NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
This page will be reserved for notable DMs that GiBi had with Chris orbiters. GiBi's messages will be represented in orange.
WCT Chat
July 29 2021
On 20 April 2022, GiBi had created a video where he showcases DMs that he had with The WCT, who was under the screenname "currentlyinexile". In the chat, WCT tries to tell GiBi about how he "overthrew" Naught, the previous leader of the Watchmen.
Hey man. My name is Conner, I'm the leader of the Watchmen.
I recently overthrew Bismuth/Naught in a coup, and I'm basically Chris's number 2 guy now behind Josh. lol
he doxed me and thought he could get away with it. lol
Nova Kyle and MKRNightVee defended him but their opinion didn't matter.
I secretly talked to Chris and presented him with all the evidence. And he agreed with me too. He then forwarded the information to Null, and he agreed with me as well. (edited)
So with those 3 gone, the Watchmen are now completely under my control. So if you have any questions regarding Chris's activities, let me know.
I can't promise that I'll provide you with everything, but I'll do my best.
For now though, keep this conversation a secret until its safe to talk about it in public.
MKRNightVee Chats
29 July 2021
Following from the above chat, GiBi immediately sent a message to MKRNightVee to ask her about the situation regarding The WCT.
What happened with naught
WCT teamed up with Praetor and fucked us over because he wanted ownership of cwc
Naught didn't do anything wrong
30 July 2021
GiBi had sent another post to MKR the following day to ask her about how WCT convinced Chris to cut ties with her, Naught, and Kyle
How did 'Conner' convince Chris to stop talking to you at all?
Probably made up some fated "bullshit" and said we were toxic. That's the impression I got.
External Links
Chats and calls