Incest fallout chat leaks

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Revision as of 03:41, 24 July 2023 by Cereally (talk | contribs)
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This page is a directory for leaked chats pertaining to Chris's incestuous relationship with his mother Barbara.

Chris tells The WCT

Main article: WCT DMs#New sweetheart

Sex plans

Main article: WCT DMs#Sex plans

Massage oil and dream

Main article: WCT DMs#Massage oil and dream

Every three nights

Main article: WCT DMs#Every three nights

Chris tells Null

Main article: Null DMs#Chris vaguely describes his relationship

Sexy Negligee

Main article: WCT DMs#Sexy negligee

Barbara's ex

Main article: WCT DMs#Barbara's ex

More descriptions of the lady friend

Main article: WCT DMs#Chris describes his lady friend

Chris wants to spill the beans

Main article: Bella chats#Chris Wants to Spill the Beans

Quit her

Main article: Chess Club Chats#Quit Her

Bella reacts to incest call

Main article: Chess Club Chats#Bella Reacts to Incest Call

Chris texts about incest with his mother

Main article: Incest Texts

Discussion of Incest

Main article: Bella and Suitress chats#Discussion of Incest Call

CCCC Incest Call Leak

Main article: CCCC Incest Call Leak

Bella discusses incest news leak

Main article: Chess Club Chats#Incest News Leak

Bella and Suitress text

Main article: Bella and Suitress chats#Coordinating response to Chris

"I'm kinda scared"

Main article: Bella and Suitress chats#Impact of leaks

Null texts Chris

Main article: Null DMs#Incest leak questioning

Chris confesses to Dillin Thomas

Main article: Dillin Thomas DMs

Sound of mind

Main article: Null DMs#Sound of mind

Chris takes money from Barb

Main article: Null DMs#Chris takes money from Barb
IncestSagaIcon.png Incest Saga IncestSagaIcon.png
The Players

People: ChrisBarbara ChandlerIsabella JankeFionaNullThe WCTEthan RalphEllDudeRocksDillin Thomas

The Games
Chats: The Affair:

Coinciding Sagas
    Chats and calls