November 2016 Facebook posts

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This page is an archive of Chris' Facebook posts during November 2016. Posts are sorted by date and linked to the source material from Facebook. Notable comments will be archived and color-coded for reference; those who consistently respond to Chris's posts, e.g. Jessica Quinn, are colored in red and green respectively, while infrequent responders are colored in orange, yellow or purple.

On 15 November, Chris announced that Facebook had temporarily banned him from posting for a week and to refer to his Twitter account for updates.

Memory of Halloween

Chris had seen his own post from 2015, due to Facebook's On This Day Memory feature, and shared it.

2 November at 12:06 am

Chris and Barb vote for Hillary

8 November at 12:42 pm

My mom and I just voted for the Smart Person for President. Win, Hillary, Win!

Cwc electionday 2016.jpg


Kim Wilson, 8 November at 3:09 pm

Christine Weston Chandler Congrats! Did you use a provisional ballot?

Chris, 8 November at 3:46 pm

What is that? They gave us a scantron sheet each to bubble.

Pissed off at Activision

Chris failed to research compatibility for the $100+ worth of video games he recently bought.

8 November at 2:48 pm

It pisses me off that Activision has Still Not patched up Skylandlanders Superchargers on non-Nintendo consoles to allow play with the Bowser, Donkey Kong, Clown Cruiser and Barrel Buster Skylanders Figures. And Skylanders Imaginators, the New Game, on PS4 doesn't support them either. Come On, #Activision and #Nintendo; Let Us Play Bowser and DK, and their vehicles, on ALL of the console games, Please!

Chris wants Trump assassinated

9 November at 3:28 am

feeling pissed off

Someone, Anyone, PLEASE, take a sniper rifle and kill Trump; shoot him in the head like the impulsive, non-thinking, uncaring Zombie that he is.

An archive of this post can be found here. Additionally, Chris's Twitter account also posted the threat as a tweet, linked here, with an archive copy here.

Chris deleted the Facebook post within two hours of posting it, however, he did not remove the tweet from his Twitter account.

The tweet was featured on an article by Alex Jones's Infowars website later that day. It especially shot up to new levels of viral when streamer/comedian Sky Williams featured it on his Twitter profile, which lead to many people criticizing him.

Eid, Pmurt, Eid!!!

9 November at 3:40 am

Chris linked to the video.

He can go rot in a pile of dirt and crap. He should Die now, Before he is able to make this country fall Broke, and the Middle Class Poorest.

An archive of this post can be found here. Additionally, Chris's Twitter account also posted the threat as a tweet, linked here, with an archive copy here.

Skylanders and Disney Infinity

12 November at 10:45 pm

Number Dive: Skylanders killed Disney Infinity: Wow! I had not known that Disney discontinued Infinity earlier this year.

I had sampled Infinity earlier; I felt lost in getting into it with the confusing creating portion.

He linked to this video.

At 4:57 am, Chris edited the post to correct the "dive" typo to five.

Putting together a wish list

12 November at 11:45 pm

I am putting together my wish list for this year, and the copying/pasting of the links into a single post will take a while. Meanwhile, fast forward to the last couple of minutes of the following video from emgo316; this is my favorite "Yooooooung Warrior" skit. This part is true with most people, "Hear me now, and understand me tomorrow." And I just got the joke of the "sound advice".

He linked to this video.

Wish list for 2016

13 November at 12:29 am

Chris requests $859.71 worth of toys[1].

Wish List 2016 (Be sure to expand and read the whole list and details):

***Gift Cards will Not be acceptable in the mailbox nor emailbox nor Text Messaging Box.***

Thank You.

-Help complete my Skylanders Superchargers collection with the following NOTE: Starter Packs are Not Wanted or Required, as I already have the software and portal, and the Kaos Trophy. Pre-Owned is okay with the following; maybe check your local GameStops for these.

--Dark Hammer Slam Bowser figure

--Dark Clown Cruiser vehicle

--Dark Spitfire figure

--Dark Hot Streak vehicle

--Dark Sea Shadow vehicle

This one, I INSIST on buying NEW in Package, and I want the Regular Version, NOT the "Eggcited" Alt-Deco one. --Thrillipede Figure


--Top Of The List: LG35: Super Ginrai (it has differing and better features than the Hasbro Powermaster Optimus Prime)

--Titans Return Soundwave

--Titans Return Chromedome (currently available on "Rollback" at Wal-Mart now for a limited time; personally check for availability)

--Titans Return Brainstorm

--Titans Return Alpha Trion --Titans Return Astrotrain

--Titans Return Fortress Maximus

The following Titans Return Transformers are available for PreOrder in less-expensive Bundles on BBTS; predoring them and having them sent to me would be greatly appreciated.

--Optimus Prime G2 --Megatron G2

--Six Shot

--LG41: Leo Prime

--Hot Rod --Twinferno --Triggerhappy --Breakaway

--Bumblebee --Gnaw (Sharkticon) --Kickback

--Overboard --Ptero --Sawbuck --Fangry

-MOST of the New Lego Dimension Sets.

I alreay have the Ghostbuster 2016 Story, Harry Potter Team, and Mr. T.

-Most of the Skylanders Imaginators Figures (NO Starter Packs, Individual Creation Crystals or Imaginite Mystery Chests, whatsoever, please. And I already have the currently available Alt-Deco and Store-Exclusive figures, as well as a Kaos Figure, and Crash Bandicoot and Neo Cortex.)

-Or money is good and very appreciated; please ONLY send me money via PayPal to my email address, if and when you do.

If you need my mailing address for anything non-monetary (a lot of people know already), let me know in Facebook Messenger.

And shortly after finding each toy in my mailbox (or pickup at Post Office), I will edit this post and remove that item, and I will leave a comment below This Post Only in response to that as well.

Thank You, again, and have a good and safe day.


Kim Wilson

Neat list. I'm curious why you won't accept gift cards. It's a bit more personal than just giving someone cash.


Yes, But I have received gift cards with No Money Loaded onto them at all, or otherwise have been loaded, used, never refilled, and sent to me as a damn, dirty joke. I'm not falling for that one again.


You're expecting fans to give you more stuff when there's still 100+ pages of Sonichu they paid for that they didn't get?

Feelings of the election results

13 November at 2:36 am

Chris linked to the video.

And another thing, I wish the locals here would take down all of the darn "Trump/Pence" campaign signs! The election is over, and all those signs are doing are offending a LOT of people Greatly.

At 5:06 am, Chris added:



Chris, 5:06 am

Chris, 5:06 am

I'm not the only one who wants him dead.

An archive of these posts is here.

Russell Amendment petition

13 November at 4:45 am

He linked to a petition.

Electoral College petition

13 November at 7:44 am

I have no respect for Trump, and a Lot of respect for Hillary; We Want Her to be our President!

He linked to a petition twice.

Hate and fear of Trump and Pence

13 November at 9:16 pm

Pray for Trump's, And Pence's, Deaths to happen Before January, 2017, or better yet, before Thanksgiving.

I do not just despise Trump and Pence, but as a Leabian Transwoman, and high-functioning autistic person, I fear, too, what would happen with those two God-damned jerks in the White House.

Really upsets me and pisses me off. Ugh!

He shared a post from Lizzy the Lezzy.

Chris then posted to the Lizzy the Lezzy comments section, asking the readers to pray for Trump's death.

Chris, 9:17 pm

Pray for Trump's and Pence's Deaths to happen before January, 2017, or better before Thanksgiving.

Many people responded, trying to talk sense into him, to no avail:

Jordan, 9:28 pm

Chris, that's stupid of you to say.

Chris, 9:28 pm

Jordan [REDACTED] Well, I am not the only one who want's them dead. The recent outrages and flag burning in a couple of other states, to name a few groups of people.

I know I will feel better not having either of them able to be anointed into office by January.

Christina, 9:39 pm

Pray in one hand, shit in the other. See which one fills up faster. You remind me of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs, I think it's your hairline.

Chris, 9:40 pm

Christina [REDACTED] I take offense to that buffalo bill crack.

David, 9:40 pm

you know Chris, wishing death on people you don't like doesn't exactly make you look like a better person in comparison

Chris, 9:41 pm

Do you want Trump and Pence in office, with other remaining options to impeach them and get Hillary in being Very Few?

Chris, 9:42 pm

Because what other options are there for that?

Jordan, 9:45 pm

I don't think it's pleasant to wish death on anyone. Pence is pretty horrible but I wouldn't wish death on him.

Chris, 9:47 pm

Jordan [REDACTED] I have been feeling bad about wishing death upon these two bad men as well, but this is a necessary evil for the benefit of us LGBTQ and so forth.

Jordan, 9:47 pm

However I am in favour of a television adaptation of Sonichu

Jordan, 9:48 pm

I see what you mean

Chris, 9:49 pm

If you like, you could pray for both of them to be put in prison, but that is Less likely to happen over their deaths. Men die earlier than women, you know. And They both are Senior Citizens.

Jordan, 9:50 pm


Ricardo, 9:53 pm

Wishing death upon someone because you don't like their politics literally makes you a fascist, Chris.

Chris, 9:55 pm

It is not just that, as a Lesbian Transwoman, myself, I fear the loss of my own rights alongside our other LGBTQ community people's as well. How do you Not want to keep Trump and Pence out of the White House?

David, 9:56 pm

Chris I think it would be a really cool idea if you came out of hiatus and drew another issue of Sonichu with Trump and Pence as the villains

Ricardo, 10:00 pm

Maybe Pence could work for 4-cent garbage. Get it, cause "Pence"?

An archive of most comments is here. cut off the remainder.

Seth MacFarlene's opinion

13 November at 9:52 pm

Chris shared MacFarlene's post on Donald Trump.

Lego Trump and Pence hanged at the gallows

14 November at 12:53 pm



Comment chain 1

Quinn, 1:34 pm

This is the mentality that got these people into office in the first place. "If you don't agree with me then you're dead to me." Anyone who needs to resort to violence outside of a life threatening situation immediately loses any sense of moral high ground no matter what cause they're promoting.

I've lost a lot of respect for you in the last few days with the callous disregard you have to the lives of others.

Chris, 1:39 pm

I do not like violence, and Really, I would feel better if Trump peacefully passed the presidency to Hillary and Kaine instead of taking office for himself and Pence. I Do feel bothered that I Have to resort to death wishing on Anyone. But, obviously, that peaceful resolution option is not likely to happen as much as sending Trump to prison for all of his sexual assaults and rape on women. He and Pence both do royally piss me off.

Comment chain 2

Quinn, 1:10 pm

Y'know, for being a member of a community that preaches acceptance you're coming off as pretty hypocritical with all the violence in your posts. Like I mentioned before, this isn't going to do much besides get you in a tizzy over two men who you'll never actually interact with in any way.

Your rights, whatever they are to you, are not being threatened. Please stop parroting everything you see from the panicked uneducated masses online and promoting fear.

Chris, 1:16 pm

Listen, I feel bad wishing death on them like any other person wishing death on anyone, but considering that they're both rich, we don't want either of them in office, Prison is unlikely for them, how difficult impeachment is, what other option is there? Death upon those two before January, 2017, at this time and point is a necessary evil. I'm sorry.

Quinn, 1:26 pm

...are you serious?

Waterman, 4:29 pm

So they shouldn't be in office... because they're rich? This reminds me of a class when a teacher taught the story of Job and this other kid said he deserved all those misfortunes just because he was rich... and I argued that he earned everything through hard work. Didn't Cera or Christine Rosee say that Job was a good guy in the school play episode?

Chris, 4:31 pm

No, they should not be in office, because they are Anti-LGBTQ and they would drain money from SSI, making my mother and I closer to broke. Not to mention, and remind everyone, of Trump's Womanizing and raping actions.

An archive of these posts is here.

Genesect card at GameStop

14 November, 1:21 pm

Chris posted to a Pokemon page (link redacted).

Don't forget to get your "SEGA" Genesect card at GameStop for this month's Mythical Pokémon.


I'm done adulting

14 November, 3:07 pm

Listen: Trump is Not president, mayor, or Anything in Cwcville. I am not doing a political arc, but Sonichu, Rosechu and the others are against Trump and Pence as well.

For today, I am done adulting, let me be pony.

I'm done adulting.jpg

Ad photo of the t-shirt

An archive is here.

No longer banned

22 November 2016, 8:47 am

Finally! I am no longer blocked by Facebook people again.

Women should wear skirts

22 November 2016, 9:43 am

And now, another topic that has been on my mind for a long while that I would like to talk a bit about: a number of women not wearing dresses and skirts nowadays.

One's personal attire Is their individual choice; I support that freedom, and I am not saying they Have To wear skirts and dresses. But, I see More practicality in people wearing skirts and dresses. Aside from the possibility of the article getting caught in a door, torn by a branch or something, but, really, ANY article of clothing can suffer such a trap. And the issue of the pervs looking up them, why do you think colored and dark-shaded hosiery and leggings were invented, ladies? And the updrafts; that only happens with heavy winds and updrafts.

In Fact, I find that wearing skirts and dresses, aside from the Really short ones (but again, Leggings), actually Better conceals the pelvic and groin region from view above the bottom rim of said article.

Take the women wearing Pants, or leggings without skirts/dresses; I feel like the region is actually More exposed that way. View it from a pervert's perception: they eye downward and have Good view of the in-between, as well as easier access to picture it in their imaginations from there. With a dress or skirt concealing the area, it is actually More difficult for the perv, and, thus, more difficult to picture and imagine what is or isn't at the groin area.

Anyhow, that's my two cents on the topic. Personally, I would feel it better benefits women to wear dresses/skirts; remember to wear leggings under them. Even men can benefit from taking the tip to wear kilts like the Scottish do, but wear pants under them, guys. Seriously, just Ugh!

P.S. NOBODY is impressed with that bulge; moreover it is Absolutely Offensive.

Thank you for listening. Have a good and safe day.

April S. (one of Chris's Facebook friends from Impulse Gay Social Club), 10:26 am

How about to each it's own my dear. This lady isn't going back to wearing dresses and skirts.

Chris, 10:39 am

I support to each their own; I was only voicing my thoughts on the topic. I did not mean to force anyone into a single attire. Thus, my statement in the second paragraph, "I am not saying they have to wear skirts and dresses."

I do apologize for any offense and confusion. I am not always able to be mentally eloquent, especially since the Mortgage people are bothering us here at home.

Chris, 10:56 am

Heck, with me, I Have SWORN off pants and Jeans in full in 2014.

Quinn, 12:45 pm

Also, why should men be forced to wear pants with kilts? It's kinda counterproductive and sounds like you're being slightly sexist.

P.S. Quite a few of us like the buldge

Chris, 11:52 pm

I am not conforming anyone.

Happy Thanksgiving! Brought to you by Cutco

24 November at 2:25 pm

I have just cooked some good food, with the help of my ol' cooking friend, the Spatula Spreader, from #CUTCO. More than getting to the bottom of any jar and spreading the peanut butter and jelly, it can stir and mix macaroni and cheese, mash potatoes, mix pepper and butter into your green beans, smoosh canned cranberry sauce, and, of course, cut/carve the turkey (or Turkey-Ham in my case) with the patented Double-D edge. You can even serve the food with the spreader. And CUTCO guarantees their products with a Lifetime Warrenty. Over a decade old, and my Spatula Spreader is still as sharp as ever and makes that fun "sproing" noise on the cutting board. For all of your future cooking and meals, why not use the multi-functional Spatula Spreader from CUTCO. Happy Thanksgiving, and enjoy the leftovers too. #ShareYourSlice

Thanksgiving20161.jpg Thanksgiving20162.jpg

2:29 pm Chris followed up by directly linking to the Cutco Spatula Spreader.

2:32 pm He also made a tweet thanking Cutco and linking them to his Facebook post.

@CutcoCutlery … Thank You, CUTCO, for the Spatula Spreader.

2:45 pm Finally, he advertized Tazo tea.

And for drinks, why not fold and put a #TAZO Tea Bag into a bottle of water. Fold it in half, insert into mouth of bottle, shake very well, (optionally) leave bag in bottle and put them into the refrigerator for a while to chill, remove tea bag before consuming, and enjoy. I really like the Passion flavor of TAZO tea; no sweetener required, and just Really Good.

You jerks

25 November at 1:33 pm

feeling off.

Ugh. Once again I am feeling off; feeling dizzy, mentally here and there, feeling like I am jumping in three directions simultaneously. Taking a rest right now. I tell everyone online something, especially the internet trolls. If you haters had NOT reported my Sonichu Comic Books on Lulu last December, I Seriously Would be maintaining the creating groove I had before that major mishap. Since that happened, it Has left a Huge scar on me emotionally and mentally.

Think about that for a while, you jerks.

Ugh. I ma erehw?

Quinn, 3:38 pm

It's really upsetting to see you so emotionally drained. I wish things weren't so bad that it was affecting your creativity. All art is special, and your past efforts have always held a certain charm about them.

Is there anything that would help you get out of your funk? I think if you got back into creating art it would help elevate your mood substantially.

Chris, 3:41 pm

I am not sure what would make that do right now. I wish I had official support for my characters and stories and art from Nintendo and Sega. Not to mention Better Finances to pay off the mortgage and all our bills. Ugh.

Chris, 3:43 pm

And my sweetheart-to-be.

Quinn, 3:49 pm

I support you hon. I know you have it in you to find happiness in everything you strive to do.

How about this? What if you just made some art for fun. For yourself. Perhaps inspiration will strike. Much like someone who wishes they could play an instrument, write a book, achieve whatever they dream - they need to do themselves a favor and try. Success in your goals doesn't fall into your lap of you just wait for it. Take it step by step and see where things go, you may be pleasantly surprised.

You know if you need anything you can always talk to me. My door is always open for those I care about.

Quinn, 3:54 pm

Everyone is capable of achieving great things. Sometimes they just need a little love and a push to get them motivated.

You can do it!

Chris, 3:54 pm

Jessica Quinn Thank You. But I am emotion-prone, and I tend to do as I feel and life flows, like the Pisces I was born under. And since last December with that mess with Lulu, I feel the feeling has to be fresh and staying hot. I have been unable to find that feeling again.

Quinn, 4:01 pm

I understand what you mean. You wear your heart on your sleeve and unfortunately, a series of bad experiences has hurt it. Try to stay in high spirits. The holidays are just starting and I'm sure you'll be able to find some happiness in the days to come.

Quinn, 4:04 pm

Also, it's human to get emotional. No need to explain yourself. You just have to focus on what makes you happy and tune out the things that stress you out.

Quinn, 4:09 pm

Here's a thought. If that Lulu incident is what's keeping you down what if you do this?

Start by drawing something. Anything. Whatever makes you happy. Even if it's not full blown comics. Just something for yourself. If something clicks and you get inspired again, great! If not - keep at it if it makes you happy.

And then, if you feel inspired to make comics again try this.

Make one page at a time. Ask for donations. Something reasonable like "when I hit $25 I'll release a new page" and then just post it here in Facebook. That way, nobody will rip you off and your art will be released to all who are interesting in seeing it. Keep at it this way and you'll have a sustainable source of income from the donations. It's far better than releasing a donation video every now and then and will keep your viewership interested in donating to your cause. What do you think?

Chris, 4:23 pm

Jessica Quinn Yes, my heart is on my sleeve. And the trolls pushed my peeve.

Barb slips and falls

26 November at 9:57 am

feeling distraught.

My mother had a slip and fell; her fall was broken by a few things. She was not hurt, but I rushed to her help and lifted her back up. It could have been worse, but thank God it was not.

Kim Wilson, 5:26 pm

Christine Weston Chandler She's OK?

That sucks.

Reflecting on fans and trolls

26 November at 10:11 am

Also, I was just watching the "Wally T" episode of Teen Titans Go; as true as it may be that a fan or fan base instills good feelings to the person and people of the topic. I feel unable to fully appreciate that, because I have been hurt a lot of times by the trolls, bullies, even fans who can only express their feelings in hatred, offensive images, harmful words and such. Even when someone says positive to me, indirectly, I am unable to tell rather it is sincere or not. And, in person here, I don't get as much direct praise often. And I also am paranoid of people I don't know just wanting to get one over on me. Even recently, the person who offered their 3D printer to help me print a few figures, ultimately did not help me there; he made excuses and I feel like the interviews he had me do for him was what he really wanted and pulled one over on me there.

It's a lot of emotional pain on me. Ugh.


Chris commented on a post from Lesbian Pride

26 November at 10:18 am

She is really feisty. Reowr!

Updated wish list

Note: The links were broken in Chris's post, due to him simply copy and pasting from the original wish list. He didn't notice, in spite of the large Page Not Found error.

26 November at 12:00 pm

Updated: 11/26/2016 Wish List 2016 (Be sure to expand and read the whole list and details):

      • Gift Cards will Not be acceptable in the mailbox nor emailbox nor Text Messaging Box.***

Thank You.

-Help complete my Skylanders Superchargers collection with the following NOTE: Starter Packs are Not Wanted or Required, as I already have the software and portal, and the Kaos Trophy. Pre-Owned is okay with the following; maybe check your local GameStops for these.

--Dark Sea Shadow vehicle…/…/ref=sr_1_1…

This one, I INSIST on buying NEW in Package, and I want the Regular Version, NOT the "Eggcited" Alt-Deco one. --Thrillipede Figure…/…/ref=sr_1_1…


--Top Of The List: LG35: Super Ginrai (it has differing and better features than the Hasbro Powermaster Optimus Prime)…

--Titans Return Soundwave…

--Titans Return Brainstorm…

--Titans Return Alpha Trion --Titans Return Astrotrain…

--Titans Return Fortress Maximus…

The following Titans Return Transformers are available for PreOrder in less-expensive Bundles on BBTS; predoring them and having them sent to me would be greatly appreciated.

--Optimus Prime G2 --Megatron G2…

--Six Shot…

--LG41: Leo Prime…

--Hot Rod --Twinferno --Triggerhappy --Breakaway…

--Bumblebee --Gnaw (Sharkticon) --Kickback…

--Overboard --Ptero --Sawbuck --Fangry…

-MOST of the New Lego Dimension Sets. I alreay have the Ghostbuster 2016 Story, Harry Potter Team, and Mr. T.

-Most of the Skylanders Imaginators Figures (NO Starter Packs, Individual Creation Crystals or Imaginite Mystery Chests, whatsoever, please. And I already have the currently available Alt-Deco and Store-Exclusive figures, as well as a Kaos Figure, and Crash Bandicoot and Neo Cortex.)

-Or money is good and very appreciated; please ONLY send me money via PayPal to my email address, if and when you do.

If you need my mailing address for anything non-monetary (a lot of people know already), let me know in Facebook Messenger.

And shortly after finding each toy in my mailbox (or pickup at Post Office), I will edit this post and remove that item, and I will leave a comment below This Post Only in response to that as well.

Thank You, again, and have a good and safe day.

Pokemon Sun and Moon networking

26 November at 5:03 pm

Chris posted to a Pokemon page (link redacted).

Hey, League. I am in need to add y'all into both of my Sun and Moon games through the Festival. Please, help me with linking to each other and becoming mutual VIPs.

I wish Lady Gaga could listen to me whine

27 November at 11:42 am

Chris posted to a Lizzy the Lezzy page on Lady Gaga's charity work for children.

She did the same for Lisa Simpson in an episode of The Simpsons. I wish she could help me feel better here with kind words and support too.

Offering self-Skylander for sale

28 November at 2:16 am

feeling distraught.

Just a reminder, I am offering the figure and card of my self-Skylander, as well as a t-shirt with my character on it. Respectively, $50, $15 and $25; to add an autograph with permanent ink on them is $20 extra. Payment is to be sent via PayPal to my email,

See me in action versus Kaos in this video.

Chris linked to CWC vs Koas.

Skylanders sale preview

28 November at 2:18 pm

Here are images of what is offered; the card will have the data of my character to play it on the Portal of Power in Imaginators, so printing the card image is not as viable. The T-Shirt is available in sizes from Youth Small to Adult 3XL, and in white or blue.

Too lazy for Patreon

28 November at 11:06 pm

This is Why I am hesitant on doing something like Patreon; I am unable to offer gifts and whatnot, even previews, because, as I have explained in my earlier post (scroll down to find it). Ugh. I feel old.

Chris linked to a YouTube animated video about Patreon by none other then DoopieDoOver. Four minutes later, he edited the post to link to the FB post he had mentioned.

Barb pawns jewelry, Chris decides to join Patreon

30 November at 12:10 pm

My mother had to go to the pawn shop to pawn her 14K gold necklace that she paid $700 for in the mid 80s. She was looking to pawn it for the loan, but this pawn shop did not do pawns like that, and she had to sell it for 325. UGH! She really liked that necklace, and I liked it too; it meant a Lot to her. Now, it's probably going to get melted down.

"Mission Failed; We'll get them next time."

Also, I have decided I will try setting up a Patreon later today; hopefully I can quickly earn enough to buy the necklace back. Or, otherwise, pay the mortgage in full (big goal there).

Zoe L:

have you ever thought about getting a job?

This comment garnered 405 likes in 24 hours. Chris did not respond.

Alexa P:

So sorry about your mom's necklace...I'm not sure if you would be interested or not but my mom works for an agency that helps people find jobs, even if it's temporary, she would love to help at no cost 😊 text me or we can talk tomorrow at league if you're interested.

Another wish list update

30 November at 3:52 pm

Chris again copied-and-pasted the wish list to remove the toy he had bought, breaking the links and failing to fix them a second time. He commented:

From my Wish List, I just received from the Post Office, Alpha Trion and Astrotrain, addressed from BigBadToyStore. Thank You.


30 November at 5:39 pm

Chris linked to his new Patreon account.

Cross-post - The Alpha Trion/"Young Warrior" Challenge

30 November at 5:46 pm

I'd like to also start a New Internet Challenge, "Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooung Warrior!"

Chris linked to The Alpha Trion/"Young Warrior" Challenge
