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<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: I got this picture right here where somebody swapped our mouths and made Eric's head really big.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: I got this picture right here where somebody swapped our mouths and made Eric's head really big.
[''The picture shows up on the screen'']

[''Chris and Copitz laugh'']
[''Chris and Copitz laugh'']
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<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: I'll put that up on screen.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: I'll put that up on screen.

<font color="red">'''Lee'''</font color>: Oh yeah, I saw those.
<font color="red">'''Lee'''</font color>: Oh yeah, I saw those, too.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: You think that's funny?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Silly, yeah.
[''jump cut'']
'''Chris Talks About a Typical Day'''

==External links==
==External links==

Revision as of 19:27, 10 June 2018

Today two very handsome Young Men came to my house to Hand Deliver some Fan Art! I humbly accepted their Gifts, gave them Great Big Kisses (on the CHEEK) and sent them on their way!
Chris meets Copitz(right) and his friend.

Copitz is a YouTuber and a speedrunner on Twitch who lives in Charlottesville. In May 2018, he gifted Chris fanart and later recorded a video of him and his friend chatting with Chris.


On 19 May 2018, Copitz and his friend Eric went to Chris's house to give him fanart Copitz had drawn. Chris was overjoyed to meet them, kissing them on the cheek[1], which he thought they found flattering[2], and agreeing to do a video with them.


This took place on 26 May 2018, with the videos released a few days later.

A Chat with Christine Weston Chandler/Chris Chan
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 30 May 2018
I Am Sick of the HATE!!! (I could use a break)
A Chat With Chris-Chan

Deleted Scenes - A Chat with Christine Weston Chandler/Chris Chan
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 31 May 2018


CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

[For reference, the guy with the bandages on his face is Carson, and the guy in the back is Lee]

Intro (0:00-0:10)

[Techno music plays as text is shown on the screen]

A Chat With Christine Chandler

Filmed Saturday, 5/26/2018

We accidentally lost the first bit of this footage, so that is why there is no intro here.

The only important thing that was lost was Christine indulging in some "JULAY" memes, believe it or not.

That being said, enjoy the video!

Chris Discusses the Weather (0:11-0:22)

Chris: Ahh...I-I tend to perspire easily.

[Chris fans his face and takes off his glasses]

Copitz: Yeah...It is pretty hot today. Maybe eighty degrees?

Chris: Yeah. It's-[wipes face] mid-eighties right now.

Copitz: Mid-eighties?

Carson: This is really good.

Lee: It's nice out.

Copitz: It is nice out, yeah.

[jump cut]

Chris Discusses Kiwi Farms and BraveryJerk (0:23-1:17)

Copitz: Y- you probably know about the, the Kiwi Farms, right?

Chris: Oh, yes.

Copitz: Yeah, yeah.

[jump cut]

Copitz: People probably, uh-[jump cut] replied to you on Twitter when you posted the picture of us, then I posted it on Kiwi Farms.

[jump cut]

Copitz: I didn't even know what the Kiwi Farms was, I w- I just thought like [jump cut] It was a place to maybe brag about my experience, you know, [Chris laughs] 'cause it was the first thing I thought of when I got home, but then I realized... that wasn't such a good idea and [Chris: Mmm.] th- most of the people on the forums were telling me it wasn't a good idea either.

Chris: Eeh.

Copitz: Um, but, you know-

Chris (interrupting): I forgive you this time.

Copitz: Haha, thank you. [jump cut] A lot of them were-were afraid that I was like a ween and I was gonna be like, you remember BraveryJerk?

[jump cut]

Chris: Ah, not sure.

Copitz: He was the, uh, the African-American fellow who interviewed you at the, uh, the, uh-

Chris (interrupting): Oh... oh, yeah, yeah. I did n- I did not know his offline name.

Copitz: Okay- no, that is his online name, is BraveryJerk.

Chris: Online, offline, [raspberry-like sound], what did I say. I-[Chris uses an extremely high-pitched and loud sing-song voice]I kept sayin' words!!

Copitz: How did you feel about the videos that he made?

[jump cut]

Chris: Uh, it is what it is, I just m'let it go, I'm cool.

Copitz: Yeah, yeah.

Chris Discusses Toys "R" Us, Restaurants, and Spicy Food (1:19-2:28)

[jump cut, Chris is now leaning forwards, reaching for a cup of tea]

Chris: Which tea is this again?

Carson: It's called Iron [unintelligible]. It kinda tastes like, sweet, even without sugar.

[Chris laughs]

[jump cut, the tea is now being poured into Chris' cup]

Chris: That's good.

Carson: Oop, didn't get your hand, did I?

Chris: Nah, you're cool. [jump cut] Ha, could've been hotter.

[Copitz laughs]

Chris: Yeah, I like spicy things.

Copitz: Yeah, I like spicy th-

Carson: Hey, what's your favorite food, by the way?

Chris: Mmm. I like, uh, Mac and Cheese for longer time.

[jump cut]

Copitz: When you go- go out to eat at uh, at, at near Ruckersville, where do you normally go, do you come down to Charlottesville, or...

Chris: Uh, yeah, kinda here 'n 'ere, I mean, [jump cut] I just feel like it's cheap to just name McDonald's all the time, or KFC, or Taco Bell, [Copitz: Yeah, yeah] but I tell you what-[Copitz: Those are cheap, though] if I like it good, I might get something good from the [unintelligible] Buffet.

Copitz: Oh, yeah, uh- that's down near where Toys "R" Us is, right?

Chris: Yeah. [sigh] Stop the closing of the Toys "R" Us!

[Copitz and friends mock-scream in dismay]

Copitz: No! Not the Toys "R" Us!

[jump cut]

Copitz: You probably get a lot of your, your MLP stuff from [jump cut] Toys "R" Us, don't you?

Chris: Yeah, but's it's like, a lot of it's available online now, everyone's buying online [Copitz: [sucks teeth] Yeah.] Maybe KB will make a return, just like I heard on, uh, kind of a, news thing I s- read about, few weeks ago.

[jump cut]

Copitz: Yeah, it might- you know, that would actually be a good idea because it could pick up the business that Toys "R" Us, um, [Chris: Lost.] would have lost, yeah.

[jump cut]

Chris discusses Monster Energy and Copitz's friend Eric (2:28-3:22)

Chris(to one of the friends): It was pretty good, by the way.

Carson: I know, I like it a lot.

[jump cut]

Copitz: I remember, I was here one time, and, and I, and I had a, I had a big, um, can of Monster Energy, and I tried combining it with the tea, but it just tasted like gross, warm Monster.

[They all laugh]

Chris: They make a tea for Monster, Monster Tea.

Carson: Oh, [unintelligible], I think it's called.

[jump cut]

Copitz: So you remember Eric [Shows a picture of Eric on the screen], my friend that, uh, that came to [Chris: Uh, yes.] your house, right? [Chris: Yes.] He-

[jump cut]

[The camera lurches awkwardly towards one of Copitz's friends]

Copitz: When he was taking the behind the wheel driving lessons, he went up to- to the Wal-Mart [phone buzzes] on 29 North. [Camera tilts around] Not the one in Ruckersville, but the one- [Chris: Alright.] the one near Charlottesville.

[jump cut]

[Copitz drinks some tea]

Copitz: Ooh, that is good. I like that.

[jump cut]

Carson: Eric was actually the one who showed me the [unintelligible]

Copitz: Oh, really. Shoutouts to Eric. [closeup of Eric's face]

[jump cut]

Copitz: So when he was driving- [jump cut] through the parking lot with his driver's instruction teacher and a couple of other students- [jump cut] he actually saw you. Uh, a while ago, he saw you, and he recognized you. So that- so that was, uh, exciting for me, and we were all jealous. [Chris and Copitz laugh] They got to see you.

[jump cut]

Chris Discusses People Coming to His House (3:23-3:43)

Copitz: What were you thinking when we came to your house? How often does that happen?

Chris: Uhh... [jump cut] Feel like I wanna say on average... maybe.. uh... once every few months?

[jump cut]

Copitz: Is it normally fans, or normally trolls?

Chris: Um... I'm not quite certain.

Copitz: Not- not sure? Maybe just people trying to- people that live in the area and just wanna meet an- an icon?

Chris: Yeah, kinda. [laughs]

[jump cut]

Chris Discusses Animal Crossing, Let's Play, and the GenoSamuel2 Documentary (3:44-5:54)

Chris: Hey, try the Hi-C! It's got mint in it, and it's really good.

Friend 3: [unintelligible]

Friend 4: There are many, huh?

Copitz: Yeah, there are a lot of 'em.

Chris: I like mint.

[jump cut]

Copitz: Um-

Chris: Minty Squirrel from Animal Crossing.

Copitz: Minty Squ- Yeah, you know, you did a lot of Animal Crossing stuff back in the day, didn't you?

Chris: Yeah.

Copitz: You made that Animal Crossing video for your parents? I thought that was really nice.

Chris: Yeah.

Copitz: Yeah.

Chris: And then I just did touring of what I had on my GameCube.

Copitz: Ah, right. Yeah. I- you kn- I remember people saying- I thought this was really cool- They said that you pioneered the Let's Play experience.

Chris: I did?

Copitz: Yeah, 'cause you did it- you, you like, you recorded yourself, um, you're y'know, commentating over gameplay before basically anybody else did on the Internet.

[Copitz plays 5:02-5:10 from Chris' Animal Crossing Documentary]

2003 Chris: -moving on with the tour of my house. As you can see I've got- I'm collecting the NES games. I've got most of them down here, and I've got a couple upstairs.

[Video clip ends]

Copitz: So some people consider you the pioneer Let's Play.

Chris: Huh.

Copitz: That's pretty cool, isn't it?

Lee: That is pretty cool.

Chris: Okay, well that's news to me.

[Copitz and friends laugh]

Copitz: Yeah, I saw that ag- on the, um, do you know, the uh GenoSamuel2 documentary?

Chris: Mmm.

Copitz: Um, he's making this crazy long, comprehensive documentary, and I'd say it's very objective, he's not making fun of you in any way.

Chris: Mm.

[jump cut]

[Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History - Part 10 is shown on the screen]

Copitz: He's on Part 10, and they're each 40 minutes, and he's only on like 2008, [Picture disappears from the screen] so it's like, it's like he's getting everything in there.

Chris: Ah, as much as he can, right?

Copitz: Yeah, yeah. H- how do you feel about it when people make, like, documentaries and stuff about you but they're not making fun of you?

Chris: Um, I feel abou- I kinda feel like, uh...

Copitz: You wish your past wasn't documented as much?

Chris: Uh, no, I don't wanna say that.

Copitz: Mm-hm.

Chris: Um, I just kinda wish I wasn't as- more famous than infamous [Copitz: Yeah, yeah, that's true.] for more of my good qua- [Ego|more of my good traits, but I think they're all well noted among which.] I have faith in the goodness of people. And that's , uh, that's discounting and discrediting the obvious bad ones.

Copitz: Yeah, yeah.

[jump cut]

Copitz: Y- you've met some good people out there. I mean, we're here, right? You know. [Chris: Yeah.] Yeah, we're- we're trying [camera suddenly zooms in on Chris's torso] to be friendly. [all laugh]

[jump cut]

Lee: [unintelligible] cameraman?

[He's likely saying something along the lines of "Can I be the cameraman" because of Copitz's response and his later disappearance.]

Copitz: Yeah, you think you could help us- help me out here? Thanks, Lee.

Interlude (5:55-6:01)

[The same techno music plays, text is shown on the screen]

Starting here, there is a lot of background noise that I did not realize was being picked up.

I apologize for this error. That being said, please carry on and enjoy the rest.

Chris Discusses His Favorite Game (6:02-6:45)

[The camera is now in a different position, revealing more of the room. Lee is gone from the frame, and is now the cameraman.]

Copitz: All right, we're good, we've got Lee as our cameraman now, so that's good.

[Chris laughs]

[jump cut, camera is zoomed in more]

Copitz: Um, so Chrischine[sic] was just saying off-camera that her favorite, uh, Sonic game was Sonic CD.

Chris: Yeah.

Copitz: Um, would that make that your favorite game of all time?

Chris: Uh...

Copitz: Or you like Animal Crossing or LittleBigPlanet more?

Chris: I like, I like all the games I've played-

[Copitz starts getting up from his seat and reaches for the camera. As he touches it, there is a jump cut.]

[Copitz withdraws his hand from the camera]

Chris: -definitely earned, like up to a hundred percent of the trophies.

[someone laughs]

[jump cut]

Chris: I dunno about favorite game of all time, though. Mmm...[wipes face]...Although, big props to everything LittleBigPlanet, especially everything on the PS3, 'cause I'm able to make my Sonichu costumes and play the game [Friend laughs] as Sonichu in a way.

Copitz: [Looks at camera] You- you still uh, kind of a big gamer? You play games a lot?

Chris: Yeah. Here and there, just when I- I do as I feel.

[jump cut]

Copitz shows Chris an edit of the picture they took together (6:46-?)

Copitz: I got this picture right here where somebody swapped our mouths and made Eric's head really big.

[The picture shows up on the screen]

[Chris and Copitz laugh]

Copitz: I'll put that up on screen.

Lee: Oh yeah, I saw those, too.

Copitz: You think that's funny?

Chris: Silly, yeah.

[jump cut]

Chris Talks About a Typical Day

External links

See also


    Chats and calls

I Am Sick of the HATE!!! (I could use a break) Chris's videos Count Dankula Interview