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No, but I have been [to Vietnam] in my dreams.
Kun T’Nyuget on Vietnam, which apparently exists in the My Little Pony universe[1]
Sonichu character
Kun T'Nyuget
Date of birth 23 January 2018 (IRL)[2]
Gender Male
Parents Rascal Light (father)
Significant others Night Star
Species Pony (Pegasus)

Kun T'Nyuget (pronounced "cunty nugget") later known as Kun Hanhphuc, is an OC the Idea Guys inserted into Chris's fantasy world. Kun's primary purposes were in brainwashing Chris into believing he's bisexual,[3] to infiltrate the comics, à la Simonla, and to make a fool out of Chris by tricking him into using his pun prank name.


He is a Vietnamese pony shipped with Chris's My Little Pony insert Night Star. Idea Guy Joshua Wise had told Chris the surname T'Nyuget was Vietnamese for "happiness", which Chris parroted. After the Idea Guys were removed from power, Chris retained many of their ideas, in particular latching onto Kun, canonizing him into Sonichu and continued featuring him in comics and artwork such as TSSSF cards, as well as maintaining that he is Night Star's lover.

Chris's insistence on keeping the character vexed Guard Dog Null, who persuaded Chris to change the name to its correct translation, Hanhphuc.[4][5]

  • Has never visited Vietnam, but once in a dream.
  • Named after father's friend, Cua Trahanhphuc
  • Got cutie mark after making really good bowl of rice and noodles - cook

In April 2018, Chris remarked about his newfound bisexuality – citing Kun T. for his change of heart:

I would have sex with my Cwcville counterpart, and even my Equestria Counterpart, Nightstar. Her sweetie, Kun T’Nyuget, was so handsome, he made me realize I was Bisexual. He was like, WOW![6]

In the comic

Kun is a major character in the third and fourth storylines of Sonichu #12-9. The Idea Guys primarily wrote the third storyline, and Chris finished the fourth after they had been removed from power:

Weeks after breaking up with Diamond Melody, Night Star meets Kun T'Nyuget in the Ponyville market while lining up for zap apples. Upon making eye contact with the pegasus, she is instantly smitten. The two ponies get to know each other as they approach the market stall, to which Night Star offers to show Kun an "engineering facility" in CWCville, thinly veiled as a date.

A short time later, Star and Kun portal to CWCville, where they are given a tour of the General Electric Plant. The city comes under attack from Rei Ryghts, forcing Night Star to put duty first and abandon Kun to help the other heroes; however, the pegasus-turned-human is in hot pursuit. T'Nyuget reaches the battlefield, only to witness his love interest being sucked through a portal with Ryghts. Alone, Kun is escorted by Magi-Chan to Canterlot High School, so he could return to Equestria via portal.

Upon hearing of Night Star's return to CWCville and her resulting coma, Kun travels to CWCville to stay by her side in hospital. During the month long coma, Kun assisted the General Electric facility in developing new technology. When Night Star awoke, the couple returned to Equestria to live together.

Kun is mentioned in Sonichu #13 as one of the reasons Chris believes he is bisexual.


See also
