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==Chris wants to spill the beans==
==Chris wants to spill the beans==
[[main|Bella chats#Description of Affair]]
{{main|Bella chats#Description of Affair}}

==Bella reacts to incest call==
==Bella reacts to incest call==

Revision as of 20:31, 15 January 2022

This page covers leaked chats pertaining to Chris's incestuous relationship with his mother Barbara. Chris's messages are in blue; the other parties in various colors.

Chris's new sex partner

2 July 2021

Chris mentions having a sex partner but avoids naming her.

Main article: WCT DMs#New sweetheart

Chris vaguely describes his relationship

5 July 2021 (leaked by Null on 31 July 2021)[1]

Chris misleads Null on the true nature of his relationship, lying by omission and leaving out key details to manipulate Null into believing the relationship was simply a matter between Chris and an older woman.

Now, I also have a major update to share with you; Strictly Confidential.

The past week up to Sunday the 27th has been a major game-changer for the positive with me. I tell you this in Strictest Confidence, and trust; I do not want word of this on the Kiwi or going public.

But, I had sex with someone last week; someone of this half of our universe. I worked thoroughly and compassionately with her beforehand, and at present. She's physically older than I. If heard, one may say it's something out of an anime or fan fiction. But, yeah, keeping her safe as well. Also, next appointment with my doctor is on the 20th, so I'll get checked then, to be safe. Condoms are being used in the intercourse.

This relationship was something I have extensively given much, much deep thought and within myself. I had foreseen this among the infinite possible outcomes long ago. I no longer believe in labels that would hinder, and I do not listen to those shadows. This was of my own choice and acceptance, and I have no regrets. This feels right and good with I, and her.

Really? How'd you meet?
Well, I’ve met her a while ago, and was not fully aware at the time. And my ally deities guided me to seek her out and make things go further with great effort. We have talked off and on during the time in person. Behind a considerable camouflage, she was, but she was honest in her emotions. And she wanted to be with me as well; mutual feelings on good rapport. This relationship has been, from the start, offline and in-person, I assure you.
Do you have a picture of you and this girl btw?
Woof! Pressing hard for details. I do have photos of my lady friend, but I feel it too personal at this time. I did mention she was older than I; she’s in the over 50’s. And she definitely does not want to be spread around. As one of my more curious followers may have found through my Amazon by now, I even recently purchased a valuable and informative book to add additional guidance.
Guide to Sex and Disability.jpg
I'm not trying to press, just curious. It's good you're both into things like anime
Actually, she doesn’t watch much anime, or animated series, or even television these days for that matter.

Adam West was one of her favourite people back in the 60’s, however, as it was for her son back then.

Well that's cool, I hope it works out
It is


I have found great appreciation for her in reading her deeply, and in listening to her stories and life adventures. Her High School days were quite fun for her. An intellectual, she is; worked a lot in numbers and accounting.

Also, you may note what I have told you of my lady friend so far and in future; I kinda want you to figure it out for yourself, as also the few others I’ve confided strictly with this detail. Don Lashomb and Wildcat are the two others who have additional clues as well. And I’ve mentioned this to my Doctor as well, without mentioning her name directly at all in any event. I will see my doctor on the 20th, so I will get tested to confirm lack of STDs then.

She and I have our romps in the sack every three nights at the present.

It does give her something to look forward to. She is very grateful, and I am also appreciative in being able to enlighten her with sex play she missed out on from even her exes.

You should definitely not tell anyone who she is. It'll only complicate the relationship if people start harassing her.
It's a good sign you've kept it secret so far but don't risk it
Yes. Shhhhh.

We are safe, as long as none of this, even the obscure details, get leaked at all in public view or on Kiwi.

Good idea, I'd honestly advise not telling even people you trust that you have a girlfriend at this point.
Not telling anyone else after you, I do promise.

More descriptions of the lady friend

14 July 2021

Main article: WCT DMs#Chris describes his lady friend

Chris wants to spill the beans

Main article: Bella chats#Description of Affair

Bella reacts to incest call

28 July 2021

Bella posted to her Chess Club Discord group (timestamped 3:40 AM in logs):[2]

about to video call cwc

At the 5:40 AM timestamp, she posted:[3]




He never told anyone but me

Keep this private

I'm the only person he told

Hss in a sexual and romantic relationship with his mom

Theyre fucking hard

And constantly

And they do kinky shit together
We talked for like 4 hours
I took some random clips from our long and actually very pleasant talk

Only got some of it

Im trying to compile it now

Her friend louize asked if she would be leaking to the documentary guy. She replied:

I'll leak it everywhere eventually

I'm sending it to [the Suitress][note 1] rn

nobody pre4dicted this


At the 6:45 AM timestamp, Bella posted a link to the video she compiled, her friends watched the footage and discussed. Louize asked, "what else did he say?" Bella replied:

Nipple clips on both, lingerie on both, 3 hour long massages, candle wax

They have sex every 3 days on the dot

they do all this and they all use vibrators

they tereat eachthers like lovbers

shes to old to even cook for herself so when he makes her eggs he jacks off on htem

Louize asked, "how come youre talking about [the Suitress] a lot". Bella answered:

She asked me too

She wanted me to break whoever the 70 year lady he was dating up so that she can date him

Turns out that 70 year old is his but uh

Louize commented that the footage is shocking. Bella responded:

the kinky stuff he sdays is woorse but i got none of it

Louize asked why and she replied:

bc my ipad stoppped recording automatically and i didnt realize it

Bella discussed leaking.

u cant post this yet [...] im planning on posting it i just need to father evidence foerm a different angle so i remain anoymous

On 31 July, Bella discussed the call again.[4]

he said he was dating this girl for months,m this 72 year old lady

he said he wanted to confess something to me

and i suspected it

bc he said it was illegal

and that was it

Louize asked, "Did u tell him it was wrong or did he think it was completely justified"

Bella answered:

never said ot was wrong

he thought it was justified

i said i understoofd so he would talk more

Chris texts about incest with his mother

Unclear, possibly the night of 28 July 2021[note 2] (leaked on night of 29 July)[5]

Just going ahead and sharing this with you, fresh experience.

On the Strictly Confidential just between you and I.

So, yes, Barb and I just had another romp in the hay and an extensive cuddle.

Tonight, I started looking into a more consistent pattern to my massaging. And I took the input and focused on getting blood flow into the groin area.

Before tonight, I did not really have a set pattern in the massage, aside from feet and legs, followed by hands and arms, the face, front torso, and then a roll-over for her back.

I have found a more consistent method that works between the legs and arms, but I was inconsistent in the hands and feet. Anyway

Also made another attempt at rubbing her vagina, externally at first, then slipping in between the lips and rubbing the inner labia. Then she told me to stop. She's getting more used to being played with down there by hand.

Would you Believe she has literally Never Ever masturbated in her entire life?

And, obviously those out of the eight guys, counting Robertchu, before me were not hitting her G-Spot as much with their cocks. I had attempted the first night to rub her in there; I found her spot, but it hurt her. But, alternatively, I did find that at cunnilingus, I was good at it with my tongue.

And I did also stimulate her clit; that does not seem to hurt her as much, but she still has a limit with that spot as well.

Anyway, we're making progress.

And when we cuddle, and this actually impresses me More, I literally feel our souls bonding and coming together as one during that time. Damn, it feels soo good when that happens.

And we talk a good while as well before she heads back upstairs.

I have been sending her meditation tracks to stimulate her brain and bring back some of her youth, and the results do show, most splendidly. I am soo proud of her.

And from her stories she told me tonight, she Even remembered a fun story that Involved her daddy from when she was two years old.

Two Years Old.

That in itself at her age is Massively Good!

She has had memory problems at time beforehand, yes, but she is being better stimulated in her mind and soul, and it Really Shows! Her mental processing speed is even going back up.

She FEELS This and has told me so, herself.

And I am soo happy and content that I am able to help her out like this.

And It helps me as well, because of the experience, and the education and learning

"I'm kinda scared"


This collection conversations has been shared in chunks, therefore, many parts of it may be missing. The dates given for some of these conversations are also based on the events that surround them.

27-30 July 2021, text messages[6][7]

This section showcases chunks of a conversation that appears to have occurred sometime around the first leak of the Incest call, but before the second.

The first chunk of this conversation centers around Bella gifting the Suitress bath bombs and other hygiene products.

The incest call leaks and Bella brags about how they "broke the internet". However, the Suitress replied being scared at this and still meeting Chris, showing hesitancy when Bella suggests to her to bask in their supposed glory. However, the Suitress had also made claims that leaking these calls was a good idea.

The Suitress's messages will be represented in magenta.

Uh shower jelly, bath bombs, soap bars, shower streamers, shower bombs, body butter and body scrub
U like this stuff? I never heard of it lol


I'm using a bath bomb tonight tho they gave me like 9

Lmk which ones u want they left it in the bowls for us to grab

Which ones do they have?
Alot basically everything here and some more

[next day]



We did it


But I wanted to meet Chris
dude fucking awesome

We still cab


Everyone thinks I'm a 42 year old dude
Okay goof


So what do I do here

They think my trollsona is bella
Oh ok
But y do they know my name
So what do I do herr
Either way its cool bc I anonymous
Okay good

But what do I do

Notibg just bask in our glory

We did it

I'm kinda scared

I know it's good to release

Were the best trolls on history

I got u protected

Josh is after me


I don't know Null's phone number

[next day]


[next day]

Can you send the 4 hour call


I don't have it lol my phone would record randomly
How would it record randomly

Just asking

Discussion of Incest


This conversation has been shared in chunks. As a result of this, many parts of it may be missing. The dates given for this conversation is also based on the events that surround it.

28 July [note 3]

This is part of a conversation that the Suitress and Bella had regarding a call with Chris, seemingly the Incest call. This happened directly before the 4-minute leak of the full 4-hour call, which the Suitress had made herself after Bella gave her a 9-minute version of this call. Judging by this, and posts from later conversations, it appears that the Suitress had not yet had any access to the full recording before releasing the first leak, nor was she ever in the call itself.

The conversation also makes mention of Bella pushing for Chris and the Suitress to have sex at Everfree Northwest, but didn't seem to discourage Chris from having sex with Barb.[8]

The Suitress also claims that she had exposed herself to Chris, presumably on live video, and that Chris was turned on by this, indicating some degree of interest in her. The context in which this might have occurred is unknown. Also of note is how while the Suitress was showing apparent shock at the idea that Chris was having sex with his mother, she also appears to still be on board with having sex with him, in spite of this. She also makes mention of the possibility of Chris being "swain away" from Barb after having sex with her.

He only told me you have to keep this absolutely private from him

At least until he tells someone else and we can put the blame on them

OKAY. SPILL THE TEA. I'm the only one drinking it
Based thx sm

Ok so I compiled as much as I can

Talk away

I'm listening


Its all jumbled bc we talked fir like 4 hours and it's random clips that I could pick up so u might miss some of it when you hear it.

He's fuckinh his mom

They're actually dating

Wow...I knew it! We all knew it!
They fuck ALOT


He only told me this but he's in a romantic relationship like he wine's and dines her



I've seen the wining and dining in a video before
He puts a vibrator up her ass

And they MAKE LOVE

Holy shit I didn't ACTUALLY expect him to do this

Sadly I'm not surprised. Got recording?
Yup it's taking FOREVER to export

Tried to cut out some of the random convo bc it was mostly us talking about random stuff

I might be able to dance
Oh I have a cold sry

My voice is fucked

I'm not saying I'm not going to dance

I'm saying we're checking out of the hotel before we dance

He said u couldn't


He was mistaken

Oh Chris

Yeah its in really random order lol

I tried

It cuts off mid sentence lol

If the convo seems like it changed its bc i just cut it rn


I'm fine with the friends with benefits thing
Yeah I was hust trying to get him to talk about it

We talked for like 4 hours and he got really spicy when he talked about the weird shit they do

I didn't hear the weird shit
We talked about so many random things but the convo always went back to the kinky shit I dies to her

Yeah I didn't get it

He has sex with her every 3 days and he uses flavored lube and they both use vibrators

that's more action than I get with my boyfriend
Nipple stuff too

Lmao i never got anything close

When did this start!
Nipple clips on both, lingerie on both, 3 hour long massages, candle wax

Almost two months ago

Barb groomed her son
Uh yeah and now he's grooming her
He's grooming HER?
All in all it's her fault

He won't let her have friends

And will refuse to let her leave now if she doesn't

Apperentky she didn't even want to have sex with her and he had to convince her

Jesus...was it rape?

They groomed each other

It also hurts her alot apparently but he says she probably likes it rough

Not really bc she actually agreed to it and they still do it ALL the time

He coaxed her into it but she groomed him to be this way

Its own both of them

Yeah ^^^

When I have sex with him, I hope it sways him away from his mother
I was pushing realllly hard for that bjt he's convinced that you'll fall in love in college or something
He's still in disbelief of his first real sweetheart

He tells me that he's still embarrassed and nervous

"The tarot cards tell me she'll fall in love in college
At least it keeps him occupied


Jesus dude what is wrong with him just go after her
Don't tell anyone this but I showed Chris my tits

And he went like "mmmmmmmm"

"You're starting to turn me onnnnn"

Chris is so in love with me


Please tell him to quit her for me

"You WILL call me here on video call tonight"

I'll try

Jesus Chris Chan, that sounds like a threat
Ik I was like damn ok

I gtg to ckass ttyl

CCCC Incest Call Leak

This is a series of Discord chats that the Suitress had with other users in the server Chris Chan Conservation Collective in regards to her recent findings that Barb and Chris were having sex. It also details the creation of the second leak, which would follow several hours after the first.

29 July

One of these users, GunLoader420, also known on Youtube as EllDudeRocks, would upload this newly created leak on Youtube. This video would be removed for Violating Youtube's Terms of Service, but reuploaded by another user named Dr. Retard. GunLoader's messages will be represented in red and various other users in the chat will be represented with other colors.

Barb has a weird relationship thing with Barb too

I talked to someone who knew Chris personally

She told me he fucked his mom

I have proof

What proof?
Lemme fetch it real quick
Jesus Christ
Where was that from? Who are they talking to?
Chris was talking to my friend

I'm not telling her name

Yeah course get that

Was this very recent?


It was a couple days ago

No. I'm the only one who released this part (first leak) of this clip

So I only leaked this much

And that's enough to prove that Chris does it with Barbara

My friend (Bella) knows Chris through brony conventions and she and I have been friends for a while

There's personal info in there, so I might need to bleep out things.
I can't believe how composed your friend is
She's known Chris for a while, so you have to be composed

Here I am going to bleep and cut out some parts before releasing this

I didn't think anything about Chris would shock me anymore

But this is something else

He's going to kill barb fucking her, mark my words

She's holding on by a thread as it is

I'm getting the video ready

Do you want me to turn it to an mp3 so it's easier to share on discord?


It would be dope
I cropped the video to only the important parts
God bless you
And now I'm going to convert the video to only a sound file

It takes an extremely long time for this video to render

I'm not sharing personal info

I'm only sharing the fact that Chris is having sex with Barbara

Look at the two videos above
[The Suitress] has audio of Chris admitting to it
My friend was chatting with Chris
Chris fucks his mom and I have the audio to prove it
no way

ur lying

He admitted it
No I'm not

Listen to the audio

I'm not lying my friend had contact with Chris
are you guys playing a prank on me?
Hell no
come on

wer u get this?

My friend sent the audio to me
All you need to know is that Chris bangs his mom
since wen?
I already got that from the first video you posted
Once every third day since June 27
I only leaked what was necessary
Take it down or I'll cut it down
So it doent matter to you if it was uploaded ti kiwifarms or the cwckie or whatever?
It's Chris's wrongdoings not mine

My friend is anonymous

She doesn't want her voice on it I heard

So I need to filter it.

I just found out

I didn't think it would be an issue

But before this gets released, I'll edit her voice

I just talked to her now

If Chris found out I'm guessing he'd cut off your friend
I'm making sure he won't now
Honestly it's not revealing anything

So I don't give a shit

I only removed her voice

yes but ur friend does

She literally just told me now

I'm sorry

I'm trying to look at the benefit of the doubt

I'll say the trolls leaked it
Nobody recognizes her voice
Chris will
Chris will, but he'll blame it on the trolls for leaking it
I'm uploading a censored version

29 July

The Suitress would also contact another member from the server LavenderBonez about these findings, where she posts the full 9-minute clip Bella gave her. LavenderBonez' messages will be represented in purple.

Yes, an unedited version
Yeah the chicks voice was edited out
Her voice was edited out
I edited it out
[The Suitress] ur a hero for listening to it long enough to edit it
When has Chris ever not say anything about something being leaked. Wouldn't he more likely rage at the fact that it got posted and confirm that it did happen than claiming he didnt do it if he is that retarded?
Thank you so much

30 July

The next day, the Suitress appears worried at her decision to make the second leak, and mentions her creation of the first leak, which edited out chunks of Bella's dialogue.

I started something
i'm just
And I hate it.
My friend was talking to Chris about Bronycon shit and he just brought up incest because he thought it would be a secret.
I can't believe I created this
We witnessing history bois.
What the fuck


Well...I unleashed a moment in Christory for y'all

I don't know how I feel

Wait so is there a different version of the phone call? Coz that shit sounded edited as fuck
Yes, an unedited version

Her voice was edited out

I edited out


I feel like Chris admitted to it, so he has to live with it


Is the rape actually confirmed???????
nothing is confirmed yet but if barb is senile and cant consent, its rape. possibly statutory of some kind but fuck knows, we might have to wait a few days to find out what happens next

31 July

The Suitress would then post one last message in the Discord, and go quiet for a couple of days before being framed by Bella.


I love you guys

I'm saying goodbye


I love you

I love you

And I love you

Bella discusses incest news leak

30 July 2021, in Bella's Chess Club Discord group[9]

Bella asked her friend Louize for his Kiwi Farms account.

can i use it? [Suitress] and i are posting the biggest troll out in all of history

dropping the biggest turd of info

Louize okayed it but asked why not use hers. Bella answered:

bc my username is 10 anon

Louize responded that his account is ternarymercury and Bella thanked him.

Later that day as news of the incest leaks spread, Bella appeared and discussed her role in the leaks and the disinformation she was spreading in what would be a futile attempt to avoid being doxxed.

i got his watchdogs on my side

theyre disgusted with him

i told everyone [Suitress] was a minor

i just need to manipulate josh moon

i blamed it all on avery

Louize pointed out that people were currently assuming Bella to be a troll name and not her real name. Bella answered:

yeah bc i told them it was my troll name

and that im a 42 year old man

ik chris had my name so i convinced him in the end that i was 42 and a man

Bella also discussed manipulating the audio in the call:

they said theres a 0% chance im a woman bc my voice is raspy like a prepubescent boy and deeper

i raised the audio up so it would sound more like [Suitress]s

Louize said he could tell the audio had been messed with from the original.

they saw through that so now they assume i just altered it extremely high and it was like isaac hayes before
the clips are a bunch of random segments of convo, theyre not leading into converstaion
it was also bc it was last minuet so i recorded on my ipad
[Suitress] released the voice without my permission tho i was pissed

Null texts Chris

30 July 2021

Null asked Chris about the Incest Call leak, and Chris tells him he had told only Bella.[10]

I had told Bella in Strictest Confidence about this. And trust her not to have directly or personally leaked or divulged this story to ANYONE else.
Everything you told her was recorded and posted everywhere.
Who is Bella?
Is that your girlfriend?
Bella, also known as 10thanonymous, on Instagram, is part of Caden's group. And recently, she's joined WildCat, I, and the other outcasts from the former group who have proven to have not been toxic or bad.
Her computer also has been busy in actively gathering intel on other bad trolls as well.
this is the person I told you was a troll the very second you showed me 10thanonymous's instagram account

Chris confesses to Dillin Thomas

30 July 2021[11]

Dillin linked to a YouTube upload of the incest call.

Chris you know I hardly ever hit you up, but I feel that this needs explaining.

Can you tell me what this is?

Keep faith, and distance yourself from the drama and chaos going on today. Know that remaining bad vibrations of the world are being sorted and weeded out today. A detail that fell into wrongest of hands can light the paths for the good intentioned and light powered individuals.
Chris did you do it?

Yes or No?

I have been cool with you and have tried treat you like a normal person, I think that you can at least return the favor with an actual response.

I'm gonna have to talk about this and it would help if you could explain what this is to me.

I am not at liberty to discuss about this. And I ask you, please, Dillin, to not drag, yourselves into this drama as well.

This is a test of the remaining weeded out toxic individuals who would take advantage of such details.

You and Taylor are stronger and better than this.

It bothers me that you can't say yes or no Chris.

I know the audio was messed with.

I just wanna know if it's true.

I will trust you with the simple answer, then. I ask you both to please not screen cap or share even this simple answer.


This is my test for you both as well.

Please, prove me right

I won't screen cap it.

Sound of mind

31 July[12]

Null texted Chris asking how he rationalizes continuing to talk to Bella after the Incest Call leak.

You confessed to a crime to a person who has now gotten it kicked out of your own home and you may have criminal charges coming, but you're still talking to them like they're not obviously fucking with you
How do you rationalize this?
I am spiritually guided and sound of mind.
I really don't think you will ever get it. It's probably too late now anyways.

Chris takes money from Barb

31 July 2021[13]

Null posted to Kiwi Farms:

Chris gave me access to his emails years ago to help out a while back during the Joshua Wise situation. I've had access since. Chris is aware i have access to his emails, and after changing his passwords recently gave me access to them again. I've helped him deal with trolls signing him up for spam and newsletters and other things like that.

I was going to send Chris his GoFundMe money, but after talking it over and sleeping on it, I've canceled the payment and I've asked GoFundMe to do a total refund.

I told Chris last night to spend one night sleeping in his vehicle, and that this morning I would help him figure out a way to have a roof over his head until August 5th. I suggested that he take some time under the stars to reflect on his situation.

Every so often, Chris gets an email alert that Barb has sent him money. I've always been under the impression that Barb tightly manages his finances and sends him a pittance. However, to my surprise, at 12:38am this morning (so less than 8 hours ago), Barb sent Chris $750.

I asked Chris about this.

Null then posted screenshots of his conversation with Chris:

Did you ask your mom to send you money? That is probably a violation of the EPO
I did not ask her to send me money.

I have refrained from contacting her at all, and continue to do so.

So she sent you money on her own?
She did not send me any money.

I managed to find blessings in the minimum abundance I needed.

Meanwhile, I presently have a little over five hours to kill, and both the favorite malls around here (CTC and Regency Square) don't open until 11:00.

Do you have control over her bank accounts?
Yes, I have online control. And this was an emergency. I plan on sending the $750 back to her account after when the $1000 gets into my account.

Null then blocked Chris.

He stated in his Kiwi Farms post:

I believe this is a violation of his EPO, as he is prohibited from stealing from her. I've notified police. I'm done.


  1. In keeping with the Suitress policy, some of these conversations have not been transcripted faithfully. All references to the Suitress's personal information and screen names present in the conversations have been redacted.
  2. The texts were leaked on 29 July 2021, a Thursday. The texts are dated as Wednesday and the final text is stamped "Yesterday".
  3. Based on Discord leaks where Bella discusses sharing the original leak with the Suitress, this conversation had likely happened sometime between 6 and 7 AM of this day


IncestSagaIcon.png Incest Saga IncestSagaIcon.png
The Players

Organizations: Halal Server
People: ChrisBarbara ChandlerIsabella JankeFionaNullThe WCTAnaxisEthan RalphEllDudeRocksDillin Thomas

The Games
Chats: The Affair:
    Chats and calls