BlueSpike PSN Chat 3

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The third of the BlueSpike PSN chats involving Chris. "Julie" pumps Chris for details of his sexual history and he spills more than any sane person would want to hear. The chat covers his early experiences with pornography and masturbation, his experimentation with sex toys, the acquisition of his first blow-up doll, and other disturbing subjects.

Perhaps the worst of all is the revelation that Chris discusses his masturbation habits in detail with his mother. No, there's nothing Oedipal going on here at all.


  • Julie wants to learn about Chris's "random thoughts"
  • Chris would "randomly" have an image of a penis in his head
  • Wasn't necessarily Chris's penis
  • Random audio thoughts in his photographic memory "Christian is gay"
  • Chris bought the dolls for practice
  • Dildo/beads were free gifts
  • Julie wants to know if Chris used them
  • Chris put a condom on the dildo and put it up his ass
  • Chris didn't enjoy it
  • Chris used the beads but they got "covered in poo" so he didn't use them again (Julie laughs here)
  • Chris wants Julie there ASAP for a hug
  • Julie masturbated in school
  • Chris has only masturbated in his room, edge of bathroom sink
  • Julie wants his sexual history
  • Ages 15-17 he had a child block, figured out the code, saw his first porno 'I Like to Play Games Too'
  • The people in it were sexing in a pool
  • Chris first learned about his sperm from this experience
  • (audio dims, returns)
  • Chris didn't date
  • Chris lays down naked on his bed with a washcloth and masturbates..pre-cum...
  • He watched softcore
  • After he turned 18 moved to Ruckersville he started getting playboy, owns several porns
  • He was 17 before figuring out the rubbing up and down part of masturbating
  • He is still a virgin
  • He has talked with his mother about his masturbation
  • Bob is more strict on the subject because he is more older
  • After he turned 21, he realized he needed a sweetheart
  • He found
  • Bought love doll at Spencers
  • Then he bought his first hardcore
  • He has a box full of porn
  • Gets a message from Sarah May on Wii
  • Julie has Wii, wants to play Mario Kart
  • Chris lacks Mario Kart
  • Chris lists all of his Wii games
  • Julie wants to talk about his credit card debt of 2000 dollars
  • His PS3 contributed, as well as his impulses, and a flat tire
  • Chris trusts Julie in the short month they've known each other
  • Julie asks him to do something about his weight
  • He says he will stand up more
  • Julie tells him that isn't exercise, he says it is but she cuts him off, he agrees to exercise more
  • Julie wants him to come up with a topic to talk about
  • Julie asks about his PC-Games, he doesn't play PC-Games much anymore
  • Julie asks if she got a 360 Chris would too
  • He says he would but not right away, he'd need a month + to save
  • Chris is excited about them being together soon, Julie is alludes to the letter she sent
  • Much sighing from Julie
  • They 'Yep' and 'uh-huh' back and forth
  • Chris struggles to come up with a topic, he decides they should talk about Julie and she declines
  • Julie is a good cook studying to be a doctor
  • Chris wonders if she is a better cook than doctor, proposes that she could be a cook if being a doctor fails
  • Julie likes both
  • Chris wants to know about what about being a doctor fascinates her
  • Julie wants to help people live longer
  • Chris learned that couples live longer than singles
  • They will be helping each other live longer
  • PSN Spring Fever? Julie wants to share Chris' PSN. He yields up his password
  • Chris wants Julie to give him her password as a trade off
  • Chris went offline, Julie proclaims that they broke the Chris, Code Red
  • Trolls mock Chris


[Chris and BlueSpike/Julie are chatting. BlueSpike is not making any effort to disguise his voice, but Chris is oblivious.]

Julie: Tell me about the random thoughts you've been having, please.
Chris: [sigh] Just basically told 'em, the ones, that, uh, try to trick, the ones that might, that turn me off because they were..they were gay, like I would get, like randomly an image of a penis in my head.
Julie: Aww, can you describe more to me, please? I wasn't there to listen.
Chris: [sigh] Okay, well sometimes, I mean, I'm not sure whether it's mine or not, it's just like a random...penis, like, uh, you know, because it could have been mine or it could have been one I saw in, like one of the porno vid-, one of the porno movies I've seen. And uh, anyway aside from that, I also, uh, get random audio and word thoughts in my, between my audio and my philopathic memory, where, uh, it's like, you know, other people saying, "CHRISTIAN IS GAY."
Julie: What do they say?
Chris: "Christian is gay."
Julie: Do you really think you're gay?
Chris: [defensive] No, I do not. I'm straight!
Julie: Then you are straight. Just tell me more about these thoughts, please.
Chris: Well, that's just basically it, the, uh...between the audio and uh, between audio accusations, from others, and the text accusations, and the information on the ED page, and the uh, slanderous lyings, and the excuses...
Julie: Uh, Chris, can I ask you something else?
Chris: ...yeah, anyway, they all just pop up randomly, yeah.
Julie: Because I was able to listen in to the Skype conversation between you and Clyde. Um, could you tell me, why did you buy the dolls and the beads and the...everything?
Chris: [sigh] Ok, well, I bought the love dolls for my practice for when I actually do it with a real woman.
Julie: Alright.
Chris: And the, and the anal beads was one free gift. That came with one of the dolls. Cause, you know,, they give you like a free gift or a free DVD. With uh, with uh, every, with uh every order over over 15, 20 dollars.
Julie: Chris...
Chris: And uh, and the dildo was another free gift.
Julie: You can tell me the truth.
Chris: I am telling you the truth.
Julie: Did you ever use any of those things? It's okay if you did. I just really, I want you to be able to come clean to me. Please.
Chris: Alright, I'll tell you in confidentiality. I put a condom on the dildo and actually did put it up my, uh, A-hole. Uh...and uh, in my humble opinion, it just did not feel right to me. And uh, the anal beads, I just put 'em in there and they were, it's like... in. Not so stiff. So it was just that one time, then they got covered in poo, and I just, I put them in the trash can.
Julie: [almost cracks up laughing] I'm sorry.
Chris: That's ok. And that's about it there.
Julie: Wait, did you tell me about the beads?
Chris: Yeah. I put 'em up my, uh, A-hole the one time and uh, uh, didn't really know how they work, so, uh, and you know, uh, just like you know, I was, like, winging it, and it uh, still didn't, it didn't really turn me on or anything, so I pulled 'em back, pulled 'em out with the string and the beads were covered in poo, so I just put 'em in the trash can and forget about 'em.
Julie: Chris...
Chris: Yeah.
Julie: Thank you for telling, thank you for telling me this. I'm happy that you're able to share these secrets with me. I mean that as in I'm happy that we have a trusting relationship between you and I.
Chris: Can you see me smile? Because I'm smiling.
Julie: I can see you smile. I truly love you, Chris.
Chris: I love you too, Julie.
Julie: So is there anything else you wanna talk about?
Chris: [long pause] I want to, I'd like you here as soon as possible, and I'd like to...hug you.
Julie: I would like to hug you too, but... [sigh] Can I share with you a secret of mine?
Chris: Julie did you hear that?
Julie: Yeah. Yes I did, and can I share with you a secret of mine?
Chris: Yes, I'm listening.
Julie: Once, in school, I mass...debated.
Chris: Hmm. That's no surprise. Uh, what'd you masturbate over?
Julie: Not really over anything. I just went into one of the stalls and, y'know...
Chris: Ah. You just felt horny.
Julie: Yes. Something...
Chris: That's okay. And I, and I respect you for tellin' me that, for sharing that with me.
Julie: Have you ever done something like that?
Chris: Masturbate in the bathroom...stall? No, I've never done, I've never masturbated in a public place, mostly it's been confined in my bedroom, and at least from there I've found like, you know, a good place to masturbate is while sitting on the front edge of the bathroom sink. It's like, uh, you get your feet off the ground, off the floor, and, and uh, it's like, you're in air and it just feels good.
Julie: Yeah. Chris, I know this may be hard for you but I want you to tell me your entire sexual history.
Chris: Sure, I'll give it to you from the best of my recollections... Um, I was...I think it started about sometime when, while I was 16 or 17. Uh, this is when my family and I were still living in Simpson county, and I was, uh, it was uh, let me see... I believe it would be my, uh, sophomore or junior year of while I was, while I was in high school. Anyway, basically one night I was just channel surfing and I figured out the, the code that was blockin' out the channels like HBO and Cinemax that we had at the time there. And I just tuned in, I just tuned in and I found the first porno movie I ever watched. Called "I Like to Play Games... Too." And, uh, basically I tuned into the part where, there were, where the guy and the woman was having sex in the pool. The swimming pool.
Julie: Okay. Continue.
Chris: And uh, it was at that point I first learned about, first learned about, uh, stuff that would ooze out of my, uh...penis. Mmm... I think I'll say "duck" from this point on, but anyway, the stuff that oozed out of my duck, after seeing those things, and uh, it's like uh, I learned from watching the pornos, like, you know, learning from it, were, uh, threesomes, and [drowned out by fading volume and background noise] I dunno, I was more naive about dating back then anyway, I wasn't into dating as much back then as I am now, because I was naive about dating and all that. And...mmm. Anyway. Anyway, anyway since then I, uh, just began lying face-down naked on my bed with a washcloth, uh...uh, in front of my And uh...and the, and the stuff would just uh, the stuff would just come out. I figured, I figured this was like, uh, this was like only precum. The, uh, clear stuff that comes out before the white. So anyway, so anyway, over the years I over the years I, uh, just been watching more softcore porn. Until after I turned 18 I, uh, after I, after I turned 18, after we moved back to Ruckersville, after I graduated from Manchester High, and I, uh, found, I finally got into the Playboy magazines, and I found porno...DVDs, I'm not sure which one was my first one, but I had a bunch of softcore recorded onto VHS. And uh, over those, over the years. And I think, I think it was, like, the first time I actually, uh, figured out the masturbation part where it's like you know, I'm rubbing, rubbin' my duck, instead of just me, instead of just lying face down with a washcloth in front of my duck on the, on the place, like, like on my mattress, I wanted to wash my duck. Make a sandwich there. Like that. But yeah. Anyway, it was, it wasn't until, until I was like 17 when I first figured out about, uh, actually masturbating and rubbing it up and down.
Julie: Huh.
Chris: And aside from that, aside from that I am definitely still a virgin, and, uh, you know, over the course, over the course of time I did confide in my mother and tell her, and tell her about, uh, my, uh, masturbation history there. [BlueSpike suppresses a laugh.] And uh, about how often, and that sort of thing.
Julie: Huh.
Chris: I mean, my mom is more open-minded about the subject, but my father is, because he's much older, and uh, possibly more strict, more close-minded on the subject.
Julie: Ahh. Alright.
Chris: Talking about it...[unintelligible, lots of background noise] Anyway, I did, I did not realize that I really needed to be dating until after I turned 21. It was like I turned 21 and then I'm like, "Oh my God I need to be out, I need to be with a better woman to become my sweetheart!" And that's when the sweetheart search started.
Julie: Huh.
Chris: [long pause] And then eventually I found After I got that, yeah, it was like after I turned 21 I, uh, bought my first female love doll at Spencer's, and then I learned about and I could order them off of the, uh, internet.
Julie: Huh.
Chris: And then, I think it was after that I got my first porno D-, my first hardcore porno DVD.
Julie: Mmm-hmm.
Chris: I forget which one it was, though. I mean, I like have, I have it up in a box. Usually it's like, and I got a message on my Wii.
Julie: Huh, alright.
Chris: I have to switch the input and take a look. It could be from Sarah May.

[Tape runs out]



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