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[[Category:Discord servers]]
[[Category:Discord servers]]

Revision as of 04:29, 29 January 2023

The Knights of CWC server.

The Knights of CWC was a Discord server of Watchmen that Chris was in from 25 June 2021[1] until his August 2021 arrest for incest. It was founded by The WCT following his fallout with Naught, Kyle and MKR over Naught's doxing of WCT leading to bad blood between them. WCT was unsure of calling his group by the Watchmen moniker. He also stated he wanted the group be kept secret as the earlier iteration of the Watchmen once had been.[2] He modeled the structure of the Knights server after The Place.[3]

The Knights aimed to take a less aggressive approach than The Place when it came to other enablers,[4] planning only to intervene in cases of malicious intentions.[5][6] such as Jacob Sockness's plot to attend Everfree Northwest in disguise to meet with Chris.[7]


    Chats and calls

Watchmens.png Watchmen Saga Watchmens.png
The Players

Organizations: Watchmen (The Sons of the MiscreantsArbitarch CWC AllianceThe PlaceThe Knights of CWC) • Halal Server
People: ChrisWatchmen members (The WCTMKRNightVeeNaughtAnaxisKyleOwls) • Caden PeckJacob SocknessJoseph DraftMidnight MoonflowerKaiDillin ThomasGiBiBen SaintLarry VaughnIsabella JankeFiona

Watchmen Chats: General • Solo Members (AnaxisAquaDiamond8KyleMKRNightVeeNaughtSpunkyThe WCT)

Enabling and Delusions: Sexual Frustration: Targeted Orbiters: Handling of Incest Drama:

Coinciding Sagas
Jacob, Secret Shipfic, Praetor, Incest