April 2010

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Revision as of 10:52, 19 April 2010 by BreadGod (talk | contribs)
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What Chris would have looked like when he remembered the threat.

Throughout April, Chris's online activity has been pretty sporadic, due to him trying to stay off and free himself from the influence of the Internet (probably prompted by an outside force). But thanks to his inability to do so completely, Chris has occasionally been letting the trolls in on what happens when a lonely virgin manchild is partly deprived of his only way of expression and social interaction. And the results have so far proved that Chris truly does the most stupid things when he is left to his own devices.

The month started with the CWCipedia looking like the owner's duck. That is, to say, mangled beyond recognition. The website was stripped of its flesh and colors, pictures and formatting, leaving behind only a skeleton of HTML code, like the remains of an animal that's been dug up after many years in the ground. This was probably due to 110mb being shit as usual.

Chris has also acted on his threat of "trouble from himself personally" after the expiration of his ultimatum. However, being the fatass dumbfuck that he is, all his vandalism was noticed and quickly reverted. However, he wasn't banned by order of the great Clyde Cash.

On 5 April, however, Chris's second The Hook Cafe ad was discovered, further cementing the fact that he only wants a sweetheart for the hanky-panky. Said ad was deleted on 9 April.

A week later, Chris returned to the GAMe PLACe in an attempt to get his permaban removed so he can start bogarting everything. The manager, Michael Snyder, was unmoved and told Chris to get out, prompting Chris to show himself as a horrible bigot once again by using the word "Jew" as an insult (even though Michael is not Jewish). Chris posted a video of the incident, then posted an image on the CWCipedia asking his fans, the same ones he compared to trolls a month ago, to troll him and ask why he's playing Kick the Autistic. Not only did this, as expected, not work, Michael was, quite to the contrary, subsequently hailed as a hero for keeping the anti-semitic manchild down.

Events of April 2010

  • 01 April - Chris, as if his threat were an April Fools joke, fails to act or tard rage against the CWCki.
  • 02 April - Chris remembers his threat, and vandalizes three templates. His edits are quickly reverted.
  • 04 April - 110mb gets its act together and the CWCipedia returns.
  • 05 April - Chris's The Hook Cafe personal ad is discovered, which blatantly broadcasts the fact that he's just after hanky-panky now.
  • 09 April - Chris's The Hook Cafe personal ad is deleted, along with a bunch of troll ads.
  • 10 April - Chris updates his blog and Captain's Log, breaks his exile from the internet to claim that pages are being drawn and that the ads will not phase him.
  • 12 April - Chris releases a new audio as he attempts to get himself unbanned from The GAMe PLACe, which is quickly removed. Later that day, he posts a picture on the CWCipedia asking his fans to call him and ask him he wants to play Kick the Autistic.
  • 13 April - Chris continues to undo CWCipedia vandalism, and writes biographies for the members of the Chaotic Combo.
  • 19 April - Chris creates a new "Gal-Pals and Past Sweethearts" page, where he drops the Wallflower's real name again. Apparently traumatized by his failed CWCki "attack", he also creates a page titled "The Christian Truth", which currently links to the revised ED page and the Gal-Pals page, and promises "Plenty More to Come".