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{{Quote|Since the passage of time has destroyed Sappho and her works, her lyre and songs, I will set other lines before you as examples.|Tzetzes, On the Metres of Pindar, 20-22}}

'''Lost media''' refers to media that once existed but has been lost or destroyed or media that has never been released publicly.<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_media</ref> In reference to Chris this definition will apply however only media that directly involves or mention [[Chris]] will be included. For Chris to be involved he had to have made the media or play a part in its creation. Therefore media like Chris's [[Sailor Moon]] DVD's will not be included as it does not involve or mention Chris even though he owned them. This article will also include pieces of media that have not been fully lost but certain parts or sections have been lost such as an audio clip that has its video footage lost as seen with [[CatKnight Interview 5]] or [[Julie Reveals Herself]].
'''Lost media''' refers to media that once existed but has been lost or destroyed or media that has never been released publicly.<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_media</ref> This article aims to document the following kinds of lost media:

Also, both digital and physical media will be in this article however, the definition this article has established will apply to both. With regards to physical lost media any items destroyed or sold by [[Chris]] will not be counted. Only items destroyed by external factors like the [[2014 house fire]] will be included.
* Media made by or featuring Chris which was once publicly available on the internet but has since disappeared or is fragmentary.
* Media made by or featuring Chris which is known to exist but which has never been released to the public.
* Media made by trolls that Chris has responded to or acknowledged which was once publicly available on the internet but has since disappeared or is fragmentary or which is known to exist but which has never been released to the public.
* [[Relics of Fail]] whose current whereabouts are unknown or were destroyed (excluding those that Chris is known to have sold to fans).

Finally, the contents of this article are subject to change as '''Lost media''' can be found therefore, sections of this article maybe removed at a later date.
Because of the broad scope of the article, it is unlikely to ever be complete. Of course, some lost media is of greater interest to Christorians than other lost media.

==Lost Media around Chris==
==Pre-internet discovery Lost Media==
===Autism papers===
{{See also|Autism papers}}
The [[Autism papers]] were a series of papers detailing the mental state of [[Chris]] and to what extent he has [[autism]]. Most of these papers appeared to have been destroyed in the [[2014 house fire]] as none of them have appeared since. Even if not destroyed in the [[2014 house fire]], the hoard that is [[14 Branchland Court]] makes finding these papers next to impossible, making these papers almost certainly lost. However, one paper from [[2004]] survives as it was e-mailed to [[Kacey]] by [[Chris]] who passed it on to [[Liquid Chris]] who then distributed the paper online in [[November 2009]].
===Christian Weston Chandler...Yep, I'm on TV :) (Master Copy)===
{{See also|Christian Weston Chandler...Yep, I'm on TV :)}}
An extended edition of Chris's 2007 homemade DVD allegedly featuring over six hours of original content. Chris offered to share it with [[Regina e-mails|Regina]] in their emails. It is unknown if it survived the 2014 [[fire]].
===CWC's Diary===
{{See also|CWC's Diary}}
[[CWC's Diary]] refers to a series of entries published between 2004-2005 in a diary format. It is unknown if these entries came from a physical diary or from Chris's blogs on [[MySpace]] and [[Facebook]]. It must be remembered that the entries available are the ones Chris made public on [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] and that the diary in its entirety has not been found. With Chris's [[MySpace]] being deleted in mid-2008 and a physical diary not emerging [[CWC's Diary]] in its entirety is lost.
===CWC's Pokésite 1===
{{See also|CWC's Pokésite 1}}
[[CWC's Pokésite 1]], originally known as CWC's Pokésite, was Chris's first website launched between 25 April and 3 July 1999. Chris appears to have abandoned the site in late July as on 22 July [[CWC's Pokésite 2]] was launched. The content of [[CWC's Pokésite 1]] is lost as the site is no longer up and the archive of the site only has three pages with the rest not working.<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20000606031644/http://homes.acmecity.com/games/demo/190/GameShark.html</ref><ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20000606110946/http://homes.acmecity.com:80/games/demo/190/GameShark2.html</ref><ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20000606132641/http://homes.acmecity.com:80/games/demo/190/junglecards.html</ref> Also, the site guestbook is still available.<ref>http://web.archive.org/web/20001021022214/neptune.guestworld.lycos.com/wgb/wgbview.dbm?owner=Starytime</ref> A Spanish version of the site also existed, however, the site is down and it was never archived making this lost as well.<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20010801000000*/http://games.acmecity.com/demo/190/Espanol.html</ref>
===How to Attract an 18 - ... -Year Old Female Companion Without Saying "Hi" (For the Very Shy Man)===
{{See also|User:RachmaninovDESU/How to Attract an 18 - ... -Year Old Female Companion Without Saying "Hi"}}

===Asperchu is a Horrendous Joke (Mao's response)===
The work is a pamphlet created by [[Chris]] on how to attract women. The date of creation is unknown however as Chris uses the pseudonym "Reldnahc Netso' Naitsirhc" a misspelling of [[Reldnahc Notsew Naitsirhc]] which was created on 24 [[March 2005]] it is likely that the pamphlet was created sometime after though a terminus ante quem has not been established. While the front cover exists the rest of the pamphlet has not emerged either because it does not exist or because it is lost.
{{See also|Asperchu is a Horrendous Joke}}
===Report cards===
{{See also|Honor roll}}
The report cards are a series of papers from Chris's education detailing his grades and academic progress. There has been no mention of these documents since the [[2014 house fire]], likely being destroyed and thereby lost. Even if not destroyed [[Chris]], claimed before the house fire in [[2009]] within [[Mailbag 19]] that he could not access the documents.<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Mailbag_19#We_cannot_see_Chris.27s_report_cards</ref> Considering how cluttered [[14 Branchland Court]] is and [[Chris]] not having access to the documents, to begin with, it is unlikely that the documents can be found, making them lost if they have not been destroyed. However, Chris's grades can be seen in the assignments that have survived in the [[Manchester High Leaks]], so Chris's grades are not entirely lost.

[[Asperchu is a Horrendous Joke]] was a video [[Chris]] uploaded on 17 [[January 2010]] in which he reads and reviews [[Asperchu]]. While this video is avalible [[Mao]]'s response video released on the same day was made private and has not been archived making it lost.
===Sonic the Hedgehog Watch & Win Sweepstakes (items)===
{{See also|Sonic the Hedgehog Watch & Win Sweepstakes}}

===Asperchu Medallion===
The [[Sonic the Hedgehog Watch & Win Sweepstakes]] was a contest held in 1993 in which the person who wrote down every "Sonic Sez" segment and sent it in would get the chance to win certain prizes, with the biggest prize being a $1,000 shopping spree at {{w|KB Toys|Kay-Bee Toys}}.<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMyI6ZnLj3o</ref> Chris won this contest in 1994 and got the $1,000 shopping spree; however, only five items have been known to be purchased:
{{See also|Asperchu}}

The '''Asperchu Medallion''' was a variant of the [[Sonichu]] medallion featuring [[Asperchu]] instead of [[Sonichu]] sent to [[Chris]] by [[Alec Benson Leary]]. It is unknown when [[Alec Benson Leary]] sent the medallion to [[Chris]] however the medallion was first seen in Chris's [[Magical Man Potion]] video uploaded on 24 [[February 2010]]. [[Chris]] revealed in a [[Facebook]] post made on 2 [[August 2014]]<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/August_2014_Facebook_Posts#Fan_items_lost_in_the_fire</ref> that the '''Asperchu Medallion''' was destroyed in the [[2014 house fire]] making it lost.
* ''Batman Returns'' ($49.99)
* ''Sonic CD'' (unknown price)
* ''Sonic Spinball'' ($49.99)
* "Star Trek" (probably Star Trek: The Next Generation: Echoes from the Past) (unknown price)
* "Power Rangers Megazord" (unknown price. Estimate $29.99)

===Attraction Sign===
It is unknown what other items Chris bought with the remaining $857.04 (not including the prices of ''Sonic CD'' and the ''Star Trek'' game) and are thereby lost. Furthermore, as revealed in a 21 June 2021 message on [[The Place]] Discord server,<ref>[[The Place chats (June 2021)#Warhol Book Stress and Hoarding]]</ref> only ''Sonic CD'' was still in Chris's possession at that point, with the rest either having perished in the fire or sold off.
{{See also|Attraction Sign}}

The [[Attraction Sign]] were a series of signs detailing his desire for a [[boyfriend-free girl]] that [[Chris]] used from [[2004]] to [[2014]]. All the signs made before the [[2014 house fire]] have not appeared since likely being destroyed in the event thereby making them lost. One sign has been made since the [[2014 house fire]] on [[July 2014]] on Chris's [[OkCupid]] account<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Okcupid_8_jul_2014_4.jpg</ref> however it has also not appeared since likely making it lost.
==Post-internet discovery Lost Media==
===10242009 (Gregg Mays' video)===
{{See also|10242009}}

===Autism papers===
[[10242009]] was a video [[Chris]] uploaded on 24 [[October 2009]] in which he responds to [[Clyde Cash#Gregg_Mays|Gregg Mays]]. While this video is available, a video made by Gregg related to 10242009 was set to private. Gregg's video has not been found since and is considered to be lost.
{{See also|Autism papers}}

The [[Autism papers]] were a series of papers detailing the mental state of [[Chris]] and to what extent he has [[autism]]. Most of these papers appeared to have been destroyed in the [[2014 house fire]] as none of them have appeared since. Even if not destroyed in the [[2014 house fire]] the hoard that is [[14 Branchland Court]] makes finding these papers next to impossible making these papers almost certainly lost. However one paper from [[2004]] survives as it was e-mailed to [[Kacey]] by [[Chris]] who passed it on to [[Liquid Chris]] who then distributed the paper online in [[November 2009]].
===Asperchu is a Horrendous Joke (Mao's response)===
{{See also|Asperchu is a Horrendous Joke}}

===Black Tape===
[[Asperchu is a Horrendous Joke]] was a video [[Chris]] uploaded on 17 [[January 2010]] in which he reads and reviews [[Asperchu]]. While this video is available, [[Mao]]'s response video released on the same day was made private. The video has not been found since then; Mao's response is currently considered to be lost.
{{See also|Chris and death}}
The "Black Tape" is a call between [[Chris]] and [[Jackie]] on 7 [[September 2011]] in which [[Chris]] broke down in the wake of his fathers death the prior day. The contents of the call were considered so harrowing<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/black-tape-chris-call-where-he-mourns-bob.1201/</ref> that the call has never been released in respect for [[Chris]]. It is unknown if anyone has the audio of the call so it is currently considered lost.

===CatKnight Interview 5 (Video)===
===BlueSpike PSN Chat 3.7 (full recording)===
{{See also|CatKnight Interview 5}}
{{See also|BlueSpike PSN Chat 3.7}}

On 28 March 2016 Sir [[Arthur Spatchcock]] also known as CatKnight and Master Disaster conducted an interview with Chris on lets-plays. While the audio of this interview is still avalible the footage has been lost.
A recorded PSN chat between Chris, [[Bob]], and "[[Julie]]" lasting approximately twenty minutes. The first nine minutes and eighteen seconds of the chat were preserved, but the recording abruptly ends while Bob is discussing his music collection. The lost portion of the call includes Bob talking about his health problems and [[Cherokee]] heritage, followed by goodbyes and the trolls talking among themselves.

===Chris Chan calls Time-Life===
===CatKnight Interview 5===
{{See also|Prank calls}}
{{See also|CatKnight Interview 5}}

Little is known about this call as the video was not archived and a transcript does not exist making it lost. All that is known is that it was made after [[October 2011]].
On 28 March 2016, Sir [[Arthur Spatchcock]], also known as '''CatKnight''' and '''Master Disaster''', conducted an interview with Chris on lets-plays. The footage and audio of this interview have been lost though; the transcript is intact.

===Chris Chan VS. The Internet===
===Chris Chan VS. The Internet===
{{See also|Chris Chan VS. The Internet}}
{{See also|Chris Chan VS. The Internet}}

[[Chris Chan VS. The Internet]] was a documentary made by Joseph Draft first announced on Kickstarter on 4 [[April 2019]]. However, due to a variety of factors,<ref>https://archive.ph/doV4x</ref> the documentary has not surfaced and supposedly the hard drive containing the documentary has been destroyed making this documentary lost. However the trailer and the opening are available.<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGekFLTbeos</ref><ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6uEMpBxFu0</ref>
[[Chris Chan VS. The Internet]] was a documentary made by Joseph Draft first announced on Kickstarter on 4 [[April 2019]]. The documentary includes interviews with Chris, [[Barbara]], and [[Megan Schroeder]] as well as candid footage of Chris going about his life. However, due to various factors,<ref>https://archive.ph/doV4x</ref> the documentary has not surfaced and allegedly the hard drive containing the documentary has been destroyed, making this documentary lost. However, the trailer, opening, and other two fragments are available.<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGekFLTbeos</ref><ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6uEMpBxFu0</ref><ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98sXo70dAWs</ref><ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znnWao2FJbQ</ref>

===Chris Sex Logs (Audio)===
===Chris Sex Logs (Audio)===
{{See also|Chris Sex Logs}}
{{See also|Chris Sex Logs}}

On 27 [[September 2008]] [[PandaHalo]] released a series of Skype chats in which Chris discussed with here a variety of subjects related to [[sex]]. While the transcript of the chats are available the audio that accompanied the chats has been lost except for a 5:30 minute snippet.<ref>https://archive.org/details/cwcsexlogs1</ref>
On 27 [[September 2008]] [[PandaHalo]] released a series of Skype chats in which Chris discussed with her a variety of subjects related to [[sex]]. While the transcript of the chats is available, the audio accompanying the chats has been lost except for a 5:30-minute snippet.<ref>https://archive.org/details/cwcsexlogs1</ref>
===Christ Chan Live Stream: Over the Shoulder Colouring and Drawing 2 (second accidental stream)===
{{See also|March 2024 livestreams#Christ Chan Live Stream: Over the Shoulder Colouring and Drawing 2 (accidental streams)}}
This video was the latter of the two accidentally started livestream recordings, which consisted of Chris singing the same song as the last time, before realising he pressed the stream button instead of recording it. While the first one has been saved, the latter was deleted far too soon for anyone to download it, making it forever lost.
===CWCki Forums posts (paintingatree)===
{{See also|CWCki Forums posts (paintingatree)}}
paintingatree was Chris's [[CWCki Forums]] account. However the posts preserved under this account come from the second account made in early 2013 as Chris's first account, also called paintingatree, was made sometime in 2012. However none of the posts Chris made in 2012 have been archived making them lost.
===DooDoo fard2874 pictures===
{{See also|Post-jail sightings (2023)}}
On 9 September 2023 Discord user DooDoo fard2874 chased down Chris in a Sheetz convenience store somewhere in Virginia. DooDoo fard2874 posted four images and a video of this event which shows Chris's Chevrolet Aveo driving however a picture of Chris reportedly was taken though it has not emerged and is currently lost.
===Dillin Thomas DMs===
{{See also|Dillin Thomas DMs}}

===CWC 4 Puns of the Patridiots===
[[Dillin Thomas]] is a former [[Christuber]] who eventually closed his YouTube channel. With the closure was the loss of material such as DMs from Chris. Two DMs are known with the former, leaked on 23 [[December 2019]], only having one quote from Chris preserved with the rest of their communication being lost.

CWC 4 Puns of the Patridiots was a troll video in which aspects of Chris's life were mixed in with events from the game 'Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots'. This video is currently lost.
===eBay Purchases and Listings (2001-2008)===
Chris has been using eBay since all the way back in [[2001]]. While this wiki has archived most of Chris's eBay listings (and purchases) from 2008 onward, the same can't be said for his previous ones prior to that year. There have been a few records of his purchases from that era, but not a whole lot, and especially nothing of his potential listings. Chris's bans and suspensions from eBay, as well as potentially using sockpuppets, also make archiving these difficult, so it's possible these bits of info are lost.

===Heart Torch of Fail===
===Helena DMs===
{{See also|Heart Torch of Fail}}
{{See also|Helena DMs}}

The [[Heart Torch of Fail]] was a torch made of [[Pixelblocks]] that has an unknown significance to the [[Love Quest]]. The torch was made sometime before or during [[2005]] as it appears in [[Sonichu 4]] which was produced over that year. Since its appearance in [[2005]] it has never been seen since likely being destroyed in the [[2014 house fire]] thereby making it lost.
Between 15-21, [[June 2021]] Helena Fiorenza and Chris contacted each other through Twitter. However, the conversation that is available only shows the end of their communications and not the previous messages making the DM in its entirety lost.

===Jackie's Father calls Chris===
===Jackie's Father Call===
{{See also|Jackie}}
{{See also|Jackie}}

In an email sent from [[Jackie]] to [[Chris]] at 1:36PM on 16 [[July 2011]]<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Jackie_E-mails_30</ref> [[Jackie]] revealed that the day before Jackie's father who was drunk at the time got into a call with [[Chris]]. It is unknown if the call was recorded and no audio nor transcript of the call has been released thereby making it lost.
In an email sent from [[Jackie]] to [[Chris]] at 1:36 PM on 16 [[July 2011]]<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Jackie_E-mails_30</ref>, [[Jackie]] revealed that the day before Jackie's father who was drunk at the time got into a call with [[Chris]]. It is unknown if the call was recorded, and even if it was, no audio nor transcript of the call has been released, making this call lost.

===Julie Reveals Herself (Video)===
===Julie Reveals Herself (Video)===
{{See also|Julie Reveals Herself}}
{{See also|Julie Reveals Herself}}

[[Julie Reveals Herself]] is a [[Mumble]] chat between [[Bluespike]] and [[Chris]] on 3 [[March 2009]] which involves shoving the [[Sonichu Medallion]] up his rectum and [[Julie]] revealing herself to be a boy. While the audio of the chat exists the video that accompanied it, which includes footage of Chris shoving the [[Sonichu Medallion]] up his rectum, is lost.
[[Julie Reveals Herself]] is a [[Mumble]] chat between [[Bluespike]] and [[Chris]] on 3 [[March 2009]] which involves shoving the [[Sonichu Medallion]] up his rectum and [[Julie]] revealing herself to be a boy. While the audio of the chat exists, the video that accompanied it, which includes footage of Chris shoving the [[Sonichu Medallion]] up his rectum, is lost. It's worth noting that Chris claimed he didn't record himself doing so, so it's possible a video recording never existed to begin with (and given the rest of the trolls were disgusted at what was going on, it's possibly unlikely they didn't have a recording of it either).

===Liquid's call to Chris during the first Chris/Kacey meetup===
===Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Bumba-Lumba (original)===
{{See also|Kacey}}
{{See also|Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Bumba-Lumba}}

During the first meeting between [[Chris]] and [[Kacey]] she notes that [[Liquid]] called her and demanded to speak to [[Chris]]. [[Liquid]] and [[Chris]] then had an argument over the phone and later [[Liquid]] recounted this argument to [[Kacey]].<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Kacey#Kacey_Date_Log</ref> Despite [[Kacey]] saying that [[Liquid]] would reveal the details of the call neither [[Liquid]], [[Kacey]], nor [[Chris]] have revealed the details of this call. Along with the call not being recorded this call and its contents are lost.
Chris uploaded the video in [[January 2024]] but then removed it later in the month and uploaded another copy. Only the Raw Captions generated by YouTube were archived of the original video.
{{See also|Medallions}}
The [[Medallions]] refer to the [[Sonichu]] [[Medallions]] made by [[Chris]] over the course of his life. The prototype medallion which [[Chris]] wore in [[2004]] as it is mentioned in the [[Autism papers]] disappeared after this year and is believed to be lost in the literal sense. The 4th iteration of the [[Sonichu]] [[Medallions]] which was made after [[April 2017]] was last seen with Chris's arrest on 1 [[August 2021]]. It is unknown what happened to this medallion as [[Chris]] has made no mention of it since and has not been seen with it in his mugshots. Therefore it is possible that this medallion was destroyed or discarded making it lost.

===My Half of A Whole New World for Kacey (Kacey's Part)===
===My Half of A Whole New World for Kacey (Kacey's Part)===
{{See also|My Half of A Whole New World for Kacey}}
{{See also|My Half of A Whole New World for Kacey}}

On 31 [[October 2009]] Chris made a video singing the male part of the lyrics to the song 'A Whole New World' in response to [[Kacey]] uploading a video singing the same song but the female part. While Chris's video is avalible<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gv3znHKues</ref> Kacey's video has been taken down by Youtube and is currently lost.
On 31 [[October 2009]] Chris made a video singing the male part of the lyrics to the song "A Whole New World", in response to [[Kacey]] uploading a video singing the female part of the same song. While Chris's video is available<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gv3znHKues</ref>, Kacey's video has been taken down by YouTube and is currently lost.

===No More Jokes (Clyde's response)===
===No More Jokes (Clyde's response)===
{{See also|No More Jokes}}
{{See also|No More Jokes}}

[[No More Jokes]] was a video by [[Chris]] released on 5 [[November 2009]] in which he reveals the real identity of [[Clyde Cash]]. While both the SFW and NSFW versions of the video exists<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWwiXwhPFxM</ref>  Clyde's response to the video are currently lost.
[[No More Jokes]] was a video by [[Chris]] released on 5 [[November 2009]] in which he reveals the real identity of [[Clyde Cash]]. While both the SFW and NSFW versions of the video exist, Clyde's response to the video is currently lost.

===Power (Document)===
===Power (Document)===
{{See also|Power}}
{{See also|Power}}

[[Power]] was a zipfile containing three videos of [[Chris]] performing acts of strength to impress [[Vanessa Hudgens]] which was leaked by [[The Miscreants]] on 27 [[April 2009]]. Along with the three videos contained an edited audio file of "[[I Got a Fish]]" and a "special thanks" document. While the videos and audio file are avalible the "special thanks" document has been lost.
[[Power]] was a zip file containing three videos of [[Chris]] performing acts of strength to impress [[Vanessa Hudgens]] which was leaked by [[The Miscreants]] on 27 [[April 2009]]. Along with the three videos contained an edited audio file of "[[I Got a Fish]]" and a "special thanks" document. While the videos and audio files are available, the "special thanks" document has been lost.

===Red String of Fate===
===PS3 Tutorial for my fans (full video)===
{{See also|Red String of Fate}}
{{See also|PS3 Tutorial for my fans}}
On 24 [[February 2010]] the [[Magical Man]] uploaded a video in which he filmed Chris giving a tutorial on how to use a [[PS3]]. The video starts mid-sentence and ends abruptly showing that there was more footage than was released. The full video has not been found.
===Red Forest (other audio files)===
{{See also|Red Forest}}

The [[Red String of Fate]] was as seen in the name a string designed to attract a [[boyfriend-free girl]] that [[Chris]] created on 1 [[August 2004]]. In [[anime]] like [[Excel Saga]], of which Chris likely got the idea from as he watched [[Excel Saga]] before creating the [[Red String of Fate]],<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20160827014324/http://archive.sonichu.com/cwcville//SchusNews3.htm</ref> the [[red string]] is used as a metaphor to in courting love. However, [[Chris]] did not see the metaphor and added a paper heart to the end of the string after which, he would throw the string at women in the hopes of "reeling" them in. On 5 [[August 2004]] a [[Jerkop|mall security guard]] confiscated it and it has never resurfaced likely being destroyed and thereby lost.
[[Red Forest]] is one of several audio files created by [[Joshua Wise]] created in the autumn of [[2017]] used to manipulate Chris's beliefs on reality. There are other files aside from [[Red Forest]] to have existed with the only known one being revealed by Wise in the [[Idea Guy Q&A]] in which Wise used Chris's audio in an altered form to manipulate him.<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Idea_Guy_Q%26A#Manipulating_Chris</ref> This audio has never been released, and it is unknown how many other audio clips existed as none aside from [[Red Forest]] have been leaked, making them lost.

===Report cards===
{{See also|Honor roll}}
{{See also|Simonchu}}

The reports cards are a series of papers from Chris's education detailing his grades and academic progress. There has been no mention of these documents since the [[2014 house fire]] likely being destroyed and thereby lost. Even if not destroyed [[Chris]] claimed before the [[2014 house fire]] in [[2009]] within [[Mailbag 19]] that he could not access the documents.<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Mailbag_19#We_cannot_see_Chris.27s_report_cards</ref> Considering how cluttered [[14 Branchland Court]] is and [[Chris]] not having access to the documents to begin with it is unlikely that this documents can be found making them lost if they have not been destroyed. However, Chris's grades can be seen in the assignments that have survived in the [[Manchester High Leaks]], so Chris's grades are not entirely lost.
[[Simonchu]] was a parody comic of [[Sonichu]] staring the eponymous character Simonchu created on 26 [[August 2008]]. As the comic was hosted on [[Asperpedia]] which shut down in [[2010]] and the archive of Simonchu has its file link request invalidated the comic is lost aside from some fragments.<ref>https://sneed.today/threads/simonchu-the-lost-fancomic.10338/#post-809780</ref><ref>https://imgur.com/fWC2lw3,1B7ulIl,GIIC5w1,eu84mkL,5eeYSx1,aNUzCR8,7eoGNbq,53ilnRW,i6xiNk6,3FirXzm,lrcSkRr,oQHqVSK,CYo0pA6,3ZTtGWC</ref>

===Sonichu Fan Promo (Videos)===
===Sockness DMs===
{{See also|Sonichu Fan Promo}}
{{See also|Sockness DMs}}

The [[Sonichu Fan Promo]] were three 3D animated shorts on [[Sonichu]] made by [[Timmys1984]] released between 11-14 [[October 2008]]. While the transcripts of all three videos exist only the third video remains.<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpNoO0ZRDBE</ref> However [[Chris]] incorporated these animations into [[Sonichu]] Issue 9, pages 72, 78, and 79 with 72 being the first short, 78 being the second short, and 79 being the third short.
Jacob Sockness is known to have had two DM communications with Chris, the first being on 28 [[August 2019]] and the second on 17 [[July 2020]]. Both DMs only show part of the communication making the entirety of their communications lost.

===Sonichu Home Club (Videos)===
===Sonichu Fan Promo (videos)===
{{See also|Sonichu Home Club}}
{{See also|Sonichu Fan Promo}}

The [[Sonichu Home Club]] was an online event hosted on Chris's [[PS3]] through online network. The purpose of these events was to gather [[TRUE and HONEST]] fans of [[Sonichu]] however it appears these events were done by [[Chris]] in the hope of receiving praise. Two of these events occured and while the transcripts remain the videos are lost.
The [[Sonichu Fan Promo]] were three 3D animated shorts on [[Sonichu]] made by [[Timmys1984]], released between 11-14 [[October 2008]]. While the transcripts of all three videos exist, only the third video remains.<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpNoO0ZRDBE</ref> However, [[Chris]] incorporated these animations into [[Sonichu]] Issue 9, pages 72, 78, and 79 with 72 being the first short, 78 is the second short, and 79 is the third short.

===Sonichu's Live PS4 Broadcast===
===Sonichu's Live PS4 Broadcast===
{{See also|Twitch}}
{{See also|Twitch}}

On 16 [[March 2018]] Chris streamed the game '''Burnout Paradise Remastered''' on the [[PS4]]. While certain parts of the stream are avalible<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXt6H5t1MoY</ref><ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUwx7Y0A6_o</ref> the stream footage in its entirety has been lost.
On 16 [[March 2018]] Chris streamed the game '''Burnout Paradise Remastered''' on the [[PS4]]. While certain parts of the stream are available<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXt6H5t1MoY</ref><ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUwx7Y0A6_o</ref>, the stream footage in its entirety has been lost.
===The "Black Tape"===
{{See also|Chris and death}}
It is said that [[Man in the Pickle Suit|Marvin]] and other trolls, using the [[Jackie]] identity as a catfish, attempted to contact Chris over the phone shortly after Bob's death for unclear reasons; Chris was noted to be audibly upset as he cried throughout the conversation. While the audio was recorded and archived on what is referred to as the "Black Tape" by some Christorians, the contents of the call were never released publicly due to Chris's miserable emotional state. The trolls who participated in the call realized after the fact that it was simply too soon to try to reach out to Chris in this fashion and, for a change, opted to respect his privacy for once. The Black Tape either still exists in the hands of the trolls who participated in its creation, or it has been lost to time.<ref>[[CWCki Forums posts (Marvin)#The Black Tape]]</ref>
===The Chris Chan Interview (unedited version)===
{{See also|Keffals}}
The Chris Chan Interview was an interview conducted by [[Keffals]] with [[Chris]], uploaded to [[Youtube]] on 16 [[January 2024]]. However the uploaded interview was an edited version, with the unedited version only being accessible if someone pledged to the $100,000 tier on Keffals's [[Patreon]].<ref>https://twitter.com/keffals/status/1747443430282702958</ref> Currently no one has pledged to this tier and considering the price point it is unlikely that anyone ever will, making this work currently lost.

===The Sonichu Chronicles (Slides)===
===The Sonichu Chronicles (Slides)===
{{See also|The Sonichu Chronicles}}
{{See also|The Sonichu Chronicles}}

[[The Sonichu Chronicles]] was a PowerPoint presentation made by [[Chris]] in [[January 2009]] and was presented to [[Shigeru Miyamoto]] and [[Reggie Fils-Aimé]] as to give ideas on a [[Sonichu]] game. The transcript of the texts of the PowerPoint slides are avalible however the PowerPoint file is missing making the slides currently lost. However an image of the intro slide is avalible.<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:SonichuChronicles.jpg</ref>
[[The Sonichu Chronicles]] was a PowerPoint presentation made by [[Chris]] in [[January 2009]] and was presented to [[Shigeru Miyamoto]] and [[Reggie Fils-Aimé]] as to give ideas on a [[Sonichu]] game. The contents of the slides are known as Chris in [[November 2009]] displayed them in the two part video [[Sonichu Powerpoint]]. However, the PowerPoint file is missing, making the slides currently lost.
===Tlaw DMs===
{{See also|Tlaw DMs}}
Tlaw, at an unknown date, had a communication with Chris over setting a tabletop role-playing game in CWCville. However, the middle part of the communication is missing, making it lost.
===Unrecorded Voicemail Greetings===
{{See also|Voicemail greeting}}
Chris has changed his cell phone voicemail greeting message many times over the years. Many of these greetings have a transcription but no available recording, either because they were never recorded or because the recording has become lost.

===The Wall of Originals===
===Unreleased Jackie E-mails===
{{See also|The Wall of Originals}}
{{See also|Category:Jackie E-mails}}

[[The Wall of Originals]] was a wall covered in Chris's customized [[Pokémon]] cards. Most of the cards from the wall were destroyed in the [[2014 house fire]] however some survived as revealed in a [[July 2017]] tweet and [[Chris]] listing the surviving cards on [[eBay]] on [[June 2018]].<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/July_2017_tweets#Holographic_cards</ref>
Between 5 [[April 2010]] to 7 [[September 2011]], [[Jackie]] and [[Chris]] interacted with each other over emails which have been compiled into 31 sets. However, the emails present are the ones [[Alec Benson Leary]] compiled and it is confirmed that [[Jackie]] and [[Chris]] had email conversations that [[Alec Benson Leary]] omitted due to them being irrelevant.<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/are-you-losing-interest-in-chris.3255/page-5#post-190559</ref><ref>https://archive.ph/ZznwI</ref> Considering how long ago these events happened, it is likely that these unreleased emails will never surface, making them lost.

===Unreleased Miscreant Interactions===   
===Unreleased Miscreant Interactions===   
{{See also|Miscreants}}
{{See also|Miscreants}}

The [[Miscreants]] were a group of [[trolls]] consisting of many of the most notable including [[Clyde Cash]] and [[Liquid Chris]]. While many of their interactions with [[Chris]] are known, [[Marvin]] has confirmed that, a significant amount of chats and calls the [[Miscreants]] and [[Chris]] had have not been released.<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/7-5-chris-and-chrissy.10627/page-6#post-822127</ref><ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/official-decision-regarding-gender-and-chris-gender-discussion-megathread.6283/page-31#post-5067791</ref> Considering how long ago these interactions happened and the fact it is unknown if anyone has these unreleased chats and calls these interactions are likely lost.
The [[Miscreants]] were a group of [[trolls]] consisting of many of the most notable, including [[Clyde Cash]] and [[Liquid Chris]]. While many of their interactions with [[Chris]] are known, [[Marvin]] has confirmed that a significant amount of chats and calls the [[Miscreants]] and [[Chris]] had have not been released.<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/7-5-chris-and-chrissy.10627/page-6#post-822127</ref><ref>https://archive.ph/Om30l</ref><ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/official-decision-regarding-gender-and-chris-gender-discussion-megathread.6283/page-31#post-5067791</ref><ref>https://archive.ph/5HTxq</ref> Considering how long ago these interactions happened and the fact it is unknown if anyone has these unreleased chats and calls, these interactions are likely lost.
==Lost Relics==
===Asperchu Medallion===
{{See also|Asperchu}}
The '''Asperchu Medallion''' was a variant of the [[Sonichu]] medallion featuring [[Asperchu]] instead of [[Sonichu]] sent to [[Chris]] by [[Alec Benson Leary]]. It is unknown when [[Alec Benson Leary]] sent the medallion to [[Chris]] however the medallion was first seen in Chris's [[Magical Man Potion]] video uploaded on 24 [[February 2010]]. [[Chris]] revealed in a [[Facebook]] post made on 2 [[August 2014]]<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/August_2014_Facebook_Posts#Fan_items_lost_in_the_fire</ref> that the '''Asperchu Medallion''' was destroyed in the [[2014 house fire]], making it lost.
===Attraction Sign===
{{See also|Attraction Sign}}
The [[Attraction Sign]]s were a series of signs detailing his desire for a [[boyfriend-free girl]] that [[Chris]] used from [[2004]] to [[2014]]. All the signs made before the [[2014 house fire]] have not appeared since likely being destroyed in the event, thereby making them lost. One sign has been made since the [[2014 house fire]] on [[July 2014]] on Chris's [[OkCupid]] account<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Okcupid_8_jul_2014_4.jpg</ref>, however, it has also not appeared since likely making it lost.
===Heart Torch of Fail===
{{See also|Heart Torch of Fail}}
The [[Heart Torch of Fail]] was a torch made of [[Pixelblocks]] that has an unknown significance to the [[Love Quest]]. The torch was made sometime before or during [[2005]] as it appears in [[Sonichu 4]], which was produced in the year [[2005]]. Since its appearance in [[2005]], it has never been seen since likely, being destroyed in the [[2014 house fire]], thereby making it lost.
{{See also|Medallions}}
The [[Medallions]] refers to the [[Sonichu]] [[Medallions]] made by [[Chris]] over the course of his life. The prototype medallion which [[Chris]] wore in [[2004]] as it is mentioned in the [[Autism papers]] disappeared after this year and is believed to be lost in the literal sense.
===Red String of Fate===
{{See also|Red String of Fate}}
The [[Red String of Fate]] was a string with a paper heart attached on the end designed to attract a [[boyfriend-free girl]] that [[Chris]] created on 1 [[August 2004]]. In [[anime]] like [[Excel Saga]], of which Chris likely got the idea from as he watched [[Excel Saga]] before creating the [[Red String of Fate]],<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20160827014324/http://archive.sonichu.com/cwcville//SchusNews3.htm</ref> the [[red string]] is used as a metaphor to in courting love. However, [[Chris]] did not see the metaphor and would throw the [[red string]] at women in the hopes of "reeling" them in. On 5 [[August 2004]] a [[Jerkop|mall security guard]] confiscated it and it has never resurfaced, likely being destroyed and thereby lost.
===The Wall of Originals===
{{See also|The Wall of Originals}}

==Unknown Lost Media==
[[The Wall of Originals]] was a wall covered in Chris's customized [[Pokémon]] cards. Most of the cards from the wall were destroyed in the [[2014 house fire]], although some survived as revealed in a [[July 2017]] tweet and [[Chris]] listing the surviving cards on [[eBay]] in [[June 2018]].<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/July_2017_tweets#Holographic_cards</ref>
While this article has listed lost media associated with [[Chris]] this is only lost media that is known to have existed and is now lost. It is almost certain that there are hundreds if not thousands of pieces of lost media around [[Chris]] that were never known or never released publicly or were never archived and have been lost. One can only speculate what has not been released or what has been lost over the course of Chris's life. Moreover one can only speculate what is waiting to be found.

==Lost and Found Media==
==Lost and Found Media==
{{Quote|I will try, if chance favours my wishes, to seek for you the Germanic Wars of Pliny the Elder.|Symmachus, Letters, 4.18.5}}
===2021 Lost Commissions===
{{See also|2021 Lost Commissions}}
The [[2021 Lost Commissions]] were a series of commissioned art created in the summer of 2021 for the [[Help send Chris-Chan to Everfree NW]] fundraiser. Due to Chris's arrest for incest these works were never delivered and remained lost at [[14 Branchland Court]] until Chris reacquired them after his release. These works would then be listed on [[OfficialCWCmart]] on 15 [[October 2023]].
===An Interview with the Chris-Chan===
{{See also|Christian Weston Chandler Interview}}
An Interview with the Chris-Chan was Chris's first interview after trolling began occurring on or before 17 [[October 2008]]<ref>Date determined from [https://web.archive.org/web/20081021045439/http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Talk:Chris-chan/Archive10#An_interview ED Chris-chan talk page, Archive10]</ref> being hosted on [[PSN]] and being uploaded to Youtube. It is notable for being the first video appearance of [[Barb]]. Sometime after the video was removed from Youtube for "violating YouTube's policy on hate speech" until it was rediscovered and re-uploaded on 27 [[January 2017]].
===Chris-chan Discusses...===
{{See also|Chris-chan Discusses...}}
[[Chris-chan Discusses...]] is a series of interviews conducted by Larry Bundy and [[Chris]] conducted over [[June 2009]] and uploaded to Youtube over [[July 2009]]. However the releases over [[July 2009]] were only extracts from the full interviews of which were not released until 30 [[August 2012]].
===CopperCab Interview===
{{See also|CopperCab}}
The CopperCab Interview is an interview between Claire Kittrell, known on Youtube as CopperCab, and [[Chris]] uploaded on 23 [[October 2017]]. However the interview uploaded was not the full interview as indicated by the "Part 2 Tomorrow!" at the end of the video. However Part 2 was not uploaded on 24 [[October 2017]] leading to the assumption that Part 2 would never be released making it lost. However Part 2 was released on 5 [[August 2021]].
===CWC is Angry===
{{See also|CWC is Angry}}
[[CWC is Angry]] is a video released in [[August 2007]] in which Chris shoots at a picture of [[Adam Stackhouse]] with the [[Megatron pistol]] and is notable for being Chris's last video before he got trolled. Sometime after, the video was lost as [[Adam Stackhouse]] in a comment made on or before 8 April 2009 mentions the video being lost,<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20130408113141/http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=lA84b9eCyZA From YouTube comments, user 1693productions]</ref> later in [[April 2009]] the video was found.
===Fiona Facetime Video===
{{see also|Fiona Facetime Videos}}
One video of [[Fiona]] and Chris interacting over Facetime, Hair Twirling, was censored by the CWCki due to a policy at the time which called for censoring Fiona's appearances. The source for the original video was later found.
===Internet Dream Lounge 4 - Chris Chan (unused version)===
{{See also|Internet Dream Lounge 4 - Chris Chan (unused version)}}
[[Internet Dream Lounge 4 - Chris Chan (unused version)]] refers to the original interview conducted between members do the Internet Dream Lounge and [[Chris]] that took place on 4 [[September 2017]]. However upon negative feedback this interview was not uploaded, making it lost, while a second interview was held which was uploaded on 8 [[October 2017]]. However in [[August 2020]] the file of the unused first interview was leaked making it found.

===IRL Tour of 14 Branchland Court===
===IRL Tour of 14 Branchland Court===
{{See also|IRL Tour of 14 Branchland Court}}
{{See also|IRL Tour of 14 Branchland Court}}

The [[IRL Tour of 14 Branchland Court]] as the title suggests was a tour of Chris's home that occurred on 31 [[August 2014]] with [[Chris]] giving the tour to [[Catherine]] and [[Cousin Al]]. The audio and slideshow of the tour was posted to [[Cousin Al]]'s Youtube channel on 5 [[March 2015]].<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/irl-tour-of-14-bc-audio.8231/</ref> Sometime in or before [[2020]] [[Cousin Al]]'s Youtube channel was terminated leading to the video of the audio and slideshow becoming lost as reported in [[Geno Samuel]]'s documentary [[Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History]] on 31 [[July 2020]].<ref>https://youtu.be/55EsycjHeJs?t=77</ref> However, as of 6 [[August 2022]], the video containing the audio and the slideshow of the tour have been found.
The [[IRL Tour of 14 Branchland Court]] as the title suggests was a tour of Chris's home that occurred on 31 [[August 2014]] with [[Chris]] giving the tour to [[Catherine]] and [[Cousin Al]]. The audio and slideshow of the tour were posted to [[Cousin Al]]'s YouTube channel on 5 [[March 2015]].<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/irl-tour-of-14-bc-audio.8231/</ref><ref>https://archive.ph/JqIx8</ref> Sometime in or before [[July 2020]] [[Cousin Al]]'s YouTube channel was terminated leading to the video of the audio and slideshow becoming lost as reported in [[Geno Samuel]]'s documentary [[Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History]] on 31 [[July 2020]].<ref>https://youtu.be/55EsycjHeJs?t=77</ref> However, as of 6 [[August 2022]], the video containing the audio and the slideshow of the tour have been found.
===Jackson Dalton Interview===
{{See also|Jackson Dalton}}
The [[Jackson Dalton]] Interview was an interview between Jackson Dalton and [[Chris]] that occurred on 4 [[January 2019]] and uploaded to Youtube on 8 [[January 2019]] however the interview posted was edited and was not the full interview. Shortly after the upload the interview was taken down by Dalton due to poor reception, but was archived, while the unedited version was not released leading to the assumption it would never be released and thereby making it lost. However on 13 [[February 2020]] Dalton uploaded the full unedited interview.

===Manchester High Leaks===
===Manchester High Leaks===
{{See also|Manchester High Leaks}}
{{See also|Manchester High Leaks}}

The [[Manchester High Leaks]] are a series of high school assignments from Chris's junior year between [[1998]] and [[1999]].<ref>https://archive.ph/4xcbm</ref> It was thought that these documents were permanently lost in the in the [[2014 house fire]] as before the fire these documents had not surfaced leading to them being considered lost even before the fire. However, [[Cousin Al]] on [[June 2014]] after digging through Chris's trash, found these documents though they were damaged from the [[2014 house fire]].
The [[Manchester High Leaks]] is a series of high school assignments from Chris's junior year between [[1998]] and [[1999]].<ref>https://archive.ph/4xcbm</ref> It was thought that these documents were permanently lost in the [[2014 house fire]] as before the fire these documents had not surfaced leading to them being considered lost even before the fire. However, [[Cousin Al]] on [[June 2014]] after digging through Chris's trash, found these documents though they were damaged from the [[2014 house fire]].
===Rental House Tour===
{{See also|Rental House Tour}}
The [[Rental House Tour]] was a tour of Chris' temporary house in the aftermath of the [[2014 house fire]] recorded by [[Catherine]] and [[Cousin Al]] on 31 [[August 2014]]. Sometime before or on 6 [[March 2019]] the video had been lost.<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/lost-cwcki-links.54097/</ref><ref>https://archive.ph/uuKkf</ref> However, on 14 and 19 [[April 2019]] the 1st and 2nd halves of the recording were found.

===Scrapbook of Fail===
===Scrapbook of Fail===
{{See also|Scrapbook of Fail}}
{{See also|Scrapbook of Fail}}

The [[Scrapbook of Fail]] is two binders containing every comic [[Chris]] has ever drawn. After the [[2014 house fire]] the scrapbook stopped being mentioned leading to the belief that it had been lost however, in [[November 2015]] [[Chris]] revealed the scrapbook had been found, and survived the fire.
The [[Scrapbook of Fail]] are two binders containing every comic [[Chris]] has ever drawn including [[Sonichu]]. After the [[2014 house fire]] the scrapbook stopped being mentioned leading to the belief that it had been lost as reported by [[Sachumo]]<ref>https://youtu.be/bXjnakAlF-s?t=3420</ref> however, in [[November 2015]] [[Chris]] revealed the scrapbook had been found and survived the fire.

{{See also|ShecameforCWC.JPG}}
{{See also|ShecameforCWC.JPG}}

[[ShecameforCWC.JPG]] is a pornographic drawing consisting of [[Chris]] vaginally stimulating [[Megan Schroeder]] uploaded to [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] on 11 [[November 2007]]. On 4 [[November 2013]] [[Chris]] announced that he would destroy [[ShecameforCWC.JPG]]<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/November_2013_Facebook_Posts#That_Dang_Drawing</ref> leading to the belief that the original drawing had been lost which was confirmed by a tweet [[Chris]] made on [[January 2018]] confirming he had destroyed [[ShecameforCWC.JPG]].<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/January_2018_tweets</ref> However, on [[April 2018]] [[Chris]] listed [[ShecameforCWC.JPG]] for sale on his [[eBay]] which was bought by the [[Teen Troon Squad]]. It turned out that [[Chris]] had not destroyed the drawing but cut it up into squares making it easy to reassemble making it lost but not destroyed. It is unknown what the [[Teen Troon Squad]] have done with [[ShecameforCWC.JPG]] but it can be presumed they still own it though they have not shown it off.
[[ShecameforCWC.JPG]] is a pornographic drawing consisting of [[Chris]] vaginally stimulating [[Megan Schroeder]] uploaded to [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] on 11 [[November 2007]]. On 4 [[November 2013]], and again in [[January 2018]], Chris claimed that he had destroyed the original drawing, leading to the assumption that it was lost media<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/November_2013_Facebook_Posts#That_Dang_Drawing</ref><ref>[[Brianfrogboy chats#shecameforcwc]]</ref>. However, on 23 [[April 2018]], Chris listed [[ShecameforCWC.JPG]] for sale on his [[eBay]], which was bought by the [[Teen Troon Squad]]. It turned out that Chris had not truly destroyed the drawing but cut it up into squares - making it easy to reassemble - before placing it in the [[Crumple-Lope]]. It is unknown what the Teen Troon Squad have done with the drawing but it can be presumed they still own it, though they have not shown it off.

===The Classic===
===The Classic===
{{See also|The Classic}}
{{See also|The Classic}}

[[The Classic]] refers to Chris's red and blue rugby shirt that he wore in many of his videos. It was thought that this shirt was destroyed and thereby lost in the [[2014 house fire]] however during [[April 2017]] [[Chris]] found [[The Classic]]. However on 10 [[August 2018]] [[Barb]] threw away [[The Classic]] as revealed in a text to the [[Teen Troon Squad]] from [[Chris]] thereby making [[The Classic]] lost again.<ref>https://8ch.net/cow/res/651071.html#q687492</ref>  
[[The Classic]] refers to Chris's red and blue rugby shirt that he wore in many of his videos. It was thought that this shirt was destroyed and thereby lost in the [[2014 house fire]]. However, in [[April 2017]] [[Chris]] found [[The Classic]]. However, on 10 [[August 2018]] [[Barb]] threw away [[The Classic]] as revealed in a text to the [[Teen Troon Squad]] from [[Chris]], thereby making [[The Classic]] lost again.<ref>https://8ch.net/cow/res/651071.html#q687492</ref>
===Sonichu Home Club (Videos)===
{{See also|Sonichu Home Club}}
The [[Sonichu Home Club]] was an online event hosted on Chris's [[PS3]] through an online network. The purpose of these events was to gather [[TRUE and HONEST]] fans of [[Sonichu]], however, it appears these events were done by [[Chris]] in the hope of receiving praise. Two of these events occurred and had videos made about them by [[Vivian Gee]], but they were deleted. However, they were soon reuploaded in 2017 by CWCville Archives.
==Unknown Lost Media==
While this article has listed lost media associated with [[Chris]], this is the only lost media known to have existed and is now lost. It is almost certain that there are hundreds if not thousands of pieces of lost media around [[Chris]] that were never known or never released publicly or were never archived and have been lost. One can only speculate what has not been released or what has been lost over the course of Chris's life. Moreover, one can only speculate on what is waiting to be found.

[[Category:Lost Media]]
[[Category:Lost Media]]

Latest revision as of 09:57, 3 October 2024

This article is rated M for Honest Content

It may contain content deemed not safe for work. Reader discretion is advised.
Since the passage of time has destroyed Sappho and her works, her lyre and songs, I will set other lines before you as examples.
Tzetzes, On the Metres of Pindar, 20-22

Lost media refers to media that once existed but has been lost or destroyed or media that has never been released publicly.[1] This article aims to document the following kinds of lost media:

  • Media made by or featuring Chris which was once publicly available on the internet but has since disappeared or is fragmentary.
  • Media made by or featuring Chris which is known to exist but which has never been released to the public.
  • Media made by trolls that Chris has responded to or acknowledged which was once publicly available on the internet but has since disappeared or is fragmentary or which is known to exist but which has never been released to the public.
  • Relics of Fail whose current whereabouts are unknown or were destroyed (excluding those that Chris is known to have sold to fans).

Because of the broad scope of the article, it is unlikely to ever be complete. Of course, some lost media is of greater interest to Christorians than other lost media.

Pre-internet discovery Lost Media

Autism papers

The Autism papers were a series of papers detailing the mental state of Chris and to what extent he has autism. Most of these papers appeared to have been destroyed in the 2014 house fire as none of them have appeared since. Even if not destroyed in the 2014 house fire, the hoard that is 14 Branchland Court makes finding these papers next to impossible, making these papers almost certainly lost. However, one paper from 2004 survives as it was e-mailed to Kacey by Chris who passed it on to Liquid Chris who then distributed the paper online in November 2009.

Christian Weston Chandler...Yep, I'm on TV :) (Master Copy)

An extended edition of Chris's 2007 homemade DVD allegedly featuring over six hours of original content. Chris offered to share it with Regina in their emails. It is unknown if it survived the 2014 fire.

CWC's Diary

CWC's Diary refers to a series of entries published between 2004-2005 in a diary format. It is unknown if these entries came from a physical diary or from Chris's blogs on MySpace and Facebook. It must be remembered that the entries available are the ones Chris made public on Encyclopedia Dramatica and that the diary in its entirety has not been found. With Chris's MySpace being deleted in mid-2008 and a physical diary not emerging CWC's Diary in its entirety is lost.

CWC's Pokésite 1

CWC's Pokésite 1, originally known as CWC's Pokésite, was Chris's first website launched between 25 April and 3 July 1999. Chris appears to have abandoned the site in late July as on 22 July CWC's Pokésite 2 was launched. The content of CWC's Pokésite 1 is lost as the site is no longer up and the archive of the site only has three pages with the rest not working.[2][3][4] Also, the site guestbook is still available.[5] A Spanish version of the site also existed, however, the site is down and it was never archived making this lost as well.[6]

How to Attract an 18 - ... -Year Old Female Companion Without Saying "Hi" (For the Very Shy Man)

The work is a pamphlet created by Chris on how to attract women. The date of creation is unknown however as Chris uses the pseudonym "Reldnahc Netso' Naitsirhc" a misspelling of Reldnahc Notsew Naitsirhc which was created on 24 March 2005 it is likely that the pamphlet was created sometime after though a terminus ante quem has not been established. While the front cover exists the rest of the pamphlet has not emerged either because it does not exist or because it is lost.

Report cards

The report cards are a series of papers from Chris's education detailing his grades and academic progress. There has been no mention of these documents since the 2014 house fire, likely being destroyed and thereby lost. Even if not destroyed Chris, claimed before the house fire in 2009 within Mailbag 19 that he could not access the documents.[7] Considering how cluttered 14 Branchland Court is and Chris not having access to the documents, to begin with, it is unlikely that the documents can be found, making them lost if they have not been destroyed. However, Chris's grades can be seen in the assignments that have survived in the Manchester High Leaks, so Chris's grades are not entirely lost.

Sonic the Hedgehog Watch & Win Sweepstakes (items)

The Sonic the Hedgehog Watch & Win Sweepstakes was a contest held in 1993 in which the person who wrote down every "Sonic Sez" segment and sent it in would get the chance to win certain prizes, with the biggest prize being a $1,000 shopping spree at Kay-Bee Toys.[8] Chris won this contest in 1994 and got the $1,000 shopping spree; however, only five items have been known to be purchased:

  • Batman Returns ($49.99)
  • Sonic CD (unknown price)
  • Sonic Spinball ($49.99)
  • "Star Trek" (probably Star Trek: The Next Generation: Echoes from the Past) (unknown price)
  • "Power Rangers Megazord" (unknown price. Estimate $29.99)

It is unknown what other items Chris bought with the remaining $857.04 (not including the prices of Sonic CD and the Star Trek game) and are thereby lost. Furthermore, as revealed in a 21 June 2021 message on The Place Discord server,[9] only Sonic CD was still in Chris's possession at that point, with the rest either having perished in the fire or sold off.

Post-internet discovery Lost Media

10242009 (Gregg Mays' video)

10242009 was a video Chris uploaded on 24 October 2009 in which he responds to Gregg Mays. While this video is available, a video made by Gregg related to 10242009 was set to private. Gregg's video has not been found since and is considered to be lost.

Asperchu is a Horrendous Joke (Mao's response)

Asperchu is a Horrendous Joke was a video Chris uploaded on 17 January 2010 in which he reads and reviews Asperchu. While this video is available, Mao's response video released on the same day was made private. The video has not been found since then; Mao's response is currently considered to be lost.

BlueSpike PSN Chat 3.7 (full recording)

A recorded PSN chat between Chris, Bob, and "Julie" lasting approximately twenty minutes. The first nine minutes and eighteen seconds of the chat were preserved, but the recording abruptly ends while Bob is discussing his music collection. The lost portion of the call includes Bob talking about his health problems and Cherokee heritage, followed by goodbyes and the trolls talking among themselves.

CatKnight Interview 5

On 28 March 2016, Sir Arthur Spatchcock, also known as CatKnight and Master Disaster, conducted an interview with Chris on lets-plays. The footage and audio of this interview have been lost though; the transcript is intact.

Chris Chan VS. The Internet

Chris Chan VS. The Internet was a documentary made by Joseph Draft first announced on Kickstarter on 4 April 2019. The documentary includes interviews with Chris, Barbara, and Megan Schroeder as well as candid footage of Chris going about his life. However, due to various factors,[10] the documentary has not surfaced and allegedly the hard drive containing the documentary has been destroyed, making this documentary lost. However, the trailer, opening, and other two fragments are available.[11][12][13][14]

Chris Sex Logs (Audio)

On 27 September 2008 PandaHalo released a series of Skype chats in which Chris discussed with her a variety of subjects related to sex. While the transcript of the chats is available, the audio accompanying the chats has been lost except for a 5:30-minute snippet.[15]

Christ Chan Live Stream: Over the Shoulder Colouring and Drawing 2 (second accidental stream)

This video was the latter of the two accidentally started livestream recordings, which consisted of Chris singing the same song as the last time, before realising he pressed the stream button instead of recording it. While the first one has been saved, the latter was deleted far too soon for anyone to download it, making it forever lost.

CWCki Forums posts (paintingatree)

paintingatree was Chris's CWCki Forums account. However the posts preserved under this account come from the second account made in early 2013 as Chris's first account, also called paintingatree, was made sometime in 2012. However none of the posts Chris made in 2012 have been archived making them lost.

DooDoo fard2874 pictures

On 9 September 2023 Discord user DooDoo fard2874 chased down Chris in a Sheetz convenience store somewhere in Virginia. DooDoo fard2874 posted four images and a video of this event which shows Chris's Chevrolet Aveo driving however a picture of Chris reportedly was taken though it has not emerged and is currently lost.

Dillin Thomas DMs

Dillin Thomas is a former Christuber who eventually closed his YouTube channel. With the closure was the loss of material such as DMs from Chris. Two DMs are known with the former, leaked on 23 December 2019, only having one quote from Chris preserved with the rest of their communication being lost.

eBay Purchases and Listings (2001-2008)

Chris has been using eBay since all the way back in 2001. While this wiki has archived most of Chris's eBay listings (and purchases) from 2008 onward, the same can't be said for his previous ones prior to that year. There have been a few records of his purchases from that era, but not a whole lot, and especially nothing of his potential listings. Chris's bans and suspensions from eBay, as well as potentially using sockpuppets, also make archiving these difficult, so it's possible these bits of info are lost.

Helena DMs

Between 15-21, June 2021 Helena Fiorenza and Chris contacted each other through Twitter. However, the conversation that is available only shows the end of their communications and not the previous messages making the DM in its entirety lost.

Jackie's Father Call

In an email sent from Jackie to Chris at 1:36 PM on 16 July 2011[16], Jackie revealed that the day before Jackie's father who was drunk at the time got into a call with Chris. It is unknown if the call was recorded, and even if it was, no audio nor transcript of the call has been released, making this call lost.

Julie Reveals Herself (Video)

Julie Reveals Herself is a Mumble chat between Bluespike and Chris on 3 March 2009 which involves shoving the Sonichu Medallion up his rectum and Julie revealing herself to be a boy. While the audio of the chat exists, the video that accompanied it, which includes footage of Chris shoving the Sonichu Medallion up his rectum, is lost. It's worth noting that Chris claimed he didn't record himself doing so, so it's possible a video recording never existed to begin with (and given the rest of the trolls were disgusted at what was going on, it's possibly unlikely they didn't have a recording of it either).

Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Bumba-Lumba (original)

Chris uploaded the video in January 2024 but then removed it later in the month and uploaded another copy. Only the Raw Captions generated by YouTube were archived of the original video.

My Half of A Whole New World for Kacey (Kacey's Part)

On 31 October 2009 Chris made a video singing the male part of the lyrics to the song "A Whole New World", in response to Kacey uploading a video singing the female part of the same song. While Chris's video is available[17], Kacey's video has been taken down by YouTube and is currently lost.

No More Jokes (Clyde's response)

No More Jokes was a video by Chris released on 5 November 2009 in which he reveals the real identity of Clyde Cash. While both the SFW and NSFW versions of the video exist, Clyde's response to the video is currently lost.

Power (Document)

Power was a zip file containing three videos of Chris performing acts of strength to impress Vanessa Hudgens which was leaked by The Miscreants on 27 April 2009. Along with the three videos contained an edited audio file of "I Got a Fish" and a "special thanks" document. While the videos and audio files are available, the "special thanks" document has been lost.

PS3 Tutorial for my fans (full video)

On 24 February 2010 the Magical Man uploaded a video in which he filmed Chris giving a tutorial on how to use a PS3. The video starts mid-sentence and ends abruptly showing that there was more footage than was released. The full video has not been found.

Red Forest (other audio files)

Red Forest is one of several audio files created by Joshua Wise created in the autumn of 2017 used to manipulate Chris's beliefs on reality. There are other files aside from Red Forest to have existed with the only known one being revealed by Wise in the Idea Guy Q&A in which Wise used Chris's audio in an altered form to manipulate him.[18] This audio has never been released, and it is unknown how many other audio clips existed as none aside from Red Forest have been leaked, making them lost.


Simonchu was a parody comic of Sonichu staring the eponymous character Simonchu created on 26 August 2008. As the comic was hosted on Asperpedia which shut down in 2010 and the archive of Simonchu has its file link request invalidated the comic is lost aside from some fragments.[19][20]

Sockness DMs

Jacob Sockness is known to have had two DM communications with Chris, the first being on 28 August 2019 and the second on 17 July 2020. Both DMs only show part of the communication making the entirety of their communications lost.

Sonichu Fan Promo (videos)

The Sonichu Fan Promo were three 3D animated shorts on Sonichu made by Timmys1984, released between 11-14 October 2008. While the transcripts of all three videos exist, only the third video remains.[21] However, Chris incorporated these animations into Sonichu Issue 9, pages 72, 78, and 79 with 72 being the first short, 78 is the second short, and 79 is the third short.

Sonichu's Live PS4 Broadcast

On 16 March 2018 Chris streamed the game Burnout Paradise Remastered on the PS4. While certain parts of the stream are available[22][23], the stream footage in its entirety has been lost.

The "Black Tape"

It is said that Marvin and other trolls, using the Jackie identity as a catfish, attempted to contact Chris over the phone shortly after Bob's death for unclear reasons; Chris was noted to be audibly upset as he cried throughout the conversation. While the audio was recorded and archived on what is referred to as the "Black Tape" by some Christorians, the contents of the call were never released publicly due to Chris's miserable emotional state. The trolls who participated in the call realized after the fact that it was simply too soon to try to reach out to Chris in this fashion and, for a change, opted to respect his privacy for once. The Black Tape either still exists in the hands of the trolls who participated in its creation, or it has been lost to time.[24]

The Chris Chan Interview (unedited version)

The Chris Chan Interview was an interview conducted by Keffals with Chris, uploaded to Youtube on 16 January 2024. However the uploaded interview was an edited version, with the unedited version only being accessible if someone pledged to the $100,000 tier on Keffals's Patreon.[25] Currently no one has pledged to this tier and considering the price point it is unlikely that anyone ever will, making this work currently lost.

The Sonichu Chronicles (Slides)

The Sonichu Chronicles was a PowerPoint presentation made by Chris in January 2009 and was presented to Shigeru Miyamoto and Reggie Fils-Aimé as to give ideas on a Sonichu game. The contents of the slides are known as Chris in November 2009 displayed them in the two part video Sonichu Powerpoint. However, the PowerPoint file is missing, making the slides currently lost.

Tlaw DMs

Tlaw, at an unknown date, had a communication with Chris over setting a tabletop role-playing game in CWCville. However, the middle part of the communication is missing, making it lost.

Unrecorded Voicemail Greetings

Chris has changed his cell phone voicemail greeting message many times over the years. Many of these greetings have a transcription but no available recording, either because they were never recorded or because the recording has become lost.

Unreleased Jackie E-mails

Between 5 April 2010 to 7 September 2011, Jackie and Chris interacted with each other over emails which have been compiled into 31 sets. However, the emails present are the ones Alec Benson Leary compiled and it is confirmed that Jackie and Chris had email conversations that Alec Benson Leary omitted due to them being irrelevant.[26][27] Considering how long ago these events happened, it is likely that these unreleased emails will never surface, making them lost.

Unreleased Miscreant Interactions

The Miscreants were a group of trolls consisting of many of the most notable, including Clyde Cash and Liquid Chris. While many of their interactions with Chris are known, Marvin has confirmed that a significant amount of chats and calls the Miscreants and Chris had have not been released.[28][29][30][31] Considering how long ago these interactions happened and the fact it is unknown if anyone has these unreleased chats and calls, these interactions are likely lost.

Lost Relics

Asperchu Medallion

The Asperchu Medallion was a variant of the Sonichu medallion featuring Asperchu instead of Sonichu sent to Chris by Alec Benson Leary. It is unknown when Alec Benson Leary sent the medallion to Chris however the medallion was first seen in Chris's Magical Man Potion video uploaded on 24 February 2010. Chris revealed in a Facebook post made on 2 August 2014[32] that the Asperchu Medallion was destroyed in the 2014 house fire, making it lost.

Attraction Sign

The Attraction Signs were a series of signs detailing his desire for a boyfriend-free girl that Chris used from 2004 to 2014. All the signs made before the 2014 house fire have not appeared since likely being destroyed in the event, thereby making them lost. One sign has been made since the 2014 house fire on July 2014 on Chris's OkCupid account[33], however, it has also not appeared since likely making it lost.

Heart Torch of Fail

The Heart Torch of Fail was a torch made of Pixelblocks that has an unknown significance to the Love Quest. The torch was made sometime before or during 2005 as it appears in Sonichu 4, which was produced in the year 2005. Since its appearance in 2005, it has never been seen since likely, being destroyed in the 2014 house fire, thereby making it lost.


The Medallions refers to the Sonichu Medallions made by Chris over the course of his life. The prototype medallion which Chris wore in 2004 as it is mentioned in the Autism papers disappeared after this year and is believed to be lost in the literal sense.

Red String of Fate

The Red String of Fate was a string with a paper heart attached on the end designed to attract a boyfriend-free girl that Chris created on 1 August 2004. In anime like Excel Saga, of which Chris likely got the idea from as he watched Excel Saga before creating the Red String of Fate,[34] the red string is used as a metaphor to in courting love. However, Chris did not see the metaphor and would throw the red string at women in the hopes of "reeling" them in. On 5 August 2004 a mall security guard confiscated it and it has never resurfaced, likely being destroyed and thereby lost.

The Wall of Originals

The Wall of Originals was a wall covered in Chris's customized Pokémon cards. Most of the cards from the wall were destroyed in the 2014 house fire, although some survived as revealed in a July 2017 tweet and Chris listing the surviving cards on eBay in June 2018.[35]

Lost and Found Media

I will try, if chance favours my wishes, to seek for you the Germanic Wars of Pliny the Elder.
Symmachus, Letters, 4.18.5

2021 Lost Commissions

The 2021 Lost Commissions were a series of commissioned art created in the summer of 2021 for the Help send Chris-Chan to Everfree NW fundraiser. Due to Chris's arrest for incest these works were never delivered and remained lost at 14 Branchland Court until Chris reacquired them after his release. These works would then be listed on OfficialCWCmart on 15 October 2023.

An Interview with the Chris-Chan

An Interview with the Chris-Chan was Chris's first interview after trolling began occurring on or before 17 October 2008[36] being hosted on PSN and being uploaded to Youtube. It is notable for being the first video appearance of Barb. Sometime after the video was removed from Youtube for "violating YouTube's policy on hate speech" until it was rediscovered and re-uploaded on 27 January 2017.

Chris-chan Discusses...

Chris-chan Discusses... is a series of interviews conducted by Larry Bundy and Chris conducted over June 2009 and uploaded to Youtube over July 2009. However the releases over July 2009 were only extracts from the full interviews of which were not released until 30 August 2012.

CopperCab Interview

The CopperCab Interview is an interview between Claire Kittrell, known on Youtube as CopperCab, and Chris uploaded on 23 October 2017. However the interview uploaded was not the full interview as indicated by the "Part 2 Tomorrow!" at the end of the video. However Part 2 was not uploaded on 24 October 2017 leading to the assumption that Part 2 would never be released making it lost. However Part 2 was released on 5 August 2021.

CWC is Angry

CWC is Angry is a video released in August 2007 in which Chris shoots at a picture of Adam Stackhouse with the Megatron pistol and is notable for being Chris's last video before he got trolled. Sometime after, the video was lost as Adam Stackhouse in a comment made on or before 8 April 2009 mentions the video being lost,[37] later in April 2009 the video was found.

Fiona Facetime Video

One video of Fiona and Chris interacting over Facetime, Hair Twirling, was censored by the CWCki due to a policy at the time which called for censoring Fiona's appearances. The source for the original video was later found.

Internet Dream Lounge 4 - Chris Chan (unused version)

Internet Dream Lounge 4 - Chris Chan (unused version) refers to the original interview conducted between members do the Internet Dream Lounge and Chris that took place on 4 September 2017. However upon negative feedback this interview was not uploaded, making it lost, while a second interview was held which was uploaded on 8 October 2017. However in August 2020 the file of the unused first interview was leaked making it found.

IRL Tour of 14 Branchland Court

The IRL Tour of 14 Branchland Court as the title suggests was a tour of Chris's home that occurred on 31 August 2014 with Chris giving the tour to Catherine and Cousin Al. The audio and slideshow of the tour were posted to Cousin Al's YouTube channel on 5 March 2015.[38][39] Sometime in or before July 2020 Cousin Al's YouTube channel was terminated leading to the video of the audio and slideshow becoming lost as reported in Geno Samuel's documentary Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History on 31 July 2020.[40] However, as of 6 August 2022, the video containing the audio and the slideshow of the tour have been found.

Jackson Dalton Interview

The Jackson Dalton Interview was an interview between Jackson Dalton and Chris that occurred on 4 January 2019 and uploaded to Youtube on 8 January 2019 however the interview posted was edited and was not the full interview. Shortly after the upload the interview was taken down by Dalton due to poor reception, but was archived, while the unedited version was not released leading to the assumption it would never be released and thereby making it lost. However on 13 February 2020 Dalton uploaded the full unedited interview.

Manchester High Leaks

The Manchester High Leaks is a series of high school assignments from Chris's junior year between 1998 and 1999.[41] It was thought that these documents were permanently lost in the 2014 house fire as before the fire these documents had not surfaced leading to them being considered lost even before the fire. However, Cousin Al on June 2014 after digging through Chris's trash, found these documents though they were damaged from the 2014 house fire.

Rental House Tour

The Rental House Tour was a tour of Chris' temporary house in the aftermath of the 2014 house fire recorded by Catherine and Cousin Al on 31 August 2014. Sometime before or on 6 March 2019 the video had been lost.[42][43] However, on 14 and 19 April 2019 the 1st and 2nd halves of the recording were found.

Scrapbook of Fail

The Scrapbook of Fail are two binders containing every comic Chris has ever drawn including Sonichu. After the 2014 house fire the scrapbook stopped being mentioned leading to the belief that it had been lost as reported by Sachumo[44] however, in November 2015 Chris revealed the scrapbook had been found and survived the fire.


ShecameforCWC.JPG is a pornographic drawing consisting of Chris vaginally stimulating Megan Schroeder uploaded to Encyclopedia Dramatica on 11 November 2007. On 4 November 2013, and again in January 2018, Chris claimed that he had destroyed the original drawing, leading to the assumption that it was lost media[45][46]. However, on 23 April 2018, Chris listed ShecameforCWC.JPG for sale on his eBay, which was bought by the Teen Troon Squad. It turned out that Chris had not truly destroyed the drawing but cut it up into squares - making it easy to reassemble - before placing it in the Crumple-Lope. It is unknown what the Teen Troon Squad have done with the drawing but it can be presumed they still own it, though they have not shown it off.

The Classic

The Classic refers to Chris's red and blue rugby shirt that he wore in many of his videos. It was thought that this shirt was destroyed and thereby lost in the 2014 house fire. However, in April 2017 Chris found The Classic. However, on 10 August 2018 Barb threw away The Classic as revealed in a text to the Teen Troon Squad from Chris, thereby making The Classic lost again.[47]

Sonichu Home Club (Videos)

The Sonichu Home Club was an online event hosted on Chris's PS3 through an online network. The purpose of these events was to gather TRUE and HONEST fans of Sonichu, however, it appears these events were done by Chris in the hope of receiving praise. Two of these events occurred and had videos made about them by Vivian Gee, but they were deleted. However, they were soon reuploaded in 2017 by CWCville Archives.

Unknown Lost Media

While this article has listed lost media associated with Chris, this is the only lost media known to have existed and is now lost. It is almost certain that there are hundreds if not thousands of pieces of lost media around Chris that were never known or never released publicly or were never archived and have been lost. One can only speculate what has not been released or what has been lost over the course of Chris's life. Moreover, one can only speculate on what is waiting to be found.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_media
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20000606031644/http://homes.acmecity.com/games/demo/190/GameShark.html
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20000606110946/http://homes.acmecity.com:80/games/demo/190/GameShark2.html
  4. https://web.archive.org/web/20000606132641/http://homes.acmecity.com:80/games/demo/190/junglecards.html
  5. http://web.archive.org/web/20001021022214/neptune.guestworld.lycos.com/wgb/wgbview.dbm?owner=Starytime
  6. https://web.archive.org/web/20010801000000*/http://games.acmecity.com/demo/190/Espanol.html
  7. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Mailbag_19#We_cannot_see_Chris.27s_report_cards
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMyI6ZnLj3o
  9. The Place chats (June 2021)#Warhol Book Stress and Hoarding
  10. https://archive.ph/doV4x
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGekFLTbeos
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6uEMpBxFu0
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98sXo70dAWs
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znnWao2FJbQ
  15. https://archive.org/details/cwcsexlogs1
  16. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Jackie_E-mails_30
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gv3znHKues
  18. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Idea_Guy_Q%26A#Manipulating_Chris
  19. https://sneed.today/threads/simonchu-the-lost-fancomic.10338/#post-809780
  20. https://imgur.com/fWC2lw3,1B7ulIl,GIIC5w1,eu84mkL,5eeYSx1,aNUzCR8,7eoGNbq,53ilnRW,i6xiNk6,3FirXzm,lrcSkRr,oQHqVSK,CYo0pA6,3ZTtGWC
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpNoO0ZRDBE
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXt6H5t1MoY
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUwx7Y0A6_o
  24. CWCki Forums posts (Marvin)#The Black Tape
  25. https://twitter.com/keffals/status/1747443430282702958
  26. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/are-you-losing-interest-in-chris.3255/page-5#post-190559
  27. https://archive.ph/ZznwI
  28. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/7-5-chris-and-chrissy.10627/page-6#post-822127
  29. https://archive.ph/Om30l
  30. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/official-decision-regarding-gender-and-chris-gender-discussion-megathread.6283/page-31#post-5067791
  31. https://archive.ph/5HTxq
  32. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/August_2014_Facebook_Posts#Fan_items_lost_in_the_fire
  33. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Okcupid_8_jul_2014_4.jpg
  34. https://web.archive.org/web/20160827014324/http://archive.sonichu.com/cwcville//SchusNews3.htm
  35. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/July_2017_tweets#Holographic_cards
  36. Date determined from ED Chris-chan talk page, Archive10
  37. From YouTube comments, user 1693productions
  38. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/irl-tour-of-14-bc-audio.8231/
  39. https://archive.ph/JqIx8
  40. https://youtu.be/55EsycjHeJs?t=77
  41. https://archive.ph/4xcbm
  42. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/lost-cwcki-links.54097/
  43. https://archive.ph/uuKkf
  44. https://youtu.be/bXjnakAlF-s?t=3420
  45. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/November_2013_Facebook_Posts#That_Dang_Drawing
  46. Brianfrogboy chats#shecameforcwc
  47. https://8ch.net/cow/res/651071.html#q687492