Prank calls

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It's no secret that the Chandler home gets many prank calls, thanks to Chris's e-fame and the fact he actually revealed his phone number to the entire Internet. Multiple times. However, many of the brave souls that call the Chandler home record their calls and upload them to YouTube, providing an insight into the Chandlers' thoughts.

DPF phonecalls

Part 1

Part 2

Prank Call Collection

A collection of various prank calls made to the almighty Internet Lumberjack on a Sunday afternoon.

Failed Prank Call

In this video, a gaggle of trolls attempt to prank call Chris, yelling JULAYYYYY into the phone. Instead, they get Bob, who instantly realizes the prank and yells at the trolls.

Chris Calls Bob

In this video, a troll calls the Chandler home, using a soundboard of Chris-chan to prank the Chandler home. Note how Bob either recognizes that the call is a prank or he doesn't recognize his own son's voice; also, note that he has a caller ID phone.

'Epic Crazy Lady' calls Bob

A troll using a soundboard of a super loud Fundamentalist yells at Bob over the phone, while Bob throws insults at her and makes comments on how he can't understand her, as she continues to get angrier.

Listen boy, you get your black ass down in the gutter and stay there!

Bob Calls Himself

In this one, Bob seems not to be able to recognize his own voice, and his view on trolls is the same as Chris's, "Internet people who persecute people". Also, Snorlax makes an appearance.

I ain't got no black ass!
Barbara, at, Bob

Liquid Bob calls Bob

A troll pretending to be a Liquid version of Bob calls Bob. In this video we learn that Bob doesn't know of Sonic, and thinks Chris invented Sonichu himself. Also, we learn that the trolls are spoofing the telephone company.

Bob, repeating himself

Snake Productions Calls Bob Chandler

Not much of a prank, but rather an informative call. From this brief conversation between troll and dad we learn that Bob is fully aware that Chris posted their dox in numerous places on the Internet, and actually thinks his son is a better person.

Snake Productions Calls Barbara Chandler

The same troll above makes another call to the Chandlers, this time claiming Chris harassed his 14-year old sister. It should be noted that Barb's behavior when communicating with trolls is eerily similar to that of her equally-delusional son's.

Call Bobby Chandler

Uploaded on 21 September 2010. The two individuals call up Bob and ask him only two questions before the conversation takes a turn for the worse. In the nine minutes that followed, we learned that Bob graduated from Auburn University, was an Eagle Scout and Scoutmaster for 20 years in the Boy Scouts, and that he may be a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Despite these revelations, many trolls disapproved of the callers' tactics, as they were basically verbally assaulting an 83 year old man over things he had no idea about.

Chris calls the Po-Po; Po-Po calls Bob

Most of this call is the CWC soundboard trying to get around the standard questions of the Greene County Sheriff Department's receptionist. The last two minutes involve a police soundboard calling Bob. Note: The CWCki doesn't condone or support pranking legitimate business and services (like the police) in order to prank the Chandlers.

{{showhide|title=Transcript|content= Receptionist: Greene County Sheriff's Department. This is [unintelligible].
Chris (soundboard): Hello?
Receptionist: Yes?
Chris (soundboard): Uhh, who is this?
Receptionist: This is the Greene County sheriff's office.
Chris (soundboard): My name is Christian.
Receptionist: Umm, 'kay. Can I get your last name?
Chris (soundboard): Christian Weston Chandler...
Receptionist: Christian Chandler?
Chris (soundboard): Yeah.
Receptionist: [overlapping slightly] Christian- then what can we do for you tonight?
Chris (soundboard): Bring the police and, uhh, ambulance around.
Receptionist: You need the police and the ambulance?
Chris (soundboard): Yeah.
Receptionist: OK. Why do you need the police and the ambulance?
[long pause]
Chris (soundboard): [sigh] Oh, Jesus... [sigh]
[long pause]
Receptionist: Can you tell me why you need them?
Chris (soundboard): I'm high-functionally autistic.
Receptionist: OK... So why do you need the police? Is there something wrong?
[short pause]
Chris (soundboard): Yeah.
Receptionist: OK, what's wrong?
[long pause]
Receptionist: Can you tell me what's goin' on?
Receptionist: Hey, Christian?
Chris (soundboard): Yes?
Receptionist: Can I get your address?
Chris (soundboard): 14 Branchland Court.
Receptionist: 14 Branchland Court? Is that where you're at right now?
Chris (soundboard): Yeah.
Receptionist: Can I get your phone number?
Chris (soundboard): No.
Receptionist: You don't want to give out your phone number?
Chris (soundboard): I'm currently living with my mother and my father.
Receptionist: You're living with your mother and your father? Is there something wrong with them? [pause] Is that why you need law enforcement?
Bob (soundboard): Hello?
Receptionist: Yes, this is the Greene County sheriff's office.
Bob (soundboard): I'm Robert Chandler.
Receptionist: Yes, sir. Umm, we received a call saying that you needed law enforcement to your location. Can you tell me if there's anything going on there?
Bob (soundboard): Well, right now it's midnight. What in the world do you want?
Receptionist: Well, sir, we were called by this number, and they said that they needed law enforcement there. Can you tell me what's going on?
Bob (soundboard): Why did you call me?
Receptionist: We were called, sir. We didn't call you.
Bob (soundboard): You were up and [unintelligible] along with your name
Receptionist: Excuse me?
Bob (soundboard): You come over here and I'll show you whats a matter.
Receptionist: Sir, are you threatening me?
Bob (soundboard): Yeah.
Receptionist: ...Okay, well sir we were called in request of law enforcement to your location. If there's something wrong we need to know about it before we send somebody out there.
Bob (soundboard): Can I let you talk to my wife, and you tell her why your cussin' at me?
Receptionist: Sir, I'm not cursing at you.
Barbara (soundboard):: Hello there! Sir, or ma'am, or whatever the hell you are!
Receptionist: Is there anything, that I can do for you?
Barbara (soundboard):: [unintelligible] this damn, uh, thing that's goin' on!
Receptionist: Okay, do you require anymore assistance from me?
Bob (soundboard): Yeah
Receptionist: ...Okay, what can I do than?
Bob (soundboard): Can I explain somethin' to you?
Receptionist: Yes you may.
Bob (soundboard): There is on the internet, a bunch of trolls; they have a program in their computers which allows them to dial numbers, anywhere in the country and put in as the caller ID any particular number they want to.
Receptionist: I understand sir, but I am not looking at a caller ID, I was called by Christian Chandler and he stated he needed law enforcement at his location, (Bob Interrupting: Yeah)
and he gave me this address.
Bob (soundboard): Yes.
Bob (soundboard): Hello?
Receptionist: Yes sir?
Bob (soundboard): I beg your pardon?
Receptionist: Okay is there anything more I can do for you?
Bob (soundboard): I need you to come over here.
Receptionist: Okay why do you need law enforcement to come over there?
Bob (soundboard): What you just did was stick a knife in our back and kill us!
Receptionist: Can you repeat what you just said to me?
Bob (soundboard): Are you six years old or somethin'?
Receptionist: No sir, I am not six years old, but your phone is very staticy, and it's very difficult to hear what you're saying.
Bob (soundboard): Well, I, I've had plenty of sense in my head.
Receptionist: No one is denying you have sense in your head sir, I'm just trying to find out why law enforcement was called to your location, we just need to know if there's anything going on.
Bob (soundboard): Well I don't- well - How can I explain it any simpler to you?
Receptionist: Okay sir, thank you for your time.
Bob (soundboard): Listen boy!
Barbara (soundboard):: You can [unintelligible] and shut up!
Receptionist: Green County Sheriff office, this is [unintelligible].
Chris (soundboard): YOU'VE BEEN NOTHING BUT A- You've been nothing but a pain in my side!
Receptionist: Okay can you repeat what you just said?
Chris (soundboard): I am going to find you, and I am going to have you proven as a lier!
Receptionist: Okay- what did I lie about?
Chris (soundboard): You, no no- You've been copying me for the past random 6 months!
Receptionist: Is this the Chandler?
Chris (soundboard): Yeah... Oh yeah, (Receptionist trying to interrupt) you know my address right?
Receptionist: Is this Christian? Or this the mother? (Chris interrupting.: My name..) We have law enforcement on scene now.
Chris (soundboard): My name is Christian.
Receptionist: Okay Christian, I have a deputy on scene now.
Chris (soundboard): Yup
Receptionist: Okay?
Chris (soundboard): Oh yeah you know my address right, you got mapquest to come all the way over?
Receptionist: Excuse me?
Receptionist: Okay. Is there a deputy on scene right now with you?
Chris (soundboard): No.

Receptionist: Can you hold on just one moment please?
(Call ends, Skype hangup sound heard.)

Bob: Hello?
Jerkop (Soundboard): Yeah police department.
Bob: I can't understand you.
Jerkop (Soundboard): You are talking to Sgt. [unintelligible]
Bob: I beg your pardon? I can't understand you.
Jerkop (Soundboard): This is Sgt. [unintelligible]
Bob: Okay, that's fine. What can I do for you?
Jerkop (Soundboard): Is this an emergency?
Bob: No, I have no emergency.
Jerkop (Soundboard): Alright, get me the nearest officers out here. We're sending the nearest officers to you out there right now to your address.
Bob: We have told you people, you at Green County. Why are you coming in on unknown numbers?
Jerkop (Soundboard): We don't take jokes; you said you needed Fire, Medical, or police assistance. This is not a joke, we're sending officers out to your location right now.
Bob: I don't- we don't have no problem!
Jerkop (Soundboard): Yeah. I got you on EPS right now, you're calling the police department.
Bob: I am not calling, I answered my phone!
Jerkop (Soundboard): Are you making a prank call to the police department?
Bob: No, I am not I answered my phone, it was ringing
Jerkop (Soundboard): Uh, you just called me.
Bob: No I didn't
Jerkop (Soundboard): [unintelligible] What is your problem?
Bob: I don't have a problem, somebody else in this world must have a problem. I dont not have a problem, I'm just sitting here watching 'I love Raymond' on T.V.
[unintelligible gibberish]
Bob: What?
[Call ends, skype hangup sound heard.]

Calls to Bob and Chris

A troll posing as a TRUE and LOYAL Sonichu Fan calls Bob and later Chris, demanding new comics. The lumberjack suggests that the trolls come talk with him in public, and gives his daily morning routine.

Carlos Chantor Call

    Chats and calls