Yeah that's not good-

Kacey: [talking over him] I mean that that's stress and exhaustion not because you- I'm getting really sick of this. Like you're always telling me I can't do the comics 'cause of stress. I can't do this because of stress. I can't do that because of stress. What stress do you really have? You sit around all day and you DRAW. You play video games.

Chris: I have emotional stress.

Kacey: OK. But what, OK, what emotional stress?

Chris: The fact that the trolls, that the trolls [unintelligible] from their input and also the fact that I-

Kacey: [talking over] STOP READING IT. STOP READING IT. Stop reading it. Delete it! You always tell them that you're just gonna delete stuff, so just delete it. Don't even look at it. It's worthless, stupid shit. Just like I do, just click it as spam, report it, TOS it, get rid of it. Because you know what, I was letting them stress me and you know what, no. They're just, they're just stupid. I mean come on, that is, you do not know real stress. Just hearing stupid people on the internet is nothing. It is THE INTERNET.

Chris: [pause] Yeah.

Kacey: That's not stressful. That definitely shouldn't keep you from something as simple as drawing, or going out and doing something.

Chris: Well, yeah OK but-

Kacey: I mean you're not even hearing them! It's just visual. That's not a big deal. You can totally ignore that. I mean even if you do read them [Chris: "Yeah."] it's just stupid people. Laugh at it. Be like, "Oh, look at what these people are doing." Mean e-mails are not stress. They're just annoyances.

Chris: Yeah. OK.

Kacey: I mean you don't work forty hours a week. And go to school. You don't have to study, you don't have to write papers. Like, that is stress. That is exhausting stress. I mean come on [Chris tries to interrupt] what, what have you done like I do?[?] I mean like I said, I work long nights for these people who couldn't give a shit less. Now that is stress, having to be nice to somebody who couldn't give a shit less about you.

Chris: [pause] Hm. Yeah. OK. Well, I'm sorry I tried to, I'm sorry I, if it sounded like I was arguing I, I was trying, and I, I wasn't sure even what the point was what I was trying to say that I started uh ah-

Kacey: Well I mean let's just forget about it, that's the thing come on, this is not stressful, Chris. You sit around, on your ass, getting handed free money! That's not even remotely fair!

Chris: Hrm. OK. Yeah.

Kacey: You get paid to draw Sonichu and play video games. And then you know what? Then you, you even if you get a job you're still gonna be getting that, that's not even remotely, that's not even remotely cool! And I mean ugh! I'm gonna work way harder and that frustrates me. It frustrates me that I mean, why do you think you get this money for free? Do you know what that says about you?

Chris: [long pause] Hm. [another long pause] I guess um, um it doesn't say very much about me.

Kacey: No! It just says, it says the government thinks that you are too incompetent to be a functioning member of society. And you don't seem like you're doing enough to prove them wrong.

Chris: Well actually I, actually I am doing, I am, on the contrary I have been doing such and now I've actually been going out applying for jobs. And I'm, I'm working out.

Kacey: What have you done today? What have you done today?

Chris: Well I went out for another power walk. And also-

Kacey: No not that. I mean for your job. I don't care about the exercise thing. Power walks aren't gonna do you anything, obviously you're not listening to me on that. I told you you needed to get your heart rate up so you know what fine, that's great.

Chris: Yeah I, I want to get into jogging I just haven't gotten in, I just haven't got right into it yet, I jog, I did jog.

Kacey: [unintelligible talking over him] You just need to keep going. You need to just get into it or else you're never going to, it's just gonna be one excuse after another. But still, how long today did you go out looking for a job?

Chris: Yeah I went, I went, actually I did go online today and I filled out another application. I filled that one out for Sears. At least there's a cashier opening there.

Kacey: I mean if I never told you to get a job would you have even bothered? If I didn't do all the research for you would you have even bothered? [long pause] I'm guessing the answer's no from your silence. But anyway, I mean think about that even I had to do the research for you before you would even go for that and even- e-e-ugh! You can't talk about stress! I mean how stressful is THAT. That I have somebody whose a friend who I'm trying to help but he won't even help himself.

Chris: [pause] Hm. I am working on helping myself.

Kacey: By the way, also, well how are you going to help yourself before I go on? How are you helping yourself?

Chris: I'm uh, hah, I'm actually doing research of my own in addition to the research I get from between you and Kim.

Kacey: Like what?

Chris: You know I actually do go online, I actually am searching into places I am hoping to apply for like that, like I actually did go online I went onto Sears and I found an opening for a cashier so I applied for that.

Kacey: OK that's a good start.

Chris: Oh and also I got, also I got my reply letter from the guverdate[?] but that, I think I told you in that e-mail I sent you earlier.

Kacey: A reply from who? Oh, yeah, from your doctor?

Chris: Yeah from my doctor about the uh, about the-

Kacey: By the way and speaking of that e-mail, the attachment you tried to send me didn't come through so could you send those again like, tonight? I need them tonight. 'Cause I want to know that you're on the ball cause I'm tired of this. [Chris: "Okay."] I want to help you and I'm stressed and you're not helping me help you, then that's just you know, something I don't need to worry about.

Chris: Uh, um, OK, I will resend, I will resend the uh, I will resend the pictures.

Kacey: Thank you.

Chris: OK. [Kacey sighs]

Kacey: But anyway, yeah I you know, tonight was just really stressful and exhausting and I, I just, I'm sorry y-you, I don't think you can even understand a quarter of it.

Chris: Yeah I can understand yeah you, yeah you had a really hard day. You're physically and emotionally tired.

Kacey: But I mean it's like you don't even go through that. So it's,it's, you know-

Chris: Weh-weh-well I, actually I have been through it. Y'know I worked at Wendy's for-

Kacey: OK what's, what's, what's the hardest day you've ever gone through?

Chris: The hardest thing I've ever gone through?

Kacey: Yeah, the hardest thing you've ever gone through.

Chris: OK work-related the hardest, one of the hardest thing I've ever gone through was like, you know I was working over at Wendy's and I had to take these like really heavy bags of garbage down, uh, up to the dumpster and it was like, yeah they were really heavy like, you know I mean, granted I had to take the cans out to the dumpster but I had to take the bags out again and then there was, and then, and uh, [high-pitched] it was just really heavy and that there was no side door to the dumpster so I had to like chuck, I had to like chuck it over and it hit the back of my head. The bag of garbage hit the back of my head!

Kacey: [incredulous] It's GARBAGE! I have to do that and MORE! You wouldn't survive at my job. We have serve-work to do. I have to make sure dishes are cleaned, I have to roll silverware. I have to make tea. I have to do the salads I mean, AND I have to do the garbage and it's not that hard to throw it over. I can do that and I am smaller than you and I'm a girl. That's it?! THAT is it?!

Chris: [pause] Hm.

Kacey: Just a couple of garbage bags? Oh my god you would die serving! You would just homygosh!

Chris: Well I'm going to prove you, I'm going to prove you wrong because that was, that was so many years ago and, um, and I've emotionally got, I've also emotionally grown better ad dad [almost unintelligible], I'm much, I'm much tougher now.

Kacey: Well you better be cause I mean if that's like, really your worst day do you think it's any wonder you got fired? I mean maybe you just didn't apply yourself enough. [Chris sighs] I mean emotion doesn't have anything to do with it, you've got to push yourself, you've got to have willpower. You don't have willpower right now.

Chris: I do have willpower. I, I, I'll admit I'm starting to feel a little down right now because you know I was bombarded earlier and na-, now I feel, I feel a little bombarded now but y'know like-

Kacey: Yeah but I mean how long have you been getting money from the government? Since you were like 18, right? I mean come on you, you need way more willpower for that. I mean, I mean think about things right now to- you want, you want to have a family but if the government thinks that you can't even be a functioning member of society what do you think girls are gonna think?

Chris: [pause] Hm. [pause] Yeah. That's somethin' very much for me there.

Kacey: I mean what do you think other people will think? I mean what about your parents?

Chris: [pause, sigh] Um I don't think I understood that ques-, I don't think I understood that question about my parents.

Kacey: Well what do you think they think? I mean do you think that they're, er, uh, that they're happy that you're just sitting around doing nothing?

Chris: Yeah well I, yeah well yeah, they're not happy just sitting around doing nothing but y'know they do actually get out and uh work in the yard as a matter of fact-

Kacey: NO! Not them what do they think about YOU?

Chris: Yeah well they didn't, they wouldn't be, they wouldn't be too happy if I was just sitting around but they're, the, my mum's been really proud of me like you know, getting out and doing my, doing my walking, power walking, a job, getting a job.

Kacey: Yeah, stuff that you wouldn't even have done if I didn't push you to it. I mean I'm glad you're finally doing it buut-

Chris: She's proud of me that I'm, I'm throwing myself out to uh, get a job at natiograafteravenso[lolwut] so, as far as to go even find out about uh, how much I could make, how much I could make before I lose my Social Security and-

Kacey: [Chris: "didthatallbymuhself."] Yeah, and I'm the one who gave you all that information! It was me! I'm the one who did ALL that shit you wouldn't have even done it if it weren't for me! Do NOT say- do NOT take credit for that! I'm the one who suggested it. I'm the one who pushed it. I had to get on you for a week before you did anything. If I'd heard that I would have done it right away.

Chris: Yeah OK, yeah, I do not take claim for it. I know that you and Kim have been pushing me. Mostly you. Y'all, y'all been pushing me-

Kacey: I mean have you done anything on your own? I mean, especially something that will make your parents proud?

Chris: [long pause] Well at least I well, you know you, uh, yeah y'all just didn't have to force me to but at least I had, at least I was able to get out start socializing a little more. Like going out, like I went out to the mall now and then, and uh [unintelligible] library. I did not even have to be pushed to do that.

Kacey: OK, how many friends have you made? [pause] That's social. That's a lot more social than going out- just going out to the mall by yourself, that's not social. Making friends is social.

Chris: Yeah, but I mean yeah, I meet people.

Kacey: OK like who?

Chris: [long pause] Y'know unfortunately most of them just pass by. OK yeah so I haven't made new, made too many furnd-friends. But at least I made acquaintances.

Kacey: Like who?

Chris: [sigh] Yeah. I did not catch their names.

Kacey: OK then they're not friends, they're not acquaintances. You need to at least know them.

Chris: Yeah. OK. Yeah.

Kacey: I mean that's just kind of lonely and sad.

Chris: [long pause] Yeah. For a long time I have considered myself lonely and sad. [long pause, sigh]

Kacey: Why haven't you done anything to change it if it's so lonely and sad? I mean come on. What HAVE you done to change it?

Chris: [pause] Like I'm actually, like I'm you know, fe-, I got started like a year or two ago you know, talking to people, getting to know people, going to church, finding social outings to go to- Oh, 'scuse me, my mom.

Barbara: Yeah. [unclear]

Chris: Sure mom. [unclear] looking for you. [movement, sigh] Yeah I'm OK. I was just talking to Kacey, what's up?

Barbara: Do you have your dollar(s)[unintelligible]?

Chris: Uh actually I think I put the rest that I had in my wallet in the bank before I came home but I'll see. I have enough to buy the sandwich. Oh uh I ah- I put five dollars in the bank.

Barbara: [That's too bad]?

Chris: Ahh, OK.

Barbara: Yeah, you saved five...[unintelligible] ...dollars paid.

Chris: How much money you getting tonight? Yeah I currently have like fourteen-something in the bank so. Yeah I'll check. Yeah.

Barbara: I'm not trying to be hard on you- [muffle] You read this [unintelligible] you sent out [unintelligible] dad was not in the middle of something [unintelligible] asked him to [unintelligible] there's no hurry. Did you read this reservation, and see what you think of. I'm not trying to be harsh or anything.

Chris: Yeah it's not just the pain in my knee. I want to get my Sonichu copyright registered.

Barbara: I know, but-

Chris: 'Cause I can't currently enforce it, especially with the current situation.

Barbara: I don't think anybody- Christian, there will be people out there copying you, harassing you.

Chris: Yeah well I mean what if uh, this video game [unintelligible] though, is actually, is in reality a Sonichu game but I'm not getting the credit for it?

Barbara: [long pause] Sometimes you just like have to [muffle] let me tell you something. From my experience. I have worked for a lot of people in my life. In a lot of places, okay? And my role was [muffle] secretaries, administrative assistant, uh, whatever, I've worked for cops, companies, publishers, um, I've worked for oil companies, all kinds of department managers, et cetera. And I've worked in different types of business. [muffle] Which gave me [unintelligible] The way they operate with their manufacturer and sell or if they just [unintelligible] whether it's uh, an animate object or an inanimate object. So I've had quite a variety of experience of serving, OK. For the total benefit of the company, in all kinds of situations. So even when you want something it gives you a sense of humility if you put yourself in a humble role of serving. You're serving [unintelligible] issue. But it shows humility and caring that, y'know, this will help others, but you want to make money on it too. But there's a lot and you, you know what, you don't know all the stuff they do. I could, I tell you a lot of [unintelligible] here in a few minutes, but that's with a lot of years of my life. And each... section of your life that you go through is different. So every seven years your perspective has changed somewhat. 'Cause you've learned some other things. And you learn all you can, read all you can, talk to all the people you can, uhhh. Y'know you, you learn to uh, do small work at home, um medium, housework, outside work. It's just for your creative mind. And it makes things look nice. OK, and that helps you live the way you live. Like having the kitchen food. I'm sorry that I got sick and I've been sick for so long. Because I enjoy all the hard work you and I did bringing stuff in here. Especially the part in which movin' it over here and then putting it back together again. And who did we think about first? You and your father. First we moved your stuff and then we moved your dad's stuff. What you all use, you got that? And you all learned to keep everything to keep that you thought you might need or that you live with everyday until the last trip. And I'm here to tell you that I almost killed myself at least twice. I mean it was just a hairline... thing that kept me from killing myself after that. One was that big chair of dad's downstairs I, I took it, I took it apart, so it was in two pieces, and I fell with it, going down the back steps uh, over there. And then picking it up the hill on the wagon, aaand it, it fell off, it fell off the wagon twice. I fell down the steps with one part of it. And it was like, I don't know, four or five steps. That was the worst time. Scared me, fatigued me...But see, I allowed you to go to your ga-game. [unintelligible] dad took you on those [unintelligible]. Your father took you to that last park bench and I was there by myself, and I had all the stuff, of your father's and yours. And then mine came last. And that was one [unintelligible], day and night. And I was so fatigued and then I had to drive and drive and drive, to find gas 2 o'clock or 3 o'clock in the morning. Your father shoulda got it put in the truck.

Chris: [interrupts] Wait, wasn't I with you on that gas trip?

Barbara: Yeah, you were.

Chris: Yeah, I remember that.

Barbara: Yeah. And dad was in the car. Yeah, he was driving the car. And we had a hard time finding gas. Well, realistically, when he went back to get...Although we went to get the truck initially. Or when you went back to get the thing that you took up to the truck. Um, he should have remembered gas but they sold gas up at the corner place [unintelligible] the truck.

Chris: Yeah.

Barbara: Then I had to drive all the way from over there to [unintelligible]. And I was so tired I'm surprised that I made it. That we made it. And the next day... I was... trying to get some rest and your father yelled at me to get out of bed and unload that truck! Cause we had to take the truck back! By such and such a time. He should have told me the day before that we would have to take the truck back. Overall, it woulda just been cost extra rental... went over the deadline time.

Chris: Yeah. OK.

Barbara: I haven't had an opportunity since... we got the stuff here... aaand I've never had an opportunity to really do the things that I wanted to do, OK? We've been back nine years. I still haven't done the things I wanted to do. [Chris tries to talk] Now wait a minute, I've tried to do what I can do for most I have [audio skips] Every day, because of my health and because of another thing, I only have two to four hours of energy at the most.

Chris: I see.

Barbara: Now today I did one thing that totally put me down. That was I bought the new wagon. So we can clean up the mess out here and put it in the wagon in the trash cans and and take it up to be burned. And on top of that, another thing that upset me- took my energy away was your father yelling at me, when I was asleep, to wake me up. Instead of coming in and being nice and kind and he [unintelligible]. It's abusive. You know, he screams at me. So I won't help ya. Well, when I tried to recharge that battery the last time I spent a long time out there.

Chris: Oh, by the way, uh-

Barbara: And! And he was determined- he didn't want to help me. OK? He wasn't interested. He is only interested in making things look like he did 'em, it was his idea and I really didn't have anything to do with it. Even when I help him. I get no credit for anything. He never gives me credit to my face. Or if he's talking to anybody else. Just like he tells you sometimes, “Well I don't get no help from your mother.” Ooohh, fuck(?). No, it's his own attitude to- which is wrong, which is absolutely wrong.

Chris: Mom, I give you credit...

Barbara: I need you to start looking around and doing what you can do because there's a lot you could do. Cause you are healthy and young. And you get so involved with these other things that you've been gettin' involved in. [Chris: "Yeah but-"] I've let you ride. I've let you ride. And now it's time that I'm going to crack down on you, and I'm going to demand that you help me everyday whether I ask you to, or not. I'm expecting you to help improve the indoors of the house and the out-

Chris: I don't know what er whya-why d-you want me to do!

Barbara: ANYTHING.

Chris: I don't even, I can't even ah-

Barbara: Come here and look. What is it that you can clean up, straighten up, in, in your room? There's a lot you could do.

Chris: OK well, can we concentrate outside my room? Like uhyah, I know we can do the kitchen and the uh, the living room. But you know that's gonna be [unintelligible] that would require your direction on that, [unintelligible] thing.

Barbara: Downstairs right now there's vacuuming that needs to be done, there's carpet needs to be cleaned and there are things to be... [Chris sighs] And there are looooot of things that gotta go upstairs, or go to Goodwill. [Chris sighs again]

Chris: Yeah most of 'em, yeah um yeah an-, most of 'em of, all mine [?] do have to go upstairs.

Barbara: And I bought two chests, there's one in the kitchen, there's one in that closet.

Chris: Yeah but-

Barbara: And those have tools-

Chris: Yeah but I mean where do you expect me to put, where do you expect me to put them in here, in my room?

Barbara: I didn't say put them in your room. There's a chest in that closet, there's a chest at the end of the kitchen. What all you do is stack up stuff in the kitchen like you do in here and... We gotta, yeah, we need to move things in the kitchen. But it takes two. And I have to feel like doing it. And I, I don't feel like-

Chris: B-b-buh-yut mum it's a chest in a a closet, I mean you put in the-er-whu- I already had a bunch of my stuff in there. I mean where am I gonna put that stuff downstairs? I don't know where else to put it. Especially that love doll.

Barbara: [sigh] You can stick that in the other room.

Chris: [sigh] Then it would, it- it gets hot, it gets hot in there and then it'll just... [sound of Chris hitting something]

Barbara: Like, we need...we need to clean the tiles of the shower.

Chris: Yeah.

Barbara: In the bathroom.

Chris: Yeah we've got a lot to do, I know but-

Barbara: And re-grouting, putting, the uh, taking, removing the grout between the uh, tiles, and then re-grouting. And that's- [unintelligible]

[Silence as Chris and Barb leave the room. Some mumbling. The conversation with Kacey resumes at 30:54]

Chris: Er sorry about that. Kacey, you still there?

Kacey: Yeah, I'm here.

Chris: Yeah, I mean I just had to go to my mom's [unintelligible] herself, you know?

Kacey: Your mom made a lot of good points though.

Chris: Yeah.

Kacey: Like she's nothing, like, uh, you tell me. I mean like uh, I didn't hear a lot though like, what was she talking about?

Chris: Uh, it's like you know yeah, she definitely, she's like, she had a burst of energy right now and, she would, and then it's like, telling me about how we could further er, her ideas of what we could do to work on the hou-, work on the inside and outside of the house. Move things around and clean things up.

Kacey: Well, um, are you gonna help her then?

Chris: Yeah, I've been wanting to help her for a long time but I just didn't have, I didn't ah shu-, I just didn't know where to put the things.

Kacey: Uh, it, you, if you don't need it, you throw it out. Quite simple.

Chris: Yeah, I tell her that too but she doesn't want to throw any of her stuff out but, plus did you get it from the beginning it was like, you know, mostly dealt with me and my father's stuff. It never ever started on her stuff it was like, whatever you know, it's like at that point it's psychologically linked. Like you know, whatever's hers is like, you know she feels like she has to hold onto herself.

Kacey: Maybe this is her way of saying that she's ready to not do that. I mean [Chris: "Uhh..."] maybe you should start getting rid of your stuff in your room as an example to her. You know she sees you doing it and getting rid of a lot of stuff in your room, I'm pretty sure it'll help ease her into it.

Chris: Yeah. Yeah alright, yeah.

Kacey: I mean I bet there's tons of stuff you can get rid of in your room. I mean you don't really need all those toys do you? [long pause] I mean you're twenty seven. [pause]

Chris: Yeah. I'm s-, I'm still going over the toys thing but I can, yeah, more importantly yeah, I do have like, paper stuff I can sort out and, and, somewhere else or get rid of.

Kacey: Well paper isn't much, it doesn't take up a lot of room. I mean like your room is filled with toys, like maybe you can at least get all the stuff off the walls and ceilings. I mean you know like, have an adult bedroom.

Chris: Mm.

Kacey: Like your room looks like a twelve-year-old lives there.

Chris: [pause] Er, I'll think about that.

Kacey: You don't need to think about it, your mum is seriously- she came to you and reached out to you and you need to reach back out to her. Come on, this is exactly what I'm talking about, have some willpower. Is it really gonna hurt you to get rid of all that stuff? Are you gonna suffer because of it?

Chris: Hrm. Uhh I mean I guess, not everything I give, uhs, I can get rid of, I can get rid of uh, a lot of it, yah.

Kacey: I think you should take everything down from your walls. [pause] You know, make your room a lot more adult cause I mean, I think, I think maybe what's keeping you from uh, a correct frame of mind is that you're just holding on to too many things.

Chris: Hrm.

Kacey: You ever think about that? I mean how are you supposed to be an adult when, when you're sitting in your room all you can see is childish things? I'm not saying that it's not OK to have some of them but I mean, all over your walls and your ceiling? Come on! Besides if all of it's collector stuff you can sell it. If not donate it! Think about how happy you'll make somebody that, you know sharing your stuff like that. I mean you should probably keep maybe five percent of the stuff in your room.

Chris: Now that's too little.

Kacey: No it's not! I mean a lot of people don't have that much stuff, I mean it's just toys. I mean [Chris: "Well, uh."] it's not like I'm asking you to get rid of your video games.

Chris: Hm. Yeah. Yeah. OK well that's [?] for me to do. I will take that to great, I will take that into great consideration and action.

Kacey: OK whenever you say that you're not gonna do it. I bet you you can't do it. I bet you, I bet you that by Monday or Tuesday you can't have all that stuff off your walls.

Chris: By Monday or Tuesday?

Kacey: I bet you you can't. I bet you wouldn't do that even for me.

Chris: Hm. You know what I-

Kacey: I mean it would take you a couple hours and I bet you couldn't do it. You could do it tonight but I bet you you won't. And I want you to actually you know, sort through it and either give away some things or I mean you just can't stack it.

Chris: Yeah, alright well I'll tell you what, I'll, I'll tell you what, how about this, umm.

Kacey: Two hours, it'll take you two hours.

Chris: Yeah, I mean uh, I mean I'm going to take you up on your thing, you know. You say I can't do it, but, can't have uh, clear stuff off my walls and uh, make it look a bit neater by Tuesday. I'll take you up on that uh I'll, I'll, I'll figure out where to put stuff. I'll, I will figure out-

Kacey: And donate it! Don't forget to donate. 'Cause you gotta get rid of stuff, your mum wants you to get rid of stuff, I want you to make an example to your mum and your mum's gonna be so proud. You just can't put it somewhere in the house though 'cause that's just gonna mess things up even more.

Chris: OK. Yep.

Kacey: Don't, only do this, do this for your mom because she is very wise and she said a lot of things that, that are good.

Chris: Yep.

Kacey: You can tell her I agree with her.

Chris: OK. Yah.

Kacey: I mean why don't you ever listen to your parents? Your mom sounds like she really cares.

Chris: I do listen to my parents. They don't talk to me much. Uh-du-now-a-days.

Kacey: OK well they seem to be talking to you now so you should start doing things like they said. They are your parents, remember Chris, obey thy mother and father.

Chris: Yes m-, yes. I almost said "yes, mother"! [creepy laugh]

Kacey: [forced laughter]

Chris: I almost said "yes, mother", can you believe that? [awkward laugh]

Kacey: [fake laugh] Freudian slip.

Chris: Yeah.

Kacey: But anyway I think you sho-, I think you should do it by Monday. I mean come on, you can do it tomorrow. I bet you could do it tonight and tomorrow. You think you could do that?

Chris: Alright, I'll take you up on it, and I will.

Kacey: Okay [Chris: "Alright."] then I will expect some awesome progress. I mean maybe you could uh, put up a video for me. You know to show us your progress.

Chris: I'll, I'll take some, I'll take some pictures and then e-mail them to you.

Kacey: That would be awesome!

Chris: Yeah OK. Uh but yeah my mom asked me to uh, sort out some, sort out the uh, plastic utensils in the kitchen sink, put 'em in a plastic bag so that she can go uh, so she can wash dishes and they're, and they're-

Kacey: Why is there plastic in the sink?

Chris: Yeah I said plastic utensils.

Kacey: Yeah why are they in the sink though? You throw those away. That's the whole point of them.

Chris: Err, it's like you know a lot of times it's like, you know plastic utensils you can reuse, you can wash them and reuse them.

Kacey: No, you can't sterilize those! Ew! No, no, they're-they're plastic for a reason.

Chris: Alright. Well anyway my mom wants to put them in a bag so she can get them off, get them off the uh, so she can uh-

Kacey: I mean don't you have like, real silverware?

Chris: Yeah, we have real silverware.

Kacey: Why don't you use it?

Chris: Well, from my point of view I don't know where they are.

Kacey: You don't know where they are?

Chris: [unintelligible stuttering] I mean we used to have them all in a drawer but now it's like they're scattered, they're mostly in the sink. Underneath all the dishes and the plastic utensils.

Kacey: How much is in your sink? I mean how long has it been since you've used them?

Chris: Yeah, it's been overflowing for months.

Kacey: ...Chris!

Chris: [annoyed] I know. I know. [pause] But tell you uh, it's like-

Kacey: I mean how, how is this not motivating you to do something when you can't even... use your own silverware? I mean like th-there's not bugs, are there?

Chris: [mishearing her] Frogs?

Kacey: Frogs? Wait, there's frogs in your house?!

Chris: No. There are no frogs in our house.

Kacey: Whatever you're talking about then? [laughs] I meant, like, are there bugs, 'cause of the mess?

Chris: Oh. You said "bugs".

Kacey: Yeah, not frogs. Bugs.

Chris: Hm. Yeah we, we do [sighs] sometimes get bugs in the, inside the house. We get ants, sometimes.

Kacey: That's it? I mean...

Chris: We also get, we also get like flies, even a couple of wasps.

Kacey: Wasps? I mean like, are there, but there aren't any like mice or roaches or anything, are there?

Chris: Uh, I have not seen any mice or roaches. Oh yeah, we did have moths in the house as well.

Kacey: Maybe, um, there's, like, some cracks that they're getting in; I mean, you should probably, really really clean that house.

Chris: Yeah.

Kacey: I mean, I don't know how bad it is, 'cause I haven't been there, but... if you can't even get to your own silverware, that sounds pretty bad. I could never even get to halfway there.

Chris: Yeah I, I feel for you there.

Kacey: I mean, how could you let that happen? How could you let it get that bad?

Chris: [long pause] Ughh.

Kacey: I don't understand.

Chris: I don't understand either. It just kinda happened.

Kacey: It, it, OK that's a lot of it just happens. You'd have to just not care for years. [Chris tries to interrupt] I mean it's your fucking house, don't you wanna live in it? I mean that's, that's kind of lazy and gross.

Chris: Well, uh, well also like, you know. [pause] Mainly it was like my mom that was supposed to do the dishes upstairs and like-

Kacey: Why wouldn't you take initiative though? Your mom wants you to help out, like she says, you're young and healthy. You know she's really tired, right? So I mean, you should be doing those things.

Chris: Yeah well s-still you know...Yeah we have a two, we have a two, two-rack dishwasher with a silverware sectio-, silverware section on the front and I'm, I'm still confused on what can go, I mean asides from big plates and small cups I'm ah, I get confused about some things which can go on the top rack and which go on the bottom right like uh, I don't know I get-

Kacey: Just put the dishes in it, put soap in it, you're done. It's a dishwasher. But you can also wash dishes by hand.

Chris: Yeah.

Kacey: Just make sure you don't pile the dishes on top of them and you have to scrape them first, you know, make sure there's no debris. Just throw them in the dishwasher, put some soap in there, you're done and you can hand-wash stuff.

Chris: OK. Yeah. I, well, uh I should go, I should go sort out the uh, plasticware and uh yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Kacey: OK. You better get to cleaning, don't forget your room.

Chris: Yes. Yes, Kacey. I will not forget.

Kacey: And make your mom proud! She deserves it.

Chris: Yeah, I will.

Kacey: OK, alright, bye.

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