Discord Q&A

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From August 2020 to December 2020, Chris (or Sonichu) participated in multiple Q&A events on Discord, the first one being on the CWCki Official Discord server, and following ones being answered on the Watchmen's Discord server, or in calls/texts with the Watchmen. The Watchmen would directly send the Q&As to CWCki editors in order to make the process more efficient.

Questions were drawn from an amalgam of submissions from fans in the Discord servers Official CWCki Server, cwc frens, the CWC Questions Discord server, a Kiwi Farms thread, the CWCki itself, and from the Watchmen themselves. From Discord Q&A 5 and onward, the CWC Questions Discord server was the main source for questions.

With the eleventh, and ultimately final Q&A session, Chris advised against the setting up of additional Q&A sessions until after January 2021, as he believed that the Dimensional Merge was imminent. Unfortunately, whether it be from laziness or weakening relations with the Watchmen, Chris did not answer any additional questions despite being reminded multiple times. Though dozens of questions were collected in the following months of December 2020, due to the Watchmen breaking up in June 2021, and Chris being arrested for incest in August 2021, the possibility of any future questions being answered by Chris through these means slowly faded away.


When the Q&As were still active, Chris took to regularly answering questions posted by the True and Loyal fanbase. Unlike last time, the Discord Q&As were a lot less erratic and insulting to Chris. This being due to the questions being screened by the Watchmen, and a general shift among observers towards documenting Chris himself rather than actively attempting to directly interact with him in more recent years.[1]

Many questions were focused on obtaining trivia regarding Chris's interests, and the lore of the Sonichu series.

Interestingly, Chris took a brief break from roleplaying as Sonichu for the third Q&A. This time, he took on the identity of Chris from Dimension 1214, which according to Chris is nearly identical to our universe except that Michael Jackson released two more albums before dying.[2][3]

List of chats


  1. Not officially part of the series, but is included as such for the sake of documenting Anaxis' attempt at reviving the Q&A.


See also

External links

*CWC Questions Discord Server can be joined here. - Dead invite link.

LainchuSaga.png Lainchu Saga LainchuSaga.png
The Players

Organizations: The PlaceOfficial CWCki ServerCwc frensCWC Questions
People: ChrisLainchu (NaughtKlopAnaxis) • Imposter Lainchu (The WCT) • KyleMKRNightVeeValMolly the Medium

The Documentation

Lainchu Chroniclings: The Journey to the MergeThe Vaughn InterludeThinking with PortalsA Medium's GuidanceA Future in Motion
Discord Q&A: 123456789101112
Other: Anaxis DMsQuestion Depository

The Games
Q&As Imposter Lainchu: Other:
Coinciding Sagas: Watchmen, Crystalgate

    Chats and calls