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*[[Kun T'Nyuget]]
*[[Kun T'Nyuget]]
*[[Idea Guy Q&A]]
*[[Idea Guy Q&A]]
*[[Sonichu 13]]
*[[The 69 Destined Sonichus and Rosechus]]
*[[The Bad Beginning]]
*[[The Bad Beginning]]
*[[The 69 Destined Sonichus and Rosechus]]


Revision as of 06:43, 19 November 2019

This article is rated M for Honest Content

It may contain content deemed not safe for work. Reader discretion is advised.
Where were you when #IdeaGuy embezzled $6,000.00 from me back in 2018, while holding C-197 under Nazi torture and mind-manipulated the CPUs and SEGA Hard Girls?

I Wish I could undo his Freaking Embezzling!

Idea Guy is like glitter. We're gonna be finding bits of him in Chris's ramblings for years.
A Kiwi Farms commentator

Joshua Wise
Idea Guy.png
Name Joshua Allen Wise
Also known as Ballzymaker94
John Yamada
Date of Birth 19 August 1994 (age 30)
Gender Male
Nationality American
Race White
Stephen Boyd
Name Stephen Boyd
Also known as NinFreakLan
Gwen Mikoto
Lan Mikoto
Date of Birth 5 February 1993 (age 31)
Gender Male
Nationality American

The Idea Guys were a group of trolls who manipulated Chris from October 2017 to June 2018 by exploiting his multi-dimensional beliefs in order to plant their own ideas into his mind. Initially, their aim was to see how gullible Chris was, though this soon degenerated into taking advantage of him financially and coercing him into performing many degrading acts. Right from the start, the Idea Guys were firmly disliked by Christorians and Farmers alike, even more so than controversial figures such as BlueSpike. Joshua Wise, the ringleader of the operation, was doxxed in January 2018 for his and his cronies' tactics: gas-lighting Chris, threatening to claim falsely he was a pedophile to the FBI and extorting him out of thousands of dollars. Despite this, the Idea Guys kept their vice-like grip over Chris, and engaged in increasingly disturbing actions towards him in the following months.

The Idea Guys' abuses prompted a group of Kiwi Farms users, dubbed the Guard Dogs, to work together to dismantle the Idea Guys' schemes, pushing for them to face legal action for their behaviour. Through their efforts, the Idea Guys' links to Chris were cut by late April 2018. However, their hold over Chris was so potent that, over a year after their ousting, Chris still retained much of the concepts they had influenced him into believing, such as changes to Sonichu canon, Chris being in a polyamorous marriage, and the Dimensional Merge.


Midway through November 2017, observers began speculating that a new troll had gained control over Chris. This was because Chris's posts began to include references designed to go over his head. On 14 November, he wrote that Silvana had been captured by a Russian billionaire, and posted a photo of the soldier who would be rescuing her. This was recognized by spectators as a reference to the politically incorrect "Remove Kebab" internet meme. That same day, Chris recorded Freestyle Dance With Me, For Our World! while wearing a tinfoil hat to prevent "the man" from reading his mind. These suspicions of a troll wouldn't be confirmed to the public, however, until January 2018.

Joshua Allen Wise

Wise's Kiwi Farms profile.
Frankly, and you can disagree with me all you want, I think the [Idea Guy] is laughing at us for raging and telling him to get raped or die.
Joshua Wise gloats, pretending to be an outside observer.[2]

On 22 January 2018, moderators at Kiwi Farms decided to dox Joshua Allen Wise, known on the forum as Ballzymaker94, as being the Idea Guy. This came two days after the release of Get Out, You D*** Nazis, which most posters rightfully assumed had been made unwillingly. With his doxing, Kiwi Farms users began digging through Wise's online presence, finding posts on the forum and Reddit in which he white knighted himself from criticism. He also attempted to publicize Chris's Idea Guy content in other communities. For example, in one post from 20 January 2018, he writes:[3]

He's made Chris dance to his rhythm, and will continue to pull the strings until he gives up and tells us his tricks [...] or he'll [...] not give up a thing and leave even more people pissed that we learned nothing about why he did all this, or how he even made it possible.

Even after being exposed, he continued responding to private messages on the forum, until he and close family were doxxed.[4] At the time, it was believed that Joshua had been acting alone. So, he was referred to as the sole Idea Guy. When similar content continued being produced post-dox however, observers began to suspect others' involvement, dubbing the new troll "Idea Guy 2.0".

Facebook Archive

Stephen Boyd et al

Wow what a fucking loser. Maybe they're Idea Guy 2.0?
Stephen Boyd, months before being exposed as an Idea Guy.[6]

On 11 July 2018, it was revealed by Kiwi Farms owner Null that Wise had never stopped, and that there had actually been three more Idea Guys. This revelation occurred after Chris allowed Null to enter his Discord account and view their collective chat logs. One of these newly identified Idea Guys was Stephen Boyd, who went by the name NinFreakLan on Kiwi Farms[7]. Prior to being exposed, Boyd participated in threads speculating the identity of the supposed "Idea Guy 2.0". When it was noted that this supposed new troll had begun trolling only a day after Wise had been doxxed, Boyd responded:

But what kinda person would go back to doing this immediately after being doxed? It doesn't properly add up for Cunt Nugget to be Josh. Maybe Chris told Idea Guy 2.0 everything

Because of the discovery of his involvement, it seems extremely likely that Boyd only became involved after Wise had been exposed. Leaked private messages to other Kiwi Farms members seem to indicate that Wise had been searching for a partner in crime; Boyd may have noticed and reached out. Perhaps unsurprisingly, after Wise was doxxed, Boyd began white knighting him, comparing his weening to Marvin and Clyde Cash.[8] Stephen wouldn't be exposed himself until six months later.

A doxx does seem a little extreme. I mean would we have done the same to Clyde Cash or Marvin for stupid shit they did in the past to generate Chris chimping when this is LESS than that?

The other two Idea Guys mentioned by Null have had their identities kept secret. Null stated that he spared them, for both contributed very little to the trolling effort, and dropped out very early on. The only known information about them is that one of them is Canadian, and the other is Chinese.

Behind the scenes

While under Wise's control, Chris himself kept quiet about the situation, never implying that anyone was taking control of him. However, the many references that he did not understand were a clear sign of external influence. There were also signs that Chris was coerced or duped into using Wise's ideas, as he appeared uncomfortable in Wise-inspired videos and is often alarmed by the troll's "revelations" about Chris's fictional world.

Rise to power

A sample of the fake news Wise used to convince Chris.

Some believed that the Idea Guy simply paid Chris. However, fans quickly determined that this was unlikely. The closest anyone came to paying Chris to influence CWCville was when Waterman paid him $100 to feature his Bananasauros character in Sonichu #11, even providing a script, and Chris reacted by openly mocking Waterman and his character in the very pages of the comic, rushing through the plotline and then promptly disregarding the character. Furthermore, whenever people pay Chris for content, he has an established habit of dragging his feet and putting as little effort as he possibly can into the product. Examples of this include Paid Video Requests and his treatment of high-end clients such as DStecks and Ashuraglitch.

In marked contrast, Chris appeared to genuinely believe Wise, thinking he was talking to his friends, as evidenced when he freaked out over the revelation of Rosechu being transgender. The Man in the Pickle Suit also speculated that Wise posed as various characters from CWCville.[9] This was confirmed when Kiwi Farms users who Wise had contacted in private leaked the details of his methods.

Extent of influence over Chris

A picture Wise took of himself in a gas mask to scare Chris.

Wise's means of influencing Chris were surprisingly elaborate, taking the form of fake audio clips and photoshopped images which he presented to Chris as documents from CWCville and Gamindustri[10]. Wise initially played the role of a soldier from Gamindustri (a fictional place in the anime video game series Hyperdimension Neptunia) named John.

Red forest
Stardate Unknown
Subject Matter Reality
Saga Idea GuyIdea Guy Idea Guys
Other LeakedLeaked Leaked AudioAudio Audio

The Kiwi Farms leaks also revealed a large amount of content that Chris made during the saga without releasing publicly, including several pages of Sonichu #16 covering the events Wise described to him. The pages show "John" – depicted in a gas mask and body armor from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games – asking (real-world) Chris whether he still owns his Dreamcast, which John believes to be a portal to CWCville. In a page-and-a-half wall of text, Chris summarizes his adventures with John and the Hyperdimension Neptunia cast, and the salvation of Gamindustri and CWCville from the invaders.

Wise told Chris that Magi-Chan had a vision that Crystal would be born from Chris anally raping Sonichu; despite so blatantly going against Chris's beliefs and wishes, the message was convincing enough that Chris drew a horrifying piece of artwork depicting the act, where Comic Chris apologizes to Sonichu but insists that "destiny called us to make this baby".

Wise also duped Chris into believing he would receive various magical abilities in real life. This apparently emboldened Chris to begin making plans to travel to meet the creator of Rosechu's Story and to confront Cole Smithey in New York, possibly with the help of magic powers that he expected to receive. According to the leaker, Wise actually did the responsible thing in these cases and convinced Chris not to go. However, he also told Chris that Neptune would be waiting to meet him at a GameStop; Chris went, specifically, to the Forest Lakes GameStop (from which he had been banned) and waited outside in his car, honking his horn and peering inside.

Continued beliefs

If you want BAD DIRECTION, you should look up Idea Guy.
Chris, in the middle of restating his belief that he is married to Cryzel and Magi-Chan, an Idea Guy concept[11]

Despite the Idea Guys being removed from power in May 2018, Chris still maintains belief in many of the concepts that were embedded into him, even though he is aware that Wise was a troll. In the Copitz interview, filmed a few weeks later, Chris restated that he was bisexual, and in the Count Dankula interview, filmed in June, Chris reiterated many of the ideas fed to him about CWCville when asked about his beliefs, such as his marriage to Cryzel and Magi-Chan, Bob being part-Sonichu and theories about Ted Bundy. In Nightstar is a very important Special Sonichu, Chris still believes in the joke revision that there are 69 species of Sonichus/Rosechus.


So naturally once they have Chris believing that, they have Chris confessing to being a pedophile and raping his mother. Once they have those confessions, they threaten to release it to the public if he doesn't record himself shitting on the floor and punching himself in the face until tears and snot are running down his chin. At one point, they ask Chris to punch his mother, which he does (though he claims lightly).
Null describing the Idea Guys' sadistic exploitation of Chris.[12]
BlueSpike was a literal child when he went too far. What excuse do YOU have f****t.
A Kiwi Farms commentator

What was the final straw in the unpopular views of the Idea Guys were their acts of extortion to Chris. Null, the owner of Kiwi Farms, revealed that they managed to extort $6,000 worth of video games and other accessories.[13] Not only that, in a Discord chat, Boyd would demand $20,000 or else he would reveal that Chris is a pedophile to the FBI. Fortunately, Chris's tendency to hold on to things obsessively assisted him this time, as Chris had kept each of the invoices and receipts from the transactions he made, allowing Null to gather the necessary information to begin tracking the Idea Guys.

Removal from power

In May of 2018, Null was informed by Anna McLerran that the Idea Guys had maintained control over Chris, and were actively extorting him. She neglected to inform law enforcement, however, so she could focus on her college finals, before she eventually refused to help Null any further.[14] Eventually, Chris gave Null direct access to his Discord account, so he (and other Kiwi Farms staff) could collect all of the logs, images and videos from the Idea Guys' servers. While this information wouldn't be released until July, Chris referenced their removal from power as early as May. In reference to Null, Chris stated publicly that he had "very Powerful Allies helping to rectify the situation. I can't say much other than certain people should be Very Frightened right now!"[15]

Changes to Chris's fantasy land/sense of reality

Main article: List of beliefs brainwashed into Chris

Gallery of leaked content

Sonichu 16

Main article: Sonichu 16

Sonichu #16, or The Awakening of a CPU, as re-titled by Chris, is an issue heavily directed by the Idea Guy trolls. It features a story on how one of their fictional troll characters, John Yamada, came to influence Chris, and covers an incoherent series of plot threads involving material from existing fictional universes and real-world politics of interest to the Idea Guys.

Private messages

File:KF mod on ideaguy.png
A Kiwi Farms moderator elaborates on why they forced the Idea Guy saga to end, and rejected his deal.

As Ballzymaker94, Wise had contacted several members of Kiwi Farms through private messaging to discuss his trolling efforts. After he was doxed by the site's moderators on 22 January 2018, many users came forward to post content that he had shared with them.

He hadn't shared all of his content over PM, however, generally only summarizing his interactions with Chris. After he was exposed, he offered to trade in all of his information in exchange for the moderators removing the dox of his family members. They refused, however, on the grounds that they disliked his public trolling output. Below is a gallery of some of the conversations leaked between Wise and various members of Kiwi Farms.

Idea Guy Q&A

Main article: Idea Guy Q&A

One user from the forum had a lengthy conversation with him, spanning from 3 December to 18 December 2017[16], archived in the Idea Guy Q&A. In it, Wise discusses how he had gained Chris’s trust, how Chris reacted to some of his ideas and mentions content which had not been publicly released, such as Chris wanting intel on whether Jessica Quinn was actually a troll, how Chris tried to prevent Jamsta from being jailed for molestation and Chris’s attempts to interact with Neptunia goddesses.

Chat Logs

With Chris having given Null access to his Discord account, Null was able to uncover a series of chatlogs between Chris and the Idea Guys, both of which were then revealed on Kiwi Farms. These logs, which often ran for several hours, showed the true depths of the cruelty the Idea Guys were prepared to go to in their extortion.

The Bad Beginning

Main article: The Bad Beginning

Despite Wise being doxxed, the Idea Guys refused to quit. On 19 July, Null posted the first 9 hour and 15 minute long text conversation found in the Idea Guys' Discord server. It takes place between 8 April and 9 April; 3 months after Wise had been doxxed. Here, it's revealed that they had manipulated Chris into believing he was a pedophile prior to the server's creation. They then threaten to expose him if he doesn't pay them $20,000. Included in this log is a video of Chris apologizing to Boyd (under his nickname, Gwen).

Christine's Apology
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 8 April 2018
Subject Matter Remorse
Saga Idea GuyIdea Guy Idea Guys
Other LeakedLeaked Leaked

Cryzel Torture

Chris' reaction to the 12 December 2018 leak, directly accusing the Idea Guys.
Main article: Cryzel Torture

On 13 July, 2018, Null revealed a nine-hour-long chatlog where Wise and Stephen Boyd berate Chris and continue to convince him that his characters were being tortured. Notably, despite the fact that Chris knew about Idea Guy, he was utterly convinced (again) that everything he said was true. It was also during this Discord session that Chris would upload his first (safe for work) rendition of "All Star". This conversation begins on 20 April 2018.

Twitter Leaks

Main article: Twitter#Leaks

Throughout 2018, Chris-Chan's Twitter account was hacked several times by an unknown individual who claimed to be associated with the Idea Guys. The reason why this is up for debate is because it seems more likely that they were being posted by Lukas of the Teen Troon Squad, using the Idea Guys as a red herring. It's unknown how Boyd or Wise would have gained access to the account, as these leaks occurred long after they were taken out of power. The leak also included footage that was later leaked in full by Lukas onto /cow/, making their involvement all the more likely. Regardless of who actually leaked the videos, Chris himself believed it to be the work of Boyd and Wise, subsequently calling them out by name in a tweet afterwards.[17]

See also


  1. https://twitter.com/CPU_CWCSonichu/status/1148379386023960579
  2. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/what-should-be-done-with-idea-guy-threads.38607/post-2978720
  3. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/what-should-be-done-with-idea-guy-threads.38607/post-2978720
  4. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/idea-guy-joshua-wise-manipulating-the-intellecutally-disabled-for-fun-megathread.37132/page-65#post-2984638
  5. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/idea-guy-joshua-wise-manipulating-the-intellecutally-disabled-for-fun-megathread.37132/page-65#post-2984638
  6. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/what-should-be-done-with-idea-guy-threads.38607/post-2978720
  7. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-chris-chan-extortionists.45366/
  8. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/random-chris-updates.23605/page-556#post-3308028
  9. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/12-06-2017-rosechu-has-a-dick.37132/page-9#post-2831808
  10. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/idea-guy-joshua-wise-manipulating-the-intellecutally-disabled-for-fun-megathread.37132/page-80#post-2988349
  11. https://tweetsave.com/cwcsonichu/status/1005602044818984960
  12. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-chris-chan-extortionists.45366/
  13. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-chris-chan-extortionists.45366/
  14. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-chris-chan-extortionists.45366/
  15. May 2018 social media posts#On the Cryzel and Magi-Chan relationship and being blackmailed
  16. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/idea-guy-joshua-wise-manipulating-the-intellecutally-disabled-for-fun-megathread.37132/post-2988349
  17. https://twitter.com/CWCSonichu/status/1072900174521847808
