October 2016
Revision as of 15:36, 1 November 2016 by Hurtful Truth Level (talk | contribs)
Posts from this month
Videos from this month
- 1 October - Barb celebrates her 75th birthday.
- 2-3 October - Chris whines on Facebook about the fact that he is still banned from Walmart, Best Buy and GameStop, and accuses them of discriminating against LGBTQ and autism because they had, respectively, banned him for vandalism, attempted shoplifting and assault.
- 4 October - Chris requests a subliminal hypnosis track in order to gain powers of telekinesis.
- 7 October - A video is uploaded to Youtube, in which Chris is briefly interviewed at Cville Pride about the number of genders that exist. Chris states that there are 58 genders.
- 13 October - The contracts Chris wrote and took to GameStop and Best Buy, in which he demands to be unbanned from their stores, are leaked to Kiwi Farms.
- 17 October - Chris criticizes Donald Trump, saying that he should have taken "a parody of himself in jest."
- 18 October - Chris begs for donations in a Youtube video and says that he's sick from a cold.
- 21 October - Chris tweets to The Internet Ruined My Life show, asking to be on its next season.
- 28 October - Chris postulates that Trolls, an upcoming children's animated movie, will do poorly at the box office because he associates the characters with trolls.
- 31 October - Chris says that "Trump Would HURT America overkill" and suggests voting for Hillary "for Smarter and Better" to "tax the wealthy and fill the middle and lower class, and everyone else's, pockets."
- 31 October - Halloween