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'''MKRNightVee''', also known as '''CPUMagentaHeart''' and '''thepixietailartist''', and sometimes referred to as '''Maker''' by Chris, appeared in early [[2019]]. She got into contact with Chris through a friend looking up Chris's phone number for her.<ref name=cap2></ref> She presented herself to Chris as being the [[CPU]] goddess of the [[Nintendo Switch]], offering him validation on his fantasies of having magic powers.<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/meghan-k-ringo-mkrnightvee.52454/</ref> She has stated that her goal isn't to feed into Chris's delusions so much as to offer advice and help.<ref>[[:File:MKR motives.png]]</ref> Chris offered her several of his possessions in his [[Chris's Last Will and Testament|Last Will and Testament]].
'''MKRNightVee''', also known as '''CPUMagentaHeart''' and '''thepixietailartist''', and sometimes referred to as '''Maker''' by Chris, appeared in early [[2019]]. She got into contact with Chris through a friend looking up Chris's phone number for her.<ref name=cap2></ref> She presented herself to Chris as being the [[CPU]] goddess of the [[Nintendo Switch]], offering him validation on his fantasies of having magic powers.<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/meghan-k-ringo-mkrnightvee.52454/</ref> She has stated that her goal isn't to feed into Chris's delusions so much as to offer advice and help.<ref>[[:File:MKR motives.png]]</ref> Chris offered her several of his possessions in his [[Chris's Last Will and Testament|Last Will and Testament]].

Revision as of 20:11, 17 December 2021

You brought so much fucking joy to this world and you continue to do so. That's why [...] you need to remain safe.
Bismuth, one of the Watchmen, to Chris.[1]
The accumulated filth of their trolls and weening will foam up about their waists and all the Merge-deniers and A-logs will look up and shout "JULAAAY!" ...And I'll look down, and whisper "I'm workin' on it."

The Watchmen were a group of fanatical enablers whose members served as gatekeepers and white knights for Chris, in a similar manner as their predecessors, the Guard Dogs. Their goal was to keep away malicious individuals trying to troll or scam Chris, and as such wound up in conflict with Sockness, Praetor and various other members of the rogue's gallery of the CWC universe. The group had a few iterations but with Chris currently jailed for incest their purpose has become moot.

As a faction, the Watchmen were instrumental in numerous events over the course of late 2019 onwards, such as attempting to dismantle Jacob Sockness’s influence over Chris and drive him off. They also shut down the Arbitarch CWC Alliance Discord server when the true intent of the server was revealed. Chris had contact with the Watchmen, including chatting with them on Google Hangouts and over Discord. The Watchmen were also behind the Discord leaks in August 2020, and the Discord Q&A's.

Their approach was rather controversial, as they gained Chris's favor by means of enabling his delusions by pretending to be fellow CPU goddesses and encouraging his beliefs in magical thinking and the Dimensional Merge. The Watchmen tracked and collected information on anyone involved with - or attempting to get involved with Chris, and had little to hesitation in regards to doing any potential weens, trolls, and A-logs.

The group existed in various forms since 2019 and was given its current name on August 2020 by one of its members, as a reference to the 1986/1987 DC Comics limited series by Alan Moore, David Gibbons, and John Higgins.[2] The Watchmen apparently did not take inspiration from the DC franchise, in contrast to how The Miscreants modeled themselves after the Patriots from Metal Gear Solid. The group splintered several times as a result of internal conflicts.


What eventually became the Watchmen group had its roots in the CWC Rebellion Discord server. There, Owls met Meghan (aka MKRNightVee), and Talia (whom Owls described as "a person exploiting and egging MKR on to talk to Chris").[3]

Meghan got into contact with Chris through a friend looking up his phone number.[4] Owls tried to coach Meghan[5] and avoid problems, though he admits he didn't do well at it.[3]

After Meghan had been in contact with Chris for some time, Owls came up with the idea to try to manipulate Chris's beliefs away from the Dimensional Merge through telling him that the CPU goddesses had relocated to Earth. Meghan recruited her friends to role-play as CPUs to Chris over Discord; Owls acted as a gatekeeper between MKR's friends and Chris.[5]

time passed talking with Meghan for about a month or so there came an idea from me in the most autistic way possible "convince Chris that merge wasn't happening and that CPU had decided to be on earth and act like normal people in society". foolishly believing this would work Meghan gathered some people from different servers she said we could trust and we made a server. this idea failed and when the first person decided to brag about it on a different discord I shut down the idea.

According to Bismuth, Owls acted as liaison between the CPU group and Marvin of the Guard Dogs group (the latter also being gatekeepers to Chris at the time) but Bismuth claimed that Owls wasn't reporting back to Marvin. Owls later left the group.[6]


The Watchmen group revealed its presence in August 2020. The reveal was seemingly spurred by a video Chris secretly produced on 6 August, Chris's Last Will and Testament, which he decided to share with the Watchman member Bismuth.[7] Concerned over the contents of the video, a CWCki account was made by Bismuth and the video leaked to the public. Days later, on 10 August, Bismuth entered the Official CWCki Server Discord and leaked a large amount of material Chris had shared with the group over the past year. He then invited Chris into the server to take fan questions (though moderators decided to remove Chris from the server four days later).[8]

The Players


Avatar of CPU Bismuth Heart.

Bismuth was the second leader of the Watchmen, taking over the group after Owls left.[6] He monitored and doxed potential weens or outside enablers. He went by many usernames - he used "Bismuth" to Chris and used multiple aliases in public postings. While he was in the CWCki Discord server, he often used an emoticon of a heart. For the Kiwi Farms, he went by names/accounts including "Naught", "anameisaname", "death of chans", and "Nightmare"[9] - he was eventually banned from the forum for use of multiple sockpuppet accounts, advertising, and liking his own posts with sock accounts.[10][public source needed]

In June 2021, conflict arose between Bismuth and fellow Watchman The WCT, stemming from an allegation Bismuth had doxed the latter.[9] Following a Lolcow.org thread on the ex-member of the group, an audio voice clip of Chris saying “Fuck Bismuth!”[11] suggested that Chris sided against Bismuth in the dispute.


Main article: The WCT

Sean Walker, primarily known in the context of the Watchmen as Conner or neko, or in the broader Internet as the WCT, archived calls involving Chris and occasionally gave interviews to observers. In November 2020, Chris took an interest in spree killer Randy Stair, whose belief system regarding cartoons and alternative universes bears more than a passing relationship with Chris's, after watching a YouTube documentary on Stair produced by Sean. In February 2021, Sean attempted to become the fourth person behind the role of Lainchu but Chris rejected his attempt. He was instrumental in the eventual downfall of the Watchmen, admitting in private that he had been "working with Former Kiwi Farmers to bring down the Watchmen" out of a personal dislike of Bismuth, which led to a cascade of events in which multiple people were doxxed and Chris left the Watchmen's server.[12] He would go on to found The Knights of CWC, a Watchmen splinter group, where eventually Chris invited Isabella Loretta Janke. Prior to Chris's arrest for incest, Sean reached out to Bella again asking for her side of the story, who was able to manipulate Sean into attempting to shift blame from Isabella to the Suitress.


Main article: MKRNightVee

MKRNightVee, also known as CPUMagentaHeart and thepixietailartist, and sometimes referred to as Maker by Chris, appeared in early 2019. She got into contact with Chris through a friend looking up Chris's phone number for her.[4] She presented herself to Chris as being the CPU goddess of the Nintendo Switch, offering him validation on his fantasies of having magic powers.[13] She has stated that her goal isn't to feed into Chris's delusions so much as to offer advice and help.[14] Chris offered her several of his possessions in his Last Will and Testament.


Christine...Please stop this, Mewtwo is not real, the merge is not happening, you need serious help. If you need help there are people to help you with these delusions. This is incredibly unhealthy for you.
AquaDiamond8, March 2019[15]
Still i dont want [Jacob Sockness] attacking my people when the merge happens, Christine has said there will be no more war or need for violence in the merge, my Sapphire has forseen this
AquaDiamond8 changes her tune, November 2019.[16]
AquaDiamond8 and Magi-Chan. Drawn by Aqua November 2019.

AquaDiamond8 is a Twitter user who has bounced from being a ween,[17] to a white knight, to an enabler and Watchman. In November 2019, during the Jacob Sockness saga, in hopes to lure Chris away from Sockness, Aqua joined the Watchmen and embraced Chris's delusional beliefs, changing her Twitter handle to CPU Goddess Aqua of the Mac Book Pro. Later, Aqua began drawing fanart of her OC interacting with Magi-Chan.[18] She then posted a Pokémon drawing, claiming it to be an alt-dimension Magi-Chan:[19]

In September 2020, Aqua confirmed in the comments of a Dillin Thomas video that they were no longer a part of the Watchmen.

in all honesty at first i genuinly wanted to help chris but after the incident with Wendy i wanted to make things better, and try to help him, and as someone with autism, and who has family that acts like chris, i knew how dificult it is to get them to beleive certain things. I guess going along with it and pretending to be a goddess was better than letting her be on her own and let someone else take advantage of her.

Note that i never wanted anything from Chris, and did want to help, and despite what Dillin says about MKR or some of the "enamblers, not all of them are bad, MKR is the nicest person i know and i know that she truely does care for Chris.

I wanted to to help them with keeping sockness away from Chris and though it took some time ive seen chris is no longer taking his crap serious. I do keep up to date whats been going on, but i dont interact.[20]


Owls IRL.

The original founder of the organization went by Owls in his interactions with the Watchmen, and as GhostBird50 on the Kiwi Farms,[3] and as CpuTurquoiseHeart to Chris,[5].[6] Initially, Owls advised MKRNightVee in interacting with Chris and founded the Watchmen's Discord server. Owls also acted as a liaison between Watchmen and Guard Dogs member Marvin, though fellow Watchman Bismuth alleged that he hadn't been reporting back to Marvin.[6] Owls eventually left the group, stating he wanted no more part in Chris's situation or in Internet drama,[21] and was succeeded by Naught/Bismuth. This seems to have come when he got involved in a feud [22] with several other obscure Chris orbiters.


A seemingly minor and or less active member of the Watchmen. Kyle publicly appeared only in the Google Hangout chats. Kyle was also apparently the inspiration for Chris's Kylechu OC. Kyle apparently boasted of working at a suicide hotline and inducing callers to go through with taking their own lives,[23] something which was revealed in Discord leaks, both audio and text.[notability disputed]

Chris had mixed feelings on Kyle. In a 26 June 2021 text to Null, Chris said on Kyle that he "talks soo damn much, boasting his smart-talk, interrogating my intentions and present mentalities. Damn, he's seriously tiring."[24]


Additionally notable for being the former administrator of the CWCki Discord, a venue which forbids interaction with Chris on pain of a permaban, as well as an editor of this very wiki, klop was involved with a considerable amount of interaction with Chris, most notably playing the Lainchu character, as well as being a member/associate of the original Watchmen, albeit one without the prominence of those people listed above. Unlike most of the other minor players. he does not seem to have followed Sean into the Knights schism.[citation needed]


Also a CWCki editor, Anaxis played the role of Lainchu in the original Watchmen and in Sean's splinter group.[citation needed]

The "Lainchu" Character

Main article: Lainchu

Lainchu, also known as Lainchu the Chronicler, is an OC created by Chris, whose purpose is to document Chris's activities (and unofficially, to provide Christorians with first hand information), based on the protagonist of the anime, Serial Experiments Lain, in which a teenage girl finds herself engaging with a virtual world network, reminiscent of the internet.

Discord Servers

The Watchmen were in various Discord servers.

Arbitarch CWC Alliance

From before the Watchmen had fully come out to the public, the server was eventually shut down.

The Place

The Place server.

The Place is the server Chris was in from 2020-June 2021. In August 2020, the Watchmen announced the presence of the group publicly via the 2020 Discord leaks. It was during this time the Watchmen name was adopted to describe the group.

Signs of the group collapsing began appearing around late June 2021. Earlier in the month, The WCT had been doxed on Kiwi Farms by an account named Nightmare, and signs pointed to fellow Watchman and group leader Bismuth as the person behind the account.[9] When The WCT confronted Bismuth in a voice chat during the group’s movie night on 21 June, Bismuth denied the allegation, then threatened to further dox The WCT in an attempt to silence him. Kyle and MKRNightVee took Bismuth’s side in the dispute.[25]

On 25 June, The WCT informed Chris about the infighting. He showed Chris screenshots of Nightmare's Kiwi Farms posts and the voice chat in which he had confronted the group over Bismuth being Nightmare. According to The WCT, Chris gradually processed the information, in particular picking up on red flags from Bismuth in the chat - noticing his defensiveness and hostility towards The WCT. Ultimately, Chris believed The WCT's evidence and apparently cut ties with Bismuth over it.[26] A leaked voice clip of Chris saying “Fuck Bismuth!”[27] was posted to a Lolcow.org thread made about Bismuth the following day.[9]

Kyle banned The WCT from the Watchmen's Discord server. In response, Chris then decided to leave their server. As The WCT explained, "he saw my banning as a signal to him that my suspicions about Bismuth and the others were correct." The Praetor group, who had also been in the server, left it as well following Chris's departure.[26]

On 29 June, MKRNightVee made multiple tweets that suggested Chris had cut communications with her. She tagged Chris’s Twitter and posted, “Your obviously good at using people and then moving on to the next. Have fun getting fucked over by WCT and Praetor.”[28] She then followed up with accusations against The WCT, believing him to be messing with Chris and having sinister motives.[29]

The Knights of CWC

The Knights of CWC server.

The Knights of CWC was the server Chris was in from late June 2021 until his August 2021 arrest for incest. It was founded by Sean Walker following his fallout with Bismuth/Naught over the latter's doxing of the former leading to bad blood between the two of them and between Sean and MKR. Sean was unsure of calling his group by the Watchmen moniker. He also stated he wanted the group be kept secret as the earlier iteration of the Watchmen once had been.[30]

Notable were disagreements between the leaders of the two groups on how best to handle Isabella Loretta Janke. According to The Fool, a longtime but now-banned Kiwi Farms user and lesser-known affiliate of the Watchmen and then the Knights:

Neither naught or WCT were friends with bella, bella was in her own little white knight group controlling chris. WCT tried to be friendly with her so he could keep a short leash on her, bella was very defensive about it. WCT said naught actively tried to push bella away which might be why bella was defensive about WCT trying to interact with her, but that's just from what WCT said, I didn't witness anything the Watchmen ever did myself.

both naught and WCT knew bella was a ween but they couldn't get chris to not interact with her, or the praetor crew in general for that matter. naught tried to outright demonize them while WCT tried to pretend to be friendly with them to facilitate open communication so they could know exactly what praetor was planning next. Neither plan worked, but, it's Chris, what can you do.[31]

Naught Interview

On 4 September 2020, a Christorian interviewed Naught through Discord, asking questions about the Watchmen. The interviewer's questions are color-coded red, with Bismuth's responses color-coded white.

The first four questions appear to be referring to the Arbitarch CWC Alliance server.
Who started it and why?
Owls the guy who set-up mkr and Joseph Draft got aqua and mkr to draw some art to lure cwc in.
How did Chris join there?
I was told it was going to be for Chris's patrons.
Why was it killed?
It was killed because owls and Joseph didn't know how to wrangle tards. Mkr aqua were being blamed for making it so I asked for a mod role kept asking for more perms and deleted all the channel's. I posted the rolling and trolling vid.
Who killed it?
I killed it, Joseph and Smokey Chris TheSperge were using the server to gather content, they convinced Joseph I was Johan.

After a 4 hour conversation I got Joseph draft to face dox himself once he destroyed his drive with chris vs the internet.

The last two appear to refer to the Watchmen as a group.

Why did Aqua leave?
Stress and people @ her on Twitter

Her and mkr are still frens

Will this group be around forever?
As long as Chris is in need or willing yes[32]

See also


  1. CWC and Friends on Google Hangout (July 20th, 2020)
  2. Talk:Watchmen#Title
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 https://kiwifarms.net/threads/random-thoughts-questions.49854/page-1257#post-7343340 (Archive: https://archive.fo/06IZx)
  4. 4.0 4.1 https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/discordgirl2-png.644832/
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/discordgirl5-png.644835/
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 File:Naught origin clarify 1.png amd File:Naught origin clarify 2.png
  7. Bismuth DMs
  8. Discord#Official CWCki Server
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 https://www.lolcow.org/threads/anameisaname-bismuth-anon-llc-naught-nitto-nanashi-death-of-chans-doppelganger-nightmare-tardwarsllc-heart-cpu-bismuth-heart.724/ (archive: https://archive.fo/G30td)
  10. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/corbindallasmultipass-memorial-thread.30974/post-9227018
  11. https://www.lolcow.org/data/audio/7/7468-370ce5544aee794a8de75b3181dd6c0f.mp3
  12. Sean Walker / @Psychic Espeon / Lainchu / WCT / WildCat / Neko (etc.) - Self-described "Final Protagonist of Christory", spree-killer fanboy, connected to Bellagate
  13. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/meghan-k-ringo-mkrnightvee.52454/
  14. File:MKR motives.png
  15. http://archive.md/50xPX
  16. http://archive.ph/0bMDM
  17. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/random-chris-updates.23605/page-988#post-4495303
  18. http://archive.md/lGets
  19. http://archive.md/ETlxV
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ak_ElSwC1Xo&lc=Ugw4uQfLu00i10Lrjq14AaABAg.9DSJjEeQ6nb9DSfhyTd-Ra (Archive https://archive.md/oob08)
  21. File:Ghostbird_kiwistatus.png
  22. Orbiter general thread (archived). Kiwi Farms.
  23. https://www.lolcow.org/threads/naught-bismuth-anameisaname-anon-llc-nitto-nanashi-death-of-chans-doppelganger-tardwarsllc-cpu-bismuth-heart-ctrl-moe.724/post-17264
  24. Sean Walker Discord DMs#Chris texts Null
  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3hYztxRHRA
  26. 26.0 26.1 Watchmen#Interview
  27. https://www.lolcow.org/data/audio/7/7468-370ce5544aee794a8de75b3181dd6c0f.mp3
  28. https://twitter.com/MKR11217089/status/1410076709148266498 (archive: https://archive.fo/zb0wM)
  29. https://twitter.com/MKR11217089/status/1410103600932548609 (archive: https://archive.md/UKGom)
  30. File:WCT on Knights of CWC server.png
  31. https://www.lolcow.org/threads/naught-bismuth-anameisaname-anon-llc-nitto-nanashi-death-of-chans-doppelganger-tardwarsllc-cpu-bismuth-heart-ctrl-moe.724/post-27908 and https://www.lolcow.org/threads/naught-bismuth-anameisaname-anon-llc-nitto-nanashi-death-of-chans-doppelganger-tardwarsllc-cpu-bismuth-heart-ctrl-moe.724/post-27912
  32. File:4September2020 WatchmenOriginQ&A 1.pngFile:4September2020 WatchmenOriginQ&A 2.png
