Guard Dog chats

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This page contains select chatlogs posted on Kiwi Farms by members of the Guard Dogs.

The Captain

The Hawaii trip tweet; Dark Idea Guy plotting to invade from Alcatraz

4 October 2018[1]

The Captain:

Are you trying to go to Hawaii to meet Sky?



when I saw the Tweet pop up on my Notifications, but my hubby confirmed it was his doing. Monetary gain, aside, I know he has his, and future-knowing, reasons behind making the Tweet.

Good Morning, Captain. I don't have initial intention on going to Hawaii; that Tweet was made by Magi-Chan towards monetary gain on my behalf. I was shocked

That's nothing, compared to body-guarding me, being my Guardian Angel, and being my loving and devoted hubby.

Not to mention being one of the guardians and diplomats of Cwcville and whatnot.

Still a current target of quite a few villains, I am. And he and I just learned in confirmation of a pair of more recent baddies that have been hanging out in Alcatraz for a few months now, from the months of Wise and Boyd, Dark Idea Guy (AKA DIGMAN) and Shadow Elijah are attempting to crack a dimensional hole from the showers of Alcatraz into my shower. Fortunately, Shadow Elijah needs a host to be a shadow of in order to fully get through a dimensional hole, so he's stuck with DIGMAN. We are preparing for any foreseen developments on this end.

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