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Michael Tyler Kittrell (born 29 October 1992), also known as CopperCab and Claire Kittrell, is an American YouTube personality, best known for his debut video, "GINGERS DO HAVE SOULS!!", a rant about South Park joking about redheads not having souls, and his numerous videos involving him irately ranting about a number of different subjects. He would later be parodied in South Park.

In October 2017, Chris re-enacted "GINGERS DO HAVE SOULS!!". A week later, Kittrell noticed the video and re-enacted the Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown video Chris had made ten years prior, also recording an interview with Chris, along with Coppercab's friend and editor Cameron Nahas.


A Conversation With CHRIS CHAN! (Part 1)
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Stardate 23 October 2017
Sachumo interview


There is an upbeat jingle that plays for about ten seconds. CopperCab is wearing a mask of Sulley from Monsters Inc. Chris has some sort of mask on, if anyone knows please edit this.

CopperCab: Yeah, it's not live. It's gonna be edited. [CopperCab motions his hands as if typing on a keyboard]

Chris: Yeah? [Chris pushes his mask closer on his face and somewhat waves to the camera]

CopperCab: It's not a livestream.

Cameron: So, we're gonna pretend to start now, okay?

Chris: [Chris holds his Sonichu and Rosechu amiibos up to the camera] Pretend to start?

Cameron: Okay. Hello everybody, welcome-

Chris: Yooooooo!

[Cameron laughs politely]

CopperCab: [Waves to camera] What up?

Cameron: Welcome to this special interview we've got with Christine... and CopperCab.

CopperCab: Christine?

Chris: Me.

CopperCab: This isn't just Christine. This is an internet legend-

Cameron: This is.

CopperCab: This is an internet figure. I mean, come on! This is Chri- this is Christine "Chris-Chan" Weston Chandler-

Cameron: This is!

CopperCab: The creator of [muffled, probably Sonichu] and Rosechu, the greatest fucking comic book on the inter- ever made, [Cameron laughs]] like in the internet! Like, this is amazing, it's a huge deal! [Chris holds his Sonichu and Rosechu amiibo up again.]

Cameron: Well, there we go, we've got the best inter- best introduction there.

CopperCab: I'm a huge fucking fan! [Cameron laughs] I'm a huge fan!

Cameron: So, wha-what are those two things you're holding there, Christine?

Chris: Sonichu and Rosechu! They're-

CopperCab: [muffled] those.

Chris: Prototype amiibo figures!

Cameron: [unclear]

CopperCab: Now are you gonna- are you selling these right now?

Chris: Ugh, I did start at them, I did make 'em for a while, but then I got tired, and just a bunch- and jus- that happened with my Etsy shop, so...

CopperCab: Yeah?

Chris: We'll still- We'll find somebody else who can do these well, and get 'em back up on the market.

CopperCab: You wanna- really quickly, even before the whole interview starts, do you wanna say your email, if anybody watching this is an amiibo creator? If you want to, like a business [muffled]?

Chris: [Puts amiibos down] Okay. Yeah, uh, business emails can go to "".

Cameron: Alrighty.

Coppercab: And we'll put it in the description-

Cameron: Yes.

CopperCab: We'll put it in the top of the description.

Cameron: We'll stick it in there.

CopperCab: If anybody [muffled, Chris says something but is also muffled] amiibos, contact Christine.

Cameron: Well, um, so thi-this interview, wha-what I would really like to get out of this is to show the-the, you-you two share a lot in common, you know? You really do, you've both been trolled heavily on the internet. You-daily, this happens now, you just have to go through a CopperCab video, or a Christine's (sic) video, and you will see people saying the most hideous things to both of you.

CopperCab: Well, it's not all- it's not all- it's not all negative.

Cameron: It's not all negative, and I've noticed a big change.

CopperCab: You just have to find- you have to not pay attention to the negative shit.

Cameron: Yeah.

CopperCab: The garbage. It's not- cause it doesn't add anything to the world.

Cameron: Yes.

Coppercab: Negativity doesn't do anything, like negativity is what goton- what got Donald Trump elected, you know?

Chris: Yeah.

Coppercab: If we were positive, and were more optimistic and had hope, like Obama, we would have her in office.

Cameron: Yeah.

CopperCab: We'd have Hil-

Chris: Yes.

Cameron: We'd have Hillary in there. So, should we address the elephant in the room quickly? The elephant in the room is that you're both wearing masks.

CopperCab: What do you mean by the elephant... [goes off camera for a second]

Chris: Happy Halloween! Urr, numby numby numby, urr!

CopperCab: [returns with a stuffed elephant that he holds up to the camera] Talking about the elephant?

[Cameron and Chris both laugh. CopperCab and Chris make elephant noises]

Cameron: So-

Chris: [Chris holds a figurine of Derpy up to the camera] Muffins! Fluffy Muffins!

[CopperCab holds up a stuffed Pikachu to the camera]

CopperCab: Oh, I like that My Little Pony doll.

Cameron: Aww.

CopperCab: Is that Derpy? It's hard to s-

Chris: [Chris holds Derpy up again] My name is Muffins!

Cameron: Muffins.

CopperCab: Oh, Muff- Oh, so are we gonna take our masks off right now?

Cameron: So what I was- I-I thought this is a good thing to show for- quickly, is that, do you two ever feel like you have to hide behind a mask because of the trolls? Because you-

Chris: No.

Cameron: Have to put something on to protect yourself.

Chris: Uh, with me, since I hardee been damaged emuff, [removes mask] I don't think so.

Cameron: No? That's good. I'm glad.

Chris: No. Now my glasses are slipping off. [removes his glasses]

Cameron: So, do you wanna take your-yours off, uh, Co-Copper?

[CopperCab removes his Sulley mask to reveal another Batman mask. Cameron gasps and CopperCab backs away from the camera.]

Chris: Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na...

CopperCab: [Comes close to camera] Batman! [Cameron chuckles, Chris makes a noise.] Batman.

Cameron: So now's the other one. [CopperCab removes the Batman mask] And there we go.

CopperCab: Ugh, that was hot, that mask is hot, [muffled]

Chris: Yeah, masks don't do well with me either, I perspire easily for some reason.

CopperCab: Me too- Me too! I have a really bad sweat problem, and I also have a bad saliva problem. Like I-

Chris: [muffled]

CopperCab: You can- It's kinda gross, but...

Cameron: Yeah.

CopperCab: We all h- you know what? Nobody's perfect.

Cameron: No- and it's those imperfections that make us unique, and make us special too.

Chris: Yeah, we're not flawless.

Cameron: No. If we were all perfect, we'd all be the same.

Chris: And it'd be boring.

Cameron: And it'd be boring. That'd be very boring.

CopperCab: Yeah, there'd never be a Sonichu.

Cameron: There never would, no.

CopperCab: 'Cause it takes a person like Christine to create Sonichu.

Cameron: It does.

[Chris waves to the camera]

CopperCab: Just like a person like Miyamoto to come up with, like, Mario. Stuff like that.

Cameron: So do you wanna tell us about, uh, Sonichu. Tell us, uh, like, maybe a history or something, like I'm not saying go into everything, 'cause I know there's a whole world-

CopperCab: Yeah, I was gonna say, 'cause-

Cameron: For Sonichu.

Chris: 'Kay.

Cameron: But, like, how it got started, and, uh, w-what it is you expect to happen in the future for Sonichu.

Chris: Uh, okay, well it's a- Sonichu started off back in March 2000 and came into my head as I was thinking of inspiration for an idea to put on a CD cover for computer pr- computer graphics class that I was taking in High School, and, uh, didn't like copyrighted characters, so I obviously combined Sonic and Pikachu, and made Sonichu, and then a few years later, [CopperCab holds up his stuffed Pikachu, Chris holds up Sonichu 0] [muffled] the first book.

Cameron: There we go.

CopperCab: [Celebrates and applauds] Wooh!

Cameron: And is that the actual first copy? So the- this is- is this a replica or is that the first one?

Chris: Um, it's the first book in the series, this is a printed copy from my unnamed printing publisher company

Cameron: Okay,

See also

External links

    Chats and calls

Sachumo interview Chris's videos IT'S DISAPPOINTING