March 2010

From CWCki
Revision as of 18:31, 11 March 2010 by Blazer (talk | contribs) (Added in new video from earlier and added in a description of what's gone on this month to date.)
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The beginning of March 2010 started out with a bit of concern. Chris had made mention of his father Bob being inflicted with congestive heart failure. Though many were worried for Bob's health, Chris obviously wasn't as he continued on with his life as if nothing was wrong.

Things got harrier when Chris, through his own narcissism, inadvertently revealed the identity of his latest gal-pal through a Little Big Planet level. Dedicated trolls discovered her identity and, while many were content on trying to keep it on the down low, one faggot ruined it for everyone. The gal-pal apparently left Chris and, through this, Chris discovered the CWCki, demanding all the pages involving him his family and friends be removed or there would be trouble...

Events of March 2010

  • 01 March - In his first Twittered Captain's Log, Chris inform us that Bob Chandler is hospitalized due to congestive heart failure, that he's under lots of stress and that he will release the issue of Sonichu 11 in time for its tenth anniversary.
  • 02 March - Chris posts two new videos. None of them mention his father.
  • 03 March - Evan releases an email from Chris regarding his murder.
  • 04 March - Evan releases a second email discussing his brutal killing.
  • 09 March - Chris releases a "Foretaste version" of a book on Twitter. According to him, it's being co-written by a "lady friend." He also releases a new LittleBigPlanet level to go along with it.
  • 09 March - Using the credits in Chris's most recent LBP level, /cwc/ trolls manage to dox Chris's new lady friend. Immediately her online actions and profiles are revealed, including a large collection of slash yaoi fanfiction. She is also contacted by trolls.
  • 10 March - Furious, Chris releases A message to the Trolls, regarding trolls contacting his newest Gal-Pal.
  • 10 March - Chris adds a message to the CWCkipedia discussing his discovery of CWCki.
  • 11 March - Chris adds in a second message telling trolls to watch their backs