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{{Main|A Chat with Christine Weston Chandler/Chris Chan}}
{{Main|A Chat with Christine Weston Chandler/Chris Chan}}
On 19 May 2018, Copitz and his friends went to Chris's house to give him fanart he had drawn. Chris was overjoyed to meet them and [[TooManyGames|kissed each of them on the cheek]],<ref name=kiss></ref> which he thought they found flattering<ref>https://tweetsave.com/cwcsonichu/status/997967420575760384</ref> and agreed to do a video with them.
On 19 May 2018, Copitz and his friends went to Chris's house to give him fanart he had drawn. Chris was overjoyed to meet them and [[TooManyGames|kissed each of them on the cheek]],<ref name=kiss></ref> which he thought they found flattering<ref>https://tweetsave.com/cwcsonichu/status/997967420575760384</ref> and agreed to do a video with them.
==Deleted Scenes==
Deleted scenes of Copitz's interview with Chris.
| name          = Deleted Scenes - A Chat with Christine Weston Chandler/Chris Chan
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|QgRZgLGRb5g}}
| stardate      = 31 [[May 2018]]
| maker          = Copitz
| previous      = [[Copitz#Interview|A Chat with Christine Weston Chandler/Chris Chan]]
| next          =  [[Count Dankula#Interview|A Chat With Chris-Chan]]
| subject        = }}
===Transcript of "Deleted Scenes - A Chat with Christine Weston Chandler/Chris Chan"===
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Do you have any, umm, any real life friends you ever, umm, hang out with?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Uhh, yeah, I have some real life friends that I do hang out with from time to time, yes.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Near [[Charlottesville,_VA|Charlottesville]]?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Uhh, yes.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Okay, that's good. Did you meet them online, or did you -
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Uh, mostly in person.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Do they know about you from, from your your, uh, like, your fame on the internet?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Umm, like when we first met, most-most- majority did not know about me from the internet, and then they kind- they got to know me and they're like "Ehh, well we know Christine, we know Christian or Christine better than that."
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: How's uhh, [[Barbara|Mrs. Barbara Chandler]] been doing?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehh, she's doing fair in general. She's getting up more. She's -
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: In her 70s now?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Now you're gonna make me think of her age now.
[''Copitz laughs'']
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehh, she's like 76, she'll be 77 later.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Okay, yeah. We- we saw her, she- she was a little concerned what we were doing at- at your door I remember.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, I calmed her down. I told her, like ya know "they're both fans, and it was a nice little visit."
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: I was hoping you'd answer because I was afraid if she answered she might- she might slam the door on us.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, [''in a Barb impression''] ??. We're not home! We're (sic) not wanted! We're not interested! Go away!"
[''All laugh'']
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah.
[''Chris makes angry elderly noises'']
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: No, that's not the typical old- elderly lady I'm quite sure. I mean I've met a lot of very nice elderly women, I respect my seniors and elders.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah, yup.
Cameraman: That's good.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: 'Specially since [[Bob_Chandler|my father]] was a senior citizen literally my entire life from birth.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah, was- how old was he when you were born?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: If you wanna go beyond that, he was... 52 years old on conception.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: 52 years old on conception. [''Chris laughs''] So maybe 53 when you were born or so?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, that's about right.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Do you think if you had, uh, gone to the Albermarle County Public School, maybe because of kind of like the more industrialized area than Greene County maybe you would've had a better experience in [[Greene County Primary School|Elementary School]] than you did with [[Nathanael_Greene_Elementary_School|Greene]]?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: [''in Pinkie Pie impression''] I have no idea!
[''Copitz laughs'']
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: And I'm imitating Pinkie Pie saying that.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: And at least you're able to go to Richmond and, and I think- you think that going to [[Manchester_High_School|Manchester High]] impacted your- your life for the better?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yes, I do believe so.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Mhmm, you met some friends at [[PVCC]] too, didn't you?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Uhh, I didn't make as many friends at PVCC.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: No?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehhh, I met [[Mary_Lee_Walsh|people]], I tried, but it's like, ummm, [[Attraction_Sign|we couldn't really connect]].
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Ahh, yeah.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: I've, uh, started watching the new Rocky and Bullwinkle yesterday on Amazon Prime.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: How do you feel about that?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Oh, I kinda liked it, it was classic silly, silly, silly. And [[Chris and socialization#MLP voice actresses|Tara Strong]] voicing Rocky J. Squirrel. I would definitely like to meet her one day if possible, 'cus, ya know, [''in ?? impression''] She does a very good ?? [''in a Twilight Sparkle impression''] and a Princess Twilight Sparkle.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Maybe- maybe if she, uh, she ever needs somebody to take over for her, you could do it. [''Copitz laughs'']
BACK: Yeah!
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: I don't know, I'm not exactly [''in Bugs Bunny impression''] be the guy who did Bugs Bunny or [''in Daffy Duck impression''] Daffy Duck Sufferin' succotash!
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: [''laughing''] Not exactly, no.
[''Camera zooms in Chris makes [[Donald_Duck_impersonation|quacking noises]]'']
Cameraman: I can't do characters as well [<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah!] as well as you can.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehh, I got kinda like a voice copy thing [''Copitz laughs''] and I tend to- it's like, ya know, when I'm talking with somebody else, just one other person, for a while I tend to sound like them after a time.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Oh really?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, but if it's like- when I'm in a group then it's kinda mixed so I end up with more natural voice more often in the conversation. [''in a Copitz impression''] I'm talking with you right now Christian and I can kinda get your voice down after you and I- you and me in this pow-wow. I mean, whaddya think? We sound a lil cool?
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we sound pretty similar haha.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeeeah, we just ?? dudes.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Haha, pretty good.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Found a recent top ten, they uh, they top ten voi- top ten characters who were voice- multiple characters by voice- by the same actress. They put Tara at number four, but she was like, uh... the female- the only female in the top four, so she's pretty much the queen of voice acting.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Oh, yeah.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: While the ki- while the se- well- I can't remember his name -
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Wow, the reqs were met, huh? ??
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: the king of voice acting is the guy who did Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck and all of them.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah, I can't remember his name [<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Me neither], but he died a while ago, didn't he?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: But number two was Frank Welker. [''In Megatron voice''] "Do as I command! I am the Megatron!"
<font color="red">'''Lee'''</font color>: Do you have any favorite YouTubers that you'd like to shout out?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehh
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Shout out Copitz!
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ha, Copitz, I'll give him that. I'd definitely want to give a shoutout to Emgo, Dr. Wolf, and uh, lemme think, Scribbler, I like- I like the way she reads the [[MLP]] comics. [''Copitz laughs''] Ehhh, I wan- I like watching WatchMojo.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Oh yeah, yeah, the top tens?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: I noticed, when you're livestreaming, you have like such good quality, ummm, but cus you live in more of a neighborhood, but my internet's so bad, like, [<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehhh, you could- ] if you saw the quality on my stream [laughs]
[''Chris refills his drink'']
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehhh, internet streaming quality, brought to you by Comcast XFinity!
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah, you get Comcast, I only get CenturyLink.
Cameraman: Yeah, I only get CenturyLink too.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Shall I top you off?
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Oh sure, thank you.
[''camera zooms into Chris pouring drink into Copitz's cup'']
Cameraman: I can't stream at all on CenturyLink. [<font color="red">'''Lee'''</font color>: Really?] Yeah.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah well, it depends where you are I guess, but... And Lee lives just outside the city, just south of, uh, Charlottesville, and still CenturyLink doesn't give him anything good.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Oh dear.
Cameraman: We're installing Ting, which is... yeah.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: You're getting Ting?
Cameraman: Hopefully soon. You have to get a certain amount of people.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: It said a couple years ago they took Ting a little bit to your neighborhood, but not all.
Cameraman: Yeah, but they didn't like give it to anyone yet.
<font color="red">'''Lee'''</font color>: Fiber-optic?
Cameraman: Yeah.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Fiber-optic, fiber-optic is great, I'd love to have that.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Okay. Oh, so [[Sonic_the_Hedgehog_Watch_%26_Win_Sweepstakes||KB Toy store]] was in the [[Charlottesville_Fashion_Square|Fashion Square Mall]]!
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, it was.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Oh, okay. Yeah, you know my- my favorite, uh, my favorite thing from the Fashion Square Mall that they- they closed, it seems like they closed everything there, nobody even really goes there anymore [<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: yeee] seems like, was the uhh- the big candy store. I loved the candy store. And then the arcade, but that was before my time.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, I vaguely remember an arcade at Fashion Square.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah, that was more your time than my time. My parents went there a lot.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Oh yeah, I remember. It was, uh, near where Spencer's is now, over there.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Ah ha.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: And which college are you going to?
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: I'm hoping- umm, I'm graduating next year. I'm- I'm a junior in high school. So I'm, I'm hoping to go to VCU in Richmond. [<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Okay.] That would be cool.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: My dad recommended PVCC so that's where I went. [<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yup, yeah?] He had this planned all the way out for me get me following his footsteps, but it just wasn't meant to be.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Didn't work out, did it?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, sorry, sir. Sorry I lived for bigger and better things. [''Chris laughs'']
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Bob did some good things, didn't he?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Oh yes, he designed the controls for many a machine including steel mills, saw mills, plastic mill- I think one of them was a crane. I found, uh, in old filing cabinets, 06:34 (?) was like patents that he had made and filed and all that. So, completed patents right there. You can't find his records at GE cus he hadn't worked there for WAY more than ten years.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah, you probably feel bad having to sell some of his old stuff, don't you? But...
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, ya know, it was pretty much that time was the [[Stamps|postage stamps]].
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: You know what? I'm- I wanted to mention to you, somebody I saw- I don't know if you saw this in your replies on Twitter, but somebody had I think a great idea. I don't know if you'd want to do this, but, if you sold like one [[Lego|LEGO]] for a dollar, umm, each, then people could just pay a dollar and they could have a LEGO that was owned by you! And, it goes in an envelope so you don't have to pay any extra shipping.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: [''Clearly uninterested''] [[Chris_and_work|Hmm, well... that's an... option...]]
07:22 <font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: ?? idea. Y'know, it's all up to you, but I thought it was neat. [<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah...]. So I know you're kind of, uhh, discouraged to- to apply for jobs 'cus of like people can just look up your name and see everything about you.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, background check. Plus, I've tried, and nobody ever calls me back!
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: They yeah, y'know, it's sad but they might just look up your name and see all the stuff people have 07:43 about you, which is- it's a shame. Y'know, keep trying though. There are jobs out there that are made for- that are made for people that have trouble getting jobs. You'll find something, or hope so.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: And some jobs just in the makin'.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Do you maybe you'll ever think about going back to college?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehh, probably not. [<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: No?] Got too much going on on my plate.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah, at least right now. You never know about the future.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: When you like go out to eat, do you uhh, like, do you usually go with uhh, with your mom or?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehh, I end up going by myself.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Does she not like- does she just eat at home?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehh, a lot of the time, but she can go out to eat too.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah. Nice and relaxing.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: You know what's funny though? It made me think kinda, y'know? When one gets high and, y'know, it's like- I tend to get haunchy, and even sometimes-
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: What does that mean? Haunchy?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: It's like when you get drunk but rea-  when you're tired.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Ahh, okay.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: And like it happens not only when- it's like, especially when I'm really mentally tired, so it's like I could be physically going all over and I'm haun- mentally haunchy at the same time.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Ahh.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, but then, uhh, also, I- I have uhh, drank- drank my share of [[Chris_and_drugs#Alcohol|alcohol]], and it's like I fou- I found that I have such a great sense of self-awareness and, this applies for when I'm haunchy too, it's like I'm still self-aware. [<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: so -] But anyway, so, I- you can get me drunk and I'm still aware of everything around me. I've accidentally got high off of uhh, like cold medicine one time.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Ooh, how'd that happen?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehh, just, y'know, took a little bit more than I oughta and it just... zoopf. But yeah, high is just not my general thing to- I'm definitely more sober.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Okay, yeah, that's good. What's good for you but-
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, life gets tough, but if you, uhh, stay sober you tend to... get through it under your own power and feel more power yourself that way.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yeah, that's true.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: I think we can all say when we found out, umm, like how close you live we were like "Wow, that's just crazy!" You hear about all this stuff online and... that's- it's a small world!
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, small piece of Virginia, and [[CWCville]]'s just north Vi- just in north Virginia!
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Is it? Where is CWCville exactly?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehh, I'd have to pull up a Virginia map, I'll do that right now. Ehh, look it up on my phone.
[''Chris pulls out phone and an overlay appears shows the approximate location of CWCville to be around Fredericksburg, VA'']
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: CWCville is right by R- near Fredericksburg.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Fredericksburg
<font color="red">'''Lee'''</font color>: Oh! That's where I wanna be.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: And you see the body of water because you remember there's a beachfront- there's like a beach front.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yup, right there at, uh, Rappahannock River.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: [''to Lee''] You said you wanna go to college there?
<font color="red">'''Lee'''</font color>: Yeah, Mary Washington, yeah, a school in Fredericksburg. Yeah, it's very nice there.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: I was in Fredericksburg a few weeks ago at the Rappahannock, it's definitely a nice place. I like it.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Normally you charge maybe, what, $100 for like commissioned videos and stuff, err uh shoutouts, is that right?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehh, fifty to a hundred and negotiable.
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Yup, but you only charged us $30? [<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Ehhh] Thought it'd just be fun to hang out, maybe?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah...
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: Cut us some slack, as you said?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: Yeah, make it easy for you- for y'all this time.
[''Everyone thanks Chris'']
<font color="green">'''Copitz'''</font color>: What kind of TV shows do you- do you maybe watch other than uhh My Little Pony?
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: I watch Frasier. [''Collective "Oh!"''] Friends, and recently my loves and I we were watching Mom on Hulu.
<font color="blue">'''Chris'''</font color>: [''singing with all half-joining''] Billie Jean is not my lover!. She just a girl who says (sic) that I am the one! But the kiiiid is not my son!

==2nd Visit and Ghost Hunt==
==2nd Visit and Ghost Hunt==

Revision as of 20:23, 26 June 2022

Today two very handsome Young Men came to my house to Hand Deliver some Fan Art! I humbly accepted their Gifts, gave them Great Big Kisses (on the CHEEK) and sent them on their way!
Chris meets Copitz (right) and his friend in May 2018.
Copitz gives Chris a ride home, April 2019.

Copitz is a YouTuber and a speedrunner on Twitch who lives in Charlottesville. Starting in May 2018, he began visiting Chris and recording videos of him and his friends chatting with Chris while visiting local areas. Copitz would also play a role in developing The Chris Chan Conspiracy docuseries, organizing a meet-up between TheGamerFromMars and Chris at his home.

1st Visit and interview

Main article: A Chat with Christine Weston Chandler/Chris Chan

On 19 May 2018, Copitz and his friends went to Chris's house to give him fanart he had drawn. Chris was overjoyed to meet them and kissed each of them on the cheek,[1] which he thought they found flattering[2] and agreed to do a video with them.

2nd Visit and Ghost Hunt

On 22 March 2019, Copitz, along with two of his friends, went to visit Chris again. During this time, they went "ghost hunting" in the now abandoned DeJarnette Center for Human Development in Staunton, Virginia.

Ghost Hunting with Chris Chan
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 23 March 2019
A Melodic Burp
Goodwill Offering and Kindest Wishes

Transcript of "Ghost Hunting with Chris Chan"

CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

Copitz: What's up guys, we're here at the DeJarnette sanatorium. Uh- I'm here with Christine Weston Chandler.

Chris: [holding his hand up] Yo. Yo!

Copitz: AKA Chris Chan, and we're gonna be exploring this place searching for ghosts.

Chris: Ruffalo! (?)

Copitz: It's gonna be pretty epic if I do say so myself.

Copitz: [laugh]

[jump cut to a chain-link fence]

Copitz: Do you think you can fit through here, Christine?

Chris: I think I can manage.

Copitz: Alright.

[Copitz's backpack gets caught on the fence]

Chris: Whup-up-up-up-up, you're caught. [Chris helps unhook Copitz's backpack from the fence] There you go.

Copitz: Thank you.

[jump cut to Chris grunting and struggling to make it through the broken fence gate]

[jump cut again to Chris entering the front of the building through a large broken window. The scrape of broken glass on the floor can be heard as Chris steps through]

Copitz: Nice job.

[Jump cut to Chris and Copitz wielding flashlights inside the building's dark interior]

Copitz: So there's a bunch of different levels to this building.

Chris: [in a strange voice] I see dead people. I think the ghosts are comin' after me. [laugh]

[camera pans to the wall Chris is illuminating, showing graffiti that says "Fuck you!"]

[jump cut to a very short time later; Chris and Copitz are walking down a hall]

Chris: Christian, come here.

[jump cut to Chris displaying his wrists]

Chris: I got quartz- uh, lightning quartz on my wrist.

[the camera zooms in; the video becomes fuzzy before focusing the close-up on Chris's gloved hands]

Chris: It might take a- more than one try, but I'm able to do it on the first try often times, [lifts his arms up, his forearms crossed at the wrists] but I'm gonna make it grind in here. [pulls his wrists against each other, making a loud click.] Ah.

Copitz: Should I stand back?

Chris: [trying again, another click is made] ahh, sometimes it [unintelligible]. [click] Ahh, I can do this, now I can do it [click]

[pan to Copitz]

Copitz: What are you trying to do?

Chris: Tryin' to make it light. I know I'm able to do it.

[pan to what looks to be Lee- though it may be another person- while Chris is finally able to get his rock to make light]

Chris: THERE it is!

Copitz: Aw nice, nice.

[cut to a hallway with bright light at the end of it]

Chris: [observing artwork of hot air balloons on the wall] Well, that's a nice picture, with all the balloons there. [reading graffiti on top of it] My balloooon. I like this picture.

[jump cut to Chris]

Copitz: So this is- uh- this is- uh, DeJarnette sanatorium.

[jump cut to Copitz, his face illuminated by his flashlight]

Copitz: It's where- uh, Joseph DeJarnette- um, did his work. He's- uh, known for being a pretty famous eugenics doctor, and he's known to still roam the halls. As a ghost, obviously.

Chris: Wha' was 'is name?

Copitz: Closed down waaay long ago- his name was Joseph Dejarnette.

Chris: Joseph. Hello, Joe, what do you know?

[jump cut]

Copitz: Do you believe in ghosts?

Chris: Ehh, I've met ghosts- so, yes.

[jump cut to outside]

Copitz: It's a nice view. Alright, the stairs are over this way.

[jump cut to back inside the sanatorium]

Copitz: The next floor.

[jump cut to Chris and Copitz looking at graffiti that reads "HeLP! Im TRA- pped on the ToP flooR"]

Copitz: What does that say?

Chris: [attempting to read the graffiti] I'm trap-red on the top floor.

Copitz: I'm-

Chris: Oh, "I'm trapped on the top floor".

Copitz: This isn't the top floor!

Chris: Sorry, I di-

Copitz: How'd they get here?

[jump cut to more graffiti]

Copitz: [reading the graffiti] "No Obama!"

[quick jump cut]

Copitz: What do you think about our current administration?

Chris: Ahhhh... Trump sucks. That's enough said right there.

Copitz: Think so?

Chris: [slightly distorted by reverberation due to his volume] We can replace him with anybody, but I know we'll replace with Lisa Simpson 2000(?) after the dimension merge.

Copitz: Oh, by- Lisa Simpson will be the next president?

Chris: Yep.

Copitz: Oh, okay.

[quick jump cut]

Copitz: You think everything in cartoons will come true?

Chris: [sigh] It's all- everything that's already been... presented on media has already comes (sic) true. In the sense over there, in our sister dimension, C-197

Copitz: Ohhh, okay.

Chris: But as for future determinations, that's still to be determined.

[jump cut to swastika graffiti on the ground]

Copitz: Check that out.

Chris: [on top of Copitz] You know, the swastika used to mean good luck.

[jump cut to a dark room]

Copitz: Alright, here it says [reading graffiti] "Joseph, come out"

[quick jump cut]

Copitz: I don't really want him to come out, to be honest, because he's dead and ghostsnn' are a little scary.

Lee: Not the geese, man.

Chris: Ahhh, the only- you're only scareda' ghosts because you don't have much knowledge about them.

Copitz: Oh, my mistake.

[jump cut]

Chris: I think I can hear something.

Copitz: Uhh, I'm gonna go this way [laugh]

Chris: Yeah, I feel something.

[jump cut to stairs]

Copitz: Alright, let's go down, let's go down.

[jump cut to Chris and Copitz walking down the stairs]

Chris: At least I got good cell reception in here, I'll give you that.

[jump cut to graffiti that reads "Pots 4 sale]

Chris: [unintelligible, talked over by Copitz]

Copitz: [laughing] Pots for sale? Is there- is there a pot dealer in here?

[jump cut, rumbling can be heard]

Lee: Got some people.

Copitz: Hello? Hello? Who's there? Hello?

[jump cut, no more rumbling]

Copitz: We're friendly!

[camera man laughs]

Lee: Yeah. We're not ghosts!

Copitz: Can you hear us?

[quick jump cut]

Copitz: [quietly] Ah, whatever, I don't think we're ghosts(?)

[camera man laughs]

[jump cut]

Chris: Don't worry guys, I think Magi-Chan Sonichu has us protected.

Copitz: [on top of Chris] I can still hear them.

[jump cut to Copitz's camera pointed at a small unoccupied room with a boarded up window which has a hole in it]

Chris: Follow my lead. We're calm, we're cool.

Copitz: Let's see- [walking into the room] let's check out this little peephole.

[jump cut to a close up of the peephole]

Lee: Maybe we can kick it open.

[quick jump cut to the camera focused on the external landscape]

Copitz: I don't wanna do that. It's clearly professionally boarded.

[jump cut to junk]

Copitz: Lookit this.

Chris: It's a mess alright.

[jump cut]

Chris: [ghost sounds] Ooooooohhhh

Copitz: [laugh]

Chris: Don't worry, we mean ya no harm, spirits.

[quick jump cut]

Chris: As long as we don't bodder dem, dey won't bodder us.

[jump cut to a small room with one large, tall window]

Lee: Well, if all goes to [censored] sh-t, we can climb outta here.

Copitz: Yeah...

[jump cut to the dark halls of the sanatorium once more]

Chris: We mean no disrespect or dishonor-

Copitz: [on top of Chris, agreeing] Absolutely not.

Chris: We're juuust chronicling.

[Chris's phone rings, spooking the other ghost hunters]

Chris: That's my mother. [to Barb] Heyo.

Barb: Hello! Okay, bye.

Chris: Bye-bye. [to the other ghost hunters] It's okay, that was just my mother calling me.

Copitz: [on top of Chris, most likely referring to when he was supposed to return home or contact her] Definitely before six.

[unintelligible whispering]

Chris: Y'all's mothers were concerned about yours as well. Y'all when you were... e- I mean no offense, thank you.


Chris: You know what's weird? I kinda got a similar- this reminds me of after that housefire in 2014 at ho- at my home

Copitz: Oh, yeah-

Chris: Just ennering and exiting all the time, so- it's like, I kinda entered familiar territory with the way everything is around here.

Copitz: For sure, I remember that.


Copitz: Oh, there's some nudity on this wall.

Chris: Oh. [illuminates the graffiti on the wall, which manages to somehow be lower quality than ShecameforCWC.JPG] [laughs] Jeez.

[jumpcut to a well-lit room]

Chris: [singing terribly] Have some fun haunting around those spooky trails.

Copitz: [on top of Chris] Here. [receives an unidentifiable item from Chris] [joining in with Chris] Hopping around the spooky trails.

Chris: [scatting] Booby-da-do-ba do-ba-do-bah-da-boo-bu-da-duh-do-duh-do

Copitz: [dances]

[jumpcut to just outside the sanatorium]

Chris: Thank you all for your hospitality, our phantasms of the spook. May you all rest in peace. Continue to rest in peace.

[quick jump cut to Copitz]

Lee: I wonder who those people were?

Chris: Huh.

Copitz: Yeah, I dunno, we might'a scared them off 'cause they didn't say anything to us.

Lee: They thought we were ghosts. [unintelligible]

Chris: That's the difference between knowing and not knowing.

[piano music begins playing]

That's the difference between knowing... and not knowing -CWC 2019

Chris: If you don't know who was there, does it confirm whether somebody was there or not? You hear footsteps, but was there actually people? Or was it the spirits?

Copitz: It coulda' been the spirits, man.

[quick jump cut]

Chris: All is not known until all is learned, so seek your knowledge and learn well; keep a cool, calm head.

[jump cut to Lee taking a selfie with Chris; piano music stops]

Copitz: Welcome to jamrock.

[jump cut to Chris and Copitz walking on a hill; wind can be heard in the background]

Copitz: I know you said Ted Bundy is going to be coming back in the merge as well...?

Chris: Uhh- oh, in his Sonichu form, eventually. [quick jump cut] And since he... reincarnated, he definitely made sure he amended his ways. [quick jump cut] I assure you that he's a good guy.

Copitz: Okay.

[jump cut to Chris and Copitz walking down a trail side-by-side]

Copitz: So- I mean, Christine, you can see- you can see why some people might think that [quick jump] the whole CWCville stuff- that, like, it might just be... part of something that you drew, and it might just be in your imagination?

Chris: Ohhh yeah, no, [quick jumpcut] we create something and it ends up there, it's not imagination, you literally have psychic connections and links to right over there.

Copitz: Yeeeah...

[jump cut to near a road, cars passing by]

Chris: Kick the can! And I missed. [kicks tin can] There you go. [laugh]

[jump cut to 4 in car, Copitz driving, Chris in passenger seat, Lee and Unnamed Cameraman in backseat]

[Chris drinking Gatorade while side-eyeing camera]

[jump cut to Chris talking to his mother on phone]

Chris: Hi Mom, checking in. I don't know if you wanted to, uh, wait 'til after I got home to fix dinner or whatever. I'll see you later, love you.

Copitz: Let's do a beatboxing contest, okay? I'll go first, you ready?

[starts beatboxing decently]

Copitz: Alright your turn, Christine!

[Chris starts beatboxing horribly]

[Copitz adds interjections and drum noises]

Copitz: Christine on the mic!

[Cuts back and forth between Chris and Copitz beatboxing]

Chris: Honey, I got one more.

[continues beatboxing badly]

[Copitz joins in for a duet]


Lee: When do you think the dimensional merge is happening?

Chris: It's very soon, within these- within the coming days.

Lee: I'm unfamiliar with what that is, what is that?

Chris: Where the dimensions of - where our OCs exist and coexist and -

Copitz: [clarifying for those in backseat] Original Characters

Chris: - reside, and here, where everybody will get to see the OCs.

Copitz: I'll have to see to- to believe it, really, honestly, but I'd like to- I'd like to learn more about the way that you - that you think about it, like the psychological aspect [Chris: maybe] if that makes sense.


Lee: There was a theory going around that you were having like very specific dreams due to some of the medications.

Chris: Well, it's hard to confirm or deny that, but I feel like I can s- I feel like I can say it's... quite a bust. I mean most of my dreams remain neutral, and my nightmares. I have my good dreams, but I'm a lucid dreamer.


Copitz: So you were talking about Lisa Simpson as President, how do you think - what do you think that's going to be like?

Chris: I don't know which President compare it to really. I mean, I'd like - I would like to say Obama...


[Chris makes honking noise]

[Copitz honks the car horn twice]

[Chris laughs]

[jump cut to "Damian Marley - Welcome To Jamrock" playing and Copitz singing along]

Lee: [recording Chris on his phone, loud music and Copitz singing makes it hard to hear] Christine, sing!

Chris: What?

Lee: Sing along!

[Chris sings nonsense]


Copitz: If you wanted to ask - access the, what's it called? C-

Chris: C-197

Copitz: C-197. If you wanted to access that right now, could you do it?

Chris: Oh yeah.

Copitz: Would you like to try it? I don't know if anybody's ever seen you do it before if you-

Chris: Okay, well, hang on I'll-

[Chris closes eyes and makes a concentrated face]

[slow fade transition, presumably a few seconds have passed without Chris talking]

Copitz: Christine, can you still hear us?

Chris: [In a more distant voice] Yes, I hear you.

Copitz: Are you in C-197?

Chris: Yup.

Copitz: Do you think I could have a conversation with one of them through you? Like you could tell me what they're saying and you could tell them what I'm saying?

Chris: Uh, Sabrina is telling me, "Say hi to- Hi Selmy - Hi Christian! It's nice to talk to you!"

Copitz; Hi Sabrina, tell Sabrina I said hi.

Chris: Oh, she hears you through me, so it's like a conduit.

Copitz: Oh, okay. Could I speak to, uh, maybe, like, Lisa Simpson or somebody?

Chris: Okay, well, I'm gonna have to move my soul all the way over to Springfield. Well, I'm talking with Homer right now, she's not - she's not home right now.

Copitz: Can I speak to Marge?

Chris: She's coming in! Hi, Marge! She doesn't want her... speech put on the Internet.

Copitz; Oh, okay.

[Camera zooms into Chris's deeply concentrated face]

Chris: But she will say, for everyone... to remain on their best behavior and to be kind to each other. She will not stand for... crass and rudeness.

Copitz: Oh, of course not. Yes, wise words, Marge. Thank you.

[quick jumpcut]

Chris: [sigh] Ugh, fwoop tired, I've gotta come back here.

[Chris opens his eyes and acts like he's returning to our dimension]

Chris: Blech. I had to come back, I got - my brain got worn out.


Copitz: Alright, let's do our outro here. Ay. Alright guys, we had a great -

[Black screen with words "*camera runs out of battery*]

[interrupted by laughter from both Copitz and Chris]


Chris: [in silly voice holding up peace sign] SUBPRIBE to Copitz, Copitz! Bloopitz!

External links

See also

  • Xleepy, Copitz's friend and fellow YouTuber.


    Chats and calls

I Am Sick of the HATE!!! (I could use a break) Chris's videos Count Dankula Interview